Broken Souls Don't Cry

By melodious0702

197 0 0

After a traumatic event when she was 17, Sara Ashton longs for normalcy. She hates being in the spotlight and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 18

4 0 0
By melodious0702


They had finished working on the first part of the project and Sara was packing up to leave. Kai didn't really want her to go but he didn't think she would agree to staying later. AJ had gone into his room an hour ago to watch a movie.

"Well, I think we made some good progress tonight. Think we'll get a good grade with this project?" Sara smiled at Kai and his heart leapt.

"Most definitely"

"So, I'll see you on Tuesday?" Sara asked as she started heading toward the door.

"Do you think you can wait that long to ask me another question?" Kai smirked. He was trying to delay her departure and muster up the courage to ask her to stay a little longer.

"Probably. Can you wait that long to ask me one?" she teased.

"No, actually" He stepped closer to her as she reached the door. "I'd love to ask you one tomorrow. And the day after that." His voice got quieter as he stared into her eyes. "And the day after that" he whispered.

"What are you doing Kai?" She asked searching his face. Her tone was one of concern and alarm. He was coming on too strong and needed to tone it down before he scared her off.

He knew she was afraid of situations like this. One on one in an enclosed space. The foyer wasn't exactly enclosed, but they were standing very close to each other. She hadn't taken a step back, so he took that as a good sign. However, he decided to step back just a little.

"I like hanging out with you. You're funny and smart. Will you stay a little bit longer? Watch a movie with me?"

"I don't know Kai..." she sighed and looked toward the door for a moment before returning his gaze. "I don't... I'm not used to being alone with other's"

"We won't be alone" He assured her, "AJ is up in his room. He would beat the crap out of me if you made so much as one scream. If you'd like him to join us I'm sure he'd do that too, so you are more comfortable. I don't want to do anything that makes you uncomfortable."

That seemed to relax her a little. He'd have to remember to thank AJ for staying in instead of going out with his teammates.

"Okay, let's ask AJ to join us, if you don't mind" she said hesitantly and then walked back to the living room.

"I'll sit here" as he gestured to the end of the couch that was furthest from the armchair, "and then you can choose anywhere you want, be it far away from me or next to me. Your choice" He was trying to make sure she knew that she always had a choice. "I'll go check with AJ"

Returning to the living room, "AJ said to go ahead and pick a movie. He'll be out to join us once the match he's in ends. Ten minutes maybe?" He gave a little smile, pleased to see that she had chosen the opposite end of the couch from him. She was curled up with her feet underneath and to the side of her. He handed her the remote, telling her to pick whatever she wanted. He walked over to the basket to grab her a blanket, just in case she gets cold.

He set the blanket down on the seat between them. "Here's this in case you get cold"

"Thank you, that's perfect." She kept her eyes on the tv scrolling through the Netflix choices. "I'm usually always cold. My dad keeps his apartment around 65 degrees year-round and I'm always freezing when I visit him. If I complain, he'll straight up tell me he doesn't care. Then leaves me to scrounge around for any sort of blanket to keep me warm. I've learned to just bring my own and dress warmly."

She settled on a movie, an action-romance movie. A good compromise for each of them he figured.

"Your parents are divorced?" He asked

"Yes" and she frowned. "They divorced during my first year here at college." He watched her intently as she averted her gaze to the floor. "They divorced because of me" she said quietly.

"I'm sure that's not true." He comforted.

"My dad wanted me to stay in California for school so I could be close for support, especially since I was still so young. I graduated early, see. My mom thought it would be best if I left California and all the things behind. Start over where nobody knows me." She quietly said. "I had a breakdown my first month here and my parents constantly fought over whether or not to bring me home. It drove them a part and they divorced during my second semester. They still get a long, and my dad lives just a few blocks away from my mom and siblings."

Kai looked at her in disbelief. "You are not to blame for it. Please don't tell yourself that"

"Logically I know that, but I still struggle to accept it sometimes. Casey, my roommate, has been a Godsend. She usually knows just how to help me. I've been doing well the past couple years because of hers and AJ's support. He doesn't know what happened, but he's always been there if I needed someone, like a bodyguard, no questions asked."

Well, that explained his fifth degree earlier. "Who all does know?"

"My family, therapist, school guidance counselor, Casey... and you"

"Okay, I won't tell a soul without your permission." He assured her.

AJ walked a minute later and sat in the armchair. "Sara!" He exclaimed, "You picked one of my favorites!"

At some point during the movie, Sara fell asleep. Kai looked over at her, snuggled up in the blanket, her mouth slightly open and breathing deeply. Kai smiled. Beautiful. AJ looked at him then followed his gaze.

"You like her, don't you?" AJ asked.

Kai shrugged but thought about that for a while before saying "She's intriguing. She's nothing like the girl I thought I knew in high school. I want to get to know her, the real Sara."

"I'll break your neck if you hurt her Kai" AJ said flatly.

"I know, that's just what I would expect of you. You've been a good friend to her." AJ nodded and they turned their attention back to the movie.

When the movie ended AJ woke Sara up gently. "Let us drive you home Sara"

She rubbed her eyes and nodded. AJ helped her out to her car and then he hopped in the driver seat. Kai followed behind them to her apartment. It was a silent drive; Sara had her eyes closed most of the time.

AJ must have sent her roommate a message because she was waiting outside for them to pull in. Kai parked and then got out of his truck to introduce himself and help Sara carry all her stuff inside.

"Sorry I missed seeing you earlier. I had to work. Sara wasn't lying when she said you were crazy hot" Casey said to Kai as she opened the door for them. He chuckled and Sara stood mortified.

"Casey!" she hissed.

"Oh relax. I'm sure he already knows that."

"He does actually. Girls are always falling left and right." AJ chimed in and winked at Sara.

"I think I'm going to swoon." Casey laughed loudly.

"I think I'm going to die of embarrassment" Sara said as her face turned pink.

AJ headed to Kai's truck to wait while Kai said goodbye to Sara and Casey.

Casey left, saying she had to go check the air conditioner, because it was "hot in here".

Sara, her face hidden behind her hands, was still blushing. "I'm sorry" she said, "they like to tease me sometimes."

"It's all good." Kai waved off. He rather enjoyed seeing her blush from the banter a few minutes ago. "May I text or see you tomorrow?"

"I have to be at the shelter in the morning to work with the dogs some. Training, exercise, and grooming. That sort of thing. It usually takes most of the day."

"May I keep you company for part of it?" he asked, "It might help me seeing some of the behind-the-scenes operations for day-to-day activity at the shelter. It'll help with the project." He didn't dare say he just wanted to see her.

"That could be fun, and it'll help with some of the dogs who either don't like men or who are afraid of new people. I'll ask Jerry when I get in if it's okay for you to stop by and help a little."

"Thank you." He stepped towards the door then said, "I'll bring you lunch at the very least. I had a great time tonight, you know?"

"I did too. Thanks for asking me to stay later." She smiled at him.

"I'll be thinking about my question for you tomorrow. You better have one for me or I'll feel stupid." Kai knew he was stalling; he was pretty sure she knew it too. He walked back to her and pulled her into his arms to give her a friendly hug. She felt perfect in his arms and fit just right under his arm. He could tell she was shocked, but she didn't pull away and instead put her arms around his back to return it. He lightly kissed the top of her head before stepping back. "Thank you for trusting me. Goodnight"

AJ smirked at him when he reached the truck. It was a silent drive back to their condo. Which was fine, Kai was starting to feel things he never thought he would feel towards anyone, and he could neither share it nor feel like he could adequately express it. Yet anyways. Sara deserved all the love and care in the world.

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