Contagion of Madness

By JadenSeptum

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Ah! A new arrival! I'm so happy I could tear out your intestines and strangle you with them! I suppose an int... More



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By JadenSeptum

Jayred's loud snoring is interrupted by a slap across the face from Shae and he wakes suddenly.

"Get up. We need to go, now," she tells him.

He frowns in offense and rubs his cheek. "Ow..."

She groans with frustration, just rolling her eyes before she leaves from the room to get ready to go.

"I think she likes you, friend." Jorin chuckles from outside Jayred's room looking in. He then turns back, heading out with Shae.

Jayred lifts his brows and then smiles at that thought. But he soon jumps out of bed.

"What did you say?" Shae questions Jorin, squinting because she didn't hear what he told Jayred.

"Just motivating him to get out of bed." He shrugs with a smirk.

She doesn't think more of it and goes back to fixing her bag onto her belt. She then pulls her hair into a tight bun to not get in the way during their heist.

The Nord comes out with a bow and a quiver of arrows at his back, along with his trusty war axe as well. He looks at them with that crazy eye again. "It's bone time," he says with anticipation.

Shae manages to hide a laugh and exchanges a look with Jorin.

(track: "Data, Data, Data" by Hans Zimmer)

The three of them peer around the corner of one of the houses in the village, watching Shelden talking with Felas outside in the dim light.

"I think she's just confused," the elf says.

"Well obviously she should have talked to me," the Redgard replies.

"Why? Your cooking is worse than your dancing."

"Okay. Just because you got projectile vomit that one time doesn't mean..."

Shae rolls her eyes and drowns out their conversation so she can turn to the other two. "How do we get past them?" she whispers.

"We could kill them," Jayred says.

"What?" Shae asks with confusion.

"Or not..." he shakes his head and looks down.

Jorin stares with a deadpan look. "Don't you have magic? How about that? Or, we could use the tried and true method of going around them."

"Oh so you're picking now to be a smartass?" she gets in his face.

"Only when you're around, princess." He replies.

She growls through her teeth. "Oh what have I done to the gods to deserve working with such a stuck up, piece of skeever dung?" she adds to herself.

"Probably stealing an amulet blessed by them." He says plainly.

"I told you if you ever mentioned—"

"Oh! I have an idea," Jayred says with excitement.

"This better be good," she tells him, frustrated now.

His excitement instantly melts and he just decides against it.

She rolls her eyes and looks at Jorin. "Go cause a distraction," she tells him.

(track: "Jack Sparrow" by Hans Zimmer)

He doesn't even hesitate, the Breton simply walks out into the open. "Shelden, Felas! I wanted to thank you again for your hospitality!" Jorin proclaims as he walks to the side of them opposite to his companions. "I don't have much, but I wanted to show my gratitude by offering to buy you both a drink, what do you say?"

Felas raises an eyebrow and looks at his friend, their argument cut short.

Shelden smiles with surprise. "Wow! Absolutely!" he replies. "Can this one stick around? I'm almost liking him better than you," he tells Felas.

"Well at least I smell better," he remarks quietly.

"Please, let me treat you both, you've both been a great boon since I arrived," Jorin says as he gestures toward the inn with a smile, glancing toward Shae and Jayred and offering a subtle nod in their direction. "Come!" he adds.

"Don't mind if I do!" Shelden says happily and they follow his lead towards The Wastrel's Purse.

"Wow, you two are the cutest. You should get married," Felas comments.

Shae and Jayred exchange a look from where they are and they wait until all of their backs are turned before she sprints with quiet steps across the street and over to the building opposite them to hide behind it, Jayred following with clunky and clumsy steps not so quiet...

"What was that?" Felas asks with confusion when he looks over his shoulder, of course seeing nothing now.

Jorin looks in the direction the elf does. "I didn't hear anything." He shrugs before continuing to lead them. "So I was thinking Felas, you're definitely right about learning minor healing spells, I think it could be quite beneficial to have one on hand, I've never been one for magic and—" The rest of his voice is stifled when he enters The Wastrel's Purse with them.

Once they are gone, Shae punches the Nord in the shoulder. "What in oblivion was that?!" she says in a whisper. "Have you never walked before?!"

"I am not a sneaky person—"

"You don't say?" she adds with attitude before looking around. "Where are we going?"

"This way," he gestures with his head before running towards the north side of the walls that surround the Fringe.

She is about to follow but looks at the building that the others went into, hoping Jorin will know where they went. With frustration, she hisses at Jayred to stop. She catches up with him and pulls out an arrow from his quiver. Running back to where they just were, she lays the arrow down in the mud pointed in the direction they're heading. She then turns and quickly jogs after Jayred as they continue towards the garden.

(track: "Psychological Recovery" by Hans Zimmer)

The two of them run through the muddy grounds and dodge puddles and pools of dirty water, going between massive roots and leaving the town behind. The swamp is less crowded in this area so it's not as confusing or as filled with apparent danger as the swamp is on the east side. She spots some wildlife but they're small frogs and some very strange looking lizards that duck into the water when she passes by. Fireflies dot the lower air around them as well as those wisps. It's hard for her not to get distracted by those things sometimes, her natural wanderlust taking over like it does so often. But she tries to stay focused.

And it's not long before they get to the huge stone wall and a sectioned off area with a rusted gold gate, skeletons of giants visible through the bars mixed with the dirt and tall grass.

Jayred is breathing hard. "Wow, that was thrilling."

She frowns at him. "What, have you never run anywhere?"

"Not in any way that exciting," he says in defense.

She shakes her head. "I can't believe these are the people I have to work with..."

Suddenly, the sound of sprinting footfalls can be heard getting nearer. It's likely Jorin, but the two wait with bated breath until they can see him proper, coming around a large root. He slows and huffs as he draws near. "Whoo... I thought I saw more of those things back there, didn't wanna chance them catching up to me again," he says, catching his breath.

"That was fast," Shae says. "What did you tell the two pinheads?"

"I just told them that I stink too much to really be indoors and that I hadn't noticed before, but before I could finish, Felas told me to remove myself so as not to assault their senses." He scratches his trimmed beard in thought. "So, I just gave them the coin and left, it was pretty easy."

"Well... you do stink," she agrees casually before she looks over at the Nord who is practically foaming at the mouth and murmuring to himself with his hands clasped around the bars of the gate. She yanks him off. "Stop being so crazy. We're gonna get caught," she scolds.

"I can hear them. They're calling to me."

She rolls her eyes. "Alright just let me get us in, you can lick the bones when we're inside," she tells him with sass before she pulls out the lockpick he gave her.

Jorin stares at Shae for a moment after that comment, then looks at Jayred with both eyebrows peaked as he stifles a low laugh.

The mage turns and carefully sticks the end of the pick into the keyhole. The second she starts to work on the lock, the Nord is impatient. "Hurry!" he says.

She tries not to punch him straight in the face with annoyance and instead just clenches her teeth. "Can you please shut it?" she says, trying to be polite.

He huffs angrily and looks away.

She goes back to trying to use this poorly made pick to open this strange lock. And as she carefully lifts each pin inside the lock—there's a bad sound and she yanks out the lockpick to see the skinny tip broken off.

Jayred's eyes widen in horror. He looks as if he's about to scream—

Jorin clasps a hand over Jayred's mouth, the tips of his gloved fingers, grasping his cheeks tightly. "Don't even think about it." He eyes him, waiting for the Nord to show him some sign that he is understood.

The ginger's eyes remain wide and he blinks a couple of times.

Shae turns around. "Oh no... that was his only one," she tells them.

When they both look at her for a moment, she seems scared at first but then her mood instantly changes to calm. "It's fine. I have more," she adds and tosses the pick, pulling out her pack that contains an impressive amount of tools.

"I'm not the least bit surprised," Jorin remarks, annoyed.

"Oh you're judgemental, for someone who is relying on me to get us into this place," she replies as she gathers her things and carefully sticks her own lockpick into the keyhole. "Perhaps you should think about thanking me."

"I didn't even want to do this in the first place," he says in a biting tone. "Just get it done so we can leave this place behind us."

"Well it seems we're short of options. Unless you want to go ask that Gatekeeper for a drink," she sasses as she works.

"Hah," he exclaims once while he scans the dark swamp around them, keeping his hand on his hilt, waiting for any threat that tries to get the jump on them. He hates this swamp, a lot.

"Less fighting. More picking. Get me to those bones!" Jayred says with annoyance.

"It's his fault," Shae argues like they're children.

"Hey, princess, focus on that door, yeah? It's not going to open itself," Jorin says.

(track: "Tick Tock - Shadows: Pt. 2" by Hans Zimmer)

"I'd be able to focus a lot better if you shut your—I got it!" The lock is unhooked and she yanks it off and lets it drop to the grass.

"Bones!" Ice-veins exclaims and runs in full speed right to the first body they see which is a skeleton of one of those Gatekeepers almost fully intact as it lies on the ground in the center of the "garden".

Jorin grunts in disapproval, moving  into the garden next, checking for any hostile creatures as he enters. "Jayred, I know you're excited, but you have got to be careful, who knows what could have been in here," he grumbles.

He is on his knees and he yanks free one of the ribs of the skeleton, completely ignoring Jorin's comment.

As Shae carefully walks in, she immediately feels... off.

It's as if that feeling from the inn comes back and suddenly the world slows and she hesitates, listening to the wind howl gently and rustle the grass and trees... Her eyes glance around at the garden that is a pretty large rectangular patch of dirt and grass surrounded by walls and even stone doors that lead into the inside of somewhere, the architecture reminding them of Markarth in Skyrim a bit... yet seemingly more intricate with regards to the designs carved into the stone.

She doesn't see anything in the dim light of whatever is coming through the clouds to allow them to see a tiny bit... But she feels disturbed.

This heaviness also rests on Jorin a bit when he's quiet, feeling like he's in a haunted graveyard. He's no child anymore but it's still... creepy.

The soft sound of Jorin's blade can be heard as he draws it carefully, the feeling sending chills up his spine. Shae learns that she is not alone in this. "You feel that?" Jorin asks cautiously, his eyes darting around nervously.

She almost doesn't hear him but then she blinks and looks at him. "What?" she asks.

He looks at her, he can see it in her eyes, there's definitely something off. "Jayred, get what you need and let's be done with this place."

Shae's head turns suddenly when she thinks she hears... Oh... it was a rat. It scampers away from them and hides again when she notices it but she is relieved.

The Nord is busy talking to the bones as he gathers them into his large bag, breaking them and chopping them off with his axe in order to do so.

The mage skips a little and she looks up and around at the walls and buildings around them, eyeing it all with curiosity like usual, putting aside that uneasy feeling and exploring instead.

Jorin spots her wandering. "Shae,where are you going?" he asks in a loud whisper. "Shae!"

"I'm just looking around!" she says over her shoulder in the same whispering tone like he's being unreasonable.

Jorin looks back at Jayred, then to Shae, torn between them. "You need to take this place seriously, princess, we don't know what's in here!" he pleads, but she wanders anyway. He lets out an annoyed growl but decides to follow her anyway.

As he walks across the ground something makes his foot stumble and when he looks down he notices that what his toe kicked was a human skull.

The warrior squints at the skull, he wonders if this place was meant to house more than the bones of gatekeepers, if perhaps, the gatekeepers were built from the bodies of fallen people and he begins to think back to the adventurers who had fallen earlier this day, he never considered what happened to them after.

Shae looks up at an old tree in the garden that's seen better days, the wood is twisted in a spiral and the leaves are dark teal, an enchanting appearance to it—

Her eyes dart to her right when she hears a small sound again but she only hesitates for a moment before she shrugs it off. Probably just another rat. 

The wind makes a howling sound again as it blows their hair back. Jorin suddenly feels watched as his feet avoid even more human bones...

When he turns his head to see if his suspicions are warranted, he spots no one to confirm them... Only the Nord shoveling bones into his sack as he practically has a conversation with them...

Something catches the corner of Jorin's eye and when he looks to his left he notices a bone—... uh... is it moving?!

The small human bone skips from its place and slides over into the grass... and his eyes catch another one as it does the same.

The other two aren't aware of this but the Breton's eyes are wide as he watches a human skeleton be reassembled from the pieces on the ground until it bends and twists as if alive, the sight horrifying until its head suddenly turns to look right at him, a haunting and shrill growl coming from its broken mouth.

Jorin calls out, "We have company! Very unsettling company!"

Shae whirls around at the sound of his shout and her eyes widen before she dashes backwards, an arrow missing her chest by an inch as she takes cover behind a tree from a skeletal archer on the roof.

Jorin rushes the undead foe as the skeleton grabs a rusted sword from the ground, the Breton swinging his blade upward, snapping some ribs and other pieces of bone. His blade doesn't quite cut bone as well as he had hoped and his inexperience with fighting an undead skeleton shows in its partial destruction.

The skeleton swipes at the warrior, catching his flank, luckily however, he suffers no damage, thanks to his armor and is able to counter attack. Jorin flips his sword, holding it by the blade, choosing to attack instead with the crossguard. This tactic seems to work as the hollow skull caves in from the blow.

"By Sheoth, the bones are fighting back!" the Nord says and grabs his axe, dodging an arrow that sticks into the dirt near his foot. He lets out a battle cry when another skeleton assembles to his right and charges for him with its own axe, the demon screeching at him in a horrible sound, just before they clash weapons and exchange advances.

Shae peers around the tree and wants to use fire but the foe is too far in distance. So she tries a different approach. And she feels frost travel across her palm before she runs out in determination, whirling her body around to fire a spike of ice that shoots from her hand and impales the skeleton on the roof, shattering its body and dropping the skull down from the building the monster stood on.

But she has to duck suddenly when another is behind her swiping for her throat, luckily missing her.

Jorin turns to see her being assailed by one up close. With no confidence in her melee skills, he doesn't hesitate to rush to her side, closing the distance quickly as he tackles the skeleton to the ground, holding it by its wrists. There is an unnatural and unexpected strength to these monsters but the Breton isn't deterred. He slams its arms back, forcing it to drop its weapon before he stands, slamming the heel of his boot down into the skull, caving it like old pottery.

"Was that the second time you saved my life?" Shae questions before dodging an arrow.

"Who's keeping count?" he asks, catching his breath.

Her eyes widen as her gaze is over his shoulder. "Look out!"

Jorin turns, barely dodging a large warhammer being swung down by a skeleton in steel plate armor, flesh still hanging from its bony visage. "Hi," Jorin says before ducking out of the way of a horizontal strike from the same weapon. The Breton staggers back to get some distance, waiting for an opening. When the hammer is swung down again, he is able to lunge forward, using his crossguard to strike at the monster's pauldron but doesn't connect well.

Jorin calls out. "I think this one will take a bit longer to fell." He dodges another attack. "Take out what you can, I'll deal with my new friend."

Shae dodges another arrow and charges for the one firing at them, using her ice to freeze the enemy to the ground, allowing for Jayred to run and throw his axe at the demon. It catches the skull and buries into it, making the body fall back into boney pieces like before as the Nord is charging around the battlefield letting out war cries of valor.

Great. Now everyone will know they're there.

She looks back at Jorin who is still fighting off the armored skeleton. "Back up!" she tells him.

Jorin leaps back from the villain as it swings its warhammer at him before turning to run, the skeleton giving chase. "It's still in pursuit!" he yells.

Shae casts out a forceful mist of cold from her hands as the monster freezes stiff until the moisture in the air is used to form its bones into ice. And then she ignites her left hand with fire and throws her hand upwards, forcing flames to shoot from under the skeleton so hot it glows blue instead of red, and the creature screams a horrible sound, almost hurting their ears as its bones begin to turn to ash, making it weak enough for a final blow before the mage stops, drained of energy.

Jorin rushes back in, seeing their foe still standing, shouldering it with his pauldron, the cold metal and hot hot metal making a searing sound. The armored skeleton falls to the ground and the warrior finishes it off with a nearby stone into the helmet, causing it to go limp.

Jorin looks at Shae. "Well, now I know I haven't royally pissed you off yet, princess. Good to know," he remarks at the fire spell, still catching his breath.

"That was to make up for the kill that you stole," she sasses.

"Oh no!" Jayred says when he sees what she did. "Don't hurt the bones..." he adds with disappointment.

She rolls her eyes.

Jorin sighs. "We got what we came for right? Let's get these bones back to your house and maybe I can finally get a bath," he adds while sniffing himself, his face souring.

"Oh, no I think we should take a little stroll and see what else comes out to kill us," Shae says with her arms crossed. "That sounds fun."

"Be my guest," Jorin replies mockingly.

The Nord is murmuring and when he realizes both the others are staring at him, he puts the femur he was whispering to back and widens his eyes. "What?"

Shae blinks and exchanges a look with Jorin.

They make it back easily enough and outside Jayred's home Shae asks him, "So how long will it take to make the arrows?"

"Well I'm going to get started right away so I'll be done by the morning," he replies.

"You don't need to sleep?" she asks with a frown.

He snickers. "...Sleep? I already had two hours."

Jorin stares at him incredulously. "Well, since you have some time, maybe you can forge me a bone dagger, no, a sword! I'm sure you could magically whip one up in your neat little bone workshop," he says sarcastically.

The Nord gets excited—

"Just the arrows are fine, Jayred," Shae tells him.

He pouts.

(track: "Curdled Cave" by Thomas Newman)

That's when Shelden and Felas stumble from the tavern as the Redgard holds up his friend, both of them arguing about what kinds of cheese are superior...

But Jorin says, "I'm going to go for a dip, all this muck is wearing my patience thin." The Breton leaves toward the pond as the Nord goes back into his home, focusing only on how excited he is that he has more bones.

"Hm. I have a better idea," Shae says to him with thought.

"You think we should make a bone catapult?" Jorin asks as he continues to trod along.

"No I mean about your filth," she corrects with her hands on her hips.

Jorin stops and turns toward her, an eyebrow raised questioningly. "I don't follow," he says with confusion.

"No, of course not. You have the brain of a kwama forager. But what I'm saying is that I suppose I have to pay you back for the distraction earlier. And I know how," she says plainly and turns on her heel to walk over to the mayor and his drunk buddy.

Jorin isn't sure how to respond to her. He watches her walk off cautiously. How does she intend to pay him back exactly? What does it have to do with the mayor and his friend? The warrior follows after her, suspicious of her sudden charitable demeanor.

"No have no idea what you are talking about," Shelden says.

"Yess, I-know-that-you arefullll... of... eidar cheese is better than scrib jelly—" the elf argues

Shae clears her throat to get their attention.

They both look at her expectantly.

"Excuse me," she musters a fake polite tone as she tries to sound persuasive. "That man over there has had a horrible day of fighting off those ugly swamp creatures and then saving my life on top of it... I think a warrior like him deserves a decent bath, wouldn't you agree? Could you help out as a favor for me?" she pleads.

"Well absolutely!" Shelden says with no doubt. "Go to Felas's place! It's just down there—" he says with a point in its direction.

"Noooooooo are you mmmad?!" Felas complains, holding onto his friend's shoulder. "Look at that slimy earthworm. It will take centuriees to get that smell out of my h-house!"

"Just be quiet and go throw up somewhere," Shelden tells him.

"You are... ... mean to me."

"Well thank you both very much!" Shae says happily and turns to Jorin. "Consider us even," she tells him, dropping the attitude she had with the other two.

(track: "Interlude with Sailboat" by Thomas Newman)

Jorin blinks, then he crosses his arms in disbelief as a smile creeps across his face. "Well, it's all in a day's work for a hero, you didn't owe me. I acted gladly." He puts his hand on his hips appreciatively. "Thanks Shae."

Jorin glances toward the elf's home before turning his attention to Felas. "Don't worry, friend, I am a very clean man and will make sure your bath is left pristine, it's just been a long day is all." He salutes with a couple of fingers before he marches toward a proper bath.

"No! Stop...! Stop... you... you—I'lll cut off your—!" Felas stumbles and catches himself on his hands as he begins heaving. "Oh Sheoth..."

Shae can't help but giggle and roll her eyes. She watches Jorin walk off and hesitates, not knowing where to sleep for the night.

She's skeptical and doesn't know which is worse: to sleep in the inn and have nightmares about the Felldew obsessed elf who she is convinced is a Daedra, or to sleep in Jayred's house and wake up to him trying to remove her teeth. She guesses either one is still better than sleeping outside where she could be attacked by a baliwog any moment so she decides to go with the inn and she walks up to it, past the puking elf, openin—her shoulder hurts when the door doesn't open because she hits her body against it again... she makes a frustrated face and shoves it harder to actually open the door.

Once inside, she walks up to the woman staring at the wall. "Can I have a room?"

There is an expectedly long pause as she waits for a response, but used to it at this point... and then the woman says, "Yes..." and she pulls off a key—one key... off the hook where there should be at least two keys if not more...

Shae frowns. "Alright... how much?"

"... ... ... ... eight."

She pulls out the coin and pays her before taking the key, the woman's hand remaining there as if she still holds it, as Shae runs up the steps—her foot breaks the bottom step, a scrappy plank of old rotted wood and she grasps the handle for support, startling her. "Of course," she mutters to herself before walking up... more carefully this time.

The door isn't even locked and some moths fly out when she opens the cracked door, seeing a decently small bed but luckily she can fit. She's short.

So she closes the door, and begins the process of getting comfy in her temporary room.

(track: "Shabbat" by Matthew S. Nelson & Dan Haseltine)

A half hour passes, and the warrior tidies himself up in the small bathroom. It was a very satisfying bath and he feels refreshed, clean clothes covering him while his old set hangs soaked in the bath with his armor. He takes a moment to recount the day; it was horrible... Well, except for that time he sat with Shae and talked for a quiet moment. That was surprisingly... tolerable and almost pleasant.

Jorin stands, cleaning and drying his armor before gathering them in his arms, planning to dry them at the inn, maybe he can hang them up somewhere there. He hasn't seen the interior yet, hopefully it's as nice as the fruit Shae took.

He leaves the interior cleaner than he had arrived, or so he hopes. And on his way out as his eyes scan over everything in the home; collections of ingredients for potion making, stacks upon stacks of books, and a table for enchanting... his eyes hesitant on something that captures his attention. There is a very carefully placed black book on a table of some kind that appears carved with symbols. In the center lies a stone he'd never seen before. It's a silver crystal; almost metal in appearance, with a very rigid and right angled structure to it, almost making it look unnatural but he doesn't think any more of it. After all, this world has so many other things that don't exist in Tamriel.

He leaves out the door, and walks across the village toward the dilapidated inn. When he arrives, he grabs the knob in an attempt to open it but it resists him with unexpected difficulty, causing him to fumble back and hit a support beam with the back of his head. "Damnit, does this thing even open?!" He asks himself as he rubs the back of his head. He approaches it for a second round, but this time, he intends to overcome this wooden beast! He pulls and pulls but the heavy wood just groans like an angry bull. He pauses a moment, pushing the door in: it relents. He stares at the open doorway with a deadpan stare before sighing and entering.

The interior is basically falling apart, the walls looking like they are sweating... And the smell isn't too great either. In fact, he wonders if Felas didn't already throw up somewhere in here... But the woman behind the counter doesn't move to acknowledge his entry and looks like she's been sick for thirty-five years.

"Uh— my lady...?" Jorin says cautiously. "I'm here for a room?" He is half sure that this decrepit woman wouldn't even notice him, he isn't entirely sure if she is alive.

There is a pause that lasts way too long. She doesn't even look at him. "Room is taken..." she finally says.

"Is there another..?"

"... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...No."

Jorin stands in bewilderment. "Was it the light haired woman who took it?" He groans.

"... ... ... ...huh?"

He only answers with a deadpan stare. "Thank you." He says before turning toward the stairs and ascending them, pointedly avoiding the broken base step on his way up.

Jorin comes to a hall with a couple doors along one wall. He opens the first door. A massive hole in the floor that is essentially the size of the room is all that greets him. "Of course." He says like it was something he should have expected.

He comes to the next, knocking, surely, she is in here. "Shae, are you in there? Did something eat you? Make two grunts for yes."

She is lying on the bed relaxing (and trying to ignore the lump right under the "mattress") but when he knocks she throws her head back dramatically, adding a loud groan. "Can I not be spared for five minutes?" she says loud enough for him to hear.

"No," he says.

She sighs. "Come in, it's not like I'm naked in here," she tells him with attitude before sitting up.

"I never know what to expect with you, you're almost as mad as these people," he says before opening the door, his equipment and used wet clothes slung over his shoulder.

She gives him a sarcastic smile that looks more like a glare. "Cute."

"Indeed." Plop! His equipment hits the ground and he looks around, there's only one bed. He sighs and pulls out his bedroll, spreading it across the floor.

She looks at him with offense. "Hey this is my room. Go get your own."

"Maybe you should take the room with the giant hole in it, after all, you could use your magic to carry you aloft." He remarks sarcastically.

She looks at him with an unimpressed expression. "Yeah you don't know anything about magic, do you?"

"Observant one, aren't you?" He says as he lays down, letting out a deep breath, finally relaxing, feeling at least somewhat safe.

She rolls her eyes and plops back down on her pillow, letting basically a cloud of dust fly from it on all sides, making her cough. She looks back at the pillow as if glaring at it will make it not do that. "Ugh..." she complains and lies comfortably. "Fine, just don't start with the snoring or I won't hesitate to throw this pillow at your face... ... or a chair," she tells him as she looks at the rotting ceiling.

"Whatever you say, princess." He responds, simply. He shifts a bit, looking for a comfortable position.

"Fine..." she says, getting frustrated at the thing he calls her. So she looks down at him and adds, "Goodnight, hero," in a sarcastic tone as she makes a face, mocking him for all of the gloating he does so much, before she turns and faces the other direction.

He scoffs in amusement but says nothing, he lays still, waiting for sleep to take them.

Shae is facing the wall but she can't help but smirk to herself before she shuts her eyes... ... and tries to ignore that stupid lump in her stupid bed... ugh.

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