Hamilson and Washingdad one-s...

By _death-by-box_

34.9K 886 644

Short one-shots about Washingdad / Washing-machine and his Hamilson. from sad to fluff and all inbetween here... More

Disclaimers/ intro
Professor Washington
Ghost Hunt
Fathers always know
Winter Ball
Dinner Time
Meeting Mother
Too much Candy
Requests (Not a one-shot)
Horses of Course
Campfire Stories (pt1)
Welcome Home
Wedding (pt 2)
A Happier Christmas
Writer's Block
Wedding (pt 3)
Zoo visit
Hamilvillain (pt 2)
Bringing home the Boyfriend
Info/ Thanks
Road to Freedom
Road to Freedom (pt 2)
Big Baby (Request)
1.2K thanks
Big Baby (pt 2)
Tragedy (Request)
Duel for Freedom
Your New Right Hand Man (Request)
Cabinet (Request)
Snow Fall
Have you seen---
Lost Boy (Request)
Off to bed with you (Request)
Hold your fire
Ghost Man
Update (Not a Story)
Anger (Requested)
Halloween Stand Off (request)
Letter Rewrite (Request)
Wounds (request)
Hold Your Fire Pt. 2

Running away to War

804 21 33
By _death-by-box_

 "And where do you think you're going?" called Martha. Alexander was tip-toeing across the creaky floor. Alex looked up in surprise.

"I- I uhh I ummm-"

Martha sighed. "Going after your father?"

Alexander nodded, his head hung low. Martha walked over and hugged her son. "Go."

Alex looked up at her in surprise. "Wait, really?!"

Martha smiled sadly. "Yes, go. You can take Lucky."

Alexander flung the wide oak door open and rushed to the stable calling as he went. "I'll make you a proud mother! You'll see!"

Martha made her way to the door and waved Alexander off as he rode his stallion Lucky into war. She had a sinking feeling this would be the last time she ever saw him.


Alex shifted his hat to cover his face more in hopes of going by unnoticed. His father had given it to him on his 16th birthday, two years ago.

He sidled up in the line, waiting to see if he could be a soldier. He knew he could though. He had spent years working in the fields alongside the slaves to build muscle. Alexander hated slavery though, his father although he didn't like it never stopped or spoke out. But thankfully Alexander had convinced his father on giving them better treatment

Alexander felt a tap on his shoulder and he looked over to see four men standing together.

The first man must have been the one to tap Alexander's shoulder. Curly brown locks of hair were tied up in a messy ponytail. He had bright eyes and a star speckling of freckles. To Alexander he looked kinda cute.

The second man was tall, his puffy hair also in a ponytail. Next to him were two many other men, one with short cropped hair and the other bald.

"Hi! I'm John Laurens! Who are you?"
Alexander thought for a moment before answering . "My name is Alexander Hamilton."

Laurens smiled, "Nice to meet you! These are-"

"Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de La Fayette, Marquis de La Fayette but people just call me Lafayette." Said the poofy haired man with a smirk. Alexander could tell he was French.

"I'm Hercules Mulligan. I need no introduction." Said Mulligan.

"I'm Aaron Burr, sir." said the bald man as he looked Alexander up and down.

"Why are you joining the war?" asks Laurens.

"Cause there are a million things I haven't done." Alexander says simply.

They spent the rest of the time laughing and joking around until they were separated. A man asked Alexander the normal questions before assigning him to a tent.

Alex walked through the camp, his eyes wide with wonder. Men hurried and rushed around carrying out orders and joking around. He could see through the crowd of people a large tent in the middle of camp.

'Must be some general'

Leaving as Alexander lay on his cot he thought about his family. Mother sick with worry at home and his father, commanding armies and defeating redcoats.


Alexander stood in line, Laurens to his left and Lafayette to his right. Suddenly some men started shouting.

"Here comes the General!"

Burr shouted from further up in the line. "Ladies and gentleman."

"Here comes the general."

"The moment you've has been waiting for!"
"Here comes the General!"

"The pride of Mount Vernon, GEORGE WASHINGTON!"

And then Alexander saw him, standing strong and in his formal uniform. It was decorated with shining metals. Alexander remembered polishing them, his hand running across their cold surface.

"We are out-gunned!" His father shouted. "We're out-manned!"

"What?" the new recruits asked.

"Out-numbered, out-planned!" Washington shouted.

The men watched and Washington passed them, inspecting them. He stopped at Alexander. "What's your name, soldier?"

Alex answered in a low voice, "Alexander Hamilton, sir."

Washington nodded and passed by. Alexander let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. Part of him was surprised that Washington didn't recognize him or the hat he himself had gifted Alexander.


Late that next night the five men sat around a burning fire. It was cold nonetheless, too cold for Alexander who had grown up in a wealthy home.

"Did you leave anyone behind?" asked John.

"My parents, my sister, my wife," said Lafayette. Mulligan reached over and patted him comfortingly on the back. 

"I left my father," said Mulligan.

"Same, I left my parents and my siblings." agreed John and he along with the others looked at Alexander.

"I- Im a uhh- orphan."

"Same." called Burr, who was also there for some reason.

"I'm sorry." said John, sorrow filled his gaze. Alexander couldn't stand the tension so he stood up and walked to a random seat in the camp.

Plopping down on the tree stump Alexander looked up towards the stars wondering if his mother could see them too.

"I'm surprised she let you take Lucky, you know how much she loves that horse, Son." Alexander looked at the man standing before him.

Jumping up Alexander leapt into his fathers arms. "Dad!"

Washington chuckled. "Hello Alex."

"I'm here to help you, here to fight."

Washington frowned at that. "Umm no, you're going to stay in my office where I'm gonna keep an eye on you and you're gonna help write letters."


"No buts, your Mother can't go through two heartbreaks." Washington said with a sigh. "It's either you help me or I send you home."

"Fine, I'll write to congress, but I'm going under the name-"

"Thank you for becoming my Right-hand man, Mr. Hamilton." said Washington, formally making Alex smile.

"It's an honor sir." Alexander said, shaking his father and his generals hand.

"Now get to bed, we have to get up early tomorrow."

"Yes sir!" Alexander saluted before running back to his tent.

HOLY COWS PEOPLE ARE READING THIS?!?!??!?! WTFFFFFFF THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!!! We're at 114 reads (I think, or somewhere around there) which is crazy I never though people would actually read this!!!!!!!!! (Edit: soo uhhh... its 24/6/2022 and I think we've passed 114 reads by a bit... right now its 4.7k ish) (Second Edit: as of 28-11-2022 its over 11K... holy heck y'all what...)

Please remember to vote!!

Stay safe and drink some water!!!

- Riley

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