|[Life or Death]| death note...

By ASleepingPhantom

46.2K 1.6K 333

[|A mass killer (?) hell bent on making the world free of evil, a genius detective determined to catch this m... More



4.6K 119 40
By ASleepingPhantom

Ryuk POV:
•Shinigami realm•

Ryuk:"It's been five days since then. I guess... I'd better get going."

Shinigami2:"Huh? Going out, Ryuk?"

Shinigami1:"This place is barren everywhere you go. Hehehe."

Ryuk:"I dropped my Death Note."



Shinigami2:"You really messed up big time!"

Shinigami1:"Hey, weren't you carrying around a second one behind the old man's back? Don't tell me you lost both of 'em?"

Shinigami2:"Do ya even know where you dropped it?"

Ryuk:"The Human World."


Time skip to the next day
??? POV:

???:'Yayyy, another boring day of school.'

I was walking around school because I just can and because I have absolutely nothing to do. At the moment I'm outside, bored out of my mind, but to my dismay I saw the kid with the death note... Yeah, I should really think on a name for him...or get his name. I mean the second option is, well, optional.

???:' Now where is that ass hat.'

Just then I've spotted my ass hat friend. He had short, fluffy, brown hair, fair skin and his signature smirk plastered on his face as usual. His clothes are the school clothes as his tie is hanging lose on his shoulders while carrying the school bag over his shoulder. Of course we can't forget his hight,6'0, nor the girls crowding around him. Yes, he is popular, for being an ass hat and a "bad boy" as the girls, some boys and some people state.

???:"Oi, Oderaa, you got a second?!"

Oderaa:"Oh, hey Y/n, excuse me ladies but we'll have to talk another day."

There was a chorus of "awww's" from the girls as they soon went away.

Oderaa:"So, what's up."

Y/n:"Well, you see you know literally almost anyone in this school, right?"

Oderaa:"Yeah, what about it?"

Y/n:"Well, do you happen to know a dude about 5'10 or 5'11, brown-flat-long-ish hair, pale-ish skin, popular, some people simp for him for some reason, he also has neat clothes."

Oderaa:"Well, let's see, hmm, oh yeah! Your talking about Light Yagami! I'll text you the details of him if you want. I'm kinda in a hurry."

Y/n:"That would be helpful, thanks, ass hat."

I say while walking away from an angry Oderaa.

Oderaa:"Oh yeah, tall ass!"

At this point I'm outside the school premises and laughing at our dumb, weird antics. I mean he's not wrong,6'2 is quite tall.

Time skip to a house
Still Y/n POV:

News in bg:" Yamada is suspected of stabbing a fellow employee in the abdomen at a restaurant in Kabukicho, Shinjuku, yesterday. The knife was from the restaurant and was roughly twelve inches long. The suspect said," He was being rude, so I just lost it.""

Y/n:"Wow, never have I thought the news would be this interesting."

I was at my desk, watching the news because there has been an unnatural amount of heart attacks, probably Light Yagami, and the news is actually getting better. Oderaa has already sent me details on Light Yagami, I haven't read it yet though. I wonder what he got on the dude.
*Knock, knock*

Y/n:"Who is it?"

???:" It's the police open up!"

Y/n:'Oh goody.'

I stood up and opened the door to see...my father in his police uniform.

Y/n:"Haha, very funny dad."

F/n:"Oh c'mon, loosen up a little! Hahahaha! Anyway, how have you been? Hopefully good to your mother."

Y/n:"Yeah, yeah, I've been good. How was work?"

F/n:"That's great, work has been good to."

M/n:"Hey! Hurry up you two, otherwise I will drag your assess down here to eat!"

Both me and my father suddenly had cold feet and turned white like paper

F/n:"R-Right, forgot to t-tell you, f-food is ready."

Y/n:"R-Right, let's go."

Meanwhile elsewhere
No one's POV:

Speaker:"From what we know, there have been fifty-two deaths just this past week. They all had heart attacks. They're all criminals who were wanted or being held in prison. There are probably other criminals whose deaths are still unaccounted for."

Someone:"Does that mean the death toll could easily be over a hundred?"

Someone:" At any rate, they were all criminals who probably would have been executed. Perhaps we shouldn't concern ourselves."

Speaker:"It doesn't matter if they're criminals or on death row. Killing them is murder."

Someone:"We aren't even sure that they were murdered."

Speaker:"There's no way over a hundred people could have a heart attack on the same time! It has to be murder.

Someone:"Is it even possible to kill that many at the same time?"

Someone2:" We believe that a large organization carefully orchestrated these killings."

Someone:"If you say a large organization is involved, I can't help but think that the FBI or CIA is involved."

Someone3:"I dare you say that again!"

Someone4:"Now,now. Let's stop joking around. We have to first clarify if these are murders, or strange coincidences."

Someone:"But don't all the autopsy reports say that the deaths were caused by inexplicable heart attacks?"

Someone5:"I don't see what else can be learned from just the way they died."

Someone6:"That's right! It would be worth looking into if they were stabbed with knives."

Speaker:"If that's the case , we'll just have to have L solve this!"

Silence quickly filled the room....

Someone7:"But isn't L an arrogant individual who'll only take on cases he's interested in?"

Someone8:"That's right."

Someone:"We can't even contact him."

Speaker:"L is already involved."



There were footsteps heard coming from the stage as a man dressed in all black holding a laptop appears on the stage and stood by the podium. When he reached the podium he sat the laptop down and faced the screen to the audience.

L:"Members of the ICPO... I am L."

Hi, I hope you are doing well, have a lovely day/night.

1023 words.

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