Shirabu Harem Oneshots

By Lynn_eart

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Just oneshots? about shirabu harem because I'm really into shirabu harem. I see them quite a lot at ao3, wit... More

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Shirabu's Birthday Special
You're Only Ours Shirabu~

Taking Care Of My Baby Teammates

398 7 4
By Lynn_eart

*doing something*
~sound effect~


Shirabu's POV

I was on my way to the gym. When I arrived, I was expecting to hear tendou's voice when I opened the door. But... There is none. I got confused. Then I went inside just to find all of teammates turned into babies. I stared at them with slightly wide eyes. They turned to look at me. We stared at each other.

Suddenly goshiki crawl towards me. He stared at me before putting his hand up making grabby hands. I hesitantly pick him up. Then goshiki did something unexpected. He kissed my cheek. I stood there shocked by his sudden move. 'Goshiki kissed me' then I felt my face getting warm.

'Wait?! WHY THE HELL AM I BLUSHING?! AGHHH!! CALM DOWN YOU STUPID FACE!' I took a few breaths and calmed down. I looked at goshiki who is smiling happily like he accomplished something (yes he did which is kissing shirabu's cheek). Then the others started coming towards me. I looked at them making grabby hands just like goshiki. I started to panic a bit before getting an idea. I put down goshiki and said "Wait here. I'm gonna take some futons and blankets from the storage."

Third Person's POV

He went to the storage and started searching for some futons and blankets. After awhile, he found it and went back to his-now baby-teammates. When he was going out the storage, he got startled by the babies outside the storage room. A small tick mark appeared on his forehead "I told you guys to wait there didn't I?". The babies just stared at him making him a bit irritated for the lack of answer. He sighed "Here. I'll put the futon down and you can get on it, okay?".

The babies just continued staring at him. He sighed in frustration then said "Look I-" "Why are you guys not pract-"

Coach Washijou's POV

I was going to the gym but when I arrived, I didn't hear any ball being hit or the squeeking shoes. I got confused. I went in and see all of them infront of the storage room. "Look I-" "Why are you guys not pract-" I asked just to stop myself after seeing all my players turned to babies (-shirabu). "Wha- what- how-why are they babies?" I asked. "I don't know. I arrived at the gym not long ago. I stood outside wondering why there is no sound of volleyball being hit or the squeeking shoes. And then I came in and they're already babies." Shirabu answered.

I sighed "Guess I'm cancelling today's practice. Do you know how did they turn into babies? Or when will they turn back to their age?" I said and asked. " No. If I know how they turn into babies or when they will turn back, I would have tell you." Shirabu exclaimed with blank face. I sighed again "Then who will take care of them? I don't know how to handle kids." I said before contiuing "Can you be the one to take care of them? I can tell your teachers why you're absent."

Shirabu seemed to be deciding in his mind before he stared at me then sighed "Fine. I guess I'll take care of them." He grumbled while rolling his eyes. I smiled a little knowing full well he cares for his teammates dearly but too stubborn to admit it. "Just say you care about them dearly. No need to hide it." I said while grinning. Shirabu turned red a little as he furrowed his eyebrows and started stuttering "I-I don't care for them! W-why would I care for them?" "Stop being a tsundere and just admit it." "I'm not a tsundere!" "Then admit it that you care for them!" "No! I don't care for them!"

Third Person's POV

After he said that they heard someone sniffling out of nowhere. They turned their head towards the sound only to find tendou tearing up as if he understand what shirabu had said. Then the other babies started tearing up aswell making both of them into panic state. "See?! Even they understand what you said! Just admit it already!" "I-i-". The babies started crying harder making shirabu wince in pain. "I-i-ughh fine! I-i do care for you all okay!" He stuttered as he started to get flustered. Coach washijou laughed a bit as the babies started to stop crying.

The babies then crawled towards him. He decided to set the futons and blankets down then sit down on the one of the futons he brought. "Then I'm gonna leave. The principal is still here right? I'll talk to her about their situation and call their parents about them staying at your house for you to take care of them." (if you're wondering, it's in the evening so it's the after school practice). "Alright.." coach washijou then left the gym to talk to the principal about them.

Coach Washijou's POV

After shirabu said alright, I left the gym. As I was on my way to the principal office I grinned to myself 'Maybe our plan will finally success' I widened my grin as I'm certain that our plan will success. (Yes coach washijou and the others planned this so they can know whether shirabu cares for them or not and yes coach washijou is the one that turned them to babies with a potion he asked the potion maker)

Shirabu's POV

I sighed after the coach was no longer in sight. 'Guess I'll bring them to my home' "Alright. Since practice is cancelled, I guess I'll bring you all to my home." 'Wait?! How am i supposed to bring all of them home at the same time? You know what I'll call mom to pick me up.' I took out my phone then call mom.

On the call
S : Shirabu
M : Shirabu's mom

M : Hello sweetie? Why would you call me in the... middle of your practice if I'm correct?
S : Uhh.. well coach cancelled the practice
M : Why? Did something happen?
S : Uhh.. yeah something happen...
M : What?! What happened?! Are you okay!? Did something happen to you!?
S : Mom calm down! Nothing happened to me! It's just.. my teammates somehow turned into babies.. and coach told me I'm the one who should take care of them
M : And what do you call me for?
S : Well.. uh.. I call you to come pick me up because I don't know how I'm supposed to bring all of them at the same time home
M : Oh okay! I'll come in.. 15! Gimme 15 minutes! I'll come as fast as I can!
S : Okay, just be quick. You know where the gym is right?
M : Yeah! I know where it is!
S : Alright see you mom. Stay safe on the road. Love you mom! Bye!
M : See you sweetie and love you too! Bye sweetie!

Call ended

^After 15 minutes^
Shirabu's POV

After 15 minutes passed, all my baby teammates had fallen asleep around me. After that I heard someone honk their horn infront of the gym which I know is my mom. I carefully put ushijima-san down and get up slowly as not to wake them up. After I got up, I went outside seeing my mom out of the car. She must had notice me because she look up from her phone.

She put down her phone in her jacket's pocket then went to me. She smiled at me then kissed my forehead. "Hello sweetie!" "Hello mom." "Alright where is your teammates?" "They're inside the gym." Then we went inside the gym. "Kenjirou, you can bring their things to the car then you can help me bring your teammates. Oh and have you inform their parents?" "No, but coach said that he's gonna be the one to inform their parents." "Okay!" I took all their things to the car then help my mother bring my teammates to the car one by one.

After we're done we get into the car. I went to the backseat where my teammates are sleeping then immediately they snuggles closer to me which made me turn bright red.

Shirabu's mom's POV

Kenjirou went to the back seat. After he sit immediately his teammates came closer to him. He turned bright red. He glared at me as I chuckled because of his expression. The first time I met his teammates, I know that they love him. I don't know how he didn't notice, it's either he's too dense or he is in denial. I decided to go with the latter.

I knew about their plan to become babies because eita's mom told me about it when we are meeting with the other parents. They planned this so they can see if kenjirou cares for them or not. And of course my husband and I agreed even the others's parents agreed.

But I know that he also likes them so I totally ship son with my them. I just need to meet their mothers again and tell them about my plan and if they agreed, we can engange our sons! 'Ahh, I'm so happy for my son.' I thought while smiling widely.

Shirabu's POV

Mom is grinning stupidly wide. That can only mean she is planning something. And I'm scared because I don't know what she's planning. I look down to look at my baby teammates. 'They look so.. peaceful and.. cute' I unconsciously softened my eyes and smiled softly then I pat their heads. 'WAIT! DID I JUST THOUGHT OF THEM CUTE?! THEY AREN'T CUTE! WHAT THE HECK! GET YOURSELF TOGETHER KENJIROU!' I lightly slapped my cheek and shake my head to get that thought of my head. I decided to sleep with taichi on my lap.

Shirabu's mom's POV

I look at the mirror to see my son asleep with one of his teammates which I think is taichi on his lap. And let's be honest, I think it's so... CUTEEE!!! I WISH I COULD TAKE A PICTURE RIGHT NOW BUT I COULDN'T BECAUSE I NEED TO FUCKING DRIVE THIS CAR!! AGHHH! But at least I could see it with my own eyes that he indeed do care for them.

^When they arrived^
Still Shirabu's mom's POV

We arrived and I parked my car to our house' garage. I wanna wake kenjirou but they look so peaceful, I don't wanna wake him up. You know what I'm taking a picture and I will send it to the other parents. I smirked in happiness. But eventually I had to wake him up. "Kenjirou wake up." I shake him a little. He stirred in his sleep then he grogily opened his eyes. He yawned and let me tell you it's a very cute yawn. I never knew I had a son this cute. (Ok just to verify, I know shirabu had two younger brothers but I will make him the only child in this fanfic)

"What?! I was just having the best dream!"

Shirabu's POV

I was having the best dream I have ever had. But of course the dream had to be destroyed by my mom waking me up by shaking me. I stirred and grogily opened my eyes. I look over to my mom and angrily said "What?! I was just having the best dream!" My mom just chuckled which makes me irritated. Hahh... I tried to get up but I can't because my teammates weights hold me down.

I look towards my mom and give the 'help me' face to her. She laughed then took ushijima-san and taichi. She then went to our house and put ushijima-san and taichi to I'm assuming the couch. She went back to the car and took tendou and semi-san then put them to the couch. She went back and took reon-san and soekawa-san while I bring goshiki and yamagata-san.

"You look so happy sleeping in the car. What were you dreaming?" Mom smirked after saying that. I looked at her blankly before saying "It's nothing.." She looked at me suspiciously before shrugging and went in the house. We put the rest to the couch then we went back to the car to take their things out. After taking their things out. After awhile they woke up.

I helped my mom cook dinner since it's almost dinner. I also helped her cook food for my teammates. And let me just say.. they eat so messily excpet for ushijima-san and reon-san. After eating they look like they want to sleep again on the couch. So I let them sleep as I wash the dishes. After I'm done washing the dishes, I decided to sleep with my baby teammates on the couch. Then I fell asleep completely unaware what's gonna happen tomorrow.


Yes this is a new book. I haven't finish my KNB book but I just got the idea making this so I made it before I forget about it.

And yes as I verified earlier, I will make shirabu mostly the only child with only a few exception. So don't spam me with the 'shirabu has two younger siblings' in the comments.

I maybe won't make any smut because I can't write the scenario. I do read smut but I can't make the scenes. But maybe there is only aftermath of the smut. So I hope you understand.

That's all. See you in the next one!☺️


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