A New Road ➢ Thomas Brodie Sa...

By LillianCarrol

315K 7.9K 2.2K

Jade Bryce is on the perfect road. She has a job doing what she loves the most, her brother is about to be ma... More

Along The Road
It Was Certainly Good
Getting To Know Each Other
What A Gentleman
Unexpected Turn
Black and Yellow
Man Hunt
Wet Sand
Take A Risk
The Skype Call
Wait And See
Wedding Party
High Hopes
Photo Booth
Truth or Truth
Little Moments
Ki Hong and Hayoung
A Clean Slate
Sounds Like A Plan
Welcome To London
Lovely Ladies
In The Moments
Three Matches
Begin Again
Important A/N
A/N Results

Jameson Empire Awards

4.9K 138 37
By LillianCarrol

"Thomas! Thomas over here!"

"Who's the girl?"

"This way, Thomas! Look over here!"

"Is that your date? What's her name?"

The flashes were blinding and I clutched to Thomas' side as we walked down the carpet.

He held tightly onto my waist as I rested my head on the side of his chest while people took too many pictures of us.

And I thought the photo op at his house was excessive.

His parents took pictures of us before we left the house. Me in my dress and Thomas in his suit. It felt like prom night all over again. But better this time.

"Are you okay?" Thomas asks while he looks at me, utter concern floods his face.

"I am. I'm just..new to this,"

He nods his head and kisses my temple as we make our way off of the path.

He held my hand as we were guided by people through the crowd.

"Right, Mr Sangster. We need you to do one interview for the magazine. So it will be right this way," a lady said as she guided us to a group of people with equipment.

"Can Jade stay for it?" Thomas inquired, clutching my hand.

The lady pursed her lips but then nodded her head and went to go guide other guests elsewhere.

"Hello there, Thomas," a man said, holding out his hand for Thomas to shake.

"Hi," Thomas says as he shakes the man's hand.

"And I don't believe I know your name?" the man said while looking at me.

"Jade, Jade Bryce." I say and he shakes my hand as well.

"Well it is certainly a pleasure to meet you. Is this your girlfriend, Thomas?" he asks while holding out a microphone for Thomas to answer.

Thomas looks at me and smiles, "Yes she is. I'm extremely lucky."

I feel myself blushing and rest my head on his side while the interview continues.

"Are you excited to present tonight?"

"Oh yes of course! I presented last year and that was a lot of fun. Now I have the pleasure of doing it again!" Thomas says with a chuckle.

"Are you going to be with your Game of Thrones co-stars tonight?" Peter asks.

"Probably for a while. But I know for sure I'll be with this one all night," Thomas says as he pulls me closer.

"Well thank you for your time and it was such a pleasure meeting you two!" Peter says as he waves us inside.

"Don't you get nervous doing interviews?" I ask as we walk to our table we'll be sitting at for the rest of the night.

"Usually I do, but I have you here to keep me grounded," Thomas says, earning a kiss from me before we take our seats.

It turns out we were seated with Thomas' co-stars Isaac Hempstead-Wright, Kit Harington, and Dean Charles Chapman. They were more than happy to take pictures with me for Grace.

The boys were very sweet and kind to me. I was surprised by their modesty, especially the grown men after being apart of such big of a show after so many years.

Isaac kept telling me fun stories he and Thomas shared while filming Game of Thrones, such as shooting arrows and playing a big game of hide-and-seek in the woods.

Soon, Thomas was called to get ready to present Best Thriller and the boys made sure to talk to me in his absence.

Thomas walked on stage with who they announced was Antonia Thomas. I took my phone out to take pictures of him onstage as he gave the award to the winner, the Imitation Game.

"Well, am I good presenter?" Thomas asked as he sat down and took a sip from his wine.

"You were fantastic. Oh, I took pictures. Have a look!" I say as I hand him my phone.

He puts in the password and scrolls trough the pictures, laughing at my silliness.

"These are lovely photos," he says as kisses the side of my head.

"And here to present Best Horror, Freddie Highmore," the announcer says.

"Good evening," Freddie says up from the stage.

"He's British?" I say, coughing a little bit on my water.

"You didn't know that?" Isaac asks with an amused look on his face.

"No. I've always thought he was American! All these years I've been deceived." I say, shaking my head in shock.

Thomas, Isaac, Kit, and Dean laughed lightly at my new discovery as the night continued.


"Well that was certainly fun. Never let me doubt again in we're you decide to take me Mr. Sangster," I said as Thomas guided me to the car to take us home.

Thomas chuckled lightly, "Oh trust me, I certainly won't."

Once we were settled in and our seat belts were buckled, I nestled my head in the crook of his shoulder, earning me a kiss on my forehead.

Thomas squeezes my hand and stroked the back with his thumb. "Are you awake love?"

"No. I'm just answering your questions while I'm sleeping with my eyes open,"

Thomas lightly shoved my arm and I pulled myself up to face him.

"My parents and sister will be out of town later on this week so it will just be the two of us. Is that alright?"

"What? Oh that's fine. But why wouldn't it be alright?" I questioned, pulling my eyebrows together.

"I just wanted to give caution. Don't plan on going on a tour because I am going to make plans," Thomas said while wrapping an arm around my shoulders and pulling me onto his chest.

"But Thomas-"

"Uh uh uh. Didn't you just say you would never doubt me?" Thomas said with a grin and placed his hand over his heart in mock offense.

I lightly smacked his had earning me a chuckle and snuggled closer to him.

"I never said I doubted you pretty boy."

I closed my eyes and listened to the beat of Thomas' heart and the sounds of the car as it traveled down the London streets. Thomas played with my hair as I slowly and softly feel asleep after a perfect night.

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