Werewolf In The Woods

By FoodFreshy

38.5K 996 162

"Darling." He smirked and eyed my lips. "Promises can be broken." "I don't break promises," I aimed to assure... More



1.9K 53 5
By FoodFreshy

Tanya's POV

"Okay!" Dalia exclaimed, snapping us away from each other as we appeared to be in our own world only gazing into each other's eyes hoping to find hidden secrets. "Calm your hormones newlyweds."

"He was enjoying it," Victor input with a knowing look on his face as he channeled his gaze to Dante, who to my shock didn't deny it.

"That isn't the point," Dalia groaned hitting him with the back of her hand and turning to me. "Can you leave us, Tanya? I know you want to stay but there are some things you don't know about this world."

"Yes dear," she continued when I kept silent. "I promise to brief you tomorrow but most of all you need to rest."

"Go on, Abigail is waiting for you," she persuaded and I nodded, rising. I peeped for a moment at Dante to see him scrutinizing my movements closely. "I'll see you tomorrow."

I pushed in my chair and bobbed my head at Victor in acknowledgment as I strutted to the door I came in through where Abigail's mate was positioned.

Just to taunt Dante a bit I stopped as he opened the door for me. "What's your name?"

"Ricky," he responded with a smile.

"Abigail is a lucky woman." I smiled back and held in a laugh as I heard a fist hit the table.

"I heard that," the woman in question pronounced the instant the door was shut behind me and we began the journey back to my room.

"Sure you would," I said cheekily and walked with a lift to my shoulders, not knowing why.

"I'll stop here, goodnight Luna," she informed as we again reached the imposing doors.

"Call me Tanya," I reminded, opening the door. "And Abigail? Why were you the one to direct dinner?"

"As the Luna's personal maid, it's an added duty of mine," she explained with a small smile. "Your old and new things are in the wardrobe to your right."

"Okay, goodnight, and thank you," I uttered appreciatingly and closed the door, now facing the room as a thought popped in that I'd need to do some interior furnishing of my own to bring it to life.

That would be some other time, now, all we need is a bath and a good sleep.

I didn't rebel against my subconscious on that one and instead peered around in the search of the closet Abigail was referring to. "Ah, here it is," I let out as I spotted it and trudged to its position.

A gasp left my lips as I acknowledged the number of clothes present in it. Aside from my previous clothes, the new ones I could spot were way above in price anything I would have ever thought of buying to wear.

Abigail was right, everyone in Moonville was rich. I mean why wouldn't they, majority of them are not lesser than 100 years old so it was only fitting. Awe was written all over my face as I flipped past each blouse, skirt, dress, or pants, even the undies were nothing short of Victoria's Secret and other well-known clothing brands.

As if that was not all, I stumbled on something when I decided to peek further. My gaze veered downwards and my mouth gaped open enough to catch dozens of flies. All kinds of shoes you could ask for were all lined at my feet.

From ankle-length boots to sock heels, to stilettos to sandals, sneakers, wedges, and even casual slippers. All in different colors and styles. I diverted my attention back to the clothes section and picked up a pink robe with a matching pink nightgown that had a lacy front.

My fingers swished along with the material and I aimed to put it back as I thought it was too revealing when my bladder twitched, calling me to go do my business. Shutting the closet quickly, I flung the robe and nightie on the bed and quickly discarded my clothes as I thought it best to have my bath at the same time.

Scrambling in nude, I pulled open the cupboard on the left side of the bed, delighted to have guessed right as I snatched up a white towel and wrapped it around my body before I tied my hair in a loose bun.

I quickly dashed into one of the tiny doors present in this room and it led me to the washroom where I did my business. Once done I flushed and grabbed a brush to do the needful and rinsed my mouth after.

Disappointment became mine as I took a hint of the fact that the bathroom was different from the washroom and so I couldn't shower there.

"Rich people." I rolled my eyes and grumpily exited. I ambled to the next door which was luckily the bathroom and not some secret passage to hell. I hung my towel and set the temperature to warm before snatching up a pink body wash that stood beside a green one.

I picked the green one in the other hand and inhaled to see it had a lemon scent mixed with mint. I did the same to the pink one to observe it had a strawberry scent. The thought popped in again that I was to share this space with someone but once again I pushed it off and kept the green body wash while I made use of the pink one.

Feeling refreshed and relaxed, I waltzed into the room and got rid of the towel. Enjoying the freedom I had with no prying eyes, I strolled to where I dropped the robe. Bending to pick up the nightie, I froze when I heard the door rattle and before I could comprehend what was happening, Dante walked in, latching the door behind him.

My hands instinctively went to my bossom and private area the moment his looming gaze settled on me. "If I knew this was a sight I'll be meeting, I would have returned an hour ago."

"Wh-what are you doing here?" I stuttered as goosebumps formed on my skin at his lustful eyes.

"In case you didn't notice darling, this is my room." He smirked, staring from my face downwards till I felt his hot glimpse reach my toes.

"I wasn't told of this, why?" I interrogated, my voice shaky as I stood bare in his sight.

"I didn't think it was important." His lips curled to the side. "Also, I knew you wouldn't have agreed to stay here if you knew."

"Yes, because no sane decent woman would," I argued, and struggled to gain my confidence back which was a hard task hence I was naked as the day I was born, my hands doing a shitty job in hiding my boobs and pussy. "Would you turn around please?"

"No," he boomed.

"Please," I begged.

"Why would you think I'd agree to that?" He sneered, taking a step forward. "You saw me butt naked, it's only fair."

"I passed out so I didn't see much," I contended.

"Not my fault." He shrugged, his eyes hooded as he reached me. Gently, as if I'd fight him, he pulled my hands away from my body, sparks cracking in the place he touched till he let it fall to my sides.

Grey eyes latched on my skin, as he shuffled backward as if to admire a work of art. He inhaled sharply, his jaw clenching and unclenching while he drank my body in like he was capturing it to memory. I stayed mute, pinned by his gaze as my body was set on fire from within.

"The moon goddess sure knew what she was doing when she made me wait," he spoke and covered the space between us in one stride.

His palm grazed my left shoulder and surged lower to my waistline before plunging to my hip where he let it roam to grip my ass and provoked a moan from me at his rough squeeze. Our eyes clashed as he whispered on the side of my lips. "Because for this, I could wait a thousand more years."

He placed a chaste kiss on my lips, my eyes shutting and body shuddering in response before he pushed me back on the bed and waddled away in the direction of the bathroom. "Get dressed, the night is getting cold."

With that, he disappeared and left me in shock. It took me minutes to recollect my thoughts and stand up to get dressed. I did that in a hurry because judging by the bulge in his pants I had glimpsed, I wouldn't be able to walk for days if that got in me.

Tightening the robe around my body, I threw my weight on the bed, my tired bones feeling welcomed on the soft mattress. I heard the door creak and turned away from the path it came from as his shadow fell on me.

I subdued the need and curiosity to swerve and stare as he did me, instead I kept my back to him as he shuffled around in the room. Soon I felt the bed dip at his weight and his breath fanned my neck.

I clamped my lids hastily as he said in a rumble, "you'll meet with the whole pack tomorrow."


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