We'll Get Through This

By Musicgirl1120

61.9K 1.5K 432

Everything has been going perfect for the Bishop-Delucas. They have two amazing daughters, work is going grea... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23

Part 13

2.3K 67 20
By Musicgirl1120

"Hello?" Maya said, answering the phone.

"Hi Maya," Nicole said, "I was just calling because Rowan has been out of sorts for a little while, and I just picked her up and she has a fever. It's 101.9 so we are going to need you to come pick her up."

"Of course," Maya said, already getting up and gathering her things, "I will be there in a few minutes."

"Ok," Nicole said, "I am hanging out with her in the sick room."

As soon as Maya hung up with the daycare, she called the chief, explaining what was going on. He told her to take as much time as she needed, something she was incredibly grateful for.

She then headed out of the station, A shift not working and no one from B shift around meaning she could just head straight to the hospital. Maya got to the daycare, finding Rowan looking absolutely miserable in the arms of one of the workers.

"Come here Patatina," Maya said, reaching out for the toddler who instantly clung to her.

"We have had a few kids out with hand foot and mouth this week," Nicole said, "So that might be what this is."

"What is that?" Maya asked, rubbing Rowan's back as the little girl fussed.

"It's a viral infection that can cause fever, loss of appetite, possibly an upset stomach, and then a rash on the hands, feet, mouth, throat, and sometimes in the diaper area," the daycare worker explained, "It's not uncommon in kiddos, especially the twins' age. She doesn't have a rash, but if it is hand foot and mouth, she will get one in the next day or so. It's pretty contagious so..."

"So, Nora is probably going to get it too," Maya said, now in an internal debate about whether or not to bring her other toddler home, "Um, how contagious is it to adults?"

"It can spread to adults, but hand washing and just good hygiene usually help a lot," the worker explained, "I have worked here for 10 years, and never gotten it even though we usually have an outbreak every couple of years."

"Ok," Maya said, "Is it ok if I leave Nora here and have a friend pick her up at the end of the day? If, by some miracle, she doesn't already have this, I would like to keep it that way if someone is willing to risk it."

"As long as she is fever free and has no other symptoms, that's fine," the worker said, "And we checked her for a fever when Rowan started feeling sick and she was good. Who are you going to have pick her up?"

"Victoria Hughes or Travis Montgomery," Maya said, "They are both on the list."

"Perfect," Nicole said, "Well, Miss Rowan, I hope you feel better soon."

Rowan just offered a half smiled, the little girl clearly not feeling well.

"Thank you," Maya said, heading out of the daycare.

Maya put Rowan in her car seat, the little girl fussing when she was put down.

"I know Ro," Maya said, brushing hair off her too warm forehead, "But you have to sit in your seat to go home."

"Uppie," Rowan cried as Maya buckled her in, "Uppie."

"I will pick you up as soon as we get home," Maya said, her heart breaking as she listened to her sick daughter cry.

Maya started the car, driving home as quickly as she could, Rowan crying/screaming the entire drive home. As soon as they got home, Maya bolted out of the car, scooping Rowan up into her arms, the little girl so upset and crying. Suddenly, the toddler gagged, throwing up all over herself and Maya, the blonde grimacing as it happened.

"Oh Rowan," Maya sighed as the little girl continued crying, "It's ok."

Maya wasn't sure if Rowan was crying because her stomach hurt or if she had thrown up because of how worked up she was, but whatever it was, she was desperate to help her feel better.

"Let's go inside and take a shower, ok?" Maya said, trying to figure out how to best hold her daughter without getting them both more gross.

She headed inside, slipping off her shoes. "Bambina?" she heard from the living room.

"It's me," Maya said, walking toward where her wife was with the still fussy Rowan in her arms.

"Oh, what happened?" Carina asked, slowly standing up.

"She spiked a fever at daycare," Maya said, "They said hand foot and mouth is going around? I don't know. But she is miserable and she cried the whole way home and then puked as soon as I got her out."

"Poor Patatina," Carina said, putting a hand on Rowan's warm forehead, frowning.

"Mamma," Rowan said, reaching for her.

"Mamma can't hold you right now, remember?" Maya said, "Only cuddles on the couch."

"Mamma," Rowan fussed.

"I am going to take her upstairs," Maya said, "She stinks."

"Mamma," Rowan sobbed as Maya carried her upstairs, breaking Carina's heart into about a million pieces.

All her sick little girl wanted was her mamma and she couldn't easily have her. Carina decided to grab a sippy cup for the toddler before going upstairs, finding Rowan's favorite pajamas and grabbing her blanket out of her bed, taking those into the master bedroom. By the time Carina did all of that, Maya was finishing up with Rowan in the shower.

"If you lay her on the bed, I can dress her," Carina said as Maya walked out of the bathroom with Rowan wrapped in a towel.

"You probably shouldn't be around her," Maya said, looking at her wife, "You are barely 10 days post op. The last thing you need is to get sick."

"I will be fine Bambina," Carina said, "If this is hand foot and mouth, it doesn't usually impact adults as much as kids and Rowan and I both just want to lay around all day so we might as well do it together."

Maya bit her lip, nervous to let Carina be around the sick toddler, but when Rowan started crying for Mamma again, Maya caved.

"Fine," the blonde said, laying the sick little girl on the bed.

"Where is Nora?" Carina asked as she dried Rowan off.

"Daycare," Maya said, "She's got no symptoms and I am going to see if Vic or Trav can take her tonight just to keep them separated so Nora doesn't get this."

"She probably already has it," Carina said, putting Rowan's diaper on, the toddler just looking absolutely miserable.

"Well, if there's any chance she doesn't, I want to keep it that way," Maya said, pulling on her own lounge wear.

"Ok," Carina said, pulling Rowan's nightgown on.

"How are you feeling this afternoon?" Maya asked, going over and picking Rowan up, the toddler starting to get fussy again.

"It's getting better," Carina said, "I'm a little less sore today and I feel like I am finally getting my energy back."

"Good," Maya said, rubbing her hand up and down Rowan's back.

"How about I get into bed and you can lay Rowan next to me and I will cuddle her," Carina said, "I know I could use a nap, and I'm sure Patatina could too."

"Alright," Maya said, a little worried Rowan would kick Carina in her sleep or hurt her in some way, but the toddler was clearly exhausted and cuddling in bed with Mamma was probably exactly what she needed.

Carina carefully got into bed before Maya set Rowan down on the other side, the toddler immediately fussing when Maya put her down.

"Come here," Carina said, gesturing to her daughter, "Come cuddle with Mamma."

"Mamma?" Rowan said, realizing Carina was in bed.

"Si," Carina said, "Vieni qui."

As soon as Rowan started moving toward Carina, Maya went into the bathroom to get a thermometer and some children's Tylenol to help with the fever. Rowan immediately crawled across the bed, trying to climb on top of Carina.

"No, not on my belly," Carina said, wincing a little, "How about you just lay next to me?"

"No," Rowan cried, "Uppie."

"Patatina, my belly is still very sore," Carina sighed, "But I can cuddle you right here. You can lay on my arm?"

"Uppie," Rowan said quietly, tears falling down her cheeks.

"Alright," Maya said, walking back into the room, "I've got meds...what's wrong?"

"She wants me to hold her and I can't," Carina said, tears welling up in her own eyes as Rowan continued to cry next to her.

"Come here Patatina," Maya said, climbing into bed with her girls, picking Rowan up.

The little girl immediately laid down on Maya's chest, cuddling in.

"Ok," Maya said, grabbing the thermometer, running it over Rowan's forehead, "Oh, 102.1. That's too high. Time for some medicine."

"I can get it out of the container," Carina said, wiping her tears as she grabbed the bottle, "At least I can do something for her."

"Car, you do so much for her," Maya said, "For both of them. She will cuddle with you later. She's just so out of sorts right now because of that fever. You always take such good care of them, of all of us. So, for the next few weeks, you can't hold them how you are used to, but you will be able to soon. It's only temporary, ok?"

Carina nodded, leaning over and giving Maya a small kiss before dosing the meds for Rowan.

"Come on Patatina," Carina said, putting the syringe to her lips, "This will help you feel a little bit better."

Rowan opened her mouth, letting Carina put the medicine in.

"Dwink," Rowan said, rubbing her eyes.

"Are you thirsty?" Carina asked, brushing messy hair off Rowan's forehead, remembering she had left the sippy she had gotten on the dresser in the twins' room.

The toddler nodded.

"I can go get her something," Maya said, going to stand up.

"No, Bambina, I brought a cup up here," Carina said, "It's just in their room. I'll go get it. Walking is good for me."

Maya nodded, settling back against the pillows rubbing Rowan's back. Carina went down the hall, grabbing the sippy off the dresser along with a few books for later before going back into the master bedroom.

"Here you go Rowan," Carina said, holding out the cup, the toddler taking it and immediately drinking it.

"We should try to get as much fluid in her as we can," Carina said, sitting back down on the bed, "If she does have hand foot and mouth, she probably won't want to drink much if the blisters get in her mouth and throat."

"Poor baby," Maya sighed, rubbing Rowan's back as she sucked on her sippy cup, "Oh, Trav said he will pick Nora up and keep her tonight for us which honestly will probably make her happier than if we picked her up. And I told him that if she gets sick, he could too, but he said he would be fine."

"You're right she'll probably be more excited" Carina laughed, "Hopefully, she doesn't get this."

"Mamma sond," Rowan said, pulling her sippy out of her mouth for a minute.

"You want me to sing?" Carina asked, caressing Rowan's cheek as the toddler nodded.

"Alright," Carina said, thinking for a minute before starting to sing to the sick little girl.

It only took about two rounds through the song before Rowan was sound asleep, clutching Maya's shirt in her hand.

"She's out," Carina said, looking at her wife.

"Good," Maya said, nodding, "I hate when they are sick and feeling so bad."

"Me too," Carina agreed, yawning a little bit.

"Go to sleep Babe," Maya said, "I'm sure you could use a nap. I might try to eventually get this little one off my chest and work on some files, but other than the time it takes me to get my bag, I will be right here, ok?"

"Ok," Carina nodded, letting her tired eyes start to close, "I love you."

"I love you too," Maya said, reaching over and running her fingers through her wife's hair.

Soon enough, Carina was asleep and Rowan had been out long enough that she hoped the toddler would stay sleeping if she laid her down. Maya skillfully put the little girl down in the middle of the bed, the toddler moving around a little, but settling quickly as Maya smoothed her sweaty blonde hair. Maya smiled, happy that Rowan was settling down.

She got up, going and grabbing her bag, sitting down in a chair near the bed, wanting to be close but not disrupt the sleep that two of her three favorite girls needed.

Maya first pulled out her phone, making sure Travis knew everything he needed to do when he went to pick up Nora before opening her laptop to start working on everything that had backed up while she was off with Carina for her surgery recovery. Maya kept an eye on Rowan, making sure she wasn't kicking around too much.

Around 1, Carina started to stir.

"Hey," Maya said as the Italian's eyes opened.

"Ciao," Carina said, looking over at her wife and sleeping daughter, "Has she been asleep the whole time?"

"Yeah," Maya said, reaching over and rubbing Rowan's back, "She's still really warm, but I'm glad she is asleep."

"Si," Carina nodded, "I hate when they are sick."

"I know," Maya said, setting aside her laptop, "And she went down so fast with this. She was a little bit clingy this morning, but she wasn't warm or anything."

Carina nodded, reaching over and stroking Rowan's hair.

"Are you ready for some lunch?" Maya asked, looking at her wife.

"Maybe," Carina said, "Do we still have chicken teriyaki?"

"Yeah," Maya nodded, "I'll go get you some. I also probably need to put in a grocery order so I have something to feed Rowan if her throat and mouth get sore."

"Or you could have Andrea go out and get it for you," Carina said, "He was texting me earlier because he is off today and he was going to come over and hang out this afternoon. I need to text him and tell him he doesn't need to come, but I could also send him to the store for us."

"If he's up for it, that would be great," Maya said, moving to get up, "Can you tell him what to get?"

"Of course," Carina nodded, "Is there anything else we need?"

"I don't think so," Maya said, "I'm gonna tell Andy we need food tonight so dinner is covered."

"Ok," Carina nodded, "I will text Andrea."

"I'm going to go get you lunch," Maya said, "But if she wakes up, just text me and I'll come get her."

"Ok," Carina nodded as Maya left the room.

The blonde went downstairs, pulling out the leftovers to heat up for Carina. She knew she should probably eat, but she wasn't super hungry at the moment so she just decided to make herself a small salad.

She texted Andy while she was getting everything ready, telling her they would be needing dinner tonight and also letting her know that Rowan was sick and that she would likely be out of work again for a while. Andy texted her back quickly, telling her that Vic was on dinner duty tonight and asking what was going on with Rowan. Maya let her know what was going on, grabbing Carina's food as well as her own after she did so, heading back upstairs.

"Good, she's still sleeping," Maya said quietly as she walked back into the bedroom, seeing Carina gently stroking Rowan's hair.

"Si," Carina nodded, "She started to move a little bit, but she settled back down once I started playing with her hair."

"And that is one way she takes after you," Maya said, smiling as she handed Carina her lunch.

"Bambina, you also love having your hair played with," Carina said, shaking her head, "Grazie for lunch."

"You're welcome," Maya said, deciding to go sit in the chair on Carina's side of the bed so she didn't disrupt Rowan.

"What are you eating?" Carina asked as she took a bite of her lunch.

"Just a salad," Maya said, tipping her bowl a little so Carina could see, "I'm not super hungry right now."

"Are you feeling ok?" Carina asked, instantly worried her wife was getting sick just like their toddler.

"Yeah," Maya said, "I'm fine. I skip lunch when I'm at work more times than not, you know that."

"Si, but I don't like it," Carina said, raising an eyebrow, "You do hard work, you need to be eating."

"Car, I sit at a desk 80% of the time filing paperwork," Maya said, rolling her eyes.

Carina decided to drop it for now, the two of them just eating their lunch mostly in silence, not wanting to wake up the little girl who was sleeping next to Carina. The rest of the afternoon was fairly calm. Rowan woke up about an hour after they finished lunch, fussy and extremely unsettled.

"Ok Patatina," Maya said, picking up the toddler, "Come here. What do you need, huh? Can you tell me?"

Rowan just laid her head on Maya's shoulder, whimpering a little.

"Poor Patatina," Carina frowned, Maya leaning over so Carina could reach Rowan's back to rub it.

Just as Maya was about to ask Rowan if she wanted a bath, her phone dinged, Andrew telling her he was outside with groceries.

"Andrew's here," Maya said, looking at Carina, "I'll be right back."

"You can leave her here," Carina said, "Rowan, do you want to come cuddle."

"Uppie," Rowan cried as Maya tried to put her down, "Uppie."

"I'll just take her with me," Maya said, rubbing Rowan's back as she tried to get her to settle back down.

"Ok," Carina said, clearly a little bit sad but trying hard not to show it.

"I'll be back in a few minutes," Maya said, "Do you need anything?"

"No," Carina said, shaking her head as Maya left the bedroom.

"Do you want to go see Zio Andrea?" Maya asked Rowan as they walked down the stairs.

"Mommy," Rowan said, holding tightly to Maya.

"I won't put you down," Maya said, rubbing her back, "I'm sorry you don't feel good today."

Rowan just sighed, cuddling closer into Maya. Maya went to the from door, opening it and finding Andrew standing outside with several bags in his hands.

"Hey," she said, letting him in, "Thank you so much for doing that for us."

"Of course," Andrew said as they walked to the kitchen, "You don't need to worry about groceries when you have a sick baby and a wife recovering from surgery. Where is Nora? Do you need me to take her tonight?"

"Travis is going to," Maya said, trying to help Andrew put the groceries away only to have him wave her off, "I wasn't sure what your schedule was when I was trying to figure out what to do with her."

"That's fine," Andrew said, continuing to unpack the groceries, "If you need someone to take her tomorrow night, I am working day shift tomorrow but I can get her after."

"Thanks," Maya said, "I'll let you know."

"Can I?" Andrew asked, holding up a mini popsicle he had gotten for Rowan, gesturing to the toddler.

"Yeah," Maya nodded, "No promises she will even look at you, but go ahead."

"Hey Rowan, do you want a popsicle?" Andrew asked, walking over to Maya and Rowan as the battalion chief turned so the toddler could see her Zio.

Rowan nodded pitifully, picking up her head a little as Andrew unwrapped the cold treat, handing it to her.

"Gwazie," Rowan said, putting the popsicle in her mouth as she laid her head back on Maya's shoulder.

"Prego," Andrew said, rubbing Rowan's back a little bit before going back to finish putting away the rest of the groceries, "Man, even when she is sick, she has good manners. You and Carina have taught them so well."

"We try," Maya said, shrugging a little.

"So, hand foot and mouth?" Andrew said, putting the last carton of juice in the fridge.

"At least we are pretty sure that's what it is," Maya nodded, "It's going around daycare right now."

"Man, as much as I love your kids, hearing about the things they bring home from daycare makes me happy I don't have any," Andrew said, shaking his head, "Is Carina awake?"

"Yeah," Maya nodded, "She's up in our room. You're welcome to go up and see her if you want. I want to grab some napkins and another sippy cup for this little one and I'll be up."

"I can do it," Andrew said.

"No," Maya said, "I've got it. Go see your sister."

"Ok," Andrew said, leaving the kitchen.

"Ok Miss Rowan, what kind of juice do you want?" Maya asked, going over to the fridge, "Zio Andrea bought you lots of different kinds. How about some white grape juice?"

Rowan nodded, picking up her head to look in the fridge as Maya pointed to the bottle. It wasn't often that the twins got a lot of juice or popsicles or anything like that, but because Rowan was sick with such a high fever, Maya was willing to get fluids in her any way she could. Maya poured some of the grape juice into a sippy cup before filling the rest of the cup with water.

"Should we go find Mamma?" Maya asked as she put the bottle of juice back in the fridge. Rowan nodded a little, reaching for the sippy cup Maya was holding.

Maya handed it to her, grabbing a few napkins before heading upstairs. She went into the bedroom, finding Andrew sitting in the chair next to their bed, chatting with Carina.

"Hey," Carina said as Maya walked back into the room, "Oh Rowan, did you get a popsicle?"

Rowan nodded, holding out the frozen treat to show Carina, "'io."

"Zio Andrea gave it to her," Maya explained. "Ah," Carina nodded, "That was very nice of him."

Rowan nodded, laying her head back down on Maya's shoulder.

"She is really not feeling good," Maya said, rubbing her back.

"Poor baby," Andrew frowned, "I'm gonna head out so she can get some rest, and the two of you. Maya, you look like you could use a nap."

"I'm ok," Maya said, shrugging.

"Alright," he said, "Well, just call or text me if you need anything. I hope you feel better Rowan."

Rowan just sighed as Andrew rubbed her back a little.

"Carina, I hope you keep feeling better too," Andrew said, "And Maya, get some rest."

"Thanks for the groceries Andrew," Maya said, "We can walk you out."

"No, I can let myself out," Andrew said, "Bye guys."

"Ciao," Carina said as Maya called, "Bye."

The rest of the evening was fairly calm. Vic stopped by with dinner around 5, also grabbing an overnight bag for Nora so she could take it to Travis. Vic had brought over pierogi as well as some potato and kielbasa soup which Rowan actually was willing to eat some of, not as much as she normally would, but it was enough that Maya and Carina were satisfied. Maya ate some pierogi too, still finding herself not particularly hungry.

Once dinner was over, Maya went to try to give Rowan a bath, only to have the toddler absolutely refuse to be put down. Maya decided that because she had had a shower earlier in the day, that she could skip her normal bath.

Once she got Rowan into clean pajamas, she went to brush her teeth, the toddler very much not happy about that tonight. As Maya tried to brush the little girl's teeth, she noticed a few tiny blisters on her lips. She stopped fighting her on the toothbrush, looking at her little hands, a small blister on her right hand. Maya sighed, picking the little girl back up.

"Well, she for sure has hand, foot, and mouth," Maya said, walking back into the master bedroom, "She had blisters in her mouth and they are starting on her hand too."

"Poor Patatina," Carina sighed.

"I think I am going to sleep in her room tonight," Maya said, "I don't think it's a good idea to have her sleeping in here, but I don't want her to be alone. I'll keep my phone on my so if you need anything in the middle of the night, you can just text me."

"Bambina, why don't you try to give her some medicine, get her to sleep, and then see if she will stay in her bed alone?" Carina said, "You need to sleep too. You look exhausted."

"I don't want her to be alone," Maya sighed, "She is miserable."

"Let's give her another dose of medicine and then you can hold her until she falls asleep," Carina said, "That will probably work. She is very tired."

"Ok," Maya agreed, "We can try."

"Good," Carina said, grabbing the baby Tylenol from where she left it earlier, "Rowan, can you take some more medicine for Mamma?"

Rowan turned her head, letting Carina put the medicine in her mouth.

"Good job Patatina," Carina smiled, setting down the medicine, "Now, should I read some books?"

Rowan nodded.

"I'm gonna go get some," Carina said, moving to get up.

"I can do it," Maya said. "Bambina, I can walk around," Carina said, "It is good for me to walk, remember?"

Maya nodded, getting comfortable in bed with Rowan.

"Mamma?" Rowan asked, looking around a little.

"Mamma is getting you some books," Maya said, "Does that sound ok?"

Rowan nodded, looking at Maya with tired eyes.

"Ok," Carina said, coming back in with some books, "Ready for stories?"

Rowan nodded, climbing off Maya's lap and over to Carina, lying next to her. Maya smiled as she laid there, listening to Carina read to Rowan, allowing her own eyes to close a little bit, feeling the absolute exhaustion hit her all at once. She had no idea how long she fell asleep, but she was startled awake at some point by the bed shifting a little.

"It's ok Bambina," Carina said as the blonde sat up quickly, "I was just moving a little bit. Are you ok?"

"Yeah," Maya said, nodding, "Yeah, sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep."

"It's ok," Carina said, looking at her wife, "You need sleep, and you look exhausted. Are you sure you are feeling ok?"

"Yeah," Maya said, rubbing her eyes, "Yeah, I'm ok. I'm going to go put Ro in her bed, get the kitchen cleaned up, and then I'll help you get ready for bed?"

"I can get myself ready for bed," Carina said, shaking her head.

Maya got up, picking up Rowan and carrying the toddler into her own room, laying her down gently, pressing a kiss to her overheated forehead.

She then went downstairs, getting everything cleaned up, filling up an insulated water bottle with ice water, having read online that cold drinks were best for kids with hand foot and mouth. She then went back upstairs, feeling a headache starting to form, probably because she fell asleep.

She popped back into Rowan's room, finding the toddler asleep in the bed. She set the water bottle on the dresser so she could get it when Rowan inevitably woke up in the middle of the night. Maya made sure the baby monitor was on before going back into the master bedroom, finding Carina in the bathroom getting ready for bed.

"She's asleep in her bed," Maya said, "How are you feeling?"

"I am feeling pretty good actually," Carina said, "I haven't taken any pain medicine at all today and I am not really in much pain which is good."

"I didn't even realize you weren't taking anything," Maya said, eyes wide, "That's really good right?"

"Si," Carina nodded, "It is. I might take some Tylenol just to help me be able to sleep because I am a little sore, and I want to sleep through the night if I can."

Maya nodded as she started brushing her teeth. Soon enough, they were both ready for bed.

"If Rowan wakes up, I am going to go in there for the night," Maya said with a yawn, "But if you wake up and need me and I'm not here, just text me, ok?"

"Ok," Carina said as Maya leaned over, pressing a kiss to her lips, "Please try to get some sleep Bambina."

"I will," Maya nodded, "I love you."

"I love you too," Carina said, watching her wife cuddle down under the blankets.

Just as Maya was about to close her eyes, her phone started ringing. She grabbed it quickly, seeing it was a facetime from Travis.

"Hey," Maya said, answering the phone quickly, "Is everything ok?"

"Yeah," Travis said, "We were just calling to say goodnight."

"Hi Nora," Maya smiled, moving so Carina could also see the screen, "Are you going to sleepover at Uncle Travis's?"

"Si," Nora nodded, smiling as she saw her mommy and mamma appear on the screen, "Sweep in a bad."

"She's sleeping in a sleeping bag," Travis explained.

"'Owan?" Nora asked, brow furrowed.

"Rowan is sleeping," Carina said, "She is sick."

"Oh," Nora said, frowning.

"Did you have fun with Uncle Travis tonight?" Maya asked, redirecting the conversation.

"Pway dwess," Nora said, nodding.

"I found some of my old drag clothes from high school and college when I was cleaning out my closet a few weeks ago and we played with that," Travis explained, "I took pictures that I will send later."

"Has she been ok?" Maya asked, "She's not acting sick or anything?"

"Nope," Travis said, "She's been great. She ate all her dinner, we played, and then she had a bath."

"Good," Carina said, smiling as Nora yawned a little, sucking on her fingers, "Well, it looks like Piccola is getting very sleepy. Buona Notte, Nora. Ti voglio bene."

"Goodnight," Maya said, "I love you Nora."

"Dood note," Nora said sleepily, "Lub 'ou Mamma and Mommy."

"Goodnight Bean," Travis said, rubbing her back."

"Night Unca Tee," Nora said, closing her tired eyes as Travis headed out of the room.

"Thank you so much for taking her tonight, Travis," Maya said.

"Of course," Travis said, "How is Rowan doing?"

"She's not feeling well," Maya sighed, "She's got a fever and she's starting to get little blisters on her hands and mouth."

"Poor Baby," Travis frowned, "How are you guys going?"

"We are doing ok," Carina said as Maya nodded.

"Good," Travis said, "Well, I should probably let you go so you can get some rest. I'm sure Rowan isn't the best sleeper when she's sick."

"No," Maya said, shaking her head, "That is very true. Trav, if anything happens with Nora, just let me know, ok? I can come get her any time if you need me to." "We will be just fine," Travis said, "Bye guys."

"Bye Travis," Carina said, "Thank you."

Once they hung up, Maya gave Carina one more kiss before curling up under the blankets.

"Are you going to sleep Bambina?" Carina asked.

"I'm going to try," Maya said, "Unless you need me to do something because I can go get you gelato or more water or anything you need. Just name it and I'll get it."

"No," Carina said, shaking her head, "No, I am ok. I was going to read if that won't bother you."

"That's fine," Maya said, "I may more may not be able to fall asleep, but I am not expecting Ro to sleep all night and I want to try to get some kind of sleep."

"I understand Bambina," Carina said, "Sleep well."

Maya's tiredness tonight was worrying Carina slightly, knowing normally her wife couldn't get her body to slow down at all until at least 11 pm, but she also knew that the blonde had not been getting good sleep for the past few weeks and that it was bound to catch up with her at some point. Maya ended up not really falling asleep for a good two hours, long after Carina had turned off her light and gone to sleep.

Then, about an hour and a half later, cries filled the room from the baby monitor. Maya bolted up quickly, turning off the monitor quickly, but not fast enough to keep Carina asleep.

"I've got her," Maya said, seeing Carina's eyes in the dark, "Go back to sleep."

Carina nodded, readjusting herself as Maya got out of bed, grabbing her phone as she left the room. The blonde ignored the headache that was pounding in her head as she walked into Rowan and Nora's room.

"Come here Ro," Maya said, scooping the toddler up, walking over to the rocking chair in the corner that was used much less now that they didn't have babies, "I'm sorry you aren't feeling well, but I'm right here."

"Mommy," Rowan said miserably, rubbing her head on Maya's shoulder.

"Do you want some water?" Maya aske, reaching over and grabbing the water bottle, "It might make you feel better?"

Rowan took the water, taking a few sips of it before handing it back to Maya.

"Ok," Maya said, rubbing the toddler's back, "Now, try to go back to sleep ok? You will feel better if you get some sleep."

Rowan shifted around in Maya's lap several times before she finally got comfortable, falling asleep close to an hour after she woke up.

Maya decided to try to put her back in her bed, desperate to go back to sleep herself. However, as soon as she was out of Maya's arms, Rowan started to fuss again.

"Ok," Maya said, not really fully thinking about anything other than getting to sleep as she climbed into the toddler bed with Rowan, "Come here Ro. Let's go to sleep, ok?"

Rowan cuddled close to Maya, the older blonde feeling the heat on the toddler, though thinking she felt cooler than when they put her to bed. Maya didn't think about it too much, just letting her eyes slip closed as she rubbed Rowan's back, both of them falling asleep in the small toddler bed.

Rowan woke up twice more in the middle of the night, Maya giving her another dose of Tylenol around 3 am which helped some.

Maya woke up at 7, very disoriented and confused. She grabbed her phone, shocked that she had slept that late. Her whole body was aching which she blamed on her night in the toddler bed with said toddler. Just as she was waking up, her phone started ringing. She got up, careful not to wake Rowan as she made her way into the hall.

"Hey Trav, what's up?" she asked sleepily, trying to wake her body up.

"Did I wake you up?" Travis asked.

"No, I was awake," Maya said, going down the hall to the spare room where she knew they kept blankets as a chill filled her body, "What's up?"

"Well, I just wanted to let you know that Nora woke up around 2 am crying and with a fever," Travis said as he rubbed Nora's back as the sick little girl laid in his lap, "I found some baby Tylenol in her bag and gave her a dose and I ended up sleeping on the floor next to her because she was so fussy for a while. I'm sorry, but I'm pretty sure she picked up hand, foot, and mouth too."

"Damn it," Maya sighed, "I'm sorry Trav. Bring her home and hopefully you won't catch it."

"Ok," Travis said, "I really don't mind keeping her longer if you need me to though."

"No, it's ok," Maya said, "Thanks though. Sorry she got sick and probably didn't let you get enough sleep last night."

"It's ok," Travis said, "Well, she just woke up so we will probably be there in like fifteen minutes?"

"Ok," Maya said, nodding, "Thanks Trav. See you soon."

Maya was tempted to just lay down in the spare room bed and fall asleep, but she was about to have to take care of all three of her girls so she knew she needed to get stuff done. She went into the master bedroom, finding Carina awake in bed.

"Hey," the blonde said, walking in.

"Bambina, did you just wake up?" Carina asked, concern evident in her voice.

"Like fifteen minutes ago," Maya nodded as she tried to stretch the aches out of her muscles, "Ro was awake a few times last night. Oh, and Travis called about five minutes ago. Guess who spiked a fever last night?"

"Oh no," Carina sighed, "Nora too?"

"Yeah," Maya nodded, "He's bring her home. Can I get you something for breakfast before they get here?"

"Bambina, come here," Carina said, noticing her wife looked flushed.

"What?" Maya asked, walking over to Carina's side of the bed.

"Bend down," Carina gestured.

Maya bent down, clearly thinking Carina wanted to give her a kiss only to feel a cold hand on her forehead.

"Bambina, you are really warm," Carina sighed, looking at her wife.

"I'm fine Car," Maya said, shaking her head, "I just woke up remember?"

"Get the thermometer," Carina insisted.

"Carina, I am fine," Maya said, "You and Nora and Rowan need me to take care of you so I can't be sick."

"Bambina, I think you are though," Carina said as the blonde ran the thermometer over her own forehead, "What is it?" Maya mumbled something Carina couldn't hear.

"Maya, I am serious," Carina said, "What is your temperature?"

"101.4," Maya sighed, looking at Carina with tears in her eyes, "Shit. I have a fever. I don't have time for a fever. You know what, it's fine. I am fine."

"Bambina, you are not fine," Carina disagreed, "You are sick and you are going to need to rest."

"When?" Maya asked, "When am I going to rest? We have two sick babies who need me to take care of them. I don't have time to be sick."

"Bambina, that isn't how it works," Carina said, shaking her head, "You know that."

Just then, they heard crying from down the hall.

"I have to go get her," Maya said, walking out of the room to go get Rowan.

"Oh Patatina," Maya said, scooping her up into her arms, "It's ok. I'm right here."

As she held the toddler, Maya looked at her hands, seeing more blisters had popped up overnight. She then looked at her feet, seeing blisters there as well. Maya was about to go back and talk to Carina when her phone buzzed, Travis letting her know he was outside.

"Let's go find Nora," Maya said, carrying Rowan downstairs, "Hey Trav. Hi Piccola."

"Mommy," Nora said, reaching for Maya. "Sorry," Travis said as he came into the house.

"You didn't do anything," Maya said, holding both girls, "Thank you for taking care of her."

"Of course," Travis said, looking at Maya, "Mai, are you ok? You look...like you aren't ok."

"I have a fever," Maya sighed, sitting down on the couch, "But I'm fine."

"Ok, that isn't gonna work," Travis said, looking at her, "This is what is going to happen. You are going to go upstairs and get into bed and I am going to take the twins so you can get some rest. You cannot take care of two sick babies and a wife recovering from surgery when you are sick."

"I'm fine," Maya said.

"Nope," Travis said, "You are not, and that is fine, but you need to rest and let me help you."

"But the girls are really clingy when they are sick," Maya said, "And I don't want you to get sick."

"I will be fine," Travis said, "I've already been exposed from Nora and I looked this up, most adults don't even get symptoms and even if I did, I would be fine. You, however, need to rest or you are not going to get better. Now, go up to bed."

"I...ok," Maya said, feeling worse by the minute, "But if they won't settle, please bring them up to me? I am going to go sleep in the spare room so I don't bother Carina. And can you make sure you check on her too?"

"Of course," Travis nodded, "Now, go sleep."

"Nora, Rowan, can you go with Uncle Travis?" Maya asked, looking down at the toddlers, "I am going to go sleep upstairs. I'm not feeling good today."

"Mommy," Rowan said, burying her head into Maya's shoulder as Nora just clung to her.

"How about I take them with me and hopefully they will sleep and then when they wake up, maybe they will go with you?" Maya suggested, not wanting to make the little girl's upset.

"Ok," Travis nodded, "I'll bring up fluids for everyone in a few minutes."

Maya took the twins up to the spare room, thinking about stopping to check on Carina again, but she was so tired she felt like she might pass out at any moment so she just went into the spare room, putting both toddlers into the bed before climbing in herself.

Nora crawled directly on top of her, Maya really not loving having an unsettled toddler on her chest when she was trying to sleep, but she also knew the little girl was not feeling well and wanted to help her in any way she could. Maya rubbed Nora's back when she heard a noise at the door. She was fully expecting it to be Travis so she was surprised when she saw Carina walking toward her.

"Hey," Maya said, smiling at her.

"Why are you three in here?" Carina asked, walking over to the bed, putting her hand Maya's forehead.

"I don't want them to kick you while they sleep," Maya said, "Or me for that matter. Also, I would prefer you not get this and I know Ro was in your bed all day yesterday, but now there are three of us."

"You shouldn't have to take care of them alone," Carina sighed.

"She won't," another voice said from the door, Travis walking in, "I am going to stay today and help all of you out. I have juice for the twins and Maya, I wasn't sure what you wanted so I got you water and orange juice which I have seen you drink at work before but I can get you whatever you want."

"This is good," Maya said, "Thanks."

"Unca Tee," Rowan said, looking at him.

"Do you want to come with me Bug?" Travis asked, holding out his arms.

Rowan thought for a minute before reaching for him.

"Is it ok if I let them watch TV today?" Travis asked, knowing the Bishop-Delucas were not big on TV or really screens at all.

"Whatever needs to happen so they are any less miserable is fine," Carina said, rubbing Rowan's back as Travis held her, "I can also come down for a little bit and sit with her."

"Car, you need breakfast," Maya said, yawning a little bit.

"I'll take care of it," Travis said, "Maya, get some sleep, ok?"

Maya nodded as Carina walked over to her.

"Sleep Bambina, ok?" the Italian said as Travis left the room, "You have been taking care of all of us for a long time. Now it's time for you to get take care of, ok?"

Maya nodded, sighing a little as Carina put her cool hand on the blonde's hot forehead.

"Do you want some medicine?" Carina asked, feeling just how hot Maya was.

"Not right now," the blonde said, shaking her head.

"Ok," Carina said, "Then just sleep ok?"

Maya nodded a little, making sure Nora was safe on her chest before she allowed her exhausted body to just rest.


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