Sarina Maxine

By hanaripinku

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Tyler Hanson is the top detective of Greenwaters, Illinois. His priority is to find his brother who was kidna... More

Sarina (Chapter 1)
Tyler (Chapter 2)
Sarina (Chapter 3)
Tyler (Chapter 4)
Sarina (Chapter 5)
Tyler (Chapter 6)
Sarina (Chapter 7)
Tyler (Chapter 8)
Javier (Chapter 9)
Sarina (Chapter 10)
Tyler (Chapter 11)
Grace (Chapter 12)
Sarina (Chapter 13)
Tyler (Chapter 14)
Sarina (Chapter 15)
Grace (Chapter 16)
Tyler (Chapter 17) πŸ”ž
Javier (Chapter 18)
Tyler (Chapter 19)
Josh (Chapter 20)
[Name] (Chapter 21)
Sarina (Chapter 22)
Tyler (Chapter 23)
Character Introduction (Sarina Maxine)
Tyler (Chapter 25)
Josh (Chapter 26)
Javier (Chapter 27)
Andy (Chapter 28)
Sarina (Chapter 29)
Character Introduction (Tyler Hanson)
Tyler (Chapter 30)
Andy (Chapter 31)
Grace (Chapter 32)
Josh (Chapter 33)
Sarina (Chapter 34)
Javier (Chapter 35)
Character Introduction (Javier Hernandez)
Sarina (Chapter 36)
Tyler (Chapter 37)πŸŽƒ
Sarina (Chapter 38)
Javier (Chapter 39)
Josh (Chapter 40)πŸ”ž
Tyler (Chapter 41)
Sarina (Chapter 42)
Character Introduction (Josh Weiß)
Andy (Chapter 43)
Josh (Chapter 44)
Javier (Chapter 45)
Sarina (Chapter 46)πŸ”ž
Tyler (Chapter 47)
Grace (Chapter 48)
Sarina (Chapter 49)
Tyler (Chapter 50)πŸ”ž
Sarina (Chapter 51)
Tyler (Chapter 52)πŸ”ž
Josh (Chapter 53)πŸ”ž
Character Introduction (Grace Campbell)
Javier (Chapter 54)
Grace (Chapter 55)
Josh (Chapter 56)
Sarina (Chapter 57)
Tyler (Chapter 58)
Andy (Chapter 59)πŸ”ž
Tyler(Chapter 60)πŸ”ž
Josh (Chapter 61)
Javier (Chapter 62)
Character Introduction (Fadila "Remmy" Haddad)
Character Introduction (Dyon Miles)
Sarina (Chapter 63)
Tyler (Chapter 64)
Javier (Chapter 65)
Sarina (Chapter 66)
Josh (Chapter 67)
Tyler (Chapter 68)
Sarina (Chapter 69)πŸŽ„
Andy (Chapter 70)
Javier (Chapter 71)
Tyler (Chapter 72)
Sarina (Chapter 73)
Tyler (Chapter 74)
Andy (Chapter 75)
Josh (Chapter 76)
Tyler (Chapter 77)πŸ”ž
Sarina (Chapter 78)
Tyler (Chapter 79)
Andy (Chapter 80)
Thank you!

Sarina (Chapter 24)

27 2 5
By hanaripinku

I was just applying the last finishing touches to my makeup. After watching a bunch of beauty tutorials, I settled on a look that was easy for me to do since I'm no pro. I really wish Grace were here, she would have me looking like whole different woman.

I sighed.

"That's as good as it's gonna get", I said to myself.

After I was done with my makeup, I started putting my earrings in. That's when I heard my doorbell ring.

I carefully rushed downstairs, praying I don't trip on my dress. There's no way I could pay Tyler back. I'll be working for the rest of my life if I tried.

When I opened the door, it wasn't the person I was expecting.


"Hey beautiful. Don't worry, Tyler didn't ditch you, work just called so he won't be able to pick you up. He should be on his way so we should arrive around the same time."

"Okay, I understand."

He took my hand, carefully leading me to the car as well as helping me inside.

I saw he had someone else, a pretty girl.

"Hello, I'm Emily, Josh's date."

"Nice to meet you, I-I'm Sarina...if he didn't say my name already."

She giggled.

"Nope he said it alright."

Josh got in the car and took off.

"Are you making fun of me Emily?"

"Of course not. I was just saying you were talking about her earlier."

"Good things I hope", I said.

"Of course. Is it true Tyler's turning you down? I don't see why."

"Huh? O-Oh no...Josh...what were you telling her", I scorned him.

"You're the first girl he's been around in a long time besides Remmy who's married and is like a guy to us. I just figured know...liked you or something."

"Oh no way! We just keep bumping into each other, that's all."

Emily clapped her hands together excitedly.

"That's too cute! Like a true love story."

I sat back in my seat, folding my arms.

"Yeah, no love story here."

We arrived at the Greenwaters Police Department ball. The place that was hosting it was a pretty fancy hotel. I've only ever seen it from the outside.

"Alright ladies. Ready to go inside", Josh asked.

"Yes", I said.

"Will there be any single officers", Emily asked.

"Did you forget I'm your date?"

"I'm not going to turn down an opportunity", she said.

Emily reached up on her toes to kiss Josh on his cheek before walking ahead. I looked at him to see he looked defeated.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Don't worry about me. She'll be back", he said, motivated by his words.

"Hey, look, don't keep your prince waiting."

I looked where he was pointing. Tyler was already looking at me through the crowd, our eyes connected. I was expecting him to look away but he didn't. As he approached me, his eyes stayed on mine. I didn't know what to do, if I should meet him in the middle or something. By the time I decided, he was already standing in front of me. Josh had gone after Emily, leaving us alone amongst all of the other guests.

I was the first to look away. I looked at the floor, too shy to look at him anymore.

He looks really handsome. Darn it!

I hate to admit that to myself. He really cleans up well. He was wearing a slim fit suit, his hair was combed back too. I really don't fit in here. Along with Emily, all of the women here are beautiful. I don't compare.

"What's wrong", he said.

I looked at him.

"Sorry I didn't tell you I couldn't make it. Work called last minute as I was on my way over to pick you up."

"Oh no, I'm not mad about that at all. It's just...I never been to something like this before. I feel a bit nervous like...I don't fit in."

I don't know anyone here besides Josh, Remmy, Miles and now Emily. I know Tyler will go off to mingle with his fellow officers.

"I don't fit in either."

"Of course you do. You know everyone here."

"This isn't my thing, remember? I much rather be antisocial."

I giggled.

"Yeah, sometimes being antisocial is good."

We started walking off together. He showed me around, pointing at all the foods and introducing me to a few of his fellow officers. We did bump into Remmy and Miles. I got to meet her husband and Miles' wife. It looks like everyone has someone special.

It makes me feel like when I was at prom. It seemed like everyone had a date. Javi was my date but not like a real date, we just went as friends. I had a blast of course. Having a boyfriend at the time wasn't my biggest concern but now, things are different.

When Javi gets a chance to call me, I catch myself wanting the phone calls to last longer. I hate when they end. He tells me how much he misses me, I say the same but in a friendly way. I can't bring myself to cross the lines of our contract. With him being so far away now, confessing the feelings I'm not sure I have for him is what I rather do in person. I don't even know where he stands with me as he is free to choose whoever he wants to be with.

I guess tonight, I just want to feel like I belong to someone, even if it's not real. To be honest, I was hoping Tyler would say something about how I looked just like how Josh calls me beautiful but I shouldn't build up my expectations like that. I need to look at the positive. I'm where I thought I would never be and at least I'm out the house.

"Want to get some air?"

I turned to Tyler, not quite paying attention since I was deep in thought.


He tilted his head over at an exit door that led to the stairs.

"Want to head up to the roof for some air", he asked.

"But what about everyone else?"

"I thought you like being antisocial, at least once in a while."

I smiled.

I followed him as he lead the way to the roof.

"Careful of the steps, they are a bit steep", he said.

He held his hand out to help me. I gave him my free hand as my other one was holding up my dress so I didn't step on it.

"It's a little windy. If you get cold we can head back inside."

I shook my head.

"It's okay. I don't feel cold. It's a hot night so it feels nice."

I looked off at the view and what a view it was. I never seen the city from up high like this. Well from a plane but this was different.

"'s pretty from up here."

"Things changed a lot from up here since I was a kid."

"Really? You must have come here a lot then."

"I picked this hotel since I always like this view."

"Huh?! Y-You picked this which means...y-you paid for all of this?"

He chuckled lightly.

"It's not important who provided all of this. Its important people are enjoying themselves."

"Yeah, that's true."

We spent a good amount of time just watching the city go by as well as had some small talk.

"Should we head back inside to see what's going on now?"

"Probably just passing out some awards", he said.

"Maybe they are calling for you."

"Josh will get it. He likes the attention anyway, I don't."

"Still, let's go."

I took his hand to lead him inside but I felt him stop.

"What's wrong? Too shy to face the crowd", I teased.

His silence made me look at him, he expression was serious as he looked at me.

"Back at the boutique and even now, I didn't say anything about how you looked because—"

"Don't worry about that. It's no big deal", I said with a forced chuckle.

"Hey. Don't cut me off", he scolded.


"Anyway. I did want to say something as well as now. Obviously I brought the dress because I like it."

"Well yeah, it makes sense."

"And look good in it."

I looked away.

"T-Thank you."

I started to drop his hand but felt him clutch it tighter. I quickly looked up at him again.

"And really beautiful", he said.

His gaze shifted off to the side before he said those words.

We stood there, not saying anything after he told me that. I didn't know what to say. I wasn't expecting him to say that at all. He was still holding my hand too. I noticed how nice his hand felt when he took mine to help me up here. It's not rough and icy like his soul is. It's warm.

"Let's head inside", he said.

"Oh, yeah."

Before we went inside, I stopped.

"You don't have to hold my hand. I promise I won't face plant on the floor."

"That's not the reason."

He continued on inside, pulling me along as I was confused as to what he was talking about.

"Where the hell were you guys, making out or something", Josh said.

"No", Tyler and I said at the same time.

Remmy laughed.

"Stop looking so serious you two. Lighten up."

"They sure are comfortable though", Miles said.

"Good one Miles. Every time I say something like that, this one almost kills me. He won't lay a finger on you", Josh said.

"There are other ways", Tyler warned.

"So, did he win anything or did any of you guys?"

"No. This time they aren't doing the awards. I guess they just wanted everyone to have some fun and relax for once since the case we're on is really stressful", Josh said.

"Yes! Now it's time to party! This is so my song! Where did my husband go", Remmy said as she went off to look for him.

"I thought you were out looking for single guys. You dare come crawling back to me", Josh said with a hurt tone as Emily approached him.

She hid her giggling behind her hand.

"I guess I can't find anywhere here like you. Besides, I heard you're an amazing dancer."

Josh smirked.

"Oh, you know it."

He took her hand to lead her to the dance floor.

"I guess that's my cue to leave. I bet my wife is looking for me to force me to dance as well", Miles said.

"Good luck out there", Tyler said.

We watched as the majority of the couples started dancing. I then felt Tyler's hand leave mine. I watched him walk forward.

I guess he's going somewhere else.

He stopped and then turned, properly offering his hand to me.

"Care to dance?"

I hesitated for a moment. Not that I didn't want to dance with him, it's just...he looks really, really nice right now. His gentle side mixed with what he's wearing is too much. It feels like, he's way out of my league but, he did call me beautiful, like very beautiful. That means something.

I took his hand, knowing this wasn't something we were forcing ourselves to do.

"This doesn't seem like your type of music", I said.

He shrugged.

"Tonight we are out of our comfort zones, right?"

"Right. So I should teach you the dances all the cool kids know."

"No thank you."

I laughed and started to dance to the music. He was stiff as I was moving his arms in all kinds of silly ways. Eventually, he lightened up, allowing himself to have fun.

This really is fun. I'm so happy he invited me.

"Thank you", I said.

"For what?"

"For bringing me here silly."

"Oh. Yeah...well, thanks."


"For making this fun."

I smiled.

"No problem."


"Okay Tyler, your turn. Have you ever flirted with anyone you pulled over", Josh asked.

He stayed quiet for a moment before taking a shot glass, downing it in one go.

"Ha! See, he's not all about the rules!"

"Shut the hell up!"

"Okay, okay, okay. Josh, good to go for another round", Remmy asked.


It was the end of the ball but some stayed around for a game of truth or dare, just without the dare. Basically, you ask questions to each other and if you don't want to answer you take a drink. The winner is the one who can keep going and so far it's a battle between Josh and Tyler. I of course didn't participate, it's just entertaining to watch.

"How old were you when you lost your v-card", Remmy asked.

"Come on!"

"You can't lie, you have to tell the truth or drink."

Josh let out a sigh.

"To be honest I don't remember but maybe like...I don't know, 12 or 13."

"What", I said out loud.

I quickly covered my mouth as I was the only one who said that.

"That's definitely true", Tyler said.

I didn't even know what sex was at that age!

"Hold on! there anyone here you would bang", Josh quickly asked.

All eyes were on him.

Josh is very drunk right now.

"Hey Josh, that's not—"

"No, it's fine", Tyler said.

I watched as Tyler took a shot.

Josh smirked.

"So there is someone here but you don't want to say."

"You already asked your question, you got your answer."


"Are you ever going to settle down", Tyler asked.

"Nope. Too easy, you know that already man."

I looked over at Emily to see she wasn't bothered by the question.

Josh sat up straight and leaned forward, glaring at Tyler.

"Do Sarina?"


"Okay, that's enough", Miles said.

"Yeah, time to go home guys", Remmy said.

I watched as everyone started to get ready to leave. My attention went back to Josh and Tyler who were staring at each other as if they were going to fight.

"You two, come on. Let's just go home, okay", I said.

I watched as Tyler pick up his glass to take a drink and then slammed it on the table. They both stood up.

"Good game", Josh said.

Emily went over to him. He needed help as he wasn't steady on his feet.

"Same to you", Tyler said.

I let out a huff.

"Guys are ridiculous let me tell you", Emily said.

"Don't say that Em", Josh said with a pout.

"It was nice meeting you Sarina. I hope to see you again."

"Nice meeting you too Emily. I'm sure we'll see each other again."

The two of them left. Tyler stood up, he was drunk as well. I caught his arm as he stumbled.

"I got you."

He didn't say anything. I helped him to his car.

"Wait, Tyler. You can't drive so..."

"You can drive. You have your temp."

Oh...right, he pretty much looked up the history of me with his detective skills.

"Yeah but...your car looks...expensive. Are you sure you want me to drive it?"

"Don't have a choice, right?"


Tyler directed me pretty well to his house despite the state he's in. I helped him inside.

"Do you want me to take you to your room? I think you need to sleep this off", I asked.


I walked him over to his room.

Once inside, I carefully placed him on his bed. He was holding onto my arms for support but didn't let go. This caused me to fall forward when he fell back.


I ended up falling on top of him.

"Tyler, I'm sorry. Are you okay?"

I propped myself up off of him.

He looked up at me.

"That question Josh asked earlier..."

"I know, that was out of line."

He shook his head and then looked off to the side.

"Maybe consider is the right word. Don't you think?"


He looked back at me.

"Would you consider liking someone or doing things with them?"

"Tyler I...I don't really understand what you're saying."

He brought his arms up over his eyes.

I stood up and then moved to sit beside him.

"Tyler...could you explain what you mean?"

He was still quiet.


I looked to see his breathing was steady. Curious, I reached over to move one of is arms from his face.

"Fast asleep already."

He's knocked out. I doubt he'll remember any of what he told me. It was the alcohol talking.

He looks so peaceful sleeping.

I'm glad he had a great time. I just don't want tonight to be the only time I can help him have some fun.

I have a feeling this isn't it.

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