About My Writing Style

By JukoThe10-Tails

61 2 10

Here, I'll go into detail about my writing style. I know it's weird but since I'm going to be an animator, I... More

How I Write

61 2 10
By JukoThe10-Tails


    * Alright, first things first, the image for this isn't mine. It's a random image I found.

Now, I didn't plan to write my stuff on a site. Originally I wanted to animate them, but do to some stuff going on in my life right now. I can't practice animating as much as I would like to, as I'm still pretty bad at it, but also I need to get a better pc that can handle mid-high poly meshes and a full scene of them, which my pc can barely handle a single mid-poly mesh.

 * poly = polygons, which is what makes up the overall shape of a mesh. The higher poly count, the more processing power it takes.

Now what I haven't decided on is if I'm going to keep some of my stories to myself, then animate them later, or just write whatever and animate whatever I want and/or the popular ones or any combination of these. Either way, I'll be writing stories that I have built up over time after deciding to write stories. Some might be exclusive to here, some might get animated, or some will only be animated, well see tho.

My writing

Now, with that out of the way, I'll begin talking about my odd writing style and what to expect from me. First thing first, the odd way I write. As you can tell already, I like to separate different points in the story with middle text, course I also like to enlarge it, but Wattpad doesn't allow that or that I know of. So bold and underline it is.

Now since I want to be an animator, well indie animator to be more precise, and I want to animate my stories, so you'll notice odd ways I describe things, like a story board. For example, I'll say "the camera zooms in" or "we see as the building shakes". When I typically write, "camera" is a specific view or motion that comes to mind when writing stories, for when I might animate them later. It's like a self reminder or to illustrate what went through my head at the time. I don't do it all the time, but I do sometimes. Now for the "we" part. That's simple, it's the audience. As in, we the audience sees this. I typically use it to describe scenes or dramatic moments, or any moment in general to convey something.

Oh, you would also notice I say cue, alot. Like, for example, I sometimes say "cue epic battle music" or "cue comedic reaction".  It's just a weird thing I developed to express certain reactions or emotions that's easy to understand and explain. For music, it doesn't mean I'll have music ready for you, it's more of a saying that plays through my head at the time.

I also typically write in chapters, or watch ever you call them, as you can see with the middle texts. It's just how I write and how I stay organized. Plus, it allows me to easily jump to specific parts when something comes to mind, since I use a wiki like program to write and plan this out beforehand.

You might also notice I have a habit of over explaining things or accidentally make the paragraphs too long. The over explaining is just me, so I don't know if there's much I can do about that, but I'll try to space out the paragraphs more, I make no promises tho. 

Lastly, I like to add that, despite the fact I use a spell and grammar checker, I still might get things wrong or just do to how I speak in real life. Plus it's the free version, so it doesn't often catch everything, so errors will still happen. Plus, it sometimes replaces the stuff with something totally different, and I sometimes don't notice.

The stories I'll tell

And now the stories. I'll be writing 3 types of stories, but all will be anime based, so I'll be using similar themes and words. The 3 types will be fan fiction, original, and based on. Fan fiction and original are self-explanatory, but based on is something I use to describe something I do. Based on is a story, well, based on another. It uses similar themes and possible settings of that story or stories, but the overall story and characters are different, sort of. It entirely depends on the story. Some will take place in the same universe but completely different, while others can take place in a similar setting but still different. I guess you can call it parody, but not as it's serous and actually part of the story rather than a joke.

For fan fiction I'll take 3 possible routes, the OC is a part of the main cast, takes the place of the original MC, or is completely separated from the rest. Also, I've never written fan fiction before either, so I'm sorry if I often don't get the characters right or make them do things they wouldn't normally do or say. I'll try to make sure I reduce this as much as possible. I'm more used to my own characters, but I want to give fan fiction a shot.

I'll also give reader inserts a try, just to see how it goes. It'll mainly be male inserts, so I don't know if I'm going to ever try female inserts, so don't hold your breath. I've never written before, so I might give it a try. If I like it, comfortable with it or the positive reception, then I will do it more often.

Oh, you may or may not notice some oddities or maybe plot holes in my longer series. I have a weird process. I come up with the basic and just turn off my brain and let my body just go on. I just noticed when I do this, I write better and give the characters more of a personality. I know it's weird, but it works for me, even tho I don't fully understand it. I'll try to keep these from happening, but they might slip through. Just giving you a heads-up

Also, some might have juko as the MC, my own OC that my brand is based on, in some stories. To clear anything up, it's not me inserting myself into those stories, but rather him. There might be some changes to his history, personality, and powers to fit the story. Also do a bio in those stories to describe those changes. Hell, I might even do reader inserts where you're similar to him.

Unique Tags

I forgot to add this, I have my own tags I use to describe certain main or sub themes in a story. Do to the sheer amount of stories I have. It makes it easier for organization and stuff. So I'm going to list them what they mean. I'll be adding these tags to the description of each story, as well as in the tag section. For one-shots, they'll go in the summary.


* School Based: A series where the focus is some sort of school that teaches students in order to use their powers and abilities, similar to my hero academia.

Slice Of Life: As it says. It's where it's just an everyday kind of thing. No action or anything.

Action Based: Is slice of life but with the focus being action. It's where it has slice of life elements but some of the characters fight against threats, like demons, monsters, etc. typically the public doesn't know about it.

Hidden: It's a sub tag that can fit with the others. It's where certain beings can hide their true form and look like a normal person, they typically end up being the main focus or sub focus. An example can be something like high school dxd.

* Known: Is like hidden, but they are known to the public and as such, they don't hide their true form or can't.

Game Based: Well, It's similar to slice of life or action, but the focus is some kind of game. Basically like yu-gi-oh.

* Another World/Isekai: it's as it says. It's where the main character/s is teleported or reborn in another world.

* Kingdom Based: This is a sub and main tag. As it says It's where, the focus is on a kingdom/takes place in a kingdom.

* Military Based: It's where the focus is in the military or military setting.

* Single: 1 love interest/is the focus. Love triangles can still happen, but the mc will end up picking one.

* Twin: 2 love interests

* Triple: 3 love interests

* Multiple: Basically a harem, idk why I call it multiple and not harem, but it's a habit now. Typically 4-10

** Large: 11 - 15

** Huge: 16 and up. I say 16, but it's typically 20 and up. I've actually never added numbers to them, so this might change.

* Normal Running: are stories that aren't very long but still long enough to be a few seasons long, kinda like Dragon Ball z

* Semi Long: are stories that are pretty long in length, like box sets long. Think Naruto, with Shippuden.

* Long Running: are stories that are incredibly long, like multiple box sets long, think one piece.

Tags for if I animate it;

* Light Ecchi: Some physics and very light lewd themes with partial nudity.

* Ecchi: Physics with plenty of panty shots, lewd themes and partial nudity/full nudity, with convenient obstacles. This type may have groping and possible visible nipples, or the nipples aren't seen, but erect nipples can be seen through cloths. It can have plenty of lwed and perverted moments, with possibly few or plenty hints to sex.

* Extreme Ecchi: Basically a more extreme version of normal, except it will have visible nipples, groping, foreplay (still hidden) and certain sexual acts can also be in these with sex being hinted and partially shown. It's basically boarder line hentai. It uses clever items to hide the actual private parts, or the male is transparent. It also uses imagery, in some cases, to tell the audience what act is happening.


Since my stories are anime/manga based, they'll have alot of similar themes, settings, wording, and tropes. Also, I'm not from Japan, so I don't know alot of things about the culture, so I'll try to stick to what little I know from reading and watching anime, manga, novels and so on. So sorry ahead of time to anyone from Japan if I don't understand something.

Also, I won't be using honorifics in my stories, mainly because I don't fully understand them or how they're used, but ill still use senpai, kohai, sensei, etc.

Many of my stories will be often for more mature or 18+ audiences, not all of them. What I mean is some might have any or all of the following, ecchi, nudity, partial nudity, strong language, blood, brutality, sexual themes, sex, and so on. I'll always post a proper disclaimer before to warn you.

I'm horrible with names, like bad. So I'll be using a name generator for the characters and other stuff.

Now this might be a weird disclaimer, but in real life I have trouble understanding and expressing certain emotions, so sorry if the characters sometimes act odd or the reaction isn't the right one. So it will often be my own ability to not understand why people react to certain things the way they do. No I haven't gotten it checked out because who cares about caring for ourselves am I right......... but no seriously the same thing going on in myself, that's preventing me from practicing animation, is also stopping me from taking care of myself. Ok, and a little of self-hatred and not caring about myself but details.

Now I would also like to let y'all know that do to the sheer amount of stories I'm going to tell, and have written down, that there's bound to be some overlap between them, some might have similar story themes, some characters might have similar backstories, some may have similar personalities, some might have similar skill sets, and so on. It's unavoidable that some characters and themes from one story might have lap with another character from another one. I'll do my best to keep this from happening, but it's just bound to happen, especially since most are just going to be short fun stories.

If I forget anything, I'll just edit it into it, but I'm pretty sure I got everything. Welp I hope you'll enjoy my stories and tolerate my weird style.

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