An Otome Game? More Like A Su...

By vara_user

50.1K 3.4K 2.1K

Kim Rok Soo died after saving a girl from a sudden unranked monster attack. When he opened his eyes, he was i... More

Chapter 1 Part 1 : Could All of This Get Any Worse?
Chapter 1 Part 2 : Could All of This Get Any Worse?
Chapter 1 Part 4 : Could All of This Get Any Worse?
Chapter 2 Part 1 : Could All of This Get Any Worse? II
Chapter 2 Part 2 : Could All of This Get Any Worse? II
Chapter 2 Part 3 : Could All of This Get Any Worse? II
Chapter 2 Part 4 : Could All of This Get Any Worse? II

Chapter 1 Pary 3 : Could All of This Get Any Worse?

6.3K 392 727
By vara_user

Another two days has been passed, and now Cale feel better than ever—his effort for drinking those disgusting antidote finally has paid off.

This morning, he finally join the family breakfast--for the first time. The atmosphere was kinda awkward, but Cale was too dense to even realized it. He busy eating the steak in front of him.

'Wow, this really tasty. The only good things about living in this body was I get to eat delicious food everyday.'

Cale munching the steak, interally admiring the taste.

Violan peeked toward the calm Cale, then secretly kicked Deruth's ankles. Deruth let out a fake cough, trying to melt the icy atmosphere.

"Cale, how's your feeling?"

"I feel much better, Father."

"I see, that's good to hear."

Another wave of awkward silence comes.

Violan just let out a heavy sigh, shake her head because of her hopeless husband that can't even hold a convertation.

"Cale dear, I heard you've awaken your magic ability not too long ago?"

Cale stopped his knife from slicing the steak, rise his head to meet his mother's gaze.

'Fuck, the game didn't mention how Cale Henituse awaken his magic ability!'

The boy's face looks calm, even though his head was a mess. After quickly debated inside his head, he decided to go with the flow.

"Yes, Mother."

"It's an honor that there's someone who awakened magic ability in our family. But I think you shouldn't use your magic recklessly, Cale. I heard you nearly set the plate that you're throw--ahem, I meant holding in fire."

Ah, so that's when Cale Henituse awaken his magic ability. His magic accidentally awake when he was throwing tantrum.

'What a guy.'

Well, Cale Henituse only blessed with small amount of mana, or you could say his magic was weak. Even if in the future Cale accidentally use his magic, it won't hurt, right? In the game, Cale Henituse got last rank in magic test.

'I'm weak. Well, it's a good thing, though.'

If he weak, that's means he got less reponsibility, and it's also means he can easily get his dear slacker life!

He take a quick note inside his head, before nodding.

"I understand, Mother."

In the other hand, a ten years old boy was eating his food in silent, observing the older boy with confused gaze.

'Hyung-nim looks calmer than usual.'

Cale who was realized that the other kid was staring at him, couldn't help but stare back.

"What's wrong? Is there something on my face?"

Basen—Cale Henituse's step brother--nerveously shook his head.

"N-No! Not at all! I-I was just thinking if Hyung-nim gonna attend the academy this year ...."


Deruth gasped.

"That's right. Cale, you should've entered the academy then ...."

For some reason, Deruth looks upset while saying that.

How can he not? His son was nearly died and just recovered, and then he had to sent him far away--into the academy?!

He really wanted to change. He wanted to be a better father for Cale.

Violan shake her head when saw Deruth's expression. She knew that feeling, because she also feel the same way. But what can they do? It's an order directed by the Emperor, for someone that awaken magic ability for attending the academy.

"Ahem. If I'm not wrong, the entrance test going to be held two weeks later. It's not really important, just to measure your knowledge. So please don't push yourself."

Violan said while drinking her tea with elegant gesture.

"I understand, Mother."

Violan doesn't know if it's because the side effect of the poison or Cale's feeling was still unstable, but ever since the poison incident, Cale has been more quiter than usual, not to mention he also oddly been so obedient. He didn't complain or throw any tantrum, eat every meal that the cheff made for him, and sleep more frequently. Well, it's a good things, but Violan wanted Cale to be more expressive, or at least smile a little.

"I'm done eating. I will excuse myself."

Cale wiped his mouth using the napkins. He was about to stand up from his seat, when Deruth's voice stopped his movement.

"Oh Cale, wait. Is there anything you need?"

'Anything I need?'

Cale thinking for a moment. He currently didn't need anything, though. This family already provides everything he needs, and it's not like he was allowed to go to the city right now.

But maybe a little fortune won't hurt.

"Maybe some allowance, Father?"

"Is there something that you want to buy, Son?"

"Not really."

"Alright then, I will give you a lot of money."

"Yes, thank you. Then, I'll be going."

There was a place Cale need to go, the library. He need to search more information about this world if he want to survive. But he got a little problem here.

The thing is ... the now thirdteen years old boy really unfamiliar with the place he was currently living in.

'Why is this mansion stupidly big?!'

Apparently, seems like he was lost.

In his own house.


Cale decided to just randomly walk while recording all of the route inside his head. This mansion really huge, with red carpet and luxurious furniture. The Henituse's family wealth are no joke.

Cale's step stopped in front of a door. The door was open, makes him could see inside the room. There was a little girl, around two or three years old playing with a doll. She noticed Cale's presence, blinking her eyes.


'O—what? Did she just called me Orabeoni?'

Cale titled his head when the little girl started to run toward him. He confused, but decided to kneel down and opened his arm. He himself didn't know why he did that, but the little girl already jumped into his embrace.

"Hello, Owabuni!"

Now if he thinks about it, the Henituse family had three childrens, right? Two son and one daughter. Then, this must be the youngest child, Lily Henituse. In the game, Lily was mentioned in Choi Han's route. Yes, she was just mentioned, so Cale didn't had any idea how's she looks like.

"Hello too, Lily. How's your day?"

Cale reply gently.

Lily snudgling in Cale's chest. She rarely see this eldest brother of hers, and meeting him unexpectly like this makes her really happy. She miss him even though they were living under the same roof.

"Lily play with doll that Mothew give!"

"Then, do you want to continue playing doll?"

Lily shake her head.

"No! Lily want to play with Owabuni!!"


Cale wonder why is she want to play with someone like him.

Seeing Cale's lack of response, Lily's face darkened.

"We can't ...??"

Don't want to make his newly little sister sad, Cale quickly nod his head.

"Of course we can. What do you want to do?"

"Can Owabuni wead me a stowy?"


"Then, cawwy me!"


Cale unconsciously let out a small laugh. In his previous life as Kim Rok Soo, he lived alone. He doesn't has sibling, and rarely interract with kids. Seeing Lily being so spoil around him makes him couldn't help but chuckle.

'It's kinda nice to have a sister.'

It's nice to have someone by your side.

A warm feeling blooming inside his chest. Cale didn't really understand what kind of feeling is this, so he decided to ignores it.

It's weird, but also nice.

"Come here."

Lily happily put her arms around Cale's neck, hug him tightly while Cale carry her. Cale put the little girl on the soft leather sofa, then sat beside her. Lily grab random book on the table.

"Wead this!!"

Cale took the book. It was a fairytale full of cute illustration.


Maybe the library can wait a little bit.


Violan was just done discussing about territory's matter with her husband, Deruth. It feels like a long day. Things didn't go as they planned, and the other vassal making it more difficult. She let out a deep sigh, walking through the corridor with heavy step.

'Ah, it's time for Lily to had lunch.'

Besides doing the territory's matter alongside Deruth, she also responsible for her daughter, Lily. It's not like they don't have any money to hire a personal maid for her. Instead, they have just fired Lily's personal maid not too long ago. Apparently, they were often changes Lily's personal maid.

Reasons? Lily was the one who said she didn't like all those maids.

If Lily doesn't like her maid, what can they do? Anyway, the reason Lily often said she doesn't like the maid that incharge for her, was becase those maids saying shit about the eldest young master, Cale.

It was understandable. That's why Violan doesn't even hesistate to fired them.

"Griselda, bring Lily's lunch."

"Yes, Madam."

Griselda, Violan's right arm, give a small bow before walked toward the kitchen. She always stay by Violan's side, and Violan trust her. She usually helped her doing the territory task and other work.

Violan arrived in Lily's bedroom.

It's empty.

'Hmm, is she in her playroom then?'

She was about to exit, when she heard some soft snore noise from the sofa. Violan walked toward it, then raised her eyebrows, surprised by the sight.

Lily was asleep, with her head layed on Cale's shoulder who also fall asleep besides her. On Cale's lap, there's a fairytale book. Their sleeping face looks so adorable and innocent. Violan couldn't help but smiled at her cute childrens.

She took a blanket from Lily's bed, then covered both of them with it. Violan kissed each of their forehead.

Griselda just arrived with trolley of food, looks confused when she saw Violan exit the room while carefully closing the door.


The woman who usually had a stoic face give a refreshing smile.

"Let's just delay the lunch a little longer."


When Cale woke up, it's already evening. Lily still asleep besides him. Behind of his neck aches because sleeping uncomfortably on the coach. He little confused when find a blanket covering both of him and Lily.



Seeing Lily sleep so peacefully makes Cale don't want to wake her up. He sigh, then decided to carried this cute little sister of him, put the little girl on her bed, before quietly exit the room.

'Hmmm, I got a good nap.'

He streched his arm, yawning.

'Now, let's continue search the library.'

After continuing randomly walk around the mansion, he finally found this called library.

It ... was huge.

No, 'huge' isn't enough to describe this library.

This library had three floor, with numerous high book shelves and expensive looking interior. There's a crystal chandelier hanging in the middle of the room, alongside with elegant paintings hanging on the wall. Violan really admires art things, maybe she was the one who designed this. She had an amazing taste. Cale walked around, touching one of the book. The book was sorted by it's topic, makes him easier to search what he looking for.

The first information that he need to survive in this world that full of magic and another weird things.


He's weak, but he need power to at least protect himself. He doesn't need a strong power, just a small power that strong enough to keep him alive.

There are four kind of natural power in this world.

First, mana. Cale Henituse was born with weak mana inside his body, so his magic ability is weak and he couldn't relly on it.

Second, it was martial arts. Lets just skipped this since it was too bothersome. Cale's goals is to become a slacker, so he doesn't see any need to learn this.

Third, divine power. It was related to temple, God, and stuff, remind him of the motherfucker God of Death. Lets skipped this one too.

The last one, is the one that Cale aiming for.

Spirit contract.

Spirit was natural being from the divine world. Human who was born with mana, even if it's just a little, could summon and make contract with a strong spirit.

But summoning a spirit isn't an easy task. In the game, Cale only know one person that successfully summon a spirit.

It was Taylor Stan.

He was just a normal supporting character. His fate is depends on the player's option. In the future, he successfully summon a healing spirit with regerenation power and tried to make a contract with them. He wanted the spirit to heal his crippled legs. But alas, the spirit says they could only heal a wound that received after making a contract with them.

Cale let out a sigh.

The summoning rituals only summon a random spirit. No one could decided what kind of spirit that will appears. Taylor is lucky enough to summon a healing spirit, even though it was useless in the end.

'Well, I don't care what kind of spirit that will appears, I just wishes it could protect me.'

Cale started to gather all the books about spirit that he could find in here. There's no need a long time for him to read all of them. His ability from previous life, record, helped him with it. It's a good thing that his ability is still with him even after he died.

Without he realized it, time flies so quickly. Cale unbottoned top of his button, breathing heavily. His body is covered with sweat. It's the side effect of his power. Every power has their own price, and this is the price that Cale must pay.

Cale closed the book after feeling a headache.

'Shit, I can't get sick again. I just recovered this morning!'

He really doesn't want to drank those disgusting antidote again.

Cale took a deep breath, calming his self.

'Okay, okay. No need to rush. Let's take it easy. I still have two weeks before the academy entrance exam, and one month before entering the academy.'

He said to take it easy, when he didn't even notice he already overworked himself.


This is Cale Henituse, people!


Aww I love writing Lily and Cale's scene. It's so refreshing seeing them together. Maybe gonna add Basen too in the future!

And yeah, Cale being oblivious about his own well being. Please someone smack this bastard's head. Gràcias 🙏

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