Male reader as Rimuru in High...

By AndrsFernando1

697K 11.7K 4.6K

A man who got reincarnated in the DxD world as Rimuru Tempest.And what he what's is a family that he been wan... More

The Void Dragon God
The Rise of Rimuru Tempest
The Familiar Forest
The Tempest Family
Rimuru new subordinates
The Beginning of the Anime
The Boosted Gear
Rimuru new subordinates Part 2
The Twilight Healing user
Battle between the Fallen Angels
Return to the Familiar Forest
The Fire Chicken Riser
Rimuru vs Riser
The Storm Dragon Veldora
New Characters
Excalibur Arc
The Two Exorcist
The Mask Twins
A Day on the Beach
The Three Factions and Tempest
Battle in the Labyrinth
The Reward Ceremony
The Reward Ceremony Part 2
Veldora vs Great Red
A Visit in Kyoto
New Characters Part Two
A Trip in the Underworld
The Party
A Family Reunion
Talk Between Siblings
The Trihexa?
Everyone meet Kumoko the Spider Goddess
Family get Together
The Mask Heroes
Attack from the Underworld
Juggernaut Drive
Ciel the Truth First Wife
The Fifth Mask Heroes
The Land of the Vampires
Black Numbers
The Wedding between a Reaper and a Nekoshou
The Rimuru Verse
The Mirror
The Sixth Mask Hero
Kunou visit in the Labyrinth
The Mother in law
Hunting down False Shadow Hero
If anime characters become Power Rangers
Rescuing the Yokai Leader
The Hero Faction strikes again and familiar faces
The Destroyer Milim Nava
The Lizardman and fighting off a Demon army
Power Up! Mask Heroes
Power Up! Mask Heroes Part 2
Agent E
The Fall of Cao Cao and the Rise of the Void Dragon Emperor God
The slime assassin Melona
The Jura Tempest Federation
Helping a fellow Spider out
Spider Goddess vs Spider Queen
Charybdis and the Magma Dragon Emperor
Charybdis and the Magma Dragon Emperor part 2
The Rimuru Verse 2
A Faded Encounter
If anime characters become Power Rangers part 2
The Rising of The Shield Loli
Explosion Empress
New Members of the Family

Rizevim Livan Lucifer

4.1K 111 97
By AndrsFernando1

Euclid was heading to the basement where the seals of Evil Dragons are at. He will do this important task for the sake of his loyalty to Rizevim and his goals to cause chaos to the world and show everyone that devils are the supreme species. When Euclid arrive in the basement he widened his eyes at noticing the seals we're all broken and they were all covered in black flames. This took Euclid by surprise, he wonder who caused all of this and who even entered this room breaking the seals.

Euclid: What has happened here? Who did all of this and who broke those seals. I need to report this to Lord Rizevim at once.

Euclid then noticed someone was walking out of the shadows appeared, Rimuru who was just staring back at Euclid with those golden eyes of his. Euclid couldn't sense demonic, holy or draconic energy from the person in front of him and thinks he's a mirror human, but something was telling him to stay on his guard.

Euclid: Who are you and how did you get in here?! Were you the one who broke those seals that used to contain the Evil Dragons?

Rimuru: Yep I was the one who got rid of the Evil Dragons and I gotta say they were quite tasty.

Euclid: What did you mean by that?

Rimuru: Oh I ate them.

Euclid: W-What did you just say?

Rimuru: You heard me I. ate. them.

Euclid couldn't believe what he just heard that this person here ate all the Evil Dragons. Rimuru then continue to speak.

Rimuru: When I destroyed the seals I put on a barrier making sure no one couldn't sense the Evil Dragons been released. When the Evil Dragons were released they all started to attack me and in self-defense, I absorbed them all, so they're pretty much dead now. Now do you mind getting out of the way because the next person I'm going out there is Rizevim.

Euclid: I am not letting you going after Lord Rizevim you have to go through me first

Rimuru: Sigh" I really have no time to waste, you are just no worth of my time. So I'm going to let my subordinate dealing with you.

Just then Euclid got kick to the face getting sent to the wall. He quickly got up and look at the person who kick him. The person had black hair with streaks of red and gold, as well as golden eyes, and wears a butler outfit.

Rimuru: Diablo make sure this trash doesn't get in the way.

Diablo: As you wish Lord Rimuru. I will make sure this trash doesn't get in your way of your plans.

Euclid widing his eyes when he heard that name Rimuru he now realizes that this is the Void Dragon God Rimuru or Demon Lord Rimuru from the rumors that he had heard about. In a flash of light Rimuru was already gone leaving Euclid along with Diablo.

Diablo: I am not letting you ruin the plans my Lord Rimuru and I'm going to enjoy making you suffer.

Euclid: Don't talk down on me, you may serve that Dragon God but I serve my loyalty to Lord Rizevim. I won't back down on a fight, in the name of Rizevim Livan Lucifer, I Euclid Lucifuge will defeat you. Now prepare to die!

Euclid fires multiple magic circles at Diablo who easily dodge them all. Euclid decided to use ice magic creating a large block of ice and launch it at Diablo. Diablo let the ice block come towards him, when it came near, Diablo punch it in one punch shattered it into million pieces.

Euclid: Wha- What?!

Diablo: That attack of yours was quite weak. It was very easy of me to break that block of ice you made. You probably don't have enough experience using ice magic, how sad and disappointment.

Euclid: Shut up! My sister might be better of using ice magic then me but I cannot let anyone like you talk down on me of not being good enough using ice magic!

Diablo: You bore me I'll end you here and now.

Diablo throws a nuclear strike magic at Euclid who quickly made a wall of ice, but the ice wall was not strong enough to take the hit. Euclid try making a barrier to protect himself but it was already too late for him. He was soon engulfed in flames, bing burning alive from the intense heat of the nuclear strike magic.

Before dying Euclid had his final thoughts.

Euclid: (Lord Rizevim forgive me I have failed you. Grayfia if only I could have seen you one last time, my dear sister.)

In a mere moments Euclid was dead his entire body turn into ashes leaving no trace of him behind.

Diablo: Since the trash have been taken care of, I will now go to Lord Rimuru side.

With Kumoko and Ragna

Marius: Unhand me you damn humans! I will have both of your heads for assault the second son of the 4th King of Tepes!

Marius was bloody and beaten and he was been hold by Ragna, he was really getting impatient and annoyed from Marius.

Ragna: Shut up we don't care if you're royalty or not now, where's the girl!

Marius: Like I will ever tell you human!

Ragna grab Marius face and slam hard to the wall and begins to beat down to his body. He stops and looks at Marius bloody face and shouted at him.


Marius: I-I w-won't tell you anything.

Kumoko: Well if you don't tell us anything, then I'll make you talk by force.

Kumoko look at Marius straight in the eye and activate Evil Eye of Panic, striking fear to Marius who was trying to look away but Kumoko wouldn't allow him. She increase the effects of Evil Eye of Panic, Marius could you take anymore and spill the beans.

Marius: All right, all right, I'll tell you where my sister is! Just turn left and you will find her room, there's also a guard guarding her making sure she wouldn't escape. There I tell you where she is now please just let me go!

Kumoko: Good, you can let go of him now he's no longer at used to us.

Marius was released and Kumoko and Ragna headed their way to Valerie room.

Ragna: Oh yeah almost forgot to show you this.

Ragna reveal what he was holding in his hand, Marius widen his eyes he look at the hole of his chest realizing his heart was removed.

Marius: I-Is that my heart? H-How?

Ragna: It's easy I'm stronger than you and that's all you had to know.

Marius : Give it back...

Ragna: No.

Marius fall to his knees, turn into dust and ending his life. Kumoko and Ragna they headed to where Valerie is being kept. They are right there but they were then stop by guard Who was putting his weapon to the duo.

Guard: Holt you shall not p-

Ragna didn't waste any time he pull out his sword and slicing the guard into pieces.

Kumoko: Damn, you really didn't let that guy finish his line.

Ragna: I really didn't give a damn let's just save the girl and go home to not make Kumo worry about us being late.

Kumoko: All right dear let's just get this over with.

Kumoko opens the door revealing Valerie Tepes young woman with short blonde hair and red eyes.

She was hiding to the two people who arrived in her room thinking they're here to experiment her.

Valerie: Please stay away! I don't wanna make more of those Evil Dragons using my Longinus!

Ragna: Calm down kid there's no need to worry we're here to rescue you.

Valerie: Y-You two are here to rescue me?

Kumoko: That's right we're here to get you out of this place and put a stop to Rizevim for good.

Valerie: But what about the guard and my brother what if he comes here and-

Kumoko: Don't worry my husband already got rid of the guard and your brother he's already been dealt with and he wanna hurt you anymore.

Valerie had a sigh of you leave relief that she was happy on being rescue. She had hope for the longest time waiting for someone to rescue her and finally being free from the hands of her older brother who only treats her as a tool.

Kumoko: Let's get you out of here and take you to see your old friend Gasper he will be very surprised on seeing you.

Valerie eyes widen when she heard the mention of her old friend.

Valerie: Did you say Gasper he's alive?

Kumoko: Yes he has been in the care of Rias Gremory from the House of Gremory and she have been treating him well.

Valerie has tears of joy knowing that her childhood friend Gasper it's alive and safe. She really can't wait to see the growth of a man that Gasper has become and seeing the friends that he had made.

With Rizevim

Rizevim was waiting impatiently for Euclid to arrive with the Evil Dragons but he's been taking too long. Rizevim was very impatient and wondering why Euclid hasn't come back yet.

Rizevim: What is taking Euclid so damn long! He better not betraying me or else I'll kill him on the spot if he did betray me!

Rizevim while having is complaints he then heard a unfamiliar voice from behind.

Rimuru: Hello there.

Rizevim quickly turn around by surprise, he didn't even sense I appear behind him and he questions me who I am.

Rizevim: Who the hell are you!? Talk, now or else I'll burn you to ashes!

Rimuru: OK then I'll tell you who I am. I am your father now come give your daddy a big hug son.

Rizevim: Don't fucking screw with me I know you're not my father! He's dead along with the others Devil Kings! Now who are you and if you don't tell me or else I'll fucking kill you!

Rimuru: Fine geez you're no fun. How about we start introducing ourselves.

Rizevim: Fine either way I'll still kill you. I am the son of-

Rimuru: OK I'll start, I'm Heatblast.

Rizevim didn't have time to react, he got hit from the Black flames I shot at him sending him crashing to a wall. He got up with some burn marks on him and he was pissed and I just smile at this.

Rimuru: And you're just the disappointing son of the Devil King Lucifer. If your father was here he will see you as a disappointing son, which you are.

Rizevim: Fuck you!!

Rimuru: Sorry I don't swing that way.

Rizevim: I'll fucking kill you

Rizevim moving at tremendous speed to attack me and when he was close to me I just bitch slap him.

Rizevim: Y-You bastard! How did you manage to keep up with my speed!

Rimuru: Well probably because I am much faster and better than you and you are just a sad little clown.

Rizevim: You think I'm some kind of fucking clown!?

Rimuru: ... Maybe.

Rizevim: I am not a fucking clown I am a devil! Devils are beings that have to be evil, wicked, brutal, bad, scum, wrong, brute, and vicious that is what I am.

Rimuru: Is that really how you see what devils are?

Rizevim: Yes that is exactly what devils are supposed to be. I never even care of my own son from his annoyance towards his immense cowardice for asking me how to deal with my grandson Vali. I simply just tell him just abuse him and scarring him for life. Later on I had killed my own son without regrets and thinking about killing him always give me in a good mood.

Rimuru: Wow, just wow, killing your own son and beating the crap out of your grandson really brings a lot of shame. Your mother Lilith will be so disappointed in you for the man you have become.

Rizevim: Leave my mommy out of this! I don't want you to speak of her name!

Rimuru: ... (I think this guy has some mommy issues. From what I could remember Rizevim has a close connection with his mother and he even calls her mommy, he is definitely a mamas boy.)

Rimuru: Listen up mamas boy it's best for you to give up and surrender now. I have foil your plans plenty of times and I'm also the one responsible from the disappearance of 666 Trihexa.

That really got his attention when I mention Trihexa, that I was the one who free it from it's seal.

Rizevim: You mean to tell me that you were the one who's been ruining my plans and took the Apocalyptic Beast from a seal!

Rimuru: That's right and if you want to see Trihexa then allow me to bring her over here to let you see her for yourself. And let me tell you she is quite different from the beast you think she is once you see what she now looks like.

In flash Trihexa appear next to me and she is currently enjoying eating a bowl of rice and steak.

Trihexa: Aw what now master I'm kind of busy eating right now. What did you call me for this time? By the way Tiamat's cooking is really good, never knew the Chaos Karma Dragon is a great cook, you're really lucky guy having her as your wife.

Rimuru: Thanks for that, by the way the reason why I call you here is because of him.

She turned to look at Rizevim, and from the looks of it she seem to recognize him.

Trihexa: Oh it's him, the stocker Rizevim Livan Lucifer. The one who always keeps stalking me back when I was in my seal.

Rizevim: What the hell is this? This brat cannot be 666 I can't even sense it's presence.

Rimuru: Have you not been listening what she just said? I'm telling you this is Trihexa and if you don't believe me, then how about you go ahead and show a bit of your power Trihexa.

Trihexa: OK master, I'll show this fool who I really am and would you mind holding my food for me.

Trihexa hand over her food to me and then she release a bit of her power and this made the entire castle shook from the aura that was being released. Rizevim was standing there in shock and he had a creepy grin on his face.

Rizevim: It's really you 666 Trihexa, my apologies oh great beast of apocalypse for not recognize your presence.

Trihexa: All is forgiven son of Lucifer just don't make the same mistake again.

Rizevim: Since you're here how about you join me and help me to spread chaos to the world and serve me as your new master.

Trihexa: Oh, okay I'll join you.

Rizevim: Huh? Well that was easy. Now come to-

Trihexa: Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora!

Rizevim really didn't see that one coming he is getting his ass kick by a little girl. Trihexa stop her punches and use another move on Rizevim.

Trihexa: Now take this my secret technique. Special Horn Beam Cannon!

Rizevim: AAAHHHHH!

That attacked did a number on Rizevim who was laying down on the ground. His entire body is covered in smoke, he has some severe burn marks all over his body.

Trihexa: Hahaha! That's what you get for stalking me all these years. I will never serve so who only use me as a tool for their selfish goals. I have a great master who doesn't use me as a tool or a weapon but he treats me as a friend and he is much better than you.

Rizevim slowly got up and try to fight off the pain from his entire body. He was extremely pissed and releasing his aura with some killing intent.

Rizevim: You little shit your going to regret this! If you won't join me then I'll take you by force.

Rizevim summon a demonic sword and rush to attack Trihexa but suddenly both of his arms were cut off.


He was screaming his lungs out from the extreme pain. Rizevim turn around to see Rimuru but he whiting his eyes and quickly back away from what Rimuru was holding. Rimuru was holding a sword but this sword that radiates a massive amount of holy energy which is something that is poisonous to devils.

Rizevim: T-That the holy aura of the sword is similar to a Excalibur. How does someone like you hold such a weapon.

Rizevim it keeps backing away because he was really in fear massive holy energy from the sword radiates and he felt like his body is burning.

Rimuru: Well if you really must know I actually made this sword myself and this sword is similar to a Excalibur but better and even it's greater than the original Excalibur.

Rizevim really couldn't believe that this person here made a sword that is better than the original Excalibur. Rimuru walk close to Rizevim who keeps backing away in fear, Trihexa who was watching all of this just continue to eat her bowl of rice and steak not caring what will happen to Rizevim.

Rizevim: Please don't kill me I beg of you! Spare me!

Rimuru: You know seeing you in this pathetic state reminds me of a damn clown who is nothing more than a piece of garbage how he treats his subordinates as tools and his puppets and he also beg for mercy. You will have the same fate as that bastard of a clown but I'm just going to isolate you to the void until I release you and let your grandson Vali to finish you off.

My hand was already on Rizevim face he had no room to escape now.

Rimuru: Oh yeah before I absorb you I'll tell you my real name. I am the Void Dragon God Rimuru Tempest and don't you forget.

Rizevim: No! No! No! I can't die yet! Not here! H-Help me, father!

Rimuru: Void God Azathoth.

I absorb Rizevim and put him in the Imaginary Room or Chaos World where he will be isolated from the void until I will release him when I bring him to Vali. I suddenly heard clapping and it was Diablo who just arrive here and I see my sister, Ragna and someone behind them must be Valerie.

Rimuru: It seems like everyone's here, has the trash been taken care of Diablo?

Diablo: Yes I have took care of the trash and he will no longer post a threat, and congratulations on your victory Lord Rimuru.

Rimuru: Thank you Diablo you have always been a great of help keep doing the great work in the near future.

Diablo: Thank you Lord Rimuru I appreciate your generosity.

Diablo was really happy being praise by me. Valerie then spoke up.

Valerie: Excuse me sir are you really Rimuru Tempest from the rumors that I have heard?

Rimuru: Yep that's me, I'm Rimuru the Void Dragon God I'm not a bad dragon slurp.

She giggle to my little joke. We then heard a group of guards coming our way. I teleport everyone to where Elmenhilde and the others are at. Then I give a order to Ruby to blow the Tepes castle down and she happily agree, she transformed into her awakened form and headed to the castle.

Guard1: Did any of you seen the intruders?

Guard2: No they must have escape.

Guard1: Dammit we're already too late! Lord Marius is dead, Valerie Tepes has escaped from us what else would get any worse.

Guard1: Hey what's the red light coming from-

Ruby: Crimson Rose Explosion!

Rimuru: What a beautiful site, Megumin would be proud seeing this scene.

In the Konosuba world

Megumin: It seems there is a new explosion user. Whoever you are always follow the path of explosion magic, and show everyone the true might of EXPLOSION.

Back to the DxD world

Vali was currently waiting for Rimuru and Kumoko to arrive with to bring Rizevim so Vali can kill him. He then notice a teleportation circle appear and out came Rimuru and Kumoko. Vali was ecstatic that the two of them are failing here but notice Rizevim was not with them.

Vali: So you to finally arrive and where is the old bastard.

Rimuru: Right here.

I throw Rizevim out from the void. From the looks of it he looks lifeless and dead but he is still alive And he's still missing both his arms.

Kumoko: There you go we brought your grandfather to you just like I promise.

Vali: I thank you Spider Goddess and Void Dragon God for bringing my grandfather here. Now I will be having my revenge on him.

Kumoko: You're welcome, pleasure doing business with you, well we best be going now.

Rimuru: Before we leave I want you to give a message to Ophis. I want you to tell her is to not give her power to the Hero Faction I do not want them to causing trouble in Kyoto. If you do this favor for me I can help you find your mother.

Hearing this Vali was surprise and immediately agree.

Vali: All right I'll pass the message to her. You better promise me to take me to mother.

Rimuru: You have my word Vali, well see you later then.

Both Rimuru and Kumoko teleport away leaving only Vali and unconscious Rizevim.

Albion: (It's seem you will get to see your mother again Vali.)

Vali: Yeah it had been along time since I last saw her, I just hope she hasn't forgot about me.

Albion: (Your mother love you dearly and she wouldn't forget about you. I'm sure she will be overjoyed see you again and see the good man that you have become.)

Vali: Thanks Albion you really are a great partner you know that.

Albion: (Indeed I am partner now you should be focusing on Rizevim.)

Vali: You're right I should be focusing on him. I have been waiting for this for so long.

A blue aura cover around Vali and he begins to chant.

Vali: I, who am about to awaken, Am the Heavenly Dragon who has taken the principles of supremacy from God I envy the "infinite" and I pursue the "dream" I shall become the White Dragon of Supremacy And I shall take you to the limits of white paradise. Juggernaut Drive!

Rizevim finally woke up and you look at the site of Vali in his Juggernaut Drive. Rizevim couldn't do anything he was pretty much weekend all he can do is stand in fear waiting for his death.

Vali: Hello grandfather are you ready to die!!!

Rizevim: V-Vali? H-Hey kiddo we can talk about this, there's no need for violence, Hey wait Vali please wait! AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!

Next part The Wedding between a Reaper and a Nekoshou

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