Empty Coffee Cups & Unfinishe...

By poeticlapse17

23K 757 64

Loving someone from afar has never been Lauren's style. However,one night stands, that? She was all for. Af... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter Four
chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter Ten

Chapter 1

5.3K 124 12
By poeticlapse17

Her hair was dark, but hell that was a misrepresentation, this girl was far from a shadow. She looked like an angel; something I would've seen in a dream. But I couldn't quite place it. It was when she walked by me and I finally caught a glimpse of her hazelnut eyes that I knew I was a goner.

  Funny how hell looked more like heaven to me when she came into sight. After I watched her exit through the doors of the campus coffee shop, a familiar ache began in my chest. Right, I thought, I forgot my medication this morning. Damn it. I took a sip of the bitter liquid I had purchased and searched my bag for my meds. Once I found them, I popped two of the blue-grey pills into my mouth and swallowed with another taste of my coffee. When I looked up again I realized the girl had left her book behind, so without hesitation I got up and walked over to grab it. It was a copy of Harper Lee's, To Kill A Mockingbird, with sticky notes and highlighted quotes throughout it. English Literature 1002, I mused, sounds about right. As I picked up the novel, I made my way back to my seat with it in hand while I hummed an old tune.

Once there, I took my seat once again. And began flipping through the book to see what the girls name might have been. While scanning I couldn't help but notice the quotes that were carefully selected, along with the analysis' of them on neon pink post it notes. I then found the girls name written neatly on the back of the acknowledgements page. "Camila Cabello, New York University", what a fitting name. I thought a I grazed the letters with my index finger. Simply incredible. My thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice, my best friend Ally.

"Jauregui! Can I get your help for a few minutes? The coffee machine won't work." She smiled at me and tilted her head to the side, "Whatcha got there?"

"Nothing." I muttered, as I gathered my things.

"Is it hers?" I felt my eyebrow kink at her question. "That girl you keep eyeing every time she's in here?" She almost squealed, her brown eyes lighting up with a sense of hope. I was standing now with my knapsack in one hand, and the petite brunette's copy of the classic novel in the other. Ally then carefully picked up the empty coffee cup I had been drinking out of and then resumed glaring at me, still waiting for an answer to her question.

"What girl?" I smirked, I knew perfectly well who she was mentioning but I loved pulling her leg every once and a while. The small blonde girl and I have been friends since my very first day at NYU, which makes it that much easier to joke around with her about things like this.

"Oh come on Lo," The blonde latina sighed, "You know, that beautiful brunette that's been coming here ever since school got back in for the year. Brown eyes, reading glasses, Latina, takes her coffee black, and has one incredible ass might I add." Shit, had I been staring? "You were practically drooling when you watched her leave." Ally chuckled knowingly.

I hate to see her leave but I love to watch her go. I thought to myself. "Oh, that girl. Yeah, it is," I lifted the book up for emphasis. "Seems she's a student at NYU. She must be a Sophomore."

"Probably, so what do you plan on doing with that?" The shorter women pointed at the novel in my hand.

"Well I've already read it a couple hundred times, so there's no point in keeping it." I shrugged sarcastically. "So I was thinking I'd just bring it behind the counter and you can wait 'til she comes in again to give it to her. I mean the poor girl comes in every day at the exact same time, so she's not exactly unpredictable. Besides, if I know English Lit, which I do, she'll be needing this tonight in order to do an essay or something." I smiled.

I was currently majoring in English, and minoring in Music. Having taken the course before, I knew exactly what was expected from the students at the end of every three chapters. And that was a thousand word essay on the deeper meaning of a few quotes they'd highlighted. Which by the looks of it, the younger student would of had to do that night.

"Good plan." Ally then turned on her heals and headed to the back of the counter where she placed the empty coffee cup in the sink of dishes. I followed closely behind, sat my knapsack in the back room, and then returned to help the older girl fix the coffee machine.

"Did you try actually plugging the damned thing in genius?" I turned to Ally finishing with a costumer, who had luckily only ordered a muffin.

"You're not serious." The young barrista brought the palm of her left hand to her forehead.

"Oh I wish I wasn't, but seriously girl you should just plug it in next time. Works a lot better that way, ya know?" I began to laugh at how clueless my best friend had been.

"Haha very funny, Miss Academic Scholarship," She was wearing an embarrassed smirk. "we can't all be as smart as you. Let me remind you you're on the deans list, again, and number one in your major."

"Doesn't take a degree to plug in a coffee machine, Ally." This time I full on lost it, I felt my shoulders shake with laughter.

"Oh shut up Lo, go back to your lustful staring, and longing day dreams, with that stupid face you make when you're spaced out." She started to laugh too, I knew she wasn't actually angry. Ally was a naturally kindhearted girl, being from Texas, may or may not have played a roll in that. But hey, she's my little southern bell. She was also one of the most book smart people I'd ever met, but when it came to common sense, well that's where she lacked. However she was also on the deans list as well as in the top 10 in her major which was Business. In fact just last year she made a business plan that almost took off, but she wasn't super confident in it so she decided to keep it under wraps.

To give you all a little background on myself, my names Lauren Jauregui, I'm from Miami, Florida, and moved here to the "Big Apple" about three years ago after being offered an academic scholarship to NYU which gave me a pretty near full ride. I also played for their women's soccer team. However exams and winter break were fast approaching so there was only one game left before I had to lock myself inside my dorm room and get to studying. But since I didn't like the eeriness of my room after a full two hours, this was when I finally brought myself to even open my textbooks. I'd come to the little coffee shop that was just off campus, for a change in scenery, and to have a quick chat with Ally. But for the past couple of weeks, I had been presented a new reason to come to the Cafe. This reason being Camila of course, the beautiful girl who always took a seat by the window, took her coffee black or sometimes with two sugar if she was feeling adventurous at least I assumed, and finally, always had a book in hand.

Part of me knew if I ever worked up the nerve to talk to the younger woman, I'd fall absolutely head over heels for her, without getting to know anything other then her name. I'll admit I was immediately smitten with Camila the moment she had walked into the Cafe that very first day.

   Her hair wasn't tied back that day, she had it down, letting her locks take their almost natural wavy form with a couple strands that fell perfectly around her face, which she brushed back with her hand the minute she came through the door. She had worn a cream coloured tank covered by a forest plaid button-up, charcoal leggings, and a pair converse on her feet. And yes no matter how simple of an outfit it may have been, she knocked me out completely, when she turned to greet someone with a smile. At first I thought it had been me, I felt the blood rush to my cheeks when she started towards me, but to my surprise it had been the Polynesian girl in the next booth over that she had smiled at.

* * *

"CHONCHO!!!! OH MY FUCK MILA!!", the girl screamed, while getting up to give Camila a hug. Also causing me to nearly jump out of my skin at the sudden outburst.

"CHEECHEE!! GOD DAMN,DINAH JANE." She had replied with a shit eating grin plastering her face. The taller women let go of their embrace and motioned for the young brunette to sit.

"Girl you lookin' fine as hell these days, let me tell you. Have you been booty poppin' without me or what? We've been best friends since Pre-School and this is the thanks I get? Jesus Mila." Dinah chuckled.

"Awe thanks DJ, but honestly I haven't changed much in the few weeks you haven't seen me. And Cheech, you know I can't dance to save my life. I've been too tired from the move to even continue writing my book."

"Awe my little Mila, all grown up," the Polynesian smiled, "Well you'll be happy to know I got my transfer too. I'll be playing soccer for NYU this season, you should come out and watch instead of being stuck inside that stupid little apartment all by your lonesome! By the way, would you mind if roomed with you?"

"You got the transfer?"

"Yes, I just said -" Camila had cut Dinah off with what looked to be a bone crushing hug. Well as bone crushing as a five foot two Latina could be, that is.

"I'd love it if you room with me."

* * *

I smiled at the memory. Dinah had become a good friend of mine throughout the first few weeks of bootcamp. However, I had never asked her about Camila, and the latina never did show up to any games- so the only place I'd get to see her would be at the Cafe.

   But now, now I had a reason to approach the beautiful girl- I had her book. Shortly after "fixing" the coffee machine, I heard the chimes ring as the Cafe's door was opened, great timing, I thought.
  In came a worried Camila, she had walked over to her former seat and searched for her missing novel, squatting to look under the table, and then looking on the window pane. I heard her mutter a defeated "Fuck" as she ran a hand through her long locks.

"Hey pretty girl," hoping to get her attention from behind the counter, I raised the novel in my left hand and pointed to it with my right, with a smug grin on my face at my sudden confidence boast. "Looking for this?"

She looked up confused for a moment and then realized I had been talking to her when she saw the book. You're a life saver." She shyly smiled as she made her way over to me.

"I'd like to think so." I chuckle, when I was met with her chocolate orbs. "I saw that you forgot it shortly after you left and decided to put it back here for when you came back." I watched her scan me, sudden realization washed over her face and she began playing with her fingers.

"That's really sweet of you. Lauren right?" She began to blush, "I think you play soccer with my friend Dinah."

"Yes, that's me." I smiled down at the girl in front of me while holding out her book. "It's a classic you know, probably one of my favourites. I've read it at least six times."

"It's one of my favourites too. I've also already read it, it's just for an assignment in my English Lit class so that's why there's a bunch of sticky notes and highlighted stuff. But to be completely honest I highlight quotes in my favourite books anyways." She took the book in her hand and returned my smile. "Do you work here?"

"Oh god no," I chuckled, "My friend Ally over there isn't exactly the sharpest/tallest tool in the shed, she forgot to plug the coffee machine in and thought it was broken. So I offered to help. Turns out I'm quiet the magician cause its working pretty well now." I waved my hand in Ally's direction and then pointed to the coffee machine. This caused a genuine laugh from Camila, which made my confidence grow a little higher and my smile a little wider.

"Sounds like Dinah- the other day I left her in the apartment alone so I could go to class. Poor thing didn't have the common sense in how to brew a pot of coffee. I came home to coffee all over the kitchen floor and a frustrated Dinah Jane."

"That's rich!" I sighed, "DJ is a clown, that's for sure, on and off the field so it seems. What's your name? Since you already know mine." I adverted my gaze to my feet then back up to the smaller girl's warm eyes. She smiled softly and decided to take a seat at the counter, placing the book and her phone on it.

"Well Lauren, my name's Camila, I'm a second year majoring in Psychology, and um I'm turning twenty in March." The younger women paused, looked into my eyes for a minute while she bit her lip, sighed, then started again, "Sorry, but has anyone told you how insanely beautiful your eyes are? They're like an enchanted forest destined for someone to get lost in."

And there it was, after only fifteen minutes of talking to the psychology major, I had her interested. Her comment however took me aback, had she really just said that? About my eyes? Hell had she ever looked in a mirror?

"Well aren't you the little charmer," it was my turn to blush. "Do you pick up all the girls like this or just the ones that theoretically saved your life?" Stay cool Lauren, come on breath.

"Well considering my 'game' is shit, I'm gonna say just the pretty ones. But seriously I think green just became my new favourite colour." She grined, "It's funny, I'm usually so shy but I don't know, I feel somewhat comfortable with you." Placing a hand on her phone, looking at the time. "Would you maybe want to grab coffee sometime? Maybe get to know each other a little better? Dinah say's you're a hoot."

"That'd be great, Camila. How does noon tomorrow sound?" I looked for a napkin and a pen to write my number down for her, and maybe a little quote she might recognize. "Dinah and I have a game tomorrow evening, it our last one before finals, if you want you should come." I found what I was looking for , then started to write down my name and number, and the quote I hoped she'd recognize."People in their right minds never take pride in their talents."

"Noon would be great, I'm usually here at that time most days anyways, as for the game, that all depends on how much you impress me at coffee tomorrow, superstar." Her phone then vibrated, "I'm sorry I should really be going back to the apartment, Dinah is trying to cook something and with any luck we'll end up being evicted or worst if I don't at least try to help her." She started to gather her things, so I slipped the napkin into the novel that was sitting in front of me. "I'll see you here tomorrow at noon?"

"What would you say if I offered to walk you home?"

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