Sarina Maxine

By hanaripinku

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Tyler Hanson is the top detective of Greenwaters, Illinois. His priority is to find his brother who was kidna... More

Sarina (Chapter 1)
Tyler (Chapter 2)
Sarina (Chapter 3)
Tyler (Chapter 4)
Sarina (Chapter 5)
Tyler (Chapter 6)
Sarina (Chapter 7)
Tyler (Chapter 8)
Javier (Chapter 9)
Sarina (Chapter 10)
Tyler (Chapter 11)
Grace (Chapter 12)
Sarina (Chapter 13)
Tyler (Chapter 14)
Sarina (Chapter 15)
Grace (Chapter 16)
Tyler (Chapter 17) 🔞
Javier (Chapter 18)
Tyler (Chapter 19)
Josh (Chapter 20)
[Name] (Chapter 21)
Sarina (Chapter 22)
Tyler (Chapter 23)
Sarina (Chapter 24)
Character Introduction (Sarina Maxine)
Tyler (Chapter 25)
Josh (Chapter 26)
Javier (Chapter 27)
Andy (Chapter 28)
Sarina (Chapter 29)
Character Introduction (Tyler Hanson)
Tyler (Chapter 30)
Andy (Chapter 31)
Grace (Chapter 32)
Josh (Chapter 33)
Sarina (Chapter 34)
Javier (Chapter 35)
Character Introduction (Javier Hernandez)
Sarina (Chapter 36)
Tyler (Chapter 37)🎃
Sarina (Chapter 38)
Javier (Chapter 39)
Josh (Chapter 40)🔞
Tyler (Chapter 41)
Sarina (Chapter 42)
Character Introduction (Josh Weiß)
Andy (Chapter 43)
Josh (Chapter 44)
Javier (Chapter 45)
Sarina (Chapter 46)🔞
Tyler (Chapter 47)
Grace (Chapter 48)
Sarina (Chapter 49)
Tyler (Chapter 50)🔞
Sarina (Chapter 51)
Tyler (Chapter 52)🔞
Josh (Chapter 53)🔞
Character Introduction (Grace Campbell)
Javier (Chapter 54)
Grace (Chapter 55)
Josh (Chapter 56)
Sarina (Chapter 57)
Tyler (Chapter 58)
Andy (Chapter 59)🔞
Tyler(Chapter 60)🔞
Josh (Chapter 61)
Javier (Chapter 62)
Character Introduction (Fadila "Remmy" Haddad)
Character Introduction (Dyon Miles)
Sarina (Chapter 63)
Tyler (Chapter 64)
Javier (Chapter 65)
Sarina (Chapter 66)
Josh (Chapter 67)
Tyler (Chapter 68)
Sarina (Chapter 69)🎄
Andy (Chapter 70)
Javier (Chapter 71)
Sarina (Chapter 73)
Tyler (Chapter 74)
Andy (Chapter 75)
Josh (Chapter 76)
Tyler (Chapter 77)🔞
Sarina (Chapter 78)
Tyler (Chapter 79)
Andy (Chapter 80)
Thank you!

Tyler (Chapter 72)

24 2 9
By hanaripinku

"So I was thinking, you know Valentine's Day is next month, we could do a double date thing. What do you think?"


Josh leaned over my desk, I didn't pay him any attention as my eyes were glued to my computer screen.

"Seriously? I'm giving up my precious alone time with Amy to spend with my best friend. I know you'll be all awkward with Sarina so it makes sense for Amy and I to be there."

"I never said I was going to do that."

He raised his eyebrow.

"Oh, so you are planning something with Sarina, hm?"

I looked at him.

"Josh, right now we don't even know that's going to happen. We still have a lot of work when it comes to this case."

He let out a sigh.

"I know, I know but we need a break. I mean look, we had Christmas and New Year. It was awesome! You agree, you were making out with Sarina after the countdown."

"We weren't...making out."

"Stop lying. She was on your lap, arms wrapped around your shoulders, and your hands were hovering over her butt. She has a nice ass, I don't know why you didn't just go for it. Anyway, you two were kissing for at least a whole minute."

"So, what about it?"

"I know she's not innocent anymore so you two should, you know...not hold back."

"I'm not going to get into our business. Now go take these papers to the front desk. They just need to be organized."

He grabbed the papers.

"Fine. I'll go do my job boss."

He turned around and left. That'll keep him busy for a little while.

Thanks to Andy we now know that the warden of the prison is doing business with Cosen. With that information, I found out who he keeps close ties to, which were governors, mayors, and some local officers. Obviously, I need to see if they are involved with Cosen but that won't be an easy task. There is one person on the list who I could start with, luckily I know him personally.

"Tyler? Are you busy?"

I looked up.

"No, you can come in Sarina. I need a break anyway."

She closed the door behind herself.

"Good, I brought lunch", she said as she lift the bag cheerfully. 

She came over and set the food on my desk.

"I hope you aren't working too hard."

"You know that's impossible."

She let out a sigh.

"I know. Still, enjoy lunch with me?"

"Of course."

She sat on my desk while we ate.

"So, what are you going to do for me on Valentine's Day?"

"Nothing now that you're bugging me about it too like Josh."

"Huh?! Seriously", she said sadly.

"I thought things like that were supposed to be a surprise."

"I know. I'm just super excited, that's all. It's my first time to having someone who wants to be my Valentine. I know it's stupid but--"

"It's not stupid. I never really celebrated it."

"I thought you had girlfriends."

"Yeah but it was never anything serious like us. Don't worry about it, okay?"

"Okay", she said with a smile.

We finished lunch a few minutes later, I cleaned up.

"Um, not to sound all impatient again but, my birthday is next month too, on the fourth and--"

I came over to stand in front of her.

"I know, I'm a detective, remember? I never forgot."

"That's right."

"I think it's pretty selfish thinking about yourself all the time. You do know I have a birthday too."

"Hey, I'm not being selfish! You never told me your birthday, only that you're old."

I glared at her. She giggled.

"I will permanently ban you from this office."

She threw her arms over my shoulders.

"No! I'm sorry!"

I would never actually do that.

"When is it then", she asked.

"March 14th."

"Really! That makes me older than you!"

"If that's the case, why do you keep calling me old?"

"You're old age-wise and I'm older month-wise."

"If you say so."

"I'm back boss, delivered those papers just like you said--oh...what is this?"

"Don't even start", I warned.

"Hi Josh", Sarina greeted happily.

He came over to us.

"I see his hands will forever hover over your ass Sarina, poor thing is too shy."

I threatened Josh with my eyes. Suddenly I felt Sarina take my hands, placing them on her butt.

"There, it's no big deal, you don't have to be shy Tyler."


"See he's stuttering", Josh teased. "I bet Javier made it past that."

"Josh", Sarina shouted.

My eyes went to her, questioning to see if that was true.

"Ugh! I'm not going to start. You and Javi need to talk things out because I'm always some kind of piece of meat you two are constantly fighting over."

She quickly removed my hands and turned to jump off my desk. I quickly grabbed her hand.

"I'm not starting anything. I don't care about that at all. Josh you better leave, you're just starting trouble!"

"Am not!"

"Yes you are!"

"Okay you two, enough", Sarina said.

"Hey I interrupting?"


My head snapped up when I heard his name.

"Let me get something straight with you", I started as I marched over.

"I wanted to say the same thing", he said as he stormed over towards me.

"Oh gosh", Sarina wined, throwing her head into her hands.

"I want to make sure your intentions with her are good. I feel like she is always in some type of danger when she's with you", he said.

"I wasn't the one who dragged her into this. It was you, remember?"

"I am going to be mature about this Tyler, yes it was me but still it's up to you to make sure she is safe and I feel like you haven't been doing that."

"I'm doing the best I can. I will always keep her safe."

"I can do the same, I've known her longer therefore I care about her more."

"Hey, I care about Sarina too", Josh jumped in to say.

"Stay out of it", we both shouted in unison.

"She made her decision to want to be with me."

"I know that...I'm not trying to interfere...I just...I want to make sure she's getting the best because she deserves it."

The room got quiet.

Of course he will go all out his way for her. He's right, she deserves the best.

"I can promise you she will always get the best. I swear it on my parent's grave."

"Tyler...", Sarina said.

"I mean it."

"Good. I feel better now that I have your word. I'm sorry I caused a bit of trouble, I know it wasn't the right time for this."

"You don't say Javi", Sarina said in an angry tone.

"Guys, everything is fine now, okay? Let's just get back to business", Josh said.

"I agree", I said.

"So, how far did you go with Sarina?"

"JOSH", Sarina shouted.

"I'm not going to talk about that. She'll kill me if I did", Javier said.

I gave her a look.

"So you--", I started to say without thining.

She threw her hands up.

"That's it! I'm done with you guys for good!"

She grabbed her coat and was out the door. I stormed over to Josh to slap him across the head.

"Ow! Hey, you were curious too!"

"I can ask her questions privately", I shouted.

"But you just told her it didn't matter", Javier said.

"I--I have to go find her. Why did you even come here in the first place", I asked Javier, trying to control my frustration.

"She asked me to pick her up from here to take her to her cousin's house. She has to dog sit."

I let out a frustrated sigh. 

"I'll take her, you...just go back to whatever you were doing."

"Fine by me."

"Josh, I will kill you later", I warned while walking out the door.

That bastard just has to start things, always sexual things. I hate to admit it but of course, I wonder about those things. I feel like it would be too pushy if I were to ask her about all of that, she already gets very shy in general. I was just going to wait until she was ready to tell me what all happened between her and Javier if she wanted to. Of course I would tell her everything from my past. I don't want to hide anything. When I said it doesn't matter, I mean it isn't sone kind of deal breaker for me. I just want to know everything about her, what she likes and dislikes, especially in that area of our relationship. I want to impress her.

I rushed outside to look for Sarina, she didn't go too far. As much as I hate this snow, it slowed her down from me losing her.

"Sarina", I called out.

"Leave me alone, all of you", she shouted. She didn't bother to look back at me.

I ran up to her, taking her arm.

"Please. I'm sorry. I know you're mad at me but please let me take you to your cousin's house. Javier told me."

She let out a sigh.


She was quiet for a while. It wasn't my place to try to get her to talk. I'm already in trouble, I don't want to make it worse.

"Does it really matter what I did with someone else? I'm still a virgin you know. I didn't do that with Javi. He didn't want my first time to be with him just because we are friends. I thought I was ready to do it with him but my feelings for you were so strong that I couldn't do it."

"Virgin or not. That doesn't matter to me, it shouldn't to anyone. For a guy, I don't know, we just are very territorial so when it comes to that...we feel like we can always do better. It's a competition thing."

She finally looked at me.

"If I had done it, would you feel like you aren't good enough for me?"

"'s been years. I'm not like Josh. I've just been so focused on finding my brother, I worry I've lost the ability to know how to express my feelings in that way. I already struggled with just opening up to you. Javier has known you longer like he said so I felt like I was out of your league."

"I thought I was out of your league. I'm so inexperienced compared to you. All I've done is kiss, make out, did some touching--"


She turned to face the window.

"Y-Yes...only for like a second. You to him and him to me."

"Oh...I see."

"Yeah. So you can stop worrying. It wasn't an exciting moment at all. I'm just an awkward shy mess."

"You're not a mess."

"Right there, that's her house", Sarina pointed out.

I pulled over.

"I hope I didn't make this conversation awkward for you", I said.

She shook her head.

"No, actually I needed to get this off my chest. It was good for both of us. Just promise me you will not have that argument with Javi again. I will scold him too later."

I chuckled.

"Yes, I promise."

"Good. All is forgiven, I'll see you later", she said as she reached over to hug me.

She left the car and waved at me before she went inside the house.

I checked the time, it was almost two. I wasn't too far from where one of the warden's connections was. I drove for a few more minutes until I reached city hall. After parking my car, I went inside and straight to the front desk.

"Hello. Is the mayor in today", I asked.

"Hi, is this urgent? If not, do you have an appointment with him?"

"I wouldn't say urgent but I would like to speak to him if he's free."

"I'm sorry. He's been pretty busy lately and told me to not let anyone in without an appointment."

"I understand, I just--"


I looked to see who called me.

"Tyler, is that really you?"


"Yes, it's me."

She rushed up to me and gave me a big hug.

"I've seen you on T.V lately but still, it doesn't beat seeing you in person."

She backed away from the hug a bit to look at me.

"You look so handsome, not that you never were but you know what I mean", she said.

"I get it. It's nice seeing you", I said.

"I overheard your conversation, do you need to see my father, I can take you to him."

"Yeah, I would like that."

"Great! Come with me."

She took my hand, leading me to the elevator.

"So, it's been a while. I haven't seen you since was it, freshman year of college?"

"Yeah, I believe so."

"We dated for about three years. That was my longest relationship during that time. For sure I thought we would have been high school sweethearts or something."

"Well that was the longest relationship for me as well.""

"Really? I would have thought you would be married by now, I mean look at you."

I chuckled.

"No, I've been too busy."

"Have you been okay though? I know with your brother still gone, I didn't stop thinking about you. I try to follow the news about him as much as I can. Even though they stopped looking for him years ago, I always pray he is found safe."

"I've been okay. It's been hard but I'm managing. Thank you."

"Oh! Is Josh still around? I miss him, he was the class rebel."

"Yep, still my best friend. Works with me."

"So he really did become an officer? I didn't mean that in a bad way but, you know..."

"Yeah, I was surprised too. He's not a book guy but his motivation to help find Andy played a big part. He's a great officer, my right-hand man."

"That's wonderful to hear. Oh look, we are here."

We stepped off the elevator. I followed Cloe inside her father's office.

"Hey dad, look who it is", she said cheerfully.

He stood up from his desk. Compaired from last time I saw him, he's certainly gotten...fatter. I'm not surprised, this guy is the typical mayor, lazy. I bet he became mayor for the money and attention. He came from wealth so it was easy for him to get all the votes. He just buys votes pretty much with false promises and now I'm sure with dirty money. It's gotten him to be mayor for about eight years in a row now. Nothing has been good since he's been mayor but if he's involved in illegal activities, that would explain why it's hard to get rid of him.

"Tyler! What a surprise, it's been too long!"

I walked up to him, shaking his hand.

"Same sir."

"How have you been? I've kept up with the news, you've been facing some crazy cases."

"Yeah but I'm okay. It's just part of the job."

"That's good to hear. What brings you by son? Here to arrest me", he joked.

"Dad", Cloe scorned.

I let out a fake laugh.

Not yet.

"No sir. I was just in the area and I figured it's been a while since I've seen you two. I'm glad I ran into Cloe since it's hard to see you these days."

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. Crazy citizens always want to have a word with me. I don't have time to deal with their stupid problems. Anyway, I'm glad you are here. Have a seat."

We both sat down, Cloe stood next to him.

"So, ever thought of getting back together with Cloe?"

"Dad stop!"

"What? You two were a great couple."

"So, that was in the past. I'm seeing someone right now."

"I know, still Tyler is a great asset to have. Still have your parent's inheritance?"

"Oh, yeah. I've been too busy with being an officer. The company hasn't been my priority, especially now after what happened."

"That was terrible. I was so happy when you said you were going to be CEO again and then they just struck like that out of nowhere. I'm so glad you are okay. I feel better knowing you should not deal with that right now. While it's great to keep your parent's dream alive, your safety is more important", Cloe said. 

"Oh that's all over, I'm sure everything is fine now. It's a great time to get into that my boy, the money is amazing right now. I could always help you out by getting you back on your feet."

"You're a busy man sir, I don't want to bother you when it comes to that."

"Oh it wouldn't be a bother. You just let me know. I have people who can help you."

"Really", I said, pretending to sound interested. 

"Stop it dad. Tyler, don't listen to him, it's just some boring businessman stuff. Staying safe is more important."

I chuckled.

"Yes, I have to agree with you Cloe."

"Too bad. If you change your mind, you know where to find me."

"Of course."

"Sorry to cut things short but I'm a bit busy. I took off a few minutes just to see you", he said.

"Thank you sir. I will see you around."

"Yes! Don't be a stranger now."

Cloe left with me, taking the elevator down and walked me out. We stopped just short of my car.

"Well, it really was nice seeing you again Tyler. I wish we could hang out or something. Hey! I'm going on a lunch date tomorrow with my boyfriend. I would like for you to meet him, unless you think that's awkward."

"No, not awkward at all."

"Perfect! You can bring your girlfriend too so it can be a double date."

"I don't have a girlfriend."

Even though I know her from my past, I don't know how she is now, especially knowing her father may be involved with Cosen. She doesn't need to know my personal life.

"Seriously! Wow, you must be dodging all the girls."

I chuckled again.


"Well, just having lunch with us will be great. I will let my boyfriend know. Here's my number", she said as she handed me her business card.

"I'm into fashion design now. You have to visit my office sometime. I was inspired to become a designer because of your mother. I miss her a lot."

"Of course I will. I'm glad she's had such a positive impact on you."

"She sure did. Well, I'll see you tomorrow."

She gave me a quick hug and then hurried on inside.


Finally, we had a break from the snowfall, the sun was shining, melting some of the snow. I got in contact with Cloe last night, she told me to go right in as the table is reserved. After telling the waiter my name, he took me to the table. Cloe said they were on their way.

I was given drinks and bread while I waited. I didn't have to for too long. I first saw Cloe and then my heart came to a dead stop.

I swear time slowed down all around as my eyes locked onto him. Quinn. He smiled at me, knowing all to well he has the upper hand now.


The two of them came over to the table.

I stood up as Cloe came over to greet me with a hug.

"Tyler, this is my boyfriend, Felix. Felix, this is my long-time friend and ex, Tyler."

"Tyler, it's a pleasure to meet you."

I shook his hand so as to not make Cloe curious about our behavior.

We all took a seat.

"So you two dated", Quinn asked.

"Yes, back in high school and ended in college. No hard feelings, right Tyler?"


"Well I can see why you had eyes for him", Quinn said.

Cloe laughed.

"He still is charming. Maybe I should consider winning him back", she teased.

"I bet I'm much more charming. I cherish you with everything you desire, don't I?"

"That is true."

"So, Felix, how did you two meet", I asked.

"Glad you asked. I attended one of Cloe's fashion shows she held recently. When I saw her I knew I had to have her. I mean look at her. I'm sure you still miss her deep down."

"Oh stop Felix", Cloe blushed.

"Really? How did you hear about the fashion show?"

"I have my connections. I work freelance, as a famous writer, you've heard of me at least once."

"Yes, I know you're busy Tyler but since you're a detective, I know you must have read his work at least once. He's an amazing writer."

"Of course I have, that's why you look so familiar", I said, playing along with his lies.

Quinn chuckled.

"Oh it's hard to forget a face like mine. I'm not the type who should be confined, I will always find my way out...out to see the world, right Cloe?"

"Yes! I was so happy to learn you love to travel."

"Oh well being free is pretty easy when you know the right people you out. Care to share that with me, I'm interested in seeing the world as well."

"I'm sure you already met one. He's a prized possession."

"Okay now, are you two speaking guy code now?"

Quinn laughed.

"I'm sorry, you know guys, always messing around."

"Guys never grow up. I have to go to the restroom right quick. You know what to order for me, right?"

"Of course. Don't take too long."

"I won't."

Cloe left the two of us. Now I can get serious.

Quinn too his straw, swirling his lemon water around. 

"My, my. When I heard I was dining in with my enemy, I was thrilled. Small world, isn't it?"

"You planned all this."

He picked up his glass, taking a sip.

"Actually no, I didn't plan this. Since I'm keeping a down profile here I might as well make myself useful. I was making sure daddy knew where his place was when it came to the organization. I didn't know he had such a beautiful daughter. Andy helped me learn everything about her in a few hours. I just had to meet her so I showed up at the fashion show. She's easy, seems like she'll fall for anyone. That gullible little blonde. She's great in the bedroom, I'm sure you miss that, right?"

"Shut the hell up! You stay away from her", I said between my teeth.

"Oh don't worry. As long as daddy does what he is told, I won't harm a hair on her head. He knows that if he gets out of line even once, the consequences will be tragic. I would hate to put a hole right through that beautiful face."

I stood up out of anger, ready to lunch at him.

"Tyler? You have to go", Cloe said as she approached the table.

"Oh no, he was just putting his phone away, had a phone call", Quinn jumped in to say.

"Yeah", I said as I sat back down.

I need to calm down. Quinn is known for getting under people's skin.

"Oh good. I would have been sad if you had to leave early", she said as she took her seat.

"So would I, you are one interesting guy", Quinn said.

Lunch continued on for the next hour. It felt like an eternity, I was tense the entire time.

"Looks like you have to get back to work Quinn", Cloe said sadly.

"Yeah, looks like it. I'll see you tonight after that meeting with your father", he said.

"Yes, can't wait."

He reached across the table to shake my hand.

"It was nice to meet you Tyler, see you around."

I didn't say anything. He stood up along with Cloe and kissed her in front of me on purpose.


He chuckled.

"Not sorry", he said and then took his leave.

I waited a few more minutes longer to make sure he was long gone. I quickly stood up and grabbed Cloe's arm.


I led her behind me as I rushed towards the back exit of the restaurant. I looked around to make sure we were alone.

"Tyler, what's wrong?"

"His name is not Felix, it's Quinn. He's one of the top leaders of a crime organization called Cosen. I know you've heard of them on the news. We've been after them for years. They have my brother."

"Andy? He's alive?"

"Yes, they are making him work for them. Whatever this guy told you is all lies. He is extremely dangerous, he recently broke out of prison."

"W-What? But I haven't heard anything on T.V..."

"That's because it wasn't released to the public. The warden is in on it as well as your father."

"What?! No! My father has nothing to do with this!"

I took Cloe's shoulders.

"I know this is hard to believe but you have to believe that I'm telling you the truth. That's why I went to see your father yesterday, to see what he's like now. His persistence with me taking over as CEO is a clear answer to his involvement with Cosen. The leader killed my parents and took Andy. This leader is working his way through top officials, law enforcement, and anyone who holds some type of power in the city. He will bribe them in order to get what he wants. Your father is the mayor and right now the leader has him in his hands. You're in great danger Cloe, your whole family is."


"Quinn just told me if your father disobeys orders, he will kill you and your parents. He is the hitman of the group, countless murders make up his past."

She fell back out of my grip to lean on the wall. Her hand went over her mouth in shock.

"Oh my god", she said in a shaky voice.

"We can protect you but you have to make sure you listen to everything we say. I also have to know you have no involvement in this. I want to know you are still the same old Cloe."

She nodded her head.

"Yes, of course I am, I-I had no idea my father...I had no idea he was this type of man. I thought he would do everything to protect me...not to have me killed over greed", she said.

Her voice was shaky and soon tears followed. This is a lot to take in but she has to know. I walked up to her, taking her into my arms.

"I'm sorry you're caught up in this but I'm glad I am here now. You'll be okay, I promise."

She wrapped her arms around me.

"Thank much Tyler!"

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