Help From A Undead Spark

By TheDeadlyVirus102

37.6K 1.2K 47

In a universe where Stiles isn't living in beacon hills but with is mother who didn't die but divorced her hu... More

Information Chapter
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Filler Episode
Chapter 21

Chapter 8

1.9K 52 4
By TheDeadlyVirus102

After years of traveling with his mother at age 12 Stiles's mother found someone who could help them

Little did they know their choice to trust a stranger would lead to permanent trauma for Stiles


"Now I know why you were so angry" said Derek quietly while tucking in Stiles

While unconscious he turned back to normal he even while asleep changed himself into comfortable clothes

Stiles scratched his nose
"I promised I will make mine one day" with that he was fast asleep again

Derek looks at him with wide open eyes

Back when he was nineteen and Stiles was eleven that time they hung out alot and that day they were getting ice-cream while sitting on one of New York's skyscrapers

They were talking about future and while talking Stiles had accidentally spilled the secret that he had a crush on Derek

There was an awkward silence after that

He was glad actually but Stiles was just too young for him and when he told that to Stiles

The kid stood turned to him and had dramatically placed his hand on his heart and swore to make him fall in love with him

Derek laughs quietly and stands up to leave but just as he is about to leave the room a cold gust of wind passes him

Cold is something that wouldn't necessarily effect him easily but this wind had set him into shaking from coldness

He looks back at Stiles who is now sitting straight up

He watches as he turns his head towards Derek

His eyes was glowing cyan again and he wore a creepy smile

"He doesn't know it's his fault" that voice wasn't Stiles's voice someone els was talking from his mouth

And it scared Derek then Stiles's body went limb and he was back to sleep

Derek takes a step back in fear, not knowing what to do he quickly went out of the room and went downstairs

He was at the front door when he felt the temperature drop drastically

He had this overwhelming feeling that something was behind him so he had to turn around and look

He sees something, a man. He stood still but he wasn't the only one standing there, a woman who was slightly behind him stood there

He couldn't make out their face except for the mouth they both wore but an awful smirk

He just blinked and in a instant everything was gone, the light was on and the person who stood in front of him was Stiles's mother

"It looks like you have seen a ghost Derek. I thought you left already?" asked Claudia

Derek didn't say anything and he just left and once he was out he got a text from Scott that read

"Come back now"

He quickly got in his car and drove off fast

Stiles lives very far from Derek's Loft so even at high speed it takes him a while to arrive

He goes into the room and everyone had a look of fear on their faces

"Im guessing I wasn't the only one who saw something scary right?" he asked them

They did a slow nod but before any could speak someone els did

"It's was because of Stiles's eyes" said Talia's ghost

She stood next to Derek and everyone turned her way

"We can see you!?" asked Peter standing and taking a step towards her

"She isn't the only one you guys can see" said another person from behind them

They turned and and saw Erica smiling at them
"Erica" said Boyd and reached for her

But his hand just slipped through her

"Unfortunately I'm still dead and we have a much bigger problem to deal with" said Erica with a sad smile

"She is right, we have to get Stiles stop using his eyes" sad Talia

"Wait wait! What even is happening?" asked Jackson

"Look something was off with Stiles ever since yesterday and I think Leo can explain" said Talia

"Who the hell is Leo?" asked Aiden

"He is the twin of another ghost who decided to stay with Stiles" said Erica this time

And sure enough a little boy appeared, he look sick

His neck had dark blue fingerprints and handmakrks

'Was he choked to death?' thought Alison absolutely horrified

'He barely looks over the age if 6, how could anyone' she thinks further

The boy's entire body looked like it had been underwater for a long time

Some parts if his skin was peeling off, parts of his body was blue-ish, green-ish

'I am glad I can't smell him otherwise we would have died form the smell alone' thought Aiden

"Right now you guys aren't the only ones who can see us dead people, at this moment everyone in Beacon Hills can see us" said the boy

"That - How can we stop it?" asked Derek

"We have to get to Stiles and make him stop" answered the boy

"Can't you guys just go there and wake him up?" asked Lydia

"Because the closer you are to him, the stronger his power is and it is guarded by two evil entities" said an older woman appearing next to Lydia

Lydia immediately recognized her and stared shockingly at her

Everyone els had also been startled and looked at the old woman expecting her to introduce herself but surprisingly Lydia is one to talk

"Grandma!" she said sadly

"Hello Ariel" her grandmother said with a smile

There was a while where everyone was just quiet but Alison had to speak something Lydia's grandma said had her confused

"The two entities...
/She starts and the attention is towards her/
Are they the man and woman with no faces we saw earlier?" she asked

"Yes it's them, those two are extremely powerful and evil you better watch out for them okay" said Lydia's grandmother

There was a moment of silence again and they only moved and got a plan when the situation escalated further and it did for the worst

Ethan and Aiden's past pack members were showing up and they wanted revenge

The power was growing stronger and it was certain that at midnight on the dot it will be at its peak making it harder to take care of the problem

12:00 o'clock is four hours away so they had to move

Derek and his mother will be going straight to Stiles's house while everyone went around town to keep the dead and the living apart


"Okay we are at going to the hospital" said Scott as he hung up on the phone

He and Alison were together that boy had told them the hospital was the second most dangerous place to be. The graveyard being in first

They climb out of the car and they already see more people outside who look terrible

One guy had no arms and a girl had no head. There was a bunch of them who were just wearing hospital gowns and walking around

"There is a pacient with a missing eye at the hospital, he is a poltergeist level who will be extremely stronger tonight
He usually hangs out at the front desk"

That was what the boy said

Alison and Scott look at each other and nod

First they check around and so far they have only caught some glimpses of him

So they just at the front

"You know if the dead can be seen by is do you think I will see Kate and Gerard again?" asked Alison paranoid

Scott looks at her with sad eyes and hugs her
"I don't know but for know let's hang on until Derek wakes up Stiles" he said smiling

/Meanwhile with Aiden and Isaac /

"How did we even get paired together for this ?" asked Isaac out loud

They were at the school and there was clearly tons of spirits around and they seemed nice but slowly but surely more evil looking people showed up

"If only the teachers didn't decide to have a meeting this late we wouldn't even had to come here" said Aiden sighing loudly

"How the hell are we even suppose to deal with ghosts?" asked Isaac to no one in particular

They looked at each other frowning

/With Boyd, Erica and Cora/

"It seems very unlucky for us three to be together again" says Cora hitting steering wheel

They were driving around town to make sure no spirsts or the undead was causing problems and with their luck they ran into a poltergeist

"Who knew poltergeists were strong enough to stop an entire car" said Boyd with a shocked expression on his face

"Ugh I hope Stiles wakes up before you two are thrown across town" laughs Erica but her laugh didn't feel like she was happy at all

They stop and look at her
She blinks watching them and all of the sudden a stop sign was being-

"Guys Guys! Watch out for the stop sign!" yelled Erica quickly

They reacted quickly and moved out of the way obviously freaked out

"This poltergeist is fucking insane" said Cora as a mail box goes flying at Boyd

He dodges it but more things keep in coming

/With Lydia and Jackson/

"You know out of all the places we could have gotten, the police station was probably the best" said Jackson

"That would be the case but you might wanna look closely" said Lydia

And sure enough you being to realize that most of the deputies you see are dead

Half don't look dead and the alive ones doesn't seem to notice as many calls keep coming in about "seeing my dead friends and family "

"You guys should call the Sheriff to come in" whispered the -

"Hey isn't that the old sheriff who died three years ago?" asked Jackson

Lydia nods, she remembers the funeral that had a picture of him and sure enough the man whispering to the deputies was him

They nod without even realizing it and call him up

They both go wide eyed when a sketchy woman came in

She looked awful, her body was filled with big class pieces and she had hand cuffs on

"Where is that cop who did this to me" she mumbled searching around

"Those calls are helpful for now" said Lydia

/With Mr Stilinski /

He had just gotten called to go to work, there had been a huge amount of calls coming in because of people seeing the dead

He shakes his head as he puts on his coat
"Only Stiles can see dead people" he mumbled

But from behind him came an old sturdy voice

"How dare you give that thing your Father's nickname" she yelled louldy

He turns around
"Mother?" he asked

And right before him stood she looking like the day he last saw her, she has her hands on her hips

"I told you that Claudia was a bad person now look what she had done, she gave birth to an abomination" she continued

He wanted to speak but she did not give him a chance to

"She was just getting fine then that monster ruined everything and all for what for him to cause this much trouble?" she questioned looking at him

He stood dumbfounded
'What did she mean? Did Stiles do something?' he thought

"Mom what do mean what did he do?" he questioned

"He ended up saving the wrong -" she started but was cut off by the clock hitting 12 on the dot and out side was like it had a filter of cyan had shown

But as fast as it came, it was gone and the sheriff turned back and his mother was gone

"What had happened?" he asked


/10 minutes ago
With Derek and Talia /

"I can't go any further" said Talia when they are in front of the house

"They are keeping me away I'm afraid you will have to go" she adds a little sad but her sons smiles at her for a bit and enters the house

The house inside was quiet and extremely cold, the lights flickered

He looks around and finds Claudia standing in the kitchen seemingly making food but nothing was near her

He knew better than to waste his time trying to figure out what was wrong with her and went upstairs

Going up felt like an eternity of stairs apon stairs it just wouldn't end

Derek stops and looks around he noticed the picture on the wall was different

In this new house they barely hanged pictures around but the one they did hang one of Stiles and his mother when they were in New York

But this picture didn't show Stiles's mother as she should be, she looked different

By staring long enough he realizes in the reflection shows something behind him

He turns around and there was the hallway he had been looking for

He walks down and opens the door to Stiles's room

He saw Stiles laying there clearly uncomfortable, you could see how much sweat was on him and how his face twisted in fear almost like he was having a nightmare

Chp 8
Sorry for the long wait school is open and ready to eat my soul
And I totally didn't forget to post the already finished chapter...

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