Love Again ✔

By fanoshkaflippo

138K 6.2K 1K

Official Wattpad Creator, and super proud of it! Maddox has been in love with Rose for a few months now. Just... More

1. Blinded By Love
2. One Year Later
3. Being Safe
4. Tell Me What To Do
5. One Secret
6. Friends
7. Disappointment
8. An Angel
9. Unexplainable
10. Not Good Enough
11. Scared
12. Effort
13. You Always Come First
14. Rose
15. Overcoming Fears
16. Two Secrets
17. Safe With You
18. Tell Me Why
19. Only You
20. All That Matters
21. All Along
22. Too Good
23. Overestimated
24. Panic
26. My Miracle
27. New Memories
28. Last Forever
29. One Day
30. This Is Forever
31. Excited
32. Love Again
Colton's Miracle

25. Guilt

3.4K 167 19
By fanoshkaflippo


Watching my Rose run so desperately away from me is the worst type of torture I ever thought I'd have to endure. It feels like I'm stuck in my own personal hell, seeing the one person I never wanted to cause pain looking at me like she doesn't know how badly I'm about to hurt her.

But seeing my angel's gray eyes roll to the back of her head as she collapses against me is a sight now carved into my brain and into my heart with a sharp edged dagger.

And knowing that I caused this makes it so fucking worse. I caused her this pain, this terror. I've hurt my angel, and I will never forgive myself for that.

"No, no, no!" I urgently pat her face. "Baby, open your eyes."

I need her to get up, to yell at me, to scream and argue that this is all my fault, my doing. But she doesn't move.

"Goddammit, Rose, come on! I'm so sorry, baby. Please, just open your eyes." I beg, shaking her unmoving body. She's too pale and too still in my arms and I blink the tears out of my eyes so I can focus. "Angel, please. I'm so fucking sorry. I'll take you away from here, I fucking swear, Rose. Just open your eyes. Just look at me, baby."

She doesn't listen and my heart is in a million fucking pieces because I failed her. I failed my angel. I broke my promise, because I put her in danger, and risked her wellbeing. I should've fucking known better, but I didn't and now she's unconscious because she couldn't take it anymore. The stress, the anxiety, the fear. I've seen how they've been eating at her bit by bit through the day, and I didn't put an end to it when I fucking should've.

"Someone get my car keys!" I shout to my family who are all watching silently as I carry my angel in my arms and head to my car. "I'm taking her to the hospital."

"I'll drive. Let's go." Tyler hops in the driver seat with my keys in hand, and I adjust Rose's body over my lap in the backseat.

"We'll be right behind you, son." My father announces as Ma hurriedly puts on her coat, but I don't care. I just need to get her to the hospital so they can tell me she's alright. I need her to wake up so I can apologize and beg for forgiveness, because I'm the fucking worst boyfriend on the planet.

Sofia suddenly shoves her way out of the house and runs to me with glossy eyes. "I'm so sorry, Theo. I swear I only got mad for like a second, because Anna was crying and--"

"Enough." I bit out, because I'm so fucking angry. I know this is no one's fault but mine, but I didn't think that leaving her for two damn minutes alone with my family would end like this. They scared her so much that she fucking ran out of the house, because she believed the streets were safer. That's how fucking terrified she was, and I was in the goddamn bathroom. "All I care about right now is taking her to the hospital."

"She'll be okay, Theo." Mark says from beside the car with a grounded voice. "Charlotte and I will be right behind you too."

I wipe the tears off my face with my free hand, the other holding my angel's body against my own, but the tears just keep coming.

Tyler looks as worried as I am as he quickly starts the car and drives.

"I'm so fucking sorry, Theo." He starts nervously, his voice full of sadness, guilt and worry. "You left her with me for three fucking minutes and I couldn't keep her safe, I couldn't keep her from panicking. Anna just came at us so suddenly and I thought she was going to hug me but she wrapped her arms around Rose instead and---"

"It's not your fault." I interrupt his apology, my voice shaking as I caress Rose's cheek softly. "It was my job to keep her safe, not anyone else's. And I failed. I should've never brought here, Tyler. I don't know what I was fucking thinking."

"Don't do that." He shakes his head, his eyes finding mine in the rearview mirror. "Don't blame yourself, man. She was doing so much better lately with people. Fuck, she even came to the game, Theo. You couldn't have known a small family gathering would end like this."

But I should've though. I should've known, because I've been watching her all day and it was a big fucking possibility. I just thought we could have the goddamn cake then stay at my room till tomorrow, and everything would be find after that.

"We're here, come on." He turns off the engine in front of the emergency entrance and we rush out of the car.

"Can someone please help?" Tyler asks loudly once we walk inside, and multiple eyes snap toward us.

"What happened?" A nurse hurries our way with a stretcher for me to lie Rose on and I carefully do.

"She had a panic attack. It was bad and she just suddenly collapsed." I explain briefly and two more nurses follow, one checking her pupils, the other her blood pressure.

"Too high." The one checking her blood pressure announces and they start pulling the stretcher away from me and down the hall.

"What does that mean?" I ask in panic, following them down the hall. "Will she be okay? Where are you taking her?"

"She'll be alright, don't worry." One of the three stays behind to explain, as they drag Rose's strecher further away, but my eyes trail after her. "They'll stabilize her blood pressure, then help her gain back consciousness. But we need you to fill in some papers in the mean time. Are you a relative?"

"She's my girlfriend." I state firmly and he only gives me a nod in return, walking a few feet away then back to me with some papers and a pen.

Tyler and I sit down and I begin to answer the questions in front of me, my mind unable to focus.

"How is she?" My father walks in with my mother a few minutes later.

"She'll be okay. They'll wake her up, they said." Tyler responds and my mother breathes out in relief.

"We're so sorry, son." Mom sits next to me, her hand attaching to my shoulder. "We tried to contain the situation as best as we could, but she just headed to the door and we were too scared to touch her."

I give her a nod and clench my jaw because the way she put it makes my angel sound like some damn wild animal.

Charlotte and Mark join us soon after and when they see how tense I am they realize I'm not in the mood to chat. So everyone remains silent as we wait.

The more time passes the more anxious I become. What the fuck is taking them so long?

Tyler notices my leg bouncing up and down, and he walks over to the desk with another nurse behind to ask her for updates.

He and the woman exchange a few words before his face visibly pales. I'm about to rush over to know what the fuck is wrong when he turns around and reluctantly makes his way over to me.

"What's going on? What did she say?" I ask, my heart still unable to calm. I know I won't be okay until I make sure she's safe. I need to know that she believes she is, that she'll give me a fucking chance to fix the damage I've done.

"They steadied her heartbeating and she gained back consciousness, but she started panicking again so they had to sedate her." He says carefully, and my heart drops to my stomach.

"She panicked again and they gave her a sedative?" I ask, another fire brewing inside of me at the amount of terror my Rose had to endure, all because of me.

"Yeah, they're transferring her into a private room now. She said we should wait until she wakes up on her own this time. She says Ella should be surrounded by her family, people she trusts." He runs his hand through his hair in distress, and I feel like I have no way out of this fucking nightmare.

"That's alright." My father nods his head, grabbing our attention. "We'll wait outside her room. She doesn't have to see anyone she doesnt want to see, son. It's her choice."

I nod my head and we sit back down to wait some more. Unable to stop my guilt from eating at me, I place my elbows on my knees and cover my head with my palms as the tears rush out again. She's been doing so well, trying her hardest to be strong and brave for me. And I fucking abused that. I took her strength and love for me for granted. I should've never asked her to come here, because I knew she would want to do this for me even if she wasn't ready. She knew how much I wanted her to meet them, and she didn't want to make me sad. She's so fucking considerate and brave and she trusted me to keep her safe. Only I didn't. I allowed all of this to happen. All day long, I've been allowing it, when I should've been protecting her instead.

"Where's my fucking daughter?!" A loud voice echoes through the walls and my head moves up to see a man looking around, angry but afraid, followed by a crying woman. The woman looks just like my angel, but older and with shorter hair.

The man's furious eyes find Mark and he walks over. "Are you Theo?!"

Mark shakes his head and moves his eyes to me in a silent question of what to do. The man is smart enough to follow, and his eyes soon find mine. I stand up as he storms over, and before I could utter a word, he grabs my shirt and slams me against the wall. "Where's my goddamn daughter?!"

"Eddie, stop! Stay calm!" Rose's mother hurries next to her husband, grabbing his arms in an attempt to make him let go of me, and I notice how panicked her voice is.

"What the fuck did you do to her?! She said she was fucking safe with you! She promised you'd never let anything bad happen to her! And then I call her and someone picks up to let me know that she's in the fucking hospital?! What the fuck happened to my daughter because of you, you manipulative piece of shit!" The man sounds as angry and disappointed in me as I feel, so I can't blame him.

"That's enough." My father steps closer, fixing his jacket as he stands straighter. "I suggest you let go of my son and handle this calmly."

Rose's father lets go of me, his angry eyes suddenly turning hard with ice cold rage, and he turns to my dad instead. "Calmly? You want me to calmly discuss with your son how he put my daughter in the fucking hospital?!"

"I'm sorry." My voice is laced with shame, guilt and self hatred as I speak before my father does. "I never meant for this to happen. I'm so sorry."

"Oh, you'll be." Eddie promises.

A nurse walks over, grabbing our attention. "Excuse me, but this is a hospital. We have patients here who need you to be quiet so they can rest. If you feel the need to argue please step outside or I'll have to call security."

"Where's my daughter? Ella Stevens." Rose's mother asks, dismissing the nurse's warning because none of us care about anything more than my angel right now.

"She's been transferred to a room on the third floor. She's still unconscious, but you can see her." She states, her eyes moving across all of us. "Only relatives are allowed. Room 309."

Rose's parents hurry to the elevators and I stay behind with my family, all of us looking at each other for a few seconds.

"Let's go." My mother speaks up. "We'll stay until we make sure she's alright. When she wakes up she'll want to see you, Theo."

"Will her father allow that?" Charlotte asks nervously, her arm clutching around her husband's. "We can all see how angry he is."

"They're adults." My father bites the words out. "They can make their own decisions and he can't stop them. If she wants to see her boyfriend, I'll make sure she damn does."

"Come on." Tyler grabs my arm and we head to the third floor.


Are we mad at Maddox or not? Do we blame him? Let me know how you feel.

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