The Ghost Titan (Aot x Ghost...

By Weeks85

12.5K 136 12

(Ghost rider x Aot) I do not own Attack on Titans I do not own Ghost rider Season 1 done 9-10-22 Season 2 do... More

The Battle of Trost part 1
The Battle of Trost part 2
The Response
The retaking of Trost Part 1
The retaking of Trost Part 2
Can't Look Into his Eyes Yet
Special Operations Squad
The Night of Vengeance
The aftermath
The 57th expedition
The 57th expedition pt 2
The 57th expedition pt 3
Attack titan vs the Female titan
The Way Back
The Plan
The New Deal
Ghost Rider vs the Female Titan
Getting Out
Close Combat
Before you read Season 3

A Deal with the Devil

1.1K 10 3
By Weeks85

Eren was going down the titan neck, as he tried to stop himself but couldn't.


As Eren was yelling all of this out loud he fell into the acid that was inside the titan body. As he was sinking down into it he prayed to any thing that would hear him.

??? POV

???: haha, he has it. He will be my new rider.

Back with Eren

Eren's head was the only thing sticking out. As he closed his eyes thinking he was about to die. He then heard a laugh.

???: haha

As Eren opened his eyes seeing he in some dark room.

Eren: Who there, show yourself.

???: Will maybe if you turn around you may see me.

As Eren turns around he is met with a flaming skeleton on a throne made of bones. Eren started to get scared, he tried looking for anything to fight with but didn't find anything. He brought up his feast ready to fight it in hand to hand combat.

???: No need for that Mr. Jaeger, you did call for me did you not.

Eren: Who and what the hell are you?

Zarathos: Will Mr. Jaeger I'm Zarathos, and I'm a devil.

Eren: What?

Zarathos: I'm the spirit of vengeance also known as the Ghost Rider. I want you to take my power.

Eren: And what if I don't.

Zarathos: Will you just die from being eaten by those titan you call them, or you can take my power and kill all titan and sinners. So my friend, is it a deal then.

As Zarathos holds out his hand Eren just looks at it. After a few seconds Eren smelled and shocked the hand making the deal.

Eren: So.. what happened now?

Zarathos: hahaha, you see.

Eren: What does that....

Before Eren could finish his sentence he was dragged out of whatever place he was in and back where he was. A flaming hot white fist shot out of the titan mouth. As the titan fell, a white blue flaming titan came out of it. The head of if was a skull with blue flame over it, it body was all white and it was 15 meter tall. It then looks done at the titan it came out of and kills it. He then looked up and saw more titans, he then let out a loud flaming roar with fire coming out of its mouth into the sky. He then looked back down and saw a 10 meter titan making its way towards him. He then lifted his left arm and pointed to the titan and shot out a burst of flames at it killing it. After killing it he saw a lot of titan all round one building, so he started making his way there killing any titan that got in his way. When he went to the building he saw that a titan had made a hold in it. He then punched the titan bringing it to the ground. All of the other titan looked at him and started going after him.

POV Mikasa Inside HQ

MiKasa, Armin, and Connie just came flying through a window land in HQ.

Jean: Mikasa?

Connie: Close one I was running on flumes. We made it here though crazy but we did.

Jean: I- um- I'm dreaming this or what.

Connie: You're a certified genius, from now on as far I'm concerned your word is law. Check it out, we found an abnormal that's got a bone to pick with its own kind, and the best part he couldn't care less about us. That right you heard me, this big beautiful sop is our ticket out of here.

Random person: You mean fighting fire with fire.

Jean: Listen to yourself, a titan not gonna help us. You're out of your mind if you think this.

Mikasa: It is working. For whatever reason he's rampaging against them, standing back and letting him do it. Trust me you see. Either way, what choice do we have right now that is the best chance at surviving?

Connie: dang, this guy makes the other one look like total wreck-lens.  They're not going to take this building, not with him on a rampage out there.

Reiner: That all will and good, but keeps it turning on us one's he done.

Connie: Guess we'll worry about that when we're safe.

Reiner: Yeah you're right, at least he's buying us a little time.

Jean: Good news, courtesy of the military police and covered with a layer of dust. Are you absolutely sure buckshot is the way to go? Seems like we might as well throw spitballs. Come on guys, our gun's even more effective.

Armin: I don't know but they're bound to be better than nothing. We're looking at seven titans in the supply room of the 4 meter tall variety. If we time this perfectly this much ammo ought to be enough to do the trick. Step 1 we lower a group into the area via lift to get the titans attention. Step 2 When the titans come within range the group fires in all four directions simultaneously blinding them, then the hard part is the moment of truth as it were. Before the titans have time to recover, seven of us swoop down from the ceiling and strike their vital regions. That it that's the plan, it puts all our life on the line, we screw up, we're dead. That is a hell of a risk for one attack but that's our only chance. Seven people have to slay seven titans in one blow at the same time we're gonna need the best of you, the seven soldiers most physically gifted in depth with their pairing plates. You'll be the difference between life and death for the rest of us. I'm sorry that's how it is.

Reiner: Seems like a sound plan.

Annie: When you get right done to it the risk is the same for everyone. It doesn't really matter who goes.

Armin: look I I'm willing to be talked out of this one half big strategy can't be our only option right.

Marco: Hey don't be so hard on yourself, come on with what we're looking at for are only options it's pretty will though out. If we give it our all we might just pull this off.

Mikasa: It's fine, you just have to be confident. You're a better strategist than you give yourself credit for. I'm serious that my mind saved Eren and me more than once.

Armin: When did I save you that's not.

Jean: All right the lifts ready to go guns are loaded to the stock, let's go kill some titans.

Mikasa: You didn't realize it at the time, we can talk about it later.

Connie: Ok I'm gonna ask the obvious question: can we do this without ODM gear.

Reiner: No problem these guys are only four meters tall, their weak spots are not too far above eye level. Worst comes to worst you can always just shove one of these up there ass

Connie: Seriously, that's news to me.

Sasha: Did I miss a day of training?

Jean: Come on knock it off Reiner, you want your final words to be an ass joke.

Scene change in the storage basement. The lift is being lowered slowly with seven soldiers inside. The other seven soldiers wait on the supporting beams above.

Marco: We're all good. There's still only seven.

Marco, Armin, and five other soldiers ready their rifles.

Marco: Follow the plan!

A grinning Titan walks in front of the lift and stops. It turns suddenly to the soldiers in the lift.

Soldier 1: Eeek!!

Marco: Calm down! Lure them in closer! Hold...

The grinning Titan slowly comes closer to the soldiers in the lfit.

Reiner: (Thoughts) We shouldn't fight at a disadvantage.

Jean: (Thoughts) If we want to keep casualties to the bare minimum...

Connie: (Thoughts) ... We must end it in this one strike!

The seven Titans slowly approach the soldiers in the lift.

Marco: Wait... Ready...

The grinning Titan takes one last step forward toward the lift.

Marco: Fire!

The soldiers in the lift fire their rifles. The other soldiers waiting above descend to cut the necks of the Titans.

Mikasa: Uugh!

Mikasa takes down her Titan

Mikasa: (Thoughts) I got mine... What about the others?

Three of the other Titans fall. The Titans that Connie and Sasha attacked do not fall and turn to look at the two. They begin to back away.

Sasha: Pardon me... for suddenly... stabbing you... from behind...

Connie: Oh shit!

Bertolt: It's Sasha and Connie!

Jean: Hurry! Help them!

Sasha: A-Ah... I'm really sorry!

The Titan launches toward Sasha. Sasha rolls out of the way.

Sasha: Ahh! I'm really sorry! Uugh... Ah!

Mikasa: Ugh!

Annie: Hrgh!

Mikasa takes down the Titan attacking Sasha. Annie takes down the one attacking Connie.

Sasha: Mikasa!! You saved me!!

Mikasa: Are you hurt anywhere?

Sasha: I'm safe, thanks to you!

Mikasa: Then stand! Now!

Connie: Sorry...

Annie: Never mind.

Reiner: Geez. That was too close, Annie. I'm glad we weren't injured.

Annie walks off.

Jean: We got them all! Everyone, stock up on supplies!

Armin: We did it!

Marco: Haah...

Marco nearly collapses in the lift. Armin and another soldier help him stand. The soldiers begin refilling their gas canisters.

Soldiers: We're safe now! No more Titans are coming in! That Aberrant berserker's keeping them at bay!

Sasha: I surrendered to a Titan... How can I look everyone in the eyes now?!

Connie: I'll spank you for that later! Let's just get out of here quick!

Jean: I don't think I'm cut out to be a commander. So don't say that anymore.

Marco: There's something I'd like to tell you. Don't get mad, please. You're not strong, Jean. That's why you can understand how the weak feel. And you're good at judging the situation correctly. You always clearly know what you're supposed to do, don't you?

Jean: Ah...

Marco: Your orders were right. That's why I could run. That's why I'm alive.

Jean: Ah...!

Soldiers: Are you all ready? Let's get outta here! We've gotta bail now! Go up the walls! We need to meet up with the main units!

The soldiers exit the building and begin making their way toward the walls. Armin exits the building and sees Mikasa standing on the roof of a building.

Armin: Ah... Mikasa?

Armin flies up toward Mikasa.

Armin: Mikasa, we've gotta hurry!

Mikasa: That Titan...

Armin: Huh? Wha--?!

Armin looks in the same direction as Mikasa. He sees a group of Titans eating the white titan.

Armin: They're eating it... It can't regenerate?

Mikasa: I thought uncovering the truth about that Titan might be the key to freeing ourselves from this desperate situation.

Reiner, Bertolt, Annie, and Jean join Mikasa and Armin on the roof.

Reiner: I agree.

Mikasa: Ah...

Reiner: If they just rip it to shreds like that, then we won't have learned a single thing! We should get rid of those Titans currently devouring it and at least try to keep it alive.

Jean: Are you insane, Reiner?! We can finally escape this deathtrap!

Annie: But what if that Titan could become an ally? Don't you think it'd be a weapon more powerful than any cannon?

Jean: Our... ally? Are you for real?

Armin: Ah!

Armin turns to see another Titan approaching.

Armin: That's... the Aberrant that ate Thomas!

Ghost Titan: Uaaaaaah!!

With the last of its power the Ghost Titan exploded into fire killing all the titans on him. It then ran towards the titan and grabbed it and bit the back of its neck. He then lifted it off the ground with its mouth and threw it into one of the Titans nearby, smashing both into a building.

Jean: H-Hey...

The Ghost Titan then started to change. Its skin turns to a skin and the fire goes away. It then grows long black hair and face.

Attack titan: Uoooooh!!

Jean: What the fuck just happened with that titan.

The Attack Titan then collapses to the ground

Jean: What was that about helping it?

Armin: Ahh!

Jean: Looks like it burnt itself out. Whatever. Let's get going! There's no way that monster's on our side! Titan are titans.

Mikasa and Armin stare at the Attack Titan down below. Jean notices nobody moving and turns to look back.

Jean: What is it?

Out from the nape of the neck of the Attack Titan, a body appears. It pulls away from the Attack Titan's corpse, revealing Eren

Mikasa: Ah... Ahh!... Ahh!...

Mikasa repels down to Eren.

Armin: Mikasa!

Mikasa lands and runs to Eren's body. She hugs him and listens for his heartbeat. When she hears it, she cries. Armin and the other soldiers descend alongside her. Before long, they all gather again on the top of a building. Mikasa is still holding Eren and crying.

Armin: (Thought) It's Eren... He's even got his limbs back... Eren was eaten by that Titan back then.

Armin begins crying as well. He takes Armin's left arm and clasps his hand.

Armin: What just happened here?

Jean: Then Eren... did all of this?

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