Unrequited? The Series

By StoriDen

76.7K 4.8K 1.6K

This a Ohm and Nanon fanfic but an original story. 17-year old Art has a secret; he's in love with his best... More

Message to the Reader/Characters:
1. -Art-
2. -Fiat-
3. -Art-
4. -Fiat-
5. -Art-
6. -Fiat & Art-
7. -Fiat & Art-
8. -Clover-
9. -Fiat & Jay-
10. -Fiat & Art-
11. -Clover & Art-
12. -Steel-
13. -Fiat & Clover-
14. -Jay & Gear-
15. -Clover & Art-
16. -Gear-Clover-Art-Steel-
17. -Clover-
18. -Gem-
19. -Art-
20. -Fiat & Art-
21. -Jay & Fiat-
22.-Jay & Fiat-
23. -Art
24. -Gear & Fiat-
25. -Clover & Art-
26. - Fiat, Jay & Art-
27. -Fiat & Art-
28. -Fiat & Art-
29. -Art-
30. -Art-
31. -Art-
32. -Art-
33. -Art & Fiat-
34. -Art, Clover, Jay-
35. -Clover, Art, & Steel-
36. -Art & Fiat-
37. -Fiat & Art-
38. -Art-
39. -Fiat & Art-
40. -Fiat-
41. -Steel & Fiat-
42. -Art, Fiat, & Clover-
43. -Clover-
45. -Art-
46. -Art&Fiat-
47. Art
48. -Fiat-
49. -Fiat-
50. - Art -
51. -Fiat & Clover-
52. -Art & Fiat-
53. -Art & Clover-
54. -Art & Fiat-
55. -Art & Fiat-
56. -Fiat-
57. -Steel-
58. -Art-
59. -Fiat-
60. -Art-
61. -Fiat & Clover-
62. -Steel-
63. -Art & Fiat-
64. -Jay & Art-
65. -Clover-
66. - Fiat & Art-
67. -Steel-
68. -Jay & Gear-
69. -Clover & Steel-
70. -Art-
71. -Clover & Art-
72. -Gem & Art-
73. - Art-
74. -Gear & Art-
75. -Art & Fiat-
76. - Fiat-
77. The Inspo
78. -Fiat & Art-
79. -Fiat-
80. -Art & Fiat-
81. -Art-
82. -Fiat & Art-
83. -Art-
84. -Fiat & Art-
85. -Art-
86. -Art & Fiat-
87. -Art & Fiat-
88. -Steel-
89. -Art & Fiat-
90. -Art & Gear-
91. -Fiat & Art-
92. - Art & Fiat-
93. - Gear, Fiat, Steel & Art-
94. -Gear, Jay, Art, & Fiat-
95. -Art-
96. -Art, & Fiat-
97. -Art & Fiat-
98. -Art, Fiat, & Steel-
99. -Art-
100. -Art & Fiat-
101. -Art & Fiat-
102. -Fiat & Art-
103. -Art & Fiat-
104. -Art & Fiat-

105. -Art & Fiat- The Final Chapter.

1.7K 53 212
By StoriDen

Message to the Reader: Thank you so much for reading my story this has been a LONG journey and I appreciate those who have stuck it out with me.

Writing Unrequited actually took a lot out of me so I have decided to stop there and take a break. I'm considering an Unrequited 2. Let me know if you're interested in the comments. Also, I would love to know what you liked and disliked. Which characters you like most and why?. Who do you want to read more about and know more about? I love hearing from you guys.

Also Please Enjoy this bonus Chapter requested by Yoojungiejjk

-One Week Later-


He smiles up at me and I feel myself blushing. I walk over to my closet and reach for a tie. I drape it from my neck as I look into the mirror that hangs against my closet door.

I quickly tie it and run my fingers through my hair.
When I turn he smiles up at me the way I love. My eyes travel the length of him.
Fuck, I love him naked in my bed, covered only by a thin sheet. I admire what's mine.

"How do I look?" I ask slipping my hands in my pockets.

"Handsome. I enjoyed watching you get dressed. Now get undressed." He says arching his eyebrow at me.

I laugh, "Your morning classes maybe cancelled  but mine aren't." I say looking at my watch.

"Please baby, do it the way I like." He pleads.

I smile and scratch between my eyebrows, I can't say no to him.

He watches me intently as I begin to loosen my tie.

"Slower." He demands.

I obey and slow my pace pulling loose the Windsor knot. When my tie hangs untied from my collar I  start on my cuff buttons.

We stare at each other as I unbutton my cuffs and slowly roll up my sleeves.

When I've finished I put my hands in my pockets and stare back at him.

"More." He demands.

Again I obey. I slowly unbutton my shirt as he sits up and leans against his arms.

I arch my eyebrow at him, he really likes this.

When I have finished he tilts his head as if prompting me to continue.

I sigh and look at my watch, he clears his throat.

Hmm, my boyfriend is demanding.

I smile at him as I unbutton my pants and slowly lower my zipper.

When I have finished I crawl into bed. I kneel onto my knees as I look down at him.

I take a breath and take hold of his chin.

He peers up at me and my body instantly reacts to the innocence in his eyes. I lean in close to his face.


"Yes, Mr. Art," He returns sweetly.

My smile grows, "I'm very dissatisfied with your behavior. You give me no choice but to punish you."

"What will you do to me?" He asks.

I furrow my brows.

"What do you think you deserve for your behavior?"

Fiat smiles at me as he reaches for my tie. He wraps it around his fist and pulls me towards him as he leans to whisper into my ear.

"I think you should fuck me Mr. Art" He whispers as he licks my earlobe.

I'm completely caught off guard.

I lean back and look at him.


"Don't ask just do it."

"Me? With my dick?"
I ask shocked. Are we role playing? Does he really want me to?

"Who else should I ask when I want to be fucked?"  He asks tilting his head provokingly.

I blink at him for a few seconds. I don't think he's joking.

I look at my watch once again and then back to him he bites his lip and my dick twitches.

Fuck it, I'll make time for this.

I apply the aloe to the entrance of him and he groans.

My gaze immediately lifts to observe him. He stares back at me intently.

My eyes travel the length of him as he offers himself to me.

I run my hands slowly against his thighs as he lays before me. This is so fucking hot.

But I'm actually completely disarmed unsure how to start.

As if reading my thoughts Fiat leans forward and takes hold of my erection.

He slowly strokes me while he looks into my eyes.

"Art, just fuck me how you want to. It isn't about me.  Fuck me, mark me, cum deep inside me."

My whole body breaks out in goosebumps.

I can only blink. He smiles as he grasps my hips and pulls me.

He slowly leans back as he guides me to meet the entrance of him.

As my dick kisses him my body shudders.

His gaze never leaves mine as he slowly pulls me inside.

The moment the tip of my dick pushes through, I groan savoring his tightness.

He releases me as my fingers grasp his pelvis forcing him to meet me as I nuzzle myself inside him slowly.

He groans and I feel all my hair prickling in arousal.

As I inch myself in slowly I lay against him.

I nudge my nose into his neck as I push myself as deep as I can go.

He takes a slow breath and moans softly.

My whole body reacts to it.
Whoa, this feels so fucking good.

I halt, just savoring the feel of him. I kiss his neck and taste his skin in response my dick twitches inside him.

I groan against him.
"How do you want it?" I ask.

"Just fuck me and cum deep inside." He whispers.

His demand arouses me and in response I let my body take over. My hips move on their own accord slowly at first. My pace steadily increases as my dick searches inside of him.

The more my dick tastes him the more it craves and soon I'm fucking him with no regard.

I look up and his arms are crossed over his eyes as he moans softly against my intrusion.

"Am I hurting you?" I ask.

"Hurt me more." He mutters.

I lean forward and pull his arms from his face. I wrap my arm beneath his neck and hold him tightly. We stare back at each other as I fuck him deep and rough.

He kisses me gently against my chin and my head falls back. My eyes flutter closed as I feel myself reaching the edge.

I push myself in as far as I can go and he moans.

Before I can stop myself I bite my lip and cum deep inside him.


"Take a shower with me." He says smiling as he pulls himself from me.

"You're gonna be late." I remind him.

"Im already late. Besides I'll always make time to fuck my boyfriend."

I can't help but smile. "Really?"

He nods. "Did..Was it..Was I?" He says as he blushes.

"I loved it. Next time don't ask me, just fuck me as you want without permission."

He observes me thoughtfully for almost a minute.
"Tell me." He says finally.

"It's simple. Own me, fuck me, cum deep inside me."

He arches his eyebrow as he  takes hold of my  chin and smiles the way that drives me crazy.

"I already own you."

"Own me more." I whisper.

He chuckles softly.
"Hmmm. Whose seducing who now? What am I going to do with you?"  He asks  as he gently strokes his knuckles against me face.

"Fuck. Me. Harder.." I challenge.

He shakes his head and hops out of bed and walks towards the bathroom.
"Nope. I'm getting far away from you before I fuck you into the week after next."

"Promise?" I say and he chuckles as he turns the corner and disappears.

I stand from his bed and follow him.

I win.


My ears are hot. I place my head against my desk and scratch at my scalp.

I cannot think. No matter what I do I can't stop thinking about him.

To be honest, I have never once considered fucking him and now that I have I'm wondering how I didn't.

Fiat is always teaching me, always surprising me.

Since this morning I have been in a near constant state of arousal thinking about him. I'm counting the minutes until lunch. I tell myself I only want to smell him a little but that's greatly understating. I want him to ravage me. This morning was like a bite, I'm desperate for a meal.


As I approach our table Fiat is already waiting. He is distracted as he, Jay, and Steel discuss something. Must be sports they are really animated. Gear watches them with a bored expression, yeah sports.

I decide to take the long way around so he doesn't see me coming.

The moment I slowly start to walk up behind him Gear looks at me nonchalantly and smiles not giving me away.

I step behind him and lean in to nuzzle my nose into the back of his collar.

He only flinches slightly as the tip of my nose grazes the back of his neck. I inhale deeply.

"Hmm, my meal is so tempting." I whisper.

As I lean back to look down at him he turns and smiles up at me.

"Again, Y'all are in front of people." Steel says.

I can't help but laugh. "I can smell my boyfriend anytime I like. Sue me."

"I truly might." He says laughing.

"Hi baby." Fiat  says sweetly. I can't help myself I lift my hand and gently stroke his cheekbone with my knuckles.

"Hi handsome. Did you miss me?" I ask feeling my face flush.

"Always." He says as I slip into my seat across him.

Clover appears and takes  her seat beside Gear. She wraps her arms around his neck and whispers into his ear. Gear listens intently as a slow smile grows before bursting into laughter.

"It's rude to whisper." Steel says.

Clover rolls her eyes, "How do you guys feel about Lunch off campus? I'm bored of this food."

"Do we got time?" Jay asks.

We all look at each other. "Nope." We all say together before bursting into laughter.

A second later we are all standing and collecting our bags.

As I turn I look up in time to see Blue approaching.

I smile up at him.

"Hey Blue. What's up?"

"I was just a bit worried about you. You haven't text me back."

I look to Fiat, he looks down at his hands.

I take a deep breath and face Blue.

"I'm really sorry Blue. You deserve so much better, I'm sorry that I can't be as good to you as you have to me. But I told you, I am really a hassle. Literally, in this entire world there is only one person who can wrangle a dumpster fire like me. Thank god he's my boyfriend. We would all be fucked."

I look back to Fiat, he looks stunned.

"Baby, I'm hungry. Feed me please." I say as I offer him my hand.

He blinks for a few moments and takes it, connecting us. I turn back to Blue.

"It wouldn't of worked between us in any life. My heart never belonged to me. Thank you for being a good friend."

Without another word I walk past him pulling Fiat behind me.

Our group sits in front of the school as we all talk at once trying to figure out what  we are gonna eat. At this rate maybe nothing. I roll my eyes and turn to look at Fiat. Again he is already staring at me, instantly I blush.

I look up in time to see Serene materialize from the depths of hell and place her hand on Fiats shoulder.

Fiat looks up confused as she smiles down at him.

"I need to talk to you." She says hella faux sweetly.

I take a deep breath, stand, and calmly place my hands in my pockets.

I walk over placing my body between them. I look down at her hand.

"Excuse me, remove your hand from my person."
I say as respectful as I can manage.

She rolls her eyes and doesn't move her hand.

"Excuse me means move bitch."
I say taking another step forward  knocking against her hand and turning my body to fully block her.

She looks at me shocked and takes a step back.

I peer down at her with my hands in my pockets for what feels like a full minute.

"How may I help you today Senior?" I ask smiling hella faux sweetly.

"I would like to speak to Fiat, there have been some misunderstandings between us. I was served this morning."

"Hmm, you must not know what that means. Once you're served you communicate through lawyers. Don't have one?"

"Fiat and me can work it out."

I tilt my head at her, "How? Fiat doesn't know you."

She looks at me confused.

I turn around and look down at him before leaning over and gently placing my hand on his knee.

"Baby, Can I borrow your knee?" I ask.

He nods.

I pull his knee, turn and take a seat. I wrap my arm around his shoulder and gently comb my fingers through his hair.


"Yes baby?"

"Do you know this lady?" I ask.

He peers up at her confused.

"Never seen her before." He says simply.

I smack my lip and turn to peer up at her.

"Unfortunately, my boyfriend has a really bad memory. Lucky for us when he's in court he remembers perfectly. So do me a favor,"
I say pointing at nothing.
"The exit into hell is in that general vicinity. Fuck off towards it and the next time we see you better be at the courthouse."

"Oh snap!" I hear Gear and Clover say from behind me.

Serene looks stunned she then crosses her arms and glares at me.

A moment later Clover walks over with Gear under her arm. They place themselves between Serene and I.

Clover looks back at me hella faux sweetly and then turns to Serene. When she still doesn't move Clover pulls Gear so he brushes past Serene and turns them so they are both facing me, placing their backs to her.

"So how you feeling about Japanese Art? I'm dying for some sushi." Clover says resuming our previous discussion essentially dismissing Serene.

I peer down at Fiat under my arm. "Japanese?" I ask him and he smiles.

"Japanese is good." He says.

I look up at Clover and Gear.
"Sounds good to us." I say.

I actually never saw Serene leave. All I know is by the time we all agreed and moved to head to lunch she had dematerialized from whence she came.

As we all reassemble at the Japanese restaurant Gear and Clover approach me with proud smiles.

"Well someone's on a roll today." Gear says from beneath Clovers arm. He crosses his arms and arches his eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" I ask while smiling innocently.

Clover and Gear exchange a glance.

"Excuse me means move bitch." Gear mimics.

"The entrance to hell is in that general vicinity, Fuck off towards it and the next time I see you better be at the courthouse." Clover mimics.

"What were you guys doing? Keeping the minutes?" I ask blushing.

They both nod.

"We got the transcripts. They are ready for the judge." Clover adds.

Fiat steps up behind me, "Isn't my boyfriend possessive and protective?"

I roll my eyes, "Let's eat. We will be late enough as is."
I say walking away to the entrance while hiding my smile.

I stare down at my menu as my ears burn. These damn assholes are all staring at me.

I take a deep breath and look up. "What?"

Steel starts first, "Who the hell are you?"
He asks smirking.

I roll my eyes, "Hurry up and order." I say frowning.

Jay and Steel put their hands up.

"We better shut up, or we will get it next." Jay says as he looks down at his menu.

I turn to Fiat and he is staring at me. "What now?" I ask.

He leans forward in his chair and whispers into my ear, "I like being owned."

Instantly, I flush as explicit images flash in my mind. Fiat, you are in so much danger.


Benz walks around the table and sets a stack of photos in front of me. I can tell right away they are mine from the day of the festival.

He places both his hands flat against the table and peers down at me.

I quickly shuffle though them. Fuck, I knew he would be mad.

"What's wrong with these pictures?"  He asks.

I shuffle in my seat nervously. "These one's?"
I ask as I peer up and smile awkwardly at him.

"Answer the question."

I sigh, "I probably could've stood to take more pictures of the student body." I say resigned to whatever consequences are ahead.

"You mean outside of the seven students you actually took pictures of?"

"There are other students in there." I offer.

But even I know, Barely.

He takes a seat at the edge of the table and looks down at me.

"Don't defend yourself. They are fucking fantastic."

My head snaps up to look at him.


He nods, "Really beautiful work Art. I have decided to take them to the board. I want them to be considered for a new campaign. I think your images would go a long way in advertising the inclusivity of our university." He says.

I smile at him, "Thank you Benz, but the school would never go for that."

"What makes you think that?"

"Pictures of a group of gay kids plastered around the school and in brochures. I highly doubt that."

He smiles, "You shouldn't."


"Because, I already took it to the board this morning. They fell in love with your pictures. I'm actually just here to get permission from the artist to proceed."

I'm frozen, "You're kidding."

"I'm not. So, Mr. Artist will you release these photos?"

Still shocked as a million thoughts run through my head.

"Uhhh... I have to ask my friends if they are comfortable with that." I say finally.

Benz takes a moment to consider it.
"Ok, before you leave grab a stack of release forms and have them all sign if they agree." He says as he stands and starts collecting his stuff.

I stand and grab my bag. "Thank you so much Benz."

"For what?" He asks.

"For always believing in me and my work."

"You're work speaks for it self. I'm just thankful you trust me with helping you."

We smile at each other and then I turn to retrieve the release forms.

As I lock the clubhouse door Benz searches for something in his bag.

"Did you forget something?" I ask him

He pulls something from his bag and shakes his head.

He mists himself with cologne.

I look at him confused.

He smirks, "I'm meeting a friend no time to shower. How about you?"

"My boyfriend is waiting for me."

He arches his eyebrow at me, "Fiat?"

I nod. I flush at the sound of his name, instantly those erotic images return.

As I watch Benz open his bag to return his cologne I get a wicked idea.

"Hey, Benz you mind sharing your cologne?"

He smiles, "You like it?"

I smile at him, "Yeah, let's go with that."

He lifts his cologne and sprays a thin mist over me. I smile bigger, "More please."

He furrows his brows at me, "Are you sure? It's kinda strong."

"Please do more." I say sweetly.

He shrugs and sprays me with another mist.

"Thanks so much. My boyfriend's gonna love it," I say as I turn my back and walk away.


My heart is full the moment he appears. I lean against my car and watch as he leaves his building.

He smiles at me and the butterflies flutter freely.

I move to meet him halfway, already hungry to bury my nose in his neck.

Without thought I wrap my arms around him and pull him close. I take a breath and nearly gag.


I release him and step back.

"What is that?" I ask.

"Hmm? What is what?" He asks confused.

"That smell."

He reaches for his shirt and sniffs.

He smiles, "Oh. It's Benz. His cologne."

I blink at him. "Why is it on you?"

"He sprayed me. He must really like this scent."

"You let him spray cologne on you?"

He shrugs. "I guess. I didn't mind too much."

"I mind."


I stare at him for a few seconds, then turn and open his door.

He walks past me and takes his seat.



He puts all the windows down and leans away from me.

I keep my face even but I am dying inside. I want to laugh so bad. Fiat is livid.

By the time we pull into his driveway my body breaks out in goosebumps from the anticipation.

He opens the door for me and I step out. Immediately, he takes hold of my arm and pulls me into the house.

On our way to his bedroom I spot Jay, and Steel on the couch.

I can barely even greet them as Fiat yanks me behind him. He only lets me go once we are inside his bedroom.

He closes and locks the door before turning and roughly pulling at my clothes.

"What are you doing?" I ask innocently.

"You're taking a shower. Now." He says sternly.

I don't say anything else and let him undress me.

When I'm naked he pulls me into the bathroom and quickly adjusts the water for me. I step in and stand under the shower head. I scratch at my scalp and enjoy the sensation of the warm water.

A few moments later, Fiat steps in behind me with a soft loofah. He picks up my body wash and pours way too much.
I turn and smile. Hmm, he is really mad.

He washes me roughly, but I secretly love it. He is being so stern and thorough.

Hmm, he will brutalize me.

Once we're out of the shower he dries my entire body before pulling me and nudging his nose into my neck. He inhales deeply before stepping back.

His face seems satisfied that I smell like me.

"What did I tell you?" He asks.


"About other men putting things on you?"


He stares back at me.

"You're fucking with me." He says finally.

I reach up and stroke his face with my index. I smile at him, "Why would I do that baby?" I ask innocently.

Fiat licks his lips and shakes his head. "You'll pay for that."

I arch my eyebrow at him, "Prove it." I whisper.

In response he drags me from the bathroom and pushes me roughly onto the bed.

I watch as he opens his closet and retrieves a tie and a long black scarf.

He walks over to me.

"Get in the middle of the bed." He demands and I quickly obey.

I lay back and look up as he crawls over to straddle me. He drapes the scarf over his shoulder as he reaches for my hands. He quickly binds my wrists together with the tie.

He pulls the scarf from his shoulder and looks down at me.

"Will you be quiet or do I need to gag you?"

I look up and smile at him sweetly. "I will not be quiet."

He nods.

He moves his leg and roughly rolls me onto my stomach.

He places the scarf over my mouth, gagging me.

He reaches up and pulls at my fingers, spreading them against the headboard.

"Move your fingers from this headboard and it'll be worse." He says against my ear and instantly I shudder from the threat.

I place my face flat against the mattress and listen as he reaches into his nightstand. A moment later I feel him lathering me with aloe.

He lays across my back and a few seconds later I feel him at the entrance of me.

I ready myself for the agony of him entering me.

I close my eyes and take a breath as the tip of his erection kisses me then slowly breaks through. All of a sudden he bites deeply into the nape of my neck and I gasp.
In that moment he pushes himself deep inside me.
I moan from the intense painful pressure.

But he doesn't stop he immediately starts to fuck me.

I scratch at the headboard and moan against my gag as his pelvis slaps against me.


I fuck him with no regard until I feel better. His body tenses and reacts as he cums over and over.

He weeps and moans but it's muffled behind his gag so only I can hear.

After a while his body goes completely limp. I bite deeply into his shoulder and he whimpers softly.

I grasp his hip tightly digging into my brand and he moans.

Satisfied I quicken my pace and empty myself deep inside him.

I pull out and reach over him to untie his hands. He lies perfectly still. I work on his gag and pull the scarf from his face.

"Are you ok?" I ask

No answer.

I turn his face towards me , I lean in to check his breathing. Art is asleep.

Hmm, fucked into another stupor. I rub his head and kiss him.

Sleep well baby.

**{High off you}{by: Alayna}


I open my eyes and the room is bright. I don't even remember falling asleep.

I sit up and my body is so sore. I rub at my sore neck.

Last night comes to me and I smile.

Whoa, that was the dicking down of a lifetime. Fiat fucked me into unconsciousness.

When he said ruthless he meant it. My body feels thoroughly punished. I stand and head to the bathroom. I ache for a hot shower.

When I come out of the bathroom Fiat still hasn't woken up.

I peer down at him and admire him in the sunlight.

He lays on his stomach
With his arms above him on the pillow.

My eyes travel down his neck, shoulders and back. I bite my lip when I get to the sheet that covers the bottom half of him.

I lean over and push the sheet aside to observe him.

Fuck, my boyfriend is the Fineness.

My body immediately reacts and his words echo in my head.
Own me, fuck me, cum deep inside me.

I look down and already my dick rises at the thought.

I slowly climb over him and lick his ear.

He groans softly.

"Wake up baby." I whisper.

I suck gently into the back of his neck.

He moans softly as I suck deeper and slowly sink my teeth into him.

He groans, "Harder."  He mutters and I sink my teeth deeper.

I release him and lick softly at my bite.

I lean over and retrieve the aloe from the bedside table and  lean back to apply it to my erection.

I guide his leg up to bend beside him and kiss the entrance of him.
I look up as he lifts his hand flat against the headboard in preparation.

I lick my lips and slowly push through.

He immediately inhales sharply, and groans softly.

The sound makes my dick twitch.

I push myself in slowly until I hit the end of him. I lay against him and nuzzle my nose into the back of his neck.

"Are you ok baby?" I ask.

"Hmm, just fuck me Art." He whispers.

I groan from how good he feels. My fingers glide up his arm slowly. I place my hand against his and lock my fingers with his as I slowly begin to fuck him.

His cavity flexes and twitches around me and I fuck him harder.

His breathing picks up to match my pace. My pelvis slaps against him and he groans aloud.

Before long I feel myself reaching the edge.

I kiss his neck and whisper, "I'm cuming."

Fiat moans, "Fuck me harder, cum deep inside."

Instantly my body obeys. I slap against him roughly and feel myself start to expel. I push myself in as far as I can go and savor the feel of him around my dick as I cum deep inside.

I bite him gently behind his shoulder and relish the feel of his cavity reacting to my intrusion. My dick throbs as it slowly softens.

I pull myself from him and roll to lay beside him on my back.

I look at him as he slowly opens his eyes and smiles at me.

"Morning baby." I say.

"Good morning." He returns.

"Are you ok?" I ask.

He nods, "Thank you." He says.

I blink at him, "For what?"

"Making me yours."

"You were already mine." I answer.

"And you were always mine."

We stare back at each other as the sunlight makes the room glow. It feels almost like a perfect dream.

It took so much for us to get here, a million steps, thousands of tears, moments of anguish, loss, hopelessness, but more laughter, joy, passion, and love that made every single moment worth it.

He is mine and I am his. Our names synonymous in this life and into the next.

I love you Fiat.

Te amo Fiat.

Je T'aime Fiat.

Saranghae Fiat.

The End.

Update: Read on about Art and Fiat six years later in Unrequited? A Lie Told a Promise Broken.

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This story is complete ✅ Alec is a twenty-five year old gentle boy with the looks of an angel. He has not figured out what he needs in love yet and h...
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A hopeless teen finds out he's close to being kicked out of school for good. He then ends up meeting a boy who's way too nice for his own good, good...
1.6M 69.6K 39
Carter is a disabled 19 years old ex football player. After an accident one year ago, he was cursed to a lifetime in a wheelchair. Ryder is an a...
36.4K 2.7K 38
[BXB / unedited ] Saying that Max Oran is a disaster would be an understatement: he got himself kicked out of school, his dad has sent him to live wi...