[2] The Duchess of Kent and S...

By f1royalty

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The Duke and Duchess of Kent and Strathearn, Charlotte and Benedict Bridgerton, find themselves on the brink... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 3

2.1K 79 29
By f1royalty

London's Most Eligible Bachelor

Buckingham House, London

In the opulent chambers of the palace, Benedict stood in front of a full-length mirror, meticulously adjusting his perfectly tailored black tailcoat. The room was adorned with rich fabrics, gilded mirrors, and crystal chandeliers that bathed the couple in a soft, enchanting glow. Charlotte was seated at a vanity table, adorned in a breathtaking gown of pearly white silk, its intricate lace bodice an artistic masterpiece. Her hair, artfully braided, with the diamond tiara on her head, her face radiant with grace and beauty. She applied a hint of rouge to her cheeks with a small, delicate brush.

"I am still mortified by my last conversation with your brother," the Duchess commented as she finished up.

"Today is the start of the journey where my brother goes mad," Benedict said, and quickly glanced towards his wife, who was already glaring at him. "I'm sorry, Char. I know I shouldn't joke about people going mad."

"You know it's alright, my love," she lightly chuckled. "I'm just..."

"Worried?" He nodded. "I know, but you shouldn't concern yourself with his decision."

"A decision that will change his life forever!" His wife exclaimed. "I thought you knew that better than anyone."

"Oh, I know that," he chuckled and walked towards her. "Best decision of my life."

Benedict proceeded to grab her diamond necklace from the small box and placed it around her neck. As the cold silver chain met her skin, a hushed intimacy enveloped the room, and the flickering candlelight danced upon her countenance, casting a romantic glow that captured the essence of their timeless love.

"Send my love to dear Eloise," his wife said softly. "I promise to hold off the Queen as much as I can."

"It will take an army to take Eloise out of that house," both chuckled at Benedict's statement.

"I will try to see her moments before the presentation begins," she placed her hand over his that laid on her shoulders as the two stared at the other through the mirror. "Oh, Benny..."

"What?" He pressed a light peck on her cheek.

"I don't think I've ever said this exact word, but..." His wife sighed contently. "You look beautiful, my love."

"Beautiful?" Benedict raised en eyebrow at her. "If I look beautiful, then you look exquisite, radiant, lovely, magnificent—"

"Oh, stop it!" Charlotte giggled, her cheeks reddened more than they already were.

They locked eyes through the mirror, and the calmness of the room turned into something more lustful as both the Duke and Duchess of Kent and Strathearn's hearts started racing, and without waiting any longer, both turned to face each other and, leaned in to exchange a gentle, lingering kiss. His hand cupped her cheek while hers rested on his arms as their lips met in a delicate, affectionate union. Not even half a minute went by when they pulled away to breathe, only for their mouths meet again in a fiery, passionate kiss that left them both breathless, as the world outside disappeared and their desires burned brightly.

That was, until a knock on the door interrupted their moment.

"I swear to God, if it's Tommy—"

"Enter!" Charlotte spoke, and the door opened to reveal one of her ladies.

"Your Royal Highnesses," Lilia made a curtsy for both of them. "Pardon me for interrupting."

"You can never be mad at her, Benny," his wife teased him as he fixed his tailcoat. "It's alright, Lilia. What is it?"

"The families are starting to arrive," she announced.

"Already?" Benedict sighed heavily and looked down at his wife. "I believe it is time I take my leave, then."

"Go be with your family, and support your sister," Charlotte took his hand in hers and kissed it. "I'll be waiting for you right here."

"I love you," he pecked her lips one last time before walking away towards Lilia. "Be honest. How do I look?"

"Like a Duke, sir," she assured him.

"That's exactly what I was going for," he joked and looked one last time towards his wife. "Farewell, my angel!"

"Goodbye, my love!" She giggled as he walked out of the room. After she was no longer blushing, she walked towards Lilia. "Is the Queen ready?"

"Her Majesty is ready, Ma'am," Lilia nodded. "At the moment she is having tea with Lady Danbury."

"Take me to them," the Duchess nodded as she fixed her tiara a bit. "I have a task to halt the Queen for as long as I can, and I shall entertain her all day if I must. For Eloise."


Bridgerton House, London

The Duke of Kent and Strathearn was not surprised when he walked into his old home to find commotion upstairs, specifically in front of Eloise's bedroom door, which seemed to be locked.

"Is Eloise not yet ready?" He questioned, and Anthony huffed with annoyance. "Charlotte promised to hold off the Queen as best she could, but we don't have all day, Mother."

"I know! I know Charlotte is being of extraordinary help to us, but at the moment it has been impossible for anyone to get Eloise out of that room," Anthony stated.

"Anthony, Benedict, do not fight over this. I'm sure you understand the pressure your sister is feeling," the Dowager Viscountess stated calmly. "She's requested time, and I gave it to her."

The chattering continued amongst the Bridgerton Family, and the debutante of them had yet to be ready and out of her bedroom. Little did they know, the Duchess of Hastings and last season's diamond had just walked into their home for their aid.

"Shh! Let her come out on her own," Violet insisted.

"Is this the plan?" Daphne questioned in disbelief.

"Thank goodness you're here," their mother breathed with relief.

"She's requested time," Benedict added.

"We do not have time," Daphne stated firmly. "Stand back—"

"No offense, Sister, but you are the last person she'd like to see," Benedict stopped her from marching into Eloise's bedroom.

"And what is that supposed to mean?" She gasped.

"Are we sure she's even in there?" Hyacinth asked everyone.

"Of course she is," Francesca stated.

"Where else is she supposed to be?" Anthony questioned while their mother continued to shush them.

"Climbed through the window, escape through the chimney—"

"Quiet! She may hear you," Violet cut off her second-born son.

"Do you realize that I left my husband and child at home for this?" Daphne glared impatiently at her family.

"I told everyone this would happen, now we're late for the queen," Anthony stated.

"I hear something," Francesca raised her hand to stop her family's chattering and listen.

The Viscount groaned with annoyance and went to open the door, only to be abruptly opened from the inside. Then, all maids walked out of Eloise's bedroom, shocking everyone how down and upset they looked.

Then, like a ray of sunshine, walked in Eloise Bridgerton, dressed in white and gold, tiara and feathers on her head, and a long tail behind her. Everyone stared at the Bridgerton girl in awe of her beauty.

"If one of you utters a single word..." Eloise threatened, glared at all of them as she uncomfortably moved and walked. "Let us get this over with."


Buckingham House, London

Meanwhile, Charlotte kept her promise and slowed down the Queen with conversation about her expectations of this year's social season, and her intuition for the disappointments to occur. However, Lady Danbury impressively managed to sped things up every time she spoke, and the Queen seemed to be more excited than before about the social season.

"I yearn for someone fresh, someone unexpected, to turn this season to its head," the Queen stated. "That is what we need. There is no room for indifference. Apathy is a blight the monarchy simply cannot endure."

"Last season we had Daphne Bridgerton as the season's diamond," Charlotte said. "I'm sure this season's young ladies will not disappoint."

"Of course, Your Royal Highness. But remember, Your Majesty, a young lady cannot be a diamond until you anoint her as such," Lady Danbury remarked. "So, if for any reason you do not find one among the candidates today—"

"You think she would return? We have heard nary a peep from Lady Whistledown since last season ended," the Queen said. "Perhaps the writer came to her senses. Perhaps she realized taking on her Queen was a bad idea, and she will never publish again."

"I highly doubt it," Charlotte disagreed.

"Although it is a convincing theory, Ma'am," Lady Danbury nodded.

"Or... She simply left for the country as the rest of the of us did in the off-season, bored by the lack of any real gossip," the Queen nodded, and now both women agreed to that. "You do know what that would make her then? One of us."

"Wait! Your Majesty, I... I wanted to discuss something with you," the Duchess of Kent and Strathearn took a nervous deep breath before continuing. "Would you mind if I don't join you for this presentation?"

"Oh?" The Queen raised an eyebrow at her. "And why would you want that?"

"I would like to join my husband and participate during this season as a member of the Bridgerton family I am," her daughter explained. "And, not as much as a member of the Royal Family."

"But I thought you liked to join me," the Queen frowned. "Why the sudden change of heart?"

"Now that I am not actively attending to any of my duties, nor will I be able to attend any ball for obvious reasons..." She placed her hands on her belly, and both women smiled at her. "I merely want to participate this season to show my support to my husband and the rest of the Bridgertons."

"Are you sure there is no way I can convince you to stay by my side at all times?" The Queen asked, deep down because she wanted to keep an eye on her daughter and her future grandchild. "And I was just about to grant you the honor of choosing this season's diamond."

"Really?" Charlotte's face softened in surprise.

"If you allow me to express my point of view on the matter, Your Majesty, I think it is a brilliant idea. It might even give Her Royal Highness a different perspective of the season," Lady Danbury intervened, with a light smirk on her face. "If it were not for her title as a blood princess, she would be a Bridgerton, after all."

"Of course," she agreed with the woman. "Besides, Mama, one of my sisters-in-laws will make her debut this season. If I were to choose her as the diamond because she truly enchanted us with her presentation, then the people would accuse me of favoritism."

"Then don't choose her," the Queen shrugged.

"We should be fair with all, Mama," she stated.

"In that case, then... I don't see why you cannot join them...just this year," the Queen lightly smiled at her daughter. "But I was your only family first. You better be right with me the moment I need you."

"There is no reason to doubt that," she sighed contently. "Because I will always be there for you, Mama."

"Good," the Queen cupped her daughter's cheek, smiling at her lovingly. "Because I will always need you."

The Queen kissed her daughter's forehead and brushed her thumb against her cheek lovingly before asking Brimsley for 'fresh snuff'. Both the Duchess of Kent and Strathearn and Lady Danbury chuckled at the Queen before following her again.

While Lady Danbury followed the Queen to another room, Charlotte stayed behind and waited for the Bridgertons outside the ballroom where the presentation would take place. There, she took the chance to greet everyone that arrived and receive once again their congratulations on the pregnancy.

"Just the Duchess I was looking for," a man wrapped his arms around her from the side and pressed a kiss to her cheek. "Hello, my angel."

"Your Royal Highness," she smiled at him and then at the rest of the Bridgertons who just arrived too. Her eyes grew wide and gasped at the sight of her sister-in-law. "Oh, my goodness! Eloise! You look—"

"Respectfully," the Bridgerton girl cut her off immediately, clearly not pleased. "I don't want to hear a word of how I look."

"I shall greet you all Bridgertons properly after I have a quick word with Eloise," Charlotte announced to them and grabbed the young girl's hand in reassurance as she guided her away from the door. "Alright, Sister, let's walk aside so we can talk for a bit and you can breathe."

"You can help me," Eloise grabbed both of the Duchess' hands with desperation. "You can help me escape."


"You know this palace better than anyone! Is there a secret passage or—"

"I will do no such thing because, Eloise..." She tried to motivate her. "My dear, you are bigger than all this."

"I'm scared," Eloise breathed, and sighed heavily. "I cannot do this."

"Sister, listen to me. Many of the boundaries or constraints we perceive in our lives are not necessarily real, but rather products of our own fears and self-imposed restrictions," Charlotte cupped the girl's face in her hands to make Eloise look at her. "You must challenge yourself and explore your capability beyond what you might initially believe possible."

"Now is not the time for speeches, Char!" The girl groaned.

"Mark my words, Eloise Bridgerton," she continued. "Because you do have the potential to push beyond these perceived limitations by confronting and overcoming your fears."

"You're right! I can do this. I just have to walk in there, and..." Eloise looked to the side and saw many people entering the room, and Charlotte could have sworn she turned pale. "Oh, no. I can't do this."

"I'll take this girl from your hands, Char, before she tries to escape," Violet laughed nervously as she grabbed Eloise's hand. "Come on, Eloise. Let Charlotte leave to join your brothers and sisters."

"Remember my words, Eloise! And..." Charlotte trailed off as she giggled, watching the Dowager Viscountess practically drag her daughter across the hallway. "Good luck! You'll do great!"

The Duchess chuckled when she locked eyes with Martin, who shrugged and proceeded to laugh a little too.

"Your speeches are always wise and inspirational, Ma'am, like yourself," he smiled. "However, they are not always said at the right time."

"What does that mean?" She gasped playfully.

"Maybe... Those words could have sunk in if they were said last night, or yesterday afternoon," Martin explained. "At the moment, what that young girl needs is an escape. The nerves and panic within her won't let her process whatever's been said to her."

"That's understandable," Charlotte nodded, and lightly smiled.

"Your Royal Highness," her Private Secretary appeared by her side and bowed his head before her. "The presentation is about to begin, Ma'am."

"Thank you, Tommy," she smiled.

"And..." Thomas sighed before continuing. "Your chair is waiting for you."

"My chair?" Her face softened. "Do not tell me the Queen—"

"Brimsley informed me it was her only condition if you wanted to be with your family," her Private Secretary explained the obvious. "You are with child. Everything we do is for your child's safety and yours."

"I knew there was some mischief behind her agreement," she lightly scoffed. "Fine. Though, I find it humiliating that I will be the only one sitting down."

Martin and Thomas only chuckled at the Duchess of Kent and Strathearn as she stood outside the door, and suppressed the urge to groan with annoyance at the sight of the chair right in the middle of all the Bridgerton family. Anthony stood on the right with Daphne and Hyacinth while Benedict stood on the left with Francesca and Gregory.

"Your Royal Highness," the Bridgertons, like they've always done in public, bowed or made a curtsy for her, now with the exception of her husband.

"Is it me, or you look bigger than you were yesterday, Char?" Hyacinth asked her quietly, and Charlotte stayed speechless while her husband mentally cursed at his sister's words.

"That was not nice, Hyacinth," Anthony scolded her.

"I think you look beautiful, Sister," Gregory added with a smile.

"Oh, forgive me. And– My brother's right," Hyacinth agreed. "You do look beautiful, Sister."

"Thank you, my dears. However, you are still right, nonetheless, my dear Hyacinth," Charlotte lightly smiled at the Bridgerton girl. "It just means the baby is growing and getting ready to one day be here with us."

"That's right," Daphne nodded. "And what an awaiting day that is."

"You know that better than any of us, Your Grace," Charlotte addressed the Duchess of Hastings. "It is wonderful to have you here. Though, I did not think you were going to be able to resist leaving your family at home."

"Though I did hesitate... I wouldn't miss this for the world," Daphne smiled.

"Your throne, Your Majesty," Anthony mocked her as he moved her chair a bit more forward, and smirked when she glared daggers at him. "I told you she wouldn't be fond of the idea of that chair, Benedict."

"What are you accusing me of? This was the Queen's decision... I just agreed with her idea," Benedict looked at his wife. "Do I really need to explain how necessary this chair is for you?"

"Not if you want to sound exactly like Tommy," Charlotte raised an eyebrow at him, and his face softened in disbelief. "You don't, do you?"

"I love you," her husband grinned. "Even when you annoy me."

"I annoy you?" She scoffed and sat down on her chair, her back now facing him. "Fine."

"Wait! Char—"

"Brother," Daphne intervened. "It's best if you just leave it be."

"Quiet! It's starting!" Hyacinth exclaimed as the footman placed in position and everyone was readying for the Queen's entrance.

And just as the presentation was starting, Charlotte lightly scoffed to herself for feeling so needy of her husband's touch and immediately went to seek it. Out of the corner of her eye, she looked for his hand, and placed herself in a comfortable position as she grabbed his hand and locked her fingers with his, while remaining in a formal and elegant sitting position. Benedict grinned at her actions and leaned down to kiss her head affectionately, right behind her tiara and lightly squeezed her hand in his.

"Her Majesty Queen Charlotte."

After the Queen entered the room and sat on her throne, the presentations and the social season officially started. However, it did not felt like last year's since the Queen herself did not seem at all pleased with any of the many young ladies that walked in the room. Even both Anthony and Benedict noticed and commented to Charlotte how her mother seemed to be bored since the beginning of the presentation. Both Duchesses shared a look and simply grew more nervous for Eloise.

"The Dowager Viscountess Bridgerton and Miss Eloise Bridgerton."

Charlotte held tightly onto her husband's hand as she watched Eloise. The Bridgerton girl breathed heavily as she took one step forward.

"Smile," Daphne whispered to her sister.

The Duchess looked at the Queen, who continued to look upset, now mixed with utter confusion. Until, the doors of the back of the room opened, and a footman walked in.

"What is the meaning of this?" The Queen complained.

"What is going on?" Benedict whispered to his wife, who shook her head as she eyed her mother with suspicion.

"I've seen enough," the Queen suddenly announced, a smirk plastered on her face.

"But Your Majesty, there are still—"

"I have seen enough!" The Queen cut off Brimsley and walked out of the room, with a paper in her hand.

"Does this mean I can go?" Eloise asked her mother.

"I do not know what this means," Violet smiled nervously.

"Eloise!" The Bridgerton girl looked at her sister-in-law, now with a smirk on her face. "Go!"

"Eloise," Daphne discreetly tried to scold her as her sister ran away, with Violet going after her, then looked back at her sister-in-law with utter disbelief. "Did you really tell her she could leave?"

"I did," Charlotte smirked. "I know my mother. And if that is in her hand is Lady Whistledown, this presentation will not go on."

On cue, more 'Lady Whistledown Society Papers' were gifted to all present guests.

"Truly, I cannot say I will long for any of this," Daphne smiled at Anthony. "Best of luck to you, Brother. You shall certainly need it this season."

The Viscount stayed quiet at his sister's words and quietly started thinking about his plan. The Duchess of Kent and Strathearn had gifted him a small notebook, which had a long list of all unmarried young ladies, and it was now up to him, to find his match.

Dearest, gentle reader.

Did you miss me?

As the members of our most esteemed ton lazily sojourned in their rustic retreats, this author was doing but one thing.

Honing my skills.

Or should I say, hatching my plans?

No, even better.

I was sharpening my knives...for all of you.

Questions abound as to this author's identity and means. Seeking those answers shall prove fruitless, indeed.

There is, of course, another unknown identity at present. Though, this one you will be able to unearth. I speak of the season's diamond, wherever she may be.

Your move, Your Majesty.


Bridgerton House, London

The Bridgerton Family was gathered in the drawing room, except for the Duchess of Hastings, who decided to travel home on an early notice to be back with her husband and child.

At the moment, Charlotte was sitting next to her husband, who was boldly laying down on the sofa, his legs on top of her thighs, with a sketchbook and quill in hand. Violet Bridgerton scolded her son for portraying such behavior, but was surprised when his wife defended him when she mentioned 'it's not the first time'.

Deep down, for Charlotte, actions like those, that could only be done behind closed doors, made her feel like she was an ordinary wife with a lazy or boldly husband, who were simply enjoying each other's existence. Besides, she understood how much her husband enjoyed when they acted like 'an ordinary married couple'. Though Benedict was wary of her condition and always careful with her, he too understood how much those moments meant to her.

"I do not think she's very good," Hyacinth commented.

"I believe she can hear you," Benedict raised his eyebrows at his youngest sister.

"I can hear you," Eloise glared at Hyacinth as she continued her dance lesson with her brother.

"Ow! Watch my feet!" Gregory complained.

"Might we be done?" Eloise begged her mother.

"If you are to catch the Queen's eye after that interruption, you must be perfection," Violet insisted.

"I believe it was the interruption that was perfection," Eloise smiled sarcastically.

"Shocking that Eloise Bridgerton was not named the diamond of the season, was it not?" Benedict teased.

"Was anyone else aware that dear Colin has decided to add Albania or some place to his itinerary as he gads about the world?" The Viscount asked out loud as he walked in the drawing room.

"No, but how happy for him that he can simply decide to do that," Eloise stated as she continued dancing with Gregory.

"I was aware," Charlotte spoke, still with her head leaned back and her eyes closed.

"Joining us for tea, Anthony?" Violet asked him.

"I'm afraid I must pass. Too many calls on my funds today. Now that the season has started, I need to fill your coffers at the modiste and oversee the hiring of extra staff," he told his mother. "Your ring. When you get the chance, I need it. The fields by Ferryhallow. I was thinking we might hold off on leasing them due to the hard frost."

"I beg your pardon?" Violet looked at him with surprise, as well as the rest of his family.

"The frost hardens the soul, saps it of nutrients," he explained.

"That is very well, but you requested my ring?" Violet asked him, with utter confusion.

"Father's betrothal ring," Anthony nodded.

"Did someone catch your eye at the presentation, Brother?" Benedict smirked.

"I thought all young ladies looked beautiful," Hyacinth smiled.

"Not particularly, and all the young ladies liked the same. Like all young ladies," Anthony answered. "I'd simply like to be prepared when the opportunity presents itself."

"The opportunity?" Violet questioned in disbelief.

"Charlotte compiled an index of the season's eligible misses and I arranged interviews," he responded, as if it were ordinary or normal.

"Interviews!" The Dowager Viscountess chuckled. "Dearest, I shall be more than happy to give you my ring when you find someone with whom you are very much in love with. Besides, it is in safekeeping at Aubrey Hall."

"Very well," he nodded.

"See that he is quite well," the Dowager Viscountess whispered to both the Duke and Duchess of Kent and Strathearn.

"I'm not in need of coddling," Anthony stated, and smiled. "I assure you all, everything is in order."

The Viscount checked his pocket watch, and smiled one last time at his family before walking out of the room. Benedict looked at his concerned mother with an innocent smile before he turned to his wife, who went back to closing her eyes and resting her head back.

"My angel?" He placed his hand on her shoulder. "Are you alright?"

"I am exhausted for no reason at all," she sighed heavily. "I have not moved from this chair since we've come back from Buckingham House. It infuriates me to be exhausted when I have done nothing."

"Oh, but you've certainly done something," Violet chuckled. "I'm surprised you helped Anthony in his quest to find a Viscountess."

"I have always said that I would help him, Mother," she clarified. "Though I am absolutely against these...interviews."

"What did he meant by you making an index?" Gregory asked her.

"I made your brother a small notebook filled with a list of all eligible young ladies that were at today's presentation. Except for dear Eloise, of course," the Duchess explained. "And, the list was filtered by Tommy himself on the family's reputation, esteem, amongst other ridiculous specifications Anthony asked for."

"I thought you were against this charade my brother has about choosing his next's Viscountess," her husband said.

"I thought so too until I realized whatever I said would not change his mind because he is a Bridgerton, as stubborn as the will of Kings," she stated, and sighed. "And now I feel angry at you for no reason, so please stop talking, my love."

Benedict's jaw dropped in disbelief while the rest of his siblings giggled at Charlotte's last response. His eyes grew wide as he stared at his mother, who giggled too.


Bridgerton House, London
Three days later...

Each morning the Duke and Duchess wake up to the soft rays of the rising sun, casting a warm glow on their shared haven. Wether they are staying in one of the palaces or at Bridgerton House, they have realized there is no better bliss than to open your eyes, and the first thing one sees is the person you are in love with, your significant other.

After spending the first meal of the day with his family, Benedict and Charlotte decided to have some time to themselves, away from everyone, and lock themselves in their bedroom. They laid in bed, in each other's arms, simply enjoying the silence, listening to each other's heartbeats, feeling each other's breath, pressing light kisses to the other's skin every now and then, cherishing each other.

"You know..." Benedict suddenly spoke, softly. "I can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude."

"Gratitude?" Charlotte looked up at him, her eyes reflecting much joy. "What for, my love?"

"For you... For us... For this miracle growing within you. I find myself in awe of the strength, the love, and the beauty that you embody as the mother of our child," Benedict smiled warmly at her, and gently placed his palm on her belly, feeling subtle movements beneath his touch. "Every kick our child does inside you is a testament to the love we share. It is an evidence of his presence. I just know I wouldn't want to be in this spectacular journey with anyone but you."

"Oh, my love," Charlotte's eyes welled up with tears of joy, and she reached for his hand, intertwining their fingers. "I'm grateful too, for you and for this love that's creating a new chapter in our lives."

The world seemed to pause as they laid there, facing each other, emotions dancing in their eyes. Without a word, Benedict cupped Charlotte's face in his hands, his touch tender yet filled with a silent promise. Her breath caught, her heart echoing the unspoken emotions in the air as their lips met in a sweet, lingering kiss, time seemed to suspend. The warmth of their connection enveloped them, creating a moment where the rest of the world melted away. It was a kiss that spoke volumes, expressing the depth of their feelings without the need for words.

However, such beautiful moment was interrupted by the one and only, man of the family, man of the house, the Viscount, Anthony Bridgerton, who started to call their names as he knocked on the door.

"I'm going to kill him," Benedict muttered under his breath after his wife pulled away from the kiss.

"Come in!" The door immediately opened, and a desperate looking Anthony Bridgerton walked through those doors.

"Good. You're both here," Anthony walked to the middle of the room.

"Not even Tommy has walked in like that, Brother," Benedict joked, both him and his wife giggled at that. "What on Earth do you need?"

"I– I..." Anthony trailed off, then frowned.

"You what?" Charlotte asked him. "Didn't you say you were going on a morning stroll?"

"Yes! And I– And I got this feeling that I wanted to tell you all about it, but..." He sighed. "I'm not exactly sure what I wanted to tell you."

"How was your morning stroll, then?" With the help of her husband, Charlotte sat up on the bed and nodded at the space in front of her. "You were up before dawn, I believe."

"It was cold and humid, but..." He huffed. "Entertaining too."

"Entertaining?" Benedict raised an eyebrow at him. "How so?"

"This woman, I've never seen her before, she..." the Viscount tried to explain as he sat in front of his sister-in-law on the bed.

"Did you..." Benedict trailed off, and winced, wondering why his brother couldn't even finish a sentence. "Did you and her– uh..."

"No! No, nothing dishonorable occurred, Brother," Anthony sighed. "We just raced."

"And who won?" Charlotte asked, the Viscount frowned once again and shook his head.

"No, I– I should check that everything is in order for tonight's Ball. You know, Eloise's dress and so on," Anthony suddenly stood up, now confusion written all over his face.

"Alright..." Now Benedict frowned too. "Uh... Good luck?"

"Thank you..." He lightly nodded, and walked out, shutting the door on his way out.

"What in the world was that?" Charlotte questioned out loud. "Did he not seem a bit odd to you?"

"Yes," Benedict frowned. "Do you think it's got anything to do with that woman?"

"We shall never know," his wife chuckled, and lightly sighed. "Now, onto another task at hand, Benny... We need to decide in names for our child."

"Before we do, I must know," he said. "Do we require permission from anyone to name our child, or are we safe to choose the name?"

"We are allowed to choose the name, my love," she chuckled lightly. "However, I only ask that we choose a name worthy of a ruler."

"If so, then I have the perfect name for our little King," he smiled. "Charles."

"Charles?" Charlotte gasped and grinned. "I love it!"

"And if we have a little Queen..." Benedict trailed off, and thought. "Should we name her Charlotte?"

"Too many Charlottes, I'd say," she giggled. "How about Caroline in—"

"No," Benedict immediately shook his head, and his wife gasped. "Of all names in the world, do you truly wish to name our first daughter 'Caroline'?"

"In honor of my godmother, that's what I wanted to say," she scoffed. "But fine! There are plenty of other names."

"Now, what is your motherly-instinct telling you?" Benedict wondered and placed his hand on top of her belly. "This baby is growing inside of you, Char... Surely, you must have some sort of...feeling."

"I do not know if something as such is truly possible, but..." A shy smile graced her face. "Something within my heart tells me that... It will be a boy."

At his wife's words, the Duke couldn't help but feel a profound sense of anticipation. His thoughts were consumed by the little life growing within his wife's belly, and a smile played on his lips as he imagined what it would be like to love his soon-to-arrive son or daughter. The nursery echoing with laughter, the milestones yet to come, and the shared adventures that would shape their days. Benedict marveled at the idea of being a guiding force, a protector, and a source of unconditional love.


Syon House, London

The grand ballroom glittered with the soft glow of crystal chandeliers as the evening unfolded in a tapestry of elegance. Young ladies and gentlemen were already dancing when the new members of the ton arrived, the Sharma Family, joined by Lady Danbury. Lady Mary is joined by her two daughters, Kate Sharma, the oldest, and Edwina Sharma, the youngest.

"Just remember to breathe, Bon," Kate told her sister, who continued to look around with amazement and joy.

"Ah. The Marquis of Ashdown. A little young, to be sure, but he has 10,000 a year," Lady Danbury started to name all eligible prospects for Edwina. "The Earl of Gloucester. His wife recently died of influenza. He might make a particularly estimable addition to your dance card this evening, Miss Sharma."

"I will not be taken to the floor tonight, Lady Danbury," Kate politely responded.

"Is there someone back home you've yet to tell me about?" She questioned.

"Come now. I am long past all of that. The only match I am interested in is for my sister. She trusts me implicitly," Kate replied. "Now, what about the Duke of Suffolk? According to Debrett's, he should be quite the catch this year."

"The Duke flaunts his mistresses. I assure you, Miss Sharma, I have our prospects well in hand," Lady Danbury stated. "Ah. There she is."

The Queen arrived to the ball with her ladies and Brimsley, looking around at all young ladies present.

"So many flowers, when what I really seek is a gem," she said. "Where is my daughter, Brimsley?"

"Her Royal Highness should be here soon, Your Majesty," he replied. "With the Bridgertons."

"Lady Danbury," the Queen saw the woman approaching. "A delightful soirée, as expected. Though my own later this week will be much more exclusive."

"Your Majesty, I would not think to compare," Lady Danbury smirked.

"And rightly so," the Queen smirked back.

"Your Majesty, may I present Lady Mary Sharma, whom you must remember. And May I present her daughters Miss Sharma and Miss Edwina Sharma," Lady Danbury introduced the women who made a curtsy for the Queen. "My personal special guests for the season."

"A high honor, indeed. I hear you have made quite a journey to join us again after all these years, Lady Mary. If only you had extended the courtesy of offering your queen a final farewell before you left," she stated, in a passive-aggressive way.

"Oh, I do relish a challenge," Lady Danbury smirk as the Queen walked away.

Some time later, the Bridgerton Family arrived, joined by them the Duke and Duchess of Kent and Strathearn, who entered hand in hand. As it always occurs with the Bridgertons and the Royal Family, their presence commanded the attention of the room. The Viscount felt slightly uncomfortable by the glances of the young ladies he had already interviewed, while Eloise searched for her best friend with her gaze.

"Stop fussing with your dress," Anthony scolded his sister.

"You look lovely, my dear El," Charlotte assured her.

"I look like a prize calf, trussed up for auction," Eloise stated, Benedict playfully moos at her, earning a slight slap on his arm from his wife, whom still giggled at his silliness.

"Even Daphne felt most apprehensive at her first official ball, and look how well her season turned out," her mother tried to ease her nerves, and chuckled politely as she saw the Marquis of Ashdown approaching their way. "Oh."

"Benedict," Charlotte immediately let go of her husband's hold, clearing her throat and smiling politely at the young lord.

"Come, Sister. The cakes at these occasions are surprisingly good," Benedict grabbed Eloise and walked away with her on his arm.

"Uh... Oh..." The young lord hesitated, and sighed as he walked away.

"It truly is a sparse, crop," Anthony commented as he looked around.

"Oh, I am sure there is someone here who will charm you," Violet smiled and spoke louder. "After all, this is the season the Viscount intends to find a wife."

Obviously, the Dowager Viscountess' comment caught everyone's attention, but still eyed the Viscount with wary eyes. So, Violet looked at her daughter-in-law, for a little push.

"You honestly did that?" Anthony suppressed glaring at his mother.

"I believe I did," Violet continued smiling.

"A new Viscountess Bridgerton! How wonderful, my lord," Charlotte spoke out loud too, but still calm and elegant. "I'm sure she'd love to join me in my afternoon tea with Her Majesty at Buckingham House."

"Traitor," Anthony muttered loud enough for his sister-in-law to hear.

"Lady Bridgerton!"

"Your Royal Highness!"

"Lord Bridgerton!"

"My lord!"

"A dance, please, Lord Bridgerton?"

"Good evening," was all Anthony said as he smiled politely at all the young ladies that now surrounded him.

"Thank you," Violet smiled at her daughter-in-law.

"Anything for family, Mother. Though his presence alone draws enough of the ladies' attention," Charlotte winked at her with a small smirk, and lightly sighed. "I should go find the Queen while our dear Lord Bridgerton here is busy with all his...potential prospects."

While the Duchess of Kent and Strathearn made her way towards the Queen, by the other side of the room, Lady Danbury and the Sharma Family took notice of the crowd of young ladies all gathered by the entrance of the ball.

"I know that gentleman," Kate commented out loud.

"Who?" Edwina asked her.

"The Viscount?" Lady Danbury frowned. "I do not believe I have yet made an introduction."

"Of course," Kate said, without taking her eyes off him. "It must be my mistake."

"Though you have quite the eye. Viscount Bridgerton is wealthy, extraordinarily well-connected, and from one of the ton's most illustrious families," Lady Danbury proceeded to explain. "Apparently hoping to marry this season, he may very well be our most eligible bachelor, indeed."

"The Bridgertons," Lady Mary quietly commented. "Why does that name sound so familiar?"

"Ah. The Bridgertons hold strong ties with the Royal Family. Daphne Bridgerton, now the Duchess of Hastings, was last year's diamond of the season. And, the second-born Bridgerton son is now married to the Queen's oldest daughter, Princess Charlotte," the woman explained, a proud smile on her face. "They are now the Duke and Duchess of Kent and Strathearn, and just moments away from the birth of their first child. Perhaps that is how you heard of them. It was the grand event of the century, indeed."

"Ah," Lady Mary sighed nervously at the mention of the Royal Family.

"He is very handsome," Edwina said, still looking daydreamingly in the Viscount's direction.

"Yes," Kate couldn't not agree. "I suppose he is."

While the Viscount continued to sign all young ladies dance cards with all types of dances, the Duke and Duchess of Kent and Strathearn had found a quiet corner with a perfect view of the dance floor, as well as Anthony's scene. Both Benedict and Charlotte could notice the way Anthony was losing his patience, but as always, remained calm, and a gentleman to all.

As the melodic notes of the music filled the air, they observed the swirling patterns of dancers bathed in the warm hues of the evening.

"Oh, how I wish I could dance with you," Charlotte looked at her husband, a sad smile on her face. "To be lost with you in the elegance of the waltz."

"Perhaps in a few more months, my angel," he kissed the back of her gloved hand. "Right after our child is born and you have recovered, we shall hire a musician and dance under the stars."

"Oh, my love," she sighed contently. "I'd love that."

The music played on, and as the night unfolded, the Duke and Duchess found solace in each other's company. Many members of the ton approached their way, asking Charlotte for her pregnancy, and sending well wishes their way.

"Go," Benedict frowned at his wife's sudden words.

"I beg your pardon?" He questioned.

"You do not have to stay here with me through the whole night," she smiled. "As much as I would love that, I do not want to keep you from talking with the gentlemen you usually talk to during these things."

"I appreciate that, my angel, but—"

"No 'buts', my love," she kissed the back of his hand. "Have fun."

"Fine. If you insist," he lightly chuckled and pressed a long kiss to her temple. "I'll come back to you as soon as I can."

"And here I shall wait, however long it takes," she smiled at him.

After the Duke of Kent and Strathearn had walked away, and approached a group of gentlemen that welcomed him with bowing their heads, to which Benedict merely nodded in greeting before proceeding to join the conversation. The Duke proudly could estate that he knew the protocols by heart... It was another thing to apply them in their entirely.

Though the Duchess of Kent and Strathearn was enjoying the ball, she proceeded to abruptly stand and walk outside to the gardens after feeling a strange wave of nausea.

"Lord Bridgerton," he turned around and almost smiled at the sight of his sister-in-law. "Are you alright?"

"Your Royal Highness," Anthony lightly nodded, as a sign of reassurance. "I am fine."

"I know quite well when you are lying," Charlotte insisted as he grabbed her hand and helped her down a couple of steps.

"There is no need for this," he stated. "It– It is you who should not be out here. Char, you must be sitting down."

"Now you are starting to sound like your brother," she chuckled softly. "I needed some well-deserved fresh air. Now, I rather talk with you and the reason of your...somewhat frustration."

"I– I just..." He sighed with indeed frustration. "I just had the most unexpected and despicable criticism I have ever received."

"Did someone finally managed to defy your character, my lord?" She teased him, and he rolled his eyes. "Who must I bow to for such bravery?"

"I believe 'criticized' is the correct term," he stated, and sighed in frustration. "'Your character is as deficient as your horsemanship'. Honestly! My character and my horsemanship are utterly impecable."

"I do not believe this... Someone has finally stood against the Viscount Anthony Bridgerton," Charlotte grinned. "And has succeeded to irritate him!"

"Who in the bloody hell does she think she is to address to me in such way?" A chuckle escaped her lips, and he looked at her with disbelief. "Or do you think, Your Royal Highness, that 'my character is as deficient as my horsemanship' too?"

"I would never say that to you, my lord," she immediately responded, and chose to tease him. "Not to your face, no."

"So you do agree with her?" He scoffed. "This night could not get any more unpleasant."

"I never said I agreed. After all, your horsemanship is...decent," she smirked. "Yet, not as impeccable as mine."

"I would dare you to ride with me right now to change your mind, a little challenge, a race, but..." He looked down at her grown belly. "You know."

"Oh, quiet," she chuckled. "Now, does this valiant young lady have a name?"

"Bloody thing about it is the anonymous threat," he sighed.

"Is this the same woman from this morning?" Charlotte gasped when he nodded.

"Dreadful," he spatted. "Such a dreadful unladylike behavior."

"Anthony," she placed her hand on his shoulder with a small smile, to try and calm him down a bit. "If you have ever found comfort in my words, then I must let you know that I find your horsemanship quite impeccable. Your character, on the other hand could use some work."

"Go on, don't stop now," curiosity arose within him.

"I personally think you must learn to temper your pursuit of pleasure," she said sincerely, and he sighed. "You are so desperately trying to find a Viscountess, you are losing sight of what's really important."

"My duty to my family?" He questioned, and she shook her head.

"Your heart," she said softly. "Do not just look for a suitable Viscountess because of your duty to your family. Instead, look for a partner, a best friend... A wife you know will love and support you for the rest of her life just as much as you will love and support her."

"I did find her...once," he muttered stubbornly, but as much as he wanted to take those words back, he knew he couldn't. And by the way she was looking at him, he knew she heard him.

"Anthony..." She sighed. "Do not torture yourself."

"My apologies," he lightly nodded. "I have already turned the page on that matter, I promise. I swear it. I just..."

"Finding a love match is easier said than done. I understand that. It can be infuriating," a small smile graced her face. "But I think your mother, Daphne and I are a proper example that finding love in a society like this, so judgmental and with such high standards, is not impossible."

"You are utterly at fault for me having high standards on women," he added, smiling at his own words as a giggle escaped her lips. "No doubt."

"Gosh," she muttered and smiled as a light blushed graced her cheeks, and he chuckled. "Nonetheless, I am flattered."

"There you are," the two of them turned to see the Duke of Kent and Strathearn with his arms crossed over his chest. "You deliberately insisted I leave your side and where do I find my lovely wife? Blushing with my brother behind some bloody bushes and out of everyone's sight."

"Do not be so dramatic," his wife scoffed. "Do you truly think your brother would want to dishonor me and the Royal Family by robbing the virtue I clearly no longer possess given the fact that my stomach is the size of a whale?"


"Quiet, Anthony," the Duchess scolded him for trying to make a joke before looking at her husband. "If you need me, then I shall be inside, in everyone's line of sight, Benedict."


"I will...see you..." She took a deep breath as she went up the few steps while both men cursed under their breaths at her stubbornness. "I will see you inside."

"I was going to refuse anyway," Anthony clarified loudly.

"And she is telling me to not be dramatic!" Benedict whispered-yelled at his brother once his wife had walked inside.

"That does not matter," Anthony whispered. "She is right."


"Women are always right, Brother," he chuckled. "Get it through your head."

"Women are always right," the Duke repeated while rolling his eyes. "Even when they are not."

"That's right. Keep her happy. Now, come on," the Viscount patted his brother's back before the two made their way inside the building.

Author's Notes: Hello, dear readers!

I hope you all enjoy this new chapter!
Now we are on route to the Netflix series's storyline. Kate Sharma has officially entered the chat, as well as all the drama I have prepared for the Bridgertons, the Sharmas, and my dear Duke and Duchess of Kent and Strathearn.

I am curious to know. Is this the first book you've ever read from my page or have you stayed throughout the entire series? (The Princess Royal, The Duchess of Kent and Strathearn, part 1).

Nonetheless, I thank you all for all the love, all the comments, all the votes, and your support.

Until next chapter!❤️

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