Monkie Kid x female OC

By JessicaMGarcia4

255K 3.9K 4.4K

Meet Sakura, she's a normal girl who loves helping her uncle Pigsy at his restaurant, loves learning legends... More

Character Info
A Hero is Born Pt.2
A Hero is Born Pt.3
Bad Weather
Special 1k + 2k
Noodles or Death Pt.1
Noodles or Death Pt.2
The Great Wall Race
The winner is...
Sakura has a secret admirer?! And she's going on a date?! Pt.1
Sakura has a secret admirer?! And she's going on a date?! Pt.2
Skeleton Key
The End is Here!
12K Special
Revenge of the Spider Queen Pt.1
Revenge of the Spider Queen Pt.2
Revenge of the Spider Queen Pt. 3
Revenge of the Spider Queen Pt.4
Sleep Bug
Oneshot what if
Ping Pong Panic
Sweet and Sour
Sweet and Sour what if
Minor Scale (Sakura P.O.V Edition)
Shadow Play
26K Special
72 Transformations
This is the End!
On the Run
Great Grand Dragon of the East
Smartie Kid
Amnesia Rules
The First Ring
Special Chapter Truth Serum
Cooking with Chang'e
The King, The Prince, The Shadow, and The Mad Mayor
The Samadhi Fire
The Imperfect World
Christmas Special
The Corrupted King
Time to be Warriors
Destiny Fullfilled
Special Chapter: Sleepover
Season 4: Familiar Tales
New Adventures
The Great Tang Man
The Land of Cherry Blossoms
The Court of the Yellow Robed Demon
Show me the Monster
Pitiful Creatures
The Brotherhood
Roast for the Monkie Kids
Jade Emperor
The Jade Emperor What If
Sakura meets Embry
Sakura's Birthday
Q & A
Father's Day Special
A Lifetime of Mistake
Berserk Kitsune
The Plan Man
Rip and Tear
Better Than We Found It
Special Chapter: Nightclub
Lego Monkie Kid: Nihao My Concubine Pt.1
The Wattys 2023
Lego Monkie Kid: Nihao My Concubine Pt. 2
Visitors from a Different AU
The Land of The Cherry Blossom and the Return of the Deceased Princess, Konohana
Halloween Chapter
Sakura meets Female MK

A Hero is Born Pt.1

12K 122 107
By JessicaMGarcia4

No one P.O.V

"The thing you need to understand about the old legends, is that the story is never finished. There may be no pages left to turn, but there is always more to The Journey. Rising from the netherworld, the Demon Bull King attacked. No one could stop him. No one could resist. No one, except... the legendary Monkey King. The Monkey King used his magical staff to pick up a nearby mountain. He trapped the Demon Bull King underneath it. The Monkey King sealed the mountain with The Staff that no other being could wield, trapping the Demon Bull King forever. With the battle won, the Monkey King vanished, never to be seen again. Legend says the staff still lies on top of that mountain. The one thing keeping our world from certain destruction. And with the Demon Bull King gone, civilization was able to advance into the amazing city we now live in. A world of elegant cultures. Gentle, loving people. A city brimming with five-star cuisine. All because of the Monkey King!" Tang finished telling the story while MK looking so excited after hearing the story

"Oh, Monkey King is so cool! He's so strong and handsome!" MK said while doing poses

"Oh, MK. I thought you knew all the Monkey King stories" Tang said with a smile as he leaned back

"He sure does Uncle Tang" A young girl with light pink hair and red eyes entered the shop, she also works with MK. Her uniform is a dark pink, wears a white apron around her waist, a white cloth on her head and white gloves

"Sakura!" MK ran towards the girl and gave her a hug almost losing her balance

"Easy MK, you almost tackled me into the wall" Sakura said as she regained her balance

"Heh, sorry about that" MK apologized and he ran to get his book about Monkey King that was created and illustrated by MK himself. He explained everything he knows about Monkey King like how he was born from a stone and lives behind a waterfall with his sweet little baby monkeys

"It's nice to know that someone is taking in all these stories. Pearls of wisdom dripping from my lips" Tang said

"But I do love the story you told me about the Cherry Blossom Goddess when I was younger Uncle Tang" Sakura said with a smile

"The Cherry who now?" MK asked

"The Cherry Blossom Goddess, she's from the Japanese mythology. Sakura found a book full of mythology from Japan and asked me to read about the goddess. Did you know the goddess also knows Monkey King?" Tang asked which caught MK's attention

"What?! For reals!?" MK shouted

"Yeah, Uncle Tang told me about it when I was a child" Sakura said and Tang cleared his throat

"Well, you know the deal, one story, one free bowl of Zha Jiang mian along with my niece's famous Osmanthus cake" Tang said

'Oh boy, Uncle Pigsy isn't gonna like this' Sakura took cover under the stall

"Huh? Oh right, free noodles! Yep, on it! So how did the goddess meet the Monkey K-" MK was caught off by a wooden spoon and came a very angry pig

"Free noodles and free sweets?! No one gets a free meal at Pigsy's! I'm not running a charity here, Tang!" Uncle Pigsy yelled, and Tang slightly moves Pigsy away

"Ah, but Pigsy, I was paying with wisdom" Tang said but that made it worse

"Yeah?! Well, wisdom don't pay rent either you freeloader!" Pigsy yelled again and looked angerly at MK

"And you! You've been slacking off all morning and made my sweet niece do all the work! I've got dozen of more orders that needs to go out, so quit slacking and get packing!" Pigsy yelled again and I started coming out from under the stall

"Yeah, I was supposed to take my break so..." MK trailed off

"Break? Break?! There's no break in war! I need workers, soldiers in the army of Pigsy's Noodles, home of the world's longest noodles. How else am I expand my business into enemy territory?" Pigsy said as he pointed across the street

"Uh, you mean across the street?" MK asked as Pigsy and his enemy gave each other the death glare, while Sakura put all the orders in the cooler in MK's cart and took a seat in the passenger's side

"I stand by my statement! Now, hurry up! Sakura is already waiting!" Pigsy said as MK ran outside leaving Pigsy and Tang alone, which resulted Tang trying to run away "Hey, get back here you coward!" Pigsy's voice can be heard outside

"No, Pigsy!" Tang trying his best to flee

MK put on his headphones, put in the address for the first delivery and drove off

Sakura P.O.V

MK was driving while listening to his music and I was keeping track of the directions for the delivery route, we delivered the first couple of orders and the next order is at a construction site which I find weird but thought it could be the workers and when we got to the site, nobody is here. MK grabbed my hand, and we went down the elevator, once we reached the bottom, MK started walking again while listening to his music

'This is weird, where is everyone?' I thought to myself, and I saw a bird flying 'What's a bird doing here?' While we were walking, I heard voices, I grabbed MK's arm, and he took off his headphones

"What's wrong Sakura?" MK asked

"I hear voices up ahead, but it doesn't feel right" I said

"Let's check it out" MK said as he grabbed my hand, and started heading towards where the voice is

After a bit of walking, the voices were much closer now, and we hid behind a boulder

"It feels like I waited an eternity for this moment. Is everything in order?" A woman asked a boy with hair as red as fire

"Just making the final adjustments mother" The boy said

MK and I looked ahead and saw a small hill with a staff

"Finally, after all this time, we have the means to lift the Monkey King's legendary staff!" The woman said

"Woah, the Monkey King's staff" MK looked at the staff with an awe look, so he decided to take a closer look by climbing the pipes and I also started climbing with him

"My love will finally be returned, once we remove the staff" The woman said and she saw one of the robots climbing on the hill to remove the staff, while MK and I finally reached the top, I felt something on my head and it was the same bird from earlier. We saw the robot try to remove the staff but that resulted to losing its arms

"You fool. You think we didn't try that already? It's gonna take more than a few robots to lift the Monkey King's staff. Only those who deemed worthy can wield it" The boy said as he summoned a gauntlet out of nowhere "But I, Red Son, have designed this gauntlet to bend it to my will" MK freaked out a bit, which almost made fall but I managed to grab him, he even made sure not to drop the order either

"Please be more careful MK" I whispered to him and he nodded as we continued to watch. The boy who called himself Red Son walked towards the staff, gripped it and with all his might managed to pull out the staff

'Was his hair on fire?!' I was freaking out and I didn't realize that I was starting to lose my grip

"Yes! I did it!" Red Son said as the robots applaud for him "What?! Why isn't anything happening?! Mother, are you sure this is the right mountain?" Red Son asked

"No. Maybe it was that other mountain with a magical staff sealing away my husband!" The woman said with a sarcastic tone then I heard creaks and the mountain burst out with a lot of energy

"Yes, father! Rise! Rise!" Red Son yelled and from the smoke appears the Demon Bull King

"Flesh. Bone. I have returned to the realm of the living" Demon Bull King said and I noticed the bird trying to peck MK's fingers, I moved over a bit so I can cover MK's fingers which resulted for the bird to peck my fingers

"Oh, Demon Bull King! How I missed you!" The woman said

"Princess Iron Fan, the years have been kind. How did you free me?" DBK asked, the woman known Princess Iron Fan was about to answer was interrupted by Red Son

"Actually, it was I, father. I moved the staff. I learned to harness it, to make its power mi-" DBK started to loom over him, making DBK look intimidated "O-our power" Red Son stuttered

"Excellent" DBK said with a smirk

Soon I couldn't hold on anymore, which resulted me falling. MK tried to catch my hand, but failed.

"Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!" I screamed and I land on Red Son, I looked down and I immediately got off of him "Oh no! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to land on you!" I apologized, Red Son got up and was to yell at me but didn't

Red Son P.O.V

After saying my speech about world domination, I heard screaming from above and next thing I know is that I was face planted on the ground, after the weight was lifted off of me, the person apologized to me. I was about to give this person a piece of my mind but I didn't. In front of me was the most beautiful being I ever laid my eyes on, her hair as pink as cherry blossom, her eyes as red as a cherry and her skin as white as snow. I think I'm in love.

"Ahem! Excuse me miss, may I ask your name?" I asked and it made my parents look shocked including the Bull Bots

"S-Sakura..." The girl answered

'Sakura... A lovely name for a lovely girl' I thought as I blushed

"Tell me Sakura, may I ask your hand in marriage?" I asked


"M-m-m-m-marriage? But we just met!" Sakura said

"Doesn't matter, my dear Sakura, you have stolen my heart. Please won't you be mine?" I asked as I gently grabbed her hand. She was about to answer when something or someone fell on me

Sakura P.O.V

I was about to say something when I saw MK fall on Red Son and making him drop the staff. MK looked at the Demon Bull family with a scared look and he chuckled nervously "Someone ordered some noodles?" MK asked as he held the bag with the noodles

"Get off me, you idiot! Argh, did you know what you just did?! You ruined my moment and proposal!" Red Son shouted, DBK took a step forward and glared at MK

"A little eavesdropper has fallen into our midst. It seems a waste to crush something as insignificant as my first act as ruler of this new world, but so be it" DBK was about to step on MK, when Red Son stopped him

"No, wait father"

"What is this?" DBK asked

"Waste not your energy on this peasant. Please allow me to show you how powerful I have become in your absence" Red Son said

"As you wish" DBK growled

"But before that, my cherry blossom, will you please go stand by my mother? It'll be quick once I finish this peasant" Red Son asked but realized MK was slowly walking away with him dragging me

"How dare you touch my love?!" Red Son's hair bursts into flames again "I, Red Son, will not be disrespected! You're history!" Red Son was about to attack MK with his gauntlet, but MK blocked the attack using Monkey King's staff

'Huh!? MK lifted the staff like it was nothing!' I thought

"No way! How could you possibly lift the Monkey King's staff?!" Red Son said who was shocked

"This is impossible" I heard Princess Iron Fan say while DBK was looking down at MK angerly with a growl

"I don't know what's going on but I'm about to end it. That staff and Sakura is mine!" Red Son said as he was about to attack again

"I'm supposed to be on break!" MK yelled as he swung the staff releasing golden energy at Red Son and his robots that made them fly back

"This can't be!" DBK shouted with a shocked tone

"Uh, that was way more explosive than I expected" MK said

"That was amazing MK!" I said with stars in my eyes and Princess Iron Fan slams her fan to the ground "Stand back! I don't know I'm doing this stuff!" MK said and I couldn't help but laugh while sweat-dropping

"That staff doesn't belong to you, little boy. Hand over the staff and the girl" Princess Iron Fan demanded

"" MK said

'Did he really make it sound like a question?' I thought and the staff started move on its own, I held onto MK cause I was curious on how its moving on

"Okay, I didn't do even move that t-" MK didn't finish his sentence when the staff launched both me and MK out of the cave

No one P.O.V

After both MK and Sakura were launched out of the cave, Princess Iron Fan looked furious

"He can't escape with that staff! Even the girl was launched with him!" Princess Iron Fan shouted

"Centuries trapped in oblivion, plotting my revenge and all of it thwarted by a little thief?! I will tear the flesh from his bones!" DBK yelled as his body was surrounded by a dark aura

"Father, allow me! I won't fail you the second time" Red Son said

"Very well" DBK growled

"Of course, father" Red Son was to leave when his mother stopped him


"Red Son, I have to ask, why did you ask that girl her hand in marriage?" Princess Iron Fan asked

"Well to be honest, she looked like beautiful goddess from above and I fell in love at first sight. I have no doubt, she'll make a great wife" Red Son said with a small smile and his cheeks lightly pink

"I see. Then I'll look forward to the marriage between you both" Princess Iron Fan said as Red Son teleported through his flames

To be continued

This is my first Lego Monkie Kid story, I hope u guys like it and look forward to more! Have a nice day or night everyone!

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