Mrs. Abbott and the Doctor

By Rowe_Boat_127

2.5K 56 54

*SEQUEL to Favorite Poison* Church bells will soon be ringing for Pelican Town's newly engaged couple, Dr. Ha... More

My Girl
Laces & Pearls
Cluttered Memory
Love is in the Air
Leaving Me Dazed
Three Years Too Late
Just a Check Up
Rain Drops and Book Marks

A Song for You

220 4 5
By Rowe_Boat_127

Before anyone knew it, the wedding day is here and everyone in town is taking their seats to watch the ceremony. Marci was the last person to take her seat letting Sebastian know to start playing his keyboard to get the ceremony started.

Whether it was fate or the world thought she needed to suffer more, but the seat she took was next to Sam. She bit the inside of her lip to keep her from imploding. Marci's thoughts ran rampant thinking how good he looks dressed up wanting to compliment him but then shutting that idea down watching Lewis take his position under the arch.

"Hey," A whisper spooked her, "Your shoes are cool." Sam quietly smiles at her.

Marci bashful smiles glancing down at her checkered sneakers, "Thanks." She whispered realizing that the other women were wearing nice shoes but it didn't bother her.

Harvey, Maru, and Emily marched their up to the alter and shortly after taking their spots, Lewis announces to stand in honor of the bride. Sebastian changed his song to the wedding march as Jack and Adella walk down the aisle. As they got closer to the floral arch, Harvey couldn't help but wipe his tear filled eyes watching his soon-to-be wife marching closer to them.

Jack kissed her cheek before taking the open seat next to his niece before Lewis said everyone can sit back down again.

"We are gathered here today to join these two in holy matrimony," Lewis starts off, "When Adella first came into the valley, we didn't think she would fit into our close-knit community, but in actuality she brought us all closer together." He finishes then turns to Harvey, "If you'll repeat after me, 'I, Harvey, take thee, Adella.'"

"I, Harvey, take thee, Adella, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health," Harvey reached out to hold her hands, "For richer or poorer, to love and to cherish, from this day forward until death do us part." He repeated grinning letting a few happy tears trail down his cheek.

Maru discreetly handed him a tissue so he can clean his face.

"I, Adella, take thee, Harvey, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health," She repeats smiling and gently squeezes his hands, "For richer or poorer, to love and to cherish, from this day forward until death do us part." Adella squeaked holding back her tears.

"By the power invested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Harvey steps forward and gently lifts up her chin for the ceremonial kiss. Everyone cheered as they glazed at each other taking in the moment knowing things will be different from here on out.


Once everyone has had their chance to eat some of wonderful food Gus had provided, it was time for Adella and Harvey first dance as a newlywed couple. As they took to the dance floor, Sam had set up a little stage area by it and did a mic check before speaking into it.

"Will everyone direct their attention to the dance floor for the First Dance?" He announced grabbing his guitar, "Before I begin, I would like to let the new Mrs. Abbott know that Doc asked me to write a song about how you mean to him for your special day. I hope you guys like it." Sam grinned and started strumming.

The couple slow danced in time with the acoustic melody, and Adella couldn't help but smile and laugh at some of the lyrics.

Marci smiled dreamily at them and gently swaying to the rhythm. She felt so happy seeing her cousin enjoying her special day. Her elation made her start to daydream about her own wedding but couldn't help but imagine herself dancing with Sam as she listening to his smooth voice.

Sam finished his song before announcing, "Give it up for Dr. and Mrs. Abbott!" Everyone applauded for them as he hooked up the speakers to the music player.

Marci wanted to tell him that he did a great job but Adella already beat her too it. She decided to get a drink and wait to talk him to not appear rude. Plus, it gave her a few moments to build up the confidence.

At the punch bowl, a familiar blonde walks up to her, "That was special, wasn't it?" Haley asked with a suspicious grin.

"Yeah, it was." Marci agreed taking a sip.

"I was taking some pictures, and I couldn't help but notice Sam looking at you throughout his performance." She continued to grin looking through her camera reel.

"What? N-no! He must've been really into his performance." Marci countered pleaded.

"Say what you want," Haley showed some pictures, "But he seemed really into you."

Any confidence she was building up was completely torn down at this revelation. How is she supposed to talk to him when she knows she'll make herself look like an idiot.

"Look, your cousin is done talking to him. Now's you chance." She urges gently pushing her arm.

Marci felt her heart stop, she was clearly not ready. She was paralyzed in fear that she didn't realize Haley was talking to her let alone guiding her over to where Sam was.

"Hey Sam, we just wanted to tell you that your song was really sweet." She compliments and pokes Marci in her side to wake her up.

"Y-yes! I thought it was really good." Marci stutters feeling her face get red.

"Thanks," he smiles, "Doc gave me the idea but luckily I had a new found inspiration to finish it one time."

"And what was your inspiration?" Marci asked.

"Well I can't really tell you, it's bad luck for musicians." Sam mentions bashfully rubbing his neck.

Haley excused herself before joining the party and taking more pictures. They continued talking a bit more and Marci could feel herself get more confident. She even asked him to dance when a slow song came on. She wasn't much of a dancer but she was surprised that he said yes.

"So, how much longer are you gonna stay in the valley?" He asks placing his hands on her hips.

"Probably till after they come back from their honeymoon." She answers resting her hands on his shoulders, "I agreed to watch the farm while they're gone."

"That's cool, I'll still be able to see you around town then." Sam smiles blushing lightly.

Marci felt her face get warmer and her heart nearly beating out of her chest, "Maybe we can do something over the summer?"

"Yeah, that would be awesome!" He smiles happily as they continue dancing.

She couldn't believe it that she essentially asked him to hang out over the summer! With all the terrible events that happen to her last year, Marceline was finally happy that something in her life was going right.


-*Author's Note: Thank you all for being so patient with me! I am feeling a lot better so I took the opportunity with the serotonin I got to write this. I got a few new followers recently and I want to say thank you so much and I won't let you down!*-

-*BONUS: I know nobody asked but I just wanted to share a picture of my little heathens. For context: the orange cat is Chewbacca and the whitish grayish one is Cooper.*-

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