a whole summer ? with them...

By fanficsnfood

25.1K 761 127

an exo, snsd, and fx storyline what will happen when 3 of the biggest groups in the industry have to spend a... More

You're on.
The Collab
That Voice..
Do I Like Him?
Great. Just Great.
Bacon? Bacon.
Love Triangle?
He's here
That's not gonna happen.
please read !!

The Call

860 32 2
By fanficsnfood

It had been a few weeks since we went on the camping trip, and I didn't fail to notice that everyone was quite close to each other since the little get away. Suho was right. The camping tell was a good idea. I will never admit it though.

We had grown a lot closer. Friendships were made. We were all at least close friends, if not best friends. And some of us, were a little more than best friends to each other. The EXO members had all crossed the line of friendship with their female counterpart. We had all fallen. Hard.

And even though I refuse to show it, I'm extremely worried about what would happen to us. It had always been at the back of my head.

At the beginning, I was confident in ir ability to well, not love I guess. But boy was I wrong.

Although some couples such as Sunny and Suho, Soo and Luna, and Luhan and Jessica tried to hide their relationship from the others, I could see right through their little 'oh we're just friends' act. I could see their lingering touches and loving gazes.

Others however, were completely open with their relationship. A bit too open for my liking. Constant skin ship. I mean seriously I don't want to see you guys making out in the hallway. *Cough cough* Kai and Krystal *cough*

That's so not my style. What is my style?

I was in the middle of thinking when something caught my eye. More like someone. I watched as Taeyeon skipped to stand in front of me. "Hi Kris." She smiled brightly before grabbing my arm and dragging me somewhere.

I happily followed because this girl.. Why? She's my style.

She led me towards the cinema room where she pushed me to sit on the couch while she sat next to me, snuggling into my arm. I smiled and wiggled my arm out of her grasp to sling it over her shoulders, so she could snuggle into my side/ chest instead.

Everyone was gathered in the big room, huddled together on the couches and or on the floor that was littered with pillows and blankets.

I looked around and chuckled lowly when I noticed how everyone's faces were covered in childish excitement. They were a bit too excited to watch Frozen.

"Is the movie good? You've watched it right??" Taeyeon asked in a happy tone, looking up at me with a bright smile.

"It's okay. Don't trust Hans though." I said with an evil smirk.

"Stop! Don't spoil the movie you Canadian giant!" She whined while she plugged her ears with her fingers.

I just laughed and hugged her tighter. We watched the movie in a comfortable silence. There were only a few occasional noises, Suho scolding the beagle line for munching on their popcorn too loud, a group sing along to Let it Go, and Lay's snoring.

We were about two thirds into the Disney animation when my phone rang. My alien themed ring tone broke the silence, causing Jessica to scold and hiss at me. I flipped her off as I took the phone from my pocket. I laughed as Luhan struggled to hold down an angry Jessica.

I stopped breathing for a second when I saw the who was calling.

"Who is it?" Taeyeon whispered, trying to get a look at my phone screen. I quickly hid it.

"I'll tell you later. I have to go take this." I shot her a reassuring look when I saw the worried glint in her eyes.

I quickly made my way out of the room, stepping on a few hands in the process. Once I made sure I was far enough, I answered the call.

"Hello?" I asked nervously.

"Took you long enough Yifan." A familiar voice replied with a chuckle.

"I'm sorry Mr.Lee we were watching a movie." I apologized politely. Yeah it was the freaking CEO.

"I have some news for you all, so listen."

"Ah.. Alright." I replied as I fiddle with the hem of my shirt.

Our conversation continued for a couple of minutes. To sum it up, it was me asking questions and Mr.CEO not giving in whatsoever.

I sighed and tucked my phone away before walking back into the large room. I jumped a bit when I looked up to meet 25 pairs of eyes staring back at me.

We just kind of stared at each other in silence for a moment until someone spoke up.

"Who was it?" Seohyun asked calmly. I could see the nervousness in her eyes though.

I stood there, contemplating if I should tell them or not. No noticing how Taeyeon had gotten to my side. "It's ok. Tell us Kris." She whispered as she held my hand assuringly.

I nodded at her before answering. "It was the CEO, Mr.Lee."

I watched as a wave of worry and shock crossed the members' faces. And I didn't fail to feel how Taeyeon's grip on my hand tightened.

"What.. did he say?" Luna asked quietly. If the room had been any less quiet, I probably wouldn't have heard her.

"He's coming to the house tomorrow. He wants to talk to us."

Finally updated! So sorry for the delay! Hope you enjoyed this short chapter

And wow over 3.4k views! Thanks so much!


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