The Scientist

By caitlinneil7

10.2K 350 6

Maya Bishop had destroyed her, and now the blonde wanted her forgiveness. Nobody said love would be easy, but... More



326 11 0
By caitlinneil7

Six months later

"Should we tell Jack it worked?" Carina asks excitedly, her hand resting on her stomach.

"Not yet." Maya said. "I want it to be our little secret, for now."

The Italian woman pouts slightly. "But he'll be so excited."

"I know." Maya said.

"Can't we just tell Jack?" Carina asks softly.

"Not yet." Maya said.

Pouting, Carina looks down at her slightly showing baby bump.

Maya followed Carina's eyes and leaned down. She placed a kiss on Carina's baby bump.

The brunette smiles and tangles her hand in Maya's hair. "Can we please tell him?"

Maya looked up. "Not yet." She said.

"But Maya, he should know. He's the one who helped us." Carina whines softly.

"And he will, eventually." Maya said.

Carina's pout deepens and she crosses her arms over her chest. "I want to tell him."

Maya smirked. "You're cute when your pouting."

Carina just continues to pout.

Maya chuckled. "I love you."

"If you love me you'll let me tell Jack." Carina responds instantly, continuing to pout.

Maya sat up, frowning.

Carina rolls onto her side, her hand on the baby bump.

"Are you mad at me?" Maya asked.

"I just don't understand why we can't tell Jack now. We used his sperm, he should get to know before anyone else." Carina responds, running her hand over the baby bump. "We're already two months along, and I just want to say something."

"He will know first, after your first appointment with your OB." Maya said.

Carina doesn't look back at her, continuing to run her hand over her stomach.

"I'm going to start dinner." Maya said, she kissed Carina's cheek and stood up.

The Italian woman remains silent.

Maya left the room quietly.


Carina sighs as she walks into the OB room, Maya had texted that she'd be late. She ran her fingers through her hair.

"Hey Carina." Jo says with a warm smile.

"Hey." Carina said.

The blonde smiles. "How are you feeling, is Maya joining us?"

"She's on her way. Traffic." Carina said.

Nodding her head, Jo continues getting the room set up.

Carina checked her phone for a message from Maya.

Maya- Almost there.

Carina let out a relieved sigh. "Maya's almost here." She told Jo.

"Good to hear." Jo says with a warm smile.

Carina looked up at Jo and smiled.

A few minutes passed before Maya made her way into the room. "Hey, sorry I'm late. Traffic was crazy."

"You're just in time." Jo says as she finishes setting up the ultrasound machine.

Maya moved over to Carina and kissed her softly. "I'm sorry I'm late." She whispered.

Carina nods her head and sits on the bed for her ultrasound. She hadn't been very talkative with Maya since the blonde wouldn't let her tell Jack.

Maya stood beside the bed. She reached for Carina's hand.

The Italian woman lets her take her hand, but keeps her attention on the monitor.

Maya lifted Carina's hands to her lips and placed a gentle kiss on the back of it.

"Lift your shirt for me." Jo tells Carina softly.

Carina lifted her shirt to reveal her baby bump.

Jo puts gel over the wand. "It's going to be cold."

Carina nodded.

Jo presses the wand against Carina's stomach, moving it around until she finds the baby and it's heartbeat fills the room.

Maya smiled. "That's it? That's our baby?"

Carina stares at the monitor, a soft smile on her lips.

"Wow." Maya whispered.

"Jack should be here." Carina says softly, staring at the monitor.

Without a word, Maya let go of Carina's hand and moved over to the door. She left the room and returned a few moments later with Jack in a blindfold. She had brought him to surprise Carina and reveal their baby to him.

Carina's eyes widen upon seeing Jack.

"Maya? Why do I hear a heartbeat? Where are we?" Jack asks in confusion.

Maya reached up and pulled the blindfold off Jack's face.

Carina instantly smiles as soon as Jack's eyes widen and he moves toward the machine.

"It worked?" Jack asks, excitement in his voice.

"It worked." Carina said.

Maya stepped back and leaned against the wall.

Fisting pumping the air, Jack leans forward to look at the monitor more. "How far along?"

"Three months." Carina said.

Jack couldn't stop smiling as he looked at the monitor. "Do we know the gender?"

"I think we should find out when they are born." Maya said from her position leaning against the wall. She bit her lower lip.

Carina nods her head in agreement. "I want it to be a surprise."

Jack smiles again as his attention is drawn back toward the monitor.

"I'll give you three a moment." Jo said, she left the room.

Carina couldn't help but smile as she watched her best friend's reaction.

"Is it wrong for me to be excited?" Jack asked.

Maya frowned. She opened her mouth to say something only for Carina to cut her off. "No, you can be excited." The Italian woman said.

Jack instantly smiles again and reaches over to squeeze Carina's hand. "I'm really excited." he admits.

"Me too." Carina smiled up at him.

Maya shifted her weight from one foot to the other and swallowed.

The Italian woman looks toward Maya and smiles. "Bella, we did it."

Maya glanced at Jack for a brief second and then met Carina's eyes. She smiled. "We did."

Carina holds her free hand out toward Maya.

Maya seemed to hesitate for a brief moment before crossing the room and taking Carina's hand in her own.

Squeezing her hand, Carina looks back toward the monitor.

Maya looked at the monitor too. That blob was her and Carina's baby. Their baby, not Jack's. She just hoped he'd remember that when it was born. 

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