Finally InLove

By BeNice166

7.7K 188 19

What happen when two lovers had to separate before even getting the chance to enjoyed they're Relationship. N... More

Another Mistake
Just like old times times⏱
A Pretending day
I miss you
I forgot
•Jealous •
• Why did you do that •
Am I Yours
Am I yours Part 2
Let me go
•Chapter 13•
• Chapter 14 •
• Chapter 15 •
• Chapter 16 •
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
• 19 •
Untitled Part 20
Chapter 25
Cabin Part 2

Hoping To see You Again

2K 28 4
By BeNice166

Auto-generated by YouTube.

℗ 2019 United Common Records

A Moment to Remember · Nom Tunes

You may press play if you want to listen to music while reading if not you are free to skip. If ever your reading on your phone, I think it will open on a different page. I do not know if watt pad have a system to play a background music while reading on your phones. If not feel free to you any song that you would love. :)


[ A F T E R W O R K ]

It was a long exhausting day, I was still at my office re-arranging my papers. I am so thankful to have 2 weeks off .If I had to work another day I think my mind would of explod. Anyways, my name is Joyce Violet-Simone I am a 24 years old who work as a entrepreneur. Aint like my other friends I am single living by myself. I do wish one day to build a family with my true love..but I guess it was not written for me.

I get off the elevator who brought me to the parking lot

''Beep Beep phone vibration''

       T E X T

Alina: Hey Your an Hour late

Joyce: I am soo sorry I had to work overtime OMW

I put my phone in my back Pocket and walk fast to my car. I totally forgot that I had Diner plan with Alina and the others. I already know that it's a Blind Date that they've set for me. They do it all the time even tho I keep telling them I really do not need they're help, they still keep meddling in my Romance life.

I was rocking a wavy hairstyle I tough I look cute...but for a blind date I wasn't so sure. I put on my sunglasses as I pull up in the traffic driving myself to Alina's House. The music was blasting through the radio, It was a cool and breezy evening. I lower the windows as a strong guts of wind blew against my face.

I stop the car since the light turn red and start to look around .....My eyes fell on a flower shop. I could feel my beating heart increasing

Joyce: "lower her glasses".....

My stomach rolled over when I remembered that specific memory of him in that shop. But the most frightening part is that feeling of hope blooming inside my heart . I always try to fight away this emotion ....but I never could , each day for the past 8 years, I past that flower shop and always fail to go inside. Will today be the day I forget about him or the day we see each other again.

As the light turn green I pull over taking deep breath . I feel so nauseous and stress, I am hoping that today will be the day....but I am scared that I could be wrong....once again.

"make a fist with her hand while digging her finger nails in her palm"

I take a deep breath and start to make my way to the shop. When I got there I was greeted by this Asian Woman She smile at meet as the Asian man just nod and walk away as usual. I did not greeted them properly since  I was to focus looking around ---

"I sigh as I run my hand through my hair and hold my waist with the other hand"

AsianWOman: I guess you did not found what you came here for

" she said with a Korean Accent as I force a smile and walk to her"

Joyce:Hello Mrs Park, I will need another bouquet of flower

Mrs Park: are you sure ?

JoYce: "i look at her with a fake  smile" Yeaa of course

MrsPark: "leans against the counter as she approach Joyce more". what is it for?? Today is not your mom's or aunti birthday, is it another meeting, for decoration, an event??

she said while looking at me with a mocking smile

Mrs Park is always the one giving me flowers so she is used to see me around here.... alot, I have giving this woman so many excuse just so I could hide the real reason I am here. But I think she is slowly catching on.

Joyce: "chukkle" I have a souper with my friends

MrsPark: Ahhh well I give you a beautiful bouquet just so it could set the mood

she walks away and come back with a beautiful pink and white bouquet

Joyce: wow they are beautiful ...How much

MrsPark: for you 20 $$

"I gave her 50 dollars cause she always try to lower the price for me"

Joyce: Mrs Park Thank you but I cant accept all of thoses discounts you are offering me

we started to go back and Forth with our money

Mrs Park: "Grab Joyce Hands" Gwenchana .....(It's fine) 

F L A S H B A C K•

He rushes to me quickly while letting his body hit the ground next to mine. He grab my hand and kisses repeatedly.

All I could see was his moving soft lips, his face was so delicate and fine. It's as if we drew him without neglecting any details. His black jet hair brings out his pale complexion and thoses small eyes captivate all of my attention.

???: Gwenchana?? " stare at her "

But what captivate my heart , was his way too look at me

F L A S H B A C K•

The way she look at me it's not the same as he did, but the feature resemblances was enough to make my heart sink. Memories of me and him together  start to flood my mind


MrsPark: Pleas just accept this i--

I quickly interrupted her

Joyce: Thank you so, have agreatday "she quickly say"

I rush outside the flower shop to my car, I got in my sit as I hold my chest. I tap the compartment box and take out a brown bag .

Joyce: "inhale and exhale rapidily" One ......two.....three......four....

[ A T A L I N A ' S H O U S E ]

I pull up in their Drive way and honk to let them know im here

First one to be at the door was Alina...One of my bestfriends.

I grab her and pull her in a tight hug.

Alicia walk in swiping her hand on a kitchen towel

Joyce: hey bae "hug her"

Alicia: "Huging her" well It was about time

"I let go Alicia and Wave at Malik (Alina's boyfriend) whose sitting on the couch watching T.V"

Joyce: Bae I'm really sorry..I had to work overtime

Alina: It's cool Diner is almost done

Joyce: well I came just in time then

Ernesto: "Hug Joyce" wassup Jo

"That is Ernesto Alicia's boyfriend"

"Alicia leans against the couch and look down then back at me"

Alicia: How have you Ben girl

Joyce: well minus the stress of thinking what type of guy you set me up again.. Good I'm good

I nod

Alina: "laugh" well today you can put that stress away,  it's just us

I do a happy dance

Joyce: Yay!!

Alicia: but will be back at it soon

"I walk in the living room ignoring them and sat on a sofa across from Malik and Ernesto "

Joyce: you know Malik each time I come here you always be watching latelateshow

Malik: yea well my boy is on the show tonight I had to

Joyce: oh yeaa who?

"He looks at me with a weird face then back at the screen"

Malik: Umm Taemin..

"he said lowly but I still heard it, my smile slowly fade away  but I still kept it cool"

Malik: Come on Girl don't tell me you still mad

Joyce: I'm not I just didn't forget

"He sits up and face me"

Malik: we were in High school it's Ben 8 years

"I let a sigh out"

Joyce: well anyways he probably has forgotten so I should do the same

The Show {James Corden}

James: so Taemin before the break I had to ask you a question, If you had a chance to go back in time to change something that would had an impact in your future which is  now.what would it be?

Taemin: Umm what would it be??... umm maybe more focus on school cause I know it would of help me with my Rapping skill

James: alright what about for the girls

Taemin: "chukkle" well you know I had no problem with that

"They start to laugh"

Taemin: no seriously "he sits ups" I Just remember something and I know deep in my heart that It would be the number one thing that I would of change... Their was this Girl that I had a Huge crush on since day 1 but she only started to feel me when we inter 10
grade ... and I end up messing things up and even now I regret cause she is the last person that I wanted to hurt

James: so .. do you still have contact with this girl...Are ya'll friends or cool---

Taemin: no ...well to tell you the truth I don't know we're we's ben 8 years that I didn't see I still have contacts with her no...but the fact that we have the same group of friends I know that she is doing good

James: So you haden't forgot her?

"He slowly shake his head"

Taemin: Never had and never will and to tell y--

The show

"Before he could finish his sentence
I grab the remote and quickly close the screen"

Ernesto: HEY!!! What are you doing???

"I will not let those feeling get the best of me, ain't no way I can let him in my heart ever again"

Malik:.. no need to hide we all know that he was talking about you

I ignore him and look at the ground

Alicia:"walks up to her" Guys ...It's time to let her know

" I look at her suspicious"

Joyce: WHat? " I look at them confuse"

"I firmly stated"

Alina: well......Taemin will be spending the week with us "she quickly Said as everyone started to walk away"

Joyce: WHAT?!

The girls turn to me without looking at me in the eyes



Joyce: WELL?!!

"Alicia turn to Alina as she blow some air out of her nose sign of surrender"

Alina: well the boys wanted to spend Time wit--

Joyce: and you guys did not tell me?!!

The boys walk in the kitchen

Ernesto: well to be honest we did not know how to break it down to you

Joyce: Nesto that does not change the fact that you did not tell me

"I said while crossing my arm in sign of deception"

Alicia slowly walk to me and touch my shoulder

Alicia: Bae were sorry's just lately you've seen to be happy so we did not want to ruin your mood and when WE finally wanted to tell you...the timing was not good

"I sigh as some of the old emotions started to rise, I slowly walk to the living room so I could recuperate myself before answering them"

Alina: Bae you good?

"I took a Deep breath without them noticing and turn around Fake smiling"

Joyce: ok...Whatever... And like you guys said...It's ben 8 years so I have to get over him Right

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