Hamilson and Washingdad one-s...

By _death-by-box_

36.8K 898 647

Short one-shots about Washingdad / Washing-machine and his Hamilson. from sad to fluff and all inbetween here... More

Disclaimers/ intro
Professor Washington
Ghost Hunt
Fathers always know
Winter Ball
Dinner Time
Running away to War
Too much Candy
Requests (Not a one-shot)
Horses of Course
Campfire Stories (pt1)
Welcome Home
Wedding (pt 2)
A Happier Christmas
Writer's Block
Wedding (pt 3)
Zoo visit
Hamilvillain (pt 2)
Bringing home the Boyfriend
Info/ Thanks
Road to Freedom
Road to Freedom (pt 2)
Big Baby (Request)
1.2K thanks
Big Baby (pt 2)
Tragedy (Request)
Duel for Freedom
Your New Right Hand Man (Request)
Cabinet (Request)
Snow Fall
Have you seen---
Lost Boy (Request)
Off to bed with you (Request)
Hold your fire
Ghost Man
Update (Not a Story)
Anger (Requested)
Halloween Stand Off (request)
Letter Rewrite (Request)
Wounds (request)
Hold Your Fire Pt. 2

Meeting Mother

835 18 4
By _death-by-box_

My dearest, Martha,

It pains me not to see your beautiful face everyday when I awake. Which is why after constant begging I will let you come down to the field for four days.

As you have asked, you can meet my 'son' and you can call him. There are also a few other hard working men who I would love to introduce to you.

I hope to see you in three days.

Your Husband,

General George Washington of the United States of America

Martha was giddy with excitement as she got loaded up in the coach. Upon arriving at the came she looked around at the hustle and bustle. Men coming and going every which way, it was hard to imagine there was order in the chaotic camp.  

A few men looked her way, some saluting and others just nodding in welcome. That was until a young man approached her.

His dark raven black hair was pulled up in a neat ponytail and her smile was bright. "Hello, Miss. Is there anything I can help you with?"

Martha smiled at the boy's politeness. "Why yes, I'm here visiting my husband so if you could point me in his direction that would be greatly appreciated!"

"And who might he be?"

"George Washington." Martha responded. She missed the look of shock that flashed across Alexander's face.

"Uhh yes, of course. Right this way Mrs. Washington!" He marched along, weaving between men and waving at some. Martha noticed the cold glares some of the men shot the boy.

They arrived in front of a large tent, voices could be heard from inside. "Thank you so much dearie." Martha smiled and planted two quick kisses on each cheek.

"It's my honor ma'am!" Said the boy before running off back into the crowd.

Taking a breath Martha prepared herself before flinging open the drapes over the entrance of the tent and walking in.

There stood her husband in all his glory hunched over a map making battle plans. He looked up and a wide smile split the features of his face. "You're here."

Martha ran to him, hugging the man she loved so dearly so tight. George swooped in and stole a kiss. "Making battle plans I see." she said with a laugh.

Washington chuckled, "As always. I'm almost as bad as Alexander."

"Alexander, isn't that your son?"

George shook his head, "No, I wish he was though. He's a good soldier and a better man."

Martha hummed, "Well, then let's meet him!"

"Of course dear."

George took Martha's hand, leading to a smaller tent not too far away. George helped the draped aloft as Martha ducked inside.

The room was a mess of parchment and broken quills. A man sat at a semi clean desk writing furiously.

"Son.' called Washington and the man looked up.

"Why hello again!" Martha said cheerily.

Washington's mouth fell open. "Again?"

"Why yes, this is the young man that made sure I got to your tent." Martha said with a chuckle. "I can see why you love him so."

Alexander stood up and made his way over. Martha hugged him and the boy melted into her motherly touch. "Thank you, my boy." She whispered softly into Alexander's ear.

As she released Alex he looked at the General. "I've finished those letters you wanted sir."

"Leave them on my desk, I'll read them later." Washington said with a dismissive wave of his hand.

"Umm no! You're not just gonna slack off now that I'm here. Go read your son's work, I'll meet you two back at George's tent, ok?" She said and left before the two could respond.

As Martha walked back she thought of a way she could adopt the boy.

Holy cow people are reading this wtf thank you all so much!!!

Remember to drink some water/ eat food and to vote!!!!

- Riley

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