My Luna Mate ✓


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MATE TRILOGY #2 | Finding her mate, also meant finding herself. But as the Luna to the largest pack in the co... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five - Epilogue

Chapter Seven

8K 305 17


Jensen wouldn't shut up about my mate and I didn't blame him.

She was like a diamond surrounded by rocks, completely outshining the crowd. She was breathtaking and all mine.

The green dress that I had picked out for her was actually at Zynthéa's recommendation and damn did my sister do a good job. My mate had half of the wolves drooling over her and she didn't even notice. It bothered my wolf, but also impressed him. She was ours and ours only.

I was occupied with a couple of men from the pack, when I heard my mate's voice ring in my ears loudly.

"What?" she yelled.

Immediately, I excused myself from the group of men and attended to my mate. I wasn't sure what had happened, but I quickly rushed to her.

"Baby, is everything alright?" I asked her once I was by her side, taking in her appearance to see if she was okay.

When she seemed just fine, I wrapped my arms around her.

Lyra appeared shocked as she placed her hand on my arm before glancing up at me. "Jaxon found his mate," she whispered, her eyes wide.

I was confused. "Isn't that what you wanted?"

The whole idea behind this ceremony was for my mate to help Jaxon find a mate. Even if she didn't blatantly say it, I knew her. And I loved her all that more for it. Being concerned over members and going to these lengths to help them made her the perfect Luna.

"Yes," Lyra responded.

Ava commented something but I was too caught up looking at my mate, trying to understand what was going through her head, that I ignored the auburn haired girl next to her.

"I don't understand. Why are you ladies upset at the news?"

Both ladies gawked at me as if I had asked a stupid question, but before either of them could utter another word, my sister spoke.

"Wait," she said. "Evan is his mate?"

Turning my head in the direction of her gaze, I was indeed surprised to find Jaxon walking in with Evan, one of Dyami's childhood friends.

I must have been too distracted when my mate leaped out of my arms and advanced toward Jaxon with full speed.

I stretched my hand out to hold her back, but my Luna was impressive as she vanished from my grip. I scoffed but traced after her in large strides.

My mate was engulfed in Jaxon's arms, I had to practically drag her back to me. My wolf was satisfied when our Luna was back in our arms.

Lyra was sniffling in my arms and Jaxon looked worried. It made me narrow my eyes at the boy and he shot back a dagger of his own.

"You found your person," I stated, my eyes travelling to Evan.

I had heard a lot about the latter boy from Dyami, but it was my first time meeting him in person. I knew for a fact that he wasn't a threat and could join my pack at once if he wanted to. It would be nice for Dyami to have his friend around also.

After a quick introduction, Zynthéa attacked Evan with a hug. They obviously knew each other quite well.

I pecked my Luna on the head a couple of times, enjoying how good she felt in my arms, before I excused myself to attend to the new men that had arrived.

Wolves from packs all over the country had attended tonight. These were people that I hadn't seen since my father passed away. It was important for me to attend to each and everyone of them. After all, they were important alliances for future references.

As an Alpha, it was my duty to make sure everything was running smoothly not only within my pack, but with other packs. Lyra was my Luna and I would have her tag along, but I didn't want to take her away from her friends. She would meet the wolves from outside of our pack in due time.

"It really is wonderful what you are doing, dear," Diana, the Luna of Sirius Pack, beamed.

Smiling down at the elderly lady, I bowed my head once in respect. "It wouldn't have been possible without the help of everyone here tonight."

Her mate, Jonathan, chuckled. "Son, your father would have been so proud of the man that you are today."

Though, his words came from a genuine place, it stung a little and I felt myself falter ever so slightly but I tried to cover it with a smile.

"A spectacular leader," Amelie, the beta's wife of the same pack, chimed in. "And a very handsome one at that too."

"You're too kind," I responded, holding my champagne glass up.

She brought her own glass to her lips, her eyes lingered on me. "With the man that you are, if you hadn't found your Luna, I would have made you my son-in-law."

Giving me a quick wink, she sipped on her drink. At her words, I almost choked on my own drink, before I cleared my throat and loosened the tie around my neck.

"Amelie," David, the beta said, warningly, clearly noticing how uncomfortable I was.

The woman shifted her brown eyes to her husband and shrugged. "What? Our Jessica isn't so bad herself."

My brows furrowed as Amelie said her name. My wolf urged for us to leave the table, but I found myself frozen. Especially when she appeared in my vision, making me tense my jaw and clutch on to the glass in my hand tighter.

I thought I had imagined her earlier when I had seen her whilst dancing with my mate. But she was very much real and absolutely present.

Excusing myself, I decided to head to the balcony for fresh air. My wolf was at bay and wanted to shift, but I had to hold him back. I couldn't disappoint Lyra by letting my wolf ruin everything that she had worked hard for tonight.

When I felt a hand scrape against my arm, I turned to the intruder with furious eyes. Her brown familiar eyes lit up and a smile teased on her lips.

The emotions coursing through my body only served to make me angrier. She was not supposed to be here, in my pack. Inviting her parents had been a mistake in itself and only now was the feeling of regret haunting me.

Snatching my arm from her touch, I snapped. "What the hell are you doing here?"

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