Sarina Maxine

By hanaripinku

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Tyler Hanson is the top detective of Greenwaters, Illinois. His priority is to find his brother who was kidna... More

Sarina (Chapter 1)
Tyler (Chapter 2)
Sarina (Chapter 3)
Tyler (Chapter 4)
Sarina (Chapter 5)
Tyler (Chapter 6)
Sarina (Chapter 7)
Tyler (Chapter 8)
Javier (Chapter 9)
Sarina (Chapter 10)
Tyler (Chapter 11)
Grace (Chapter 12)
Sarina (Chapter 13)
Tyler (Chapter 14)
Sarina (Chapter 15)
Grace (Chapter 16)
Tyler (Chapter 17) πŸ”ž
Javier (Chapter 18)
Tyler (Chapter 19)
Josh (Chapter 20)
[Name] (Chapter 21)
Sarina (Chapter 22)
Tyler (Chapter 23)
Sarina (Chapter 24)
Character Introduction (Sarina Maxine)
Tyler (Chapter 25)
Josh (Chapter 26)
Javier (Chapter 27)
Andy (Chapter 28)
Sarina (Chapter 29)
Character Introduction (Tyler Hanson)
Tyler (Chapter 30)
Andy (Chapter 31)
Grace (Chapter 32)
Josh (Chapter 33)
Sarina (Chapter 34)
Javier (Chapter 35)
Character Introduction (Javier Hernandez)
Sarina (Chapter 36)
Tyler (Chapter 37)πŸŽƒ
Sarina (Chapter 38)
Javier (Chapter 39)
Josh (Chapter 40)πŸ”ž
Tyler (Chapter 41)
Sarina (Chapter 42)
Character Introduction (Josh Weiß)
Andy (Chapter 43)
Josh (Chapter 44)
Javier (Chapter 45)
Sarina (Chapter 46)πŸ”ž
Tyler (Chapter 47)
Grace (Chapter 48)
Sarina (Chapter 49)
Tyler (Chapter 50)πŸ”ž
Sarina (Chapter 51)
Tyler (Chapter 52)πŸ”ž
Josh (Chapter 53)πŸ”ž
Character Introduction (Grace Campbell)
Grace (Chapter 55)
Josh (Chapter 56)
Sarina (Chapter 57)
Tyler (Chapter 58)
Andy (Chapter 59)πŸ”ž
Tyler(Chapter 60)πŸ”ž
Josh (Chapter 61)
Javier (Chapter 62)
Character Introduction (Fadila "Remmy" Haddad)
Character Introduction (Dyon Miles)
Sarina (Chapter 63)
Tyler (Chapter 64)
Javier (Chapter 65)
Sarina (Chapter 66)
Josh (Chapter 67)
Tyler (Chapter 68)
Sarina (Chapter 69)πŸŽ„
Andy (Chapter 70)
Javier (Chapter 71)
Tyler (Chapter 72)
Sarina (Chapter 73)
Tyler (Chapter 74)
Andy (Chapter 75)
Josh (Chapter 76)
Tyler (Chapter 77)πŸ”ž
Sarina (Chapter 78)
Tyler (Chapter 79)
Andy (Chapter 80)
Thank you!

Javier (Chapter 54)

33 2 7
By hanaripinku

"Ah! It's so cold out here, this is cruelty", An'twan complained.

"So you expect the enemy to wait for summer to attack", I asked.

"Ha ha, enough of your sarcasm", he said in a dry tone.

"Just speaking the truth."

"You know better by now not to complain", Demetri said.

"Aren't enemies less likely to attack in winter? I mean, nobody likes the cold, not even them", Xavier said.

"Wouldn't that be nice but unfortunately boys, that's not the case", I said.

"Hernandez", my sergeant called out.

I stopped as soon as I was in front of him. We all did and saluted.

"Yes sir?"

Close behind him was a face I wasn't happy to see.


"I got direct orders from the boss to have you partner up with Ashley for a bit."


She gave me a look.

"You don't speak that way to me. It's not like I was happy about it either", she said as she folded her arms.

"Please be nice to each other. Ashley here is pretty talented in your field, it was specially requested she assist you after reports of your impressive work on your missions."

"I-I see."

"You are dismissed from what you are currently doing to train with her starting now."

"Yes sir."

I looked at her and stood up straight, saluting her as well.

"I...apologize for my response. I look forward to your training", I said, not really meaning it.

"Yeah", is all she says without any eye contact. 

I looked back at the guys, they gave me a nod before I left with her.

"Keep up with me. If you lose me, that's your own fault."

Seriously, what's her problem?

I followed her all the way to what looked like a private office. There was a room inside which looked like a tech nerd's dream.

"I don't like using the equipment in the training building, too many people touching things and dumb cadets messing things up. S0 dad had a room set up for me in my office. I also have access to the latest hardware, software, programs, and more that aren't out yet to the military."


Who's her dad and how did he get his hands on all this stuff?

"Sit down", she said.

I took a seat, she did the same next to me.

"What we will be focusing on is hacking and taking over any technology remotely as well as covering your tracks. It's important to stay invisible and undetected, understood?"


"What have you done so far?"

"With the help of my senior officers and airmen, they had me work cameras and use programs to access devices remotely. I also had to hack into systems to control things like cameras, lights and so on according to officer's orders."

"It's easy when you have someone telling you what to do. In reality, that won't happen. You'll have to think on your feet. You already know how fast technology changes. Also, people can alter it, making it unfamiliar to someone who might only know the original format of the system. In training they just teach you how to operate things, I think it's a waste of time when you are dealing with cybercriminals. You need to really understand what you are working with, that way, if you're faced with something unfamiliar, you can at least know the basic structure of it to figure out the rest."

She actually makes a lot of sense. She really is good in this department.

"I agree."

"I'm not going to have you do anything yet without learning the basics so I'm going to give you material to study. Make sure you read everything. I will test you next time we meet. I prefer realistic tests, none of that training crap. If you're going to learn under me you will be the best. You better not embarrass me."

"I won't."

"Good, any questions can wait until later. I'm busy for the rest of the day."

With that, she stood up and left.

I don't even want to ask questions. She's not the inviting type to ask anything. Not that I need someone nice to train me, but still, she can drop whatever's making her act like that.

I did not know what to do now. She never told me when she was going to give me that study material.

I walked out of the room to see her sitting at her desk. She did not acknowledge my presence.

"So, are you supposed to give me that material to study?"

She raised her head from what she was doing.

"You honestly expected to give you printouts or something?"

"Uh...I don't know."

"I'll send it through email, just be patient. You'll get it by the end of the day. It's not like you'll learn everything in a few days. It takes a long time to learn that stuff."

"Well, I am top of the class for a reason. I'm really good at learning things quickly so I don't think you should doubt what I can accomplish."

She glared at me and then stood up.

"I was top of my class as well. You think you're better than me?"

"I didn't say that ma'am."

"Do not call me that. Always refer to me as sergeant Wright, understood?"

"Yes, sergeant."

"Get out of my office. Cadet."

My lips thinned out as I held my tongue. I absolutely despise her. Yeah, she seems to be one of the best to train me but I don't think I can tolerate her attitude much longer.


A week later...

I was laying down, flat on my back on the floor of my apartment surrounded by papers. It was the study material Ashley sent me. I had to print it all out, there was no way I was going to burn my eyes out by reading all of this on the computer. I work better with physical copies anyway.

I think I went over this about six times now. I pretty much have most of it down. Ashley said I wouldn't be able to learn everything within a few days. I would be happy to let her know I did just that. As if she would care. She thinks she's all that anyway. Her ego is too big.

"Whatever, I'll just focus on me and forget how she thinks about me", I said as I rolled over to sit up.

I was studying nonstop, I didn't take a break. Sergeant Vincent told me to at least take a day off, so today was that day.

I took out my phone to make a call.

"Hey, are you free?"

"Yes I am", Sarina said.

"Perfect, meet me at the park."

"But it's cold Javi", she complained.

"I guess you don't want to see me", I said in a sad tone.

"I do, I do!"

I chuckled.

"Okay then, start heading over."

I hung up and then grabbed my coat as I headed on over to the park.

It had already been snowing off and on for a few days. While the roads look bad, at least the park looks nice this time of year. The kids are already out here playing. I guess school was canceled due to there being so much snow.


I looked up to see it was Sarina. She ran over to me.

"Careful, I don't want you to slip on an ice patch."

"Ugh, everyone treats me like I'm a kid."

"It's called being concerned."

"Yeah, yeah. So, why do you want to hang out? Not that I don't want to, because I obviously do."

"I finally have a free day and my sergeant pretty much forced me to take a day off since I was studying nonstop."

"Oh, what are you studying?"

"Just some tech stuff. He paired me up with another sergeant, I'm not really fond of her."

"Why? Is she mean or something?"

"You could say that. She just has a nasty attitude and I don't know why. I'm considering having him not let me train with her but she's really good at what she does. She has access to the latest technology that the others are not yet using. I can really get ahead with her help. So I might just have to suck it up."

"That's a tough decision. I would say just stick in there with her. I'm sure you won't have to train with her forever."

"Yeah that's true. Anyway, enough about work. How are things with you?"

"It's boring. Nothing exciting going on. I've been home a lot lately."

"Oh, I see."

We were walking around the park as we spoke. Despite the cold and snow, it really was a great day to be outside.

"I know what you really wanted to ask Javi."

I looked over at her.

"You do?"

"Yeah. I know you very well, remember?"

"Yes Maxine, and I know you very well too."

She giggled.

"Tyler and I are back on speaking terms and a bit more..."

"A bit more?"

"Yeah like, well he brought up the kiss and told me about his feelings for me. I just don't know what will happen from here."

"Well...what do you want to happen? Do you want to date him? Have a future with him?"

She looked ahead.

"I never thought about all of that with anyone. In the back of my mind, I feel like we are too different to be together. Maybe this is just a short-term thing with all the stuff that's been going on. I mean...don't people become close to one another through tough times. I feel like once this is all over, we won't have the same feelings for each other anymore."

"You do have a point but you don't know that for sure."

I let out a sigh.

"To be honest Sarina, I'm still not sure about how I feel about you being in a relationship with him. I'm not telling you what to do and I'm not being a dad. I just...what he's involved in is so dangerous. Even when things are over, is he really safe to be around? I just want the best for you. I'm not saying I'm the one for you. I just want you to be happy and I want whoever comes your way to truly care for you and love you because you deserve it. I don't want anyone to abuse your kindness."

"I know Javi. Sometimes I wonder if I'm just jumping the gun because I was never in a relationship. I feel much better now knowing he does have feelings for me. This isn't a one-sided thing after all. I'm willing to give it a shot."

"If that's what you want, I fully support you."

She looked back up at me and stopped walking. Her arms came around my waist, hugging me tightly.

"Thanks Javi."

I did the same.

"No problem Maxine."

Even though Tyler is my boss, I will still keep an eye on him. I will make sure no one hurts her. 

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