Devils Tango

By kyliejo73

35 0 1

Sofia Romano is a 17 year old girl longing to be free.Trapped in the clutches of her father and his Mafia ful... More

Chapter one

Chapter two

13 0 0
By kyliejo73

I jolted awake too loud knocking on the door. " Who is it?" I say trying my best to hide my sleepy voice. I hear a muffled voice outside say "Well good morning to you too." The door slowly opens to reveal Alexander. Dad must have sent him to awake me. I thought, looking back at him"Did you need something?" I asked calmly, rubbing my eyes, adjusting to the light that Alexander turned on."I wanted to say goodbye after all you are leaving in, well I don't know, fifteen minutes aren't you?" He said sarcastically, checking his wrist like he was wearing a watch. I managed to miss looking at the clock, I am in so much trouble I thought to myself trying not to panic. I jolt over to my nightstand, checking my phone. "I must have forgotten to set an alarm, heh" I said nothing to mentally slap myself later. The day must go on. I thought about looking at my suitcase and backpack next to my desk to make sure I had everything but decided against it because I needed to finish getting myself together quickly."Well then you're already running behind. I must be on my way. Goodbye!" He said cheerfully, as he began to walk out of the room, closing the door gently.

I jump out of bed and start getting ready, going as fast as I possibly can to make myself presentable for Father. I quickly checked my phone for a text from Grayson. I had texted him yesterday night about the current situation with my Father. He must have responded.I opened the text to him asking where I was. I was very confused and asked what he meant by where I was. He should be somewhere in Russia right now I thought to myself. He texted back almost immediately saying he was waiting at the front door. He said he'd explain why he was here in the car.I texted him one last time, saying I was almost ready and would be down in about five minutes.

I walk over to my closet to obtain my coat and purse. I decided on a black dress that hugged my body showing my curves. I put on a matching blazer and a belted pair of heels as well as my newsboy hat. I kept my make up quite simple with just a black smokey eye and some red tinted lip balm. I quickly grab my luggage and walk through the long corridors to the staircase. Once I reach the bottom of the stairs I am greeted with four men. In the middle is a man in a sharp black suit with brown eyes and messy black hair. That must be Grayson I thought to myself as I walked up to my Father. I asked him why he agreed to allow Grayson to come with, he glared at me and whispered " The only reason I am allowing him to venture with you is a deal I have with him. It is a good trade and needed for right now." He said, trying not to smirk. I glance up to see Alexander waving at me from the balcony as I make my way outside to the black SUV waiting for Grayson and I outside. A tall lean man behind me grabs my luggage from my hands, carefully putting it in the trunk of the car.

Greyson walks over and opens my door. I nodded my head politely to seem respectful as my Father was watching the interaction. I glance back to Greyson smirking, holding in a chuckle. "How have you been Sofia?" he asks with a strong Russian accent. He waved at the driver, signaling the driver's que to leave. "Well I will be doing much better when I am completely awake and away from my Father." I tell him gently. I watch as his smile slowly drips off his face. He is one of the people who knows what my life can be like here. At this moment I wish I would've said something that would've better matched the mood instead of bringing it down. "What was Russia like? " I ask Greyson, trying to bring back the friendly banter. " Russia was very cold." He said looking into my eyes. He then started snickering to himself. " I was actually supposed to stay another month or so, but after your message and reasoning with my boss I arranged for it to work out. I don't know how happy the man I'm trying to get answers from will be though. I was a bit nicer than the other guy." He continues on about what had been happening recently. His voice was very soothing for me to listen to. He then started explaining why he wanted to come so badly." I had to make sure you were going to be safe. Whether it mattered or not I needed to get to you. I needed to keep you safe. I have been gone for a while and hoped this would make up for it,but I also know that it was my own mind that pulled me here with you." We made direct eye contact and he grabbed my hand. He had the most sincere look on his face as his eyes glowed with the passing light.

He continued on for another two minutes explaining his actions to me. I finally got a chance to respond myself. " I am sorry for being such a burden for you. But I hope you understand how much I appreciate you coming with me. With everything happening right now I really didn't want to go by myself. I am now realizing I made the right choice talking to you yesterday night."I say in a confident calm tone. He already knows how I am treated by my father, he knows about my mom's death and he knows about my missing older brother. I know that it has been almost three years since I last saw him. He just stares and listens to me talk. He looks genuinely happy as he follows along with my words.I eventually start laughing and refuse to give him a reason why. How would one tell their best friend they look genuinely happy in a way without making it awkward and filling the vibe with tension. He starts to laugh as well, telling me that he was seventy-eight percent sure I am bipolar because of the way I went from talking seriously to laughing uncontrollably. He then says lightheartedly that " I owe you one anyway for what happened in Bolivia." He smiles brightly.

After a while the radio is now on playing The Neighborhood "Daddy Issues". I eventually continue working out my plan in a sketchbook. I created what I believe to be a well sculpted plan and decided I should talk to Grayson if he knows anything about Noah. He doesn't say anything at first but then Grayson states " Well , He's known to gamble quite a bit. He tends to follow his bosses orders strictly and is known for being a straight up perv to women " Gray continued. " He also tends to sleep around, which isn't anything abnormal in this lifestyle. But he's pretty good at keeping his business under tight wraps, which you probably know hence why you called me." he said while wearing a cocky smirk on his face. I asked him if he knew literally anything else that could help me. Grayson starts again " Well my mate has told me that he's known to be cunning and is quick with catching on to what people are planning. They say with just one conversation he can tell the intentions of any person. But you have an advantage with not being brought out to the public yet, no one knows who you are or what mafia you come from." He says stopping to breathe for a second. Continuing on he says "The mafia ball is being held at the Reigns mansion this year. We will need to be strategic and careful when making decisions. As we could run into Arron who is very likely to be there. I am aware of the tension between your two families but there's also another problem as my boss better known as your ex boyfriend will be there. Demetria Nocievoroff

"I'll just have to avoid them at all costs, which shouldn't be too hard since there will be a lot of people." I said, trying to sound confident. "Ahh yes well I'm sad to cut this conversation short but we're here" he said looking out the window at the jet I'll be taking to Italy." I asked him why he decided to come to Mexico instead of just meeting up with me in Italy. But he just brushed it off and said that he had some unfinished business to attend to here in Mexico before going to Italy. I left it at that as we stepped out of the SUV and walked to the jet. I turned around and watched the SUV drive into the distance getting smaller and smaller.

Once I get inside the jet I see Grayson talking to the pilot reminding him of where to land and whatever else you talk to a pilot about. I sit down in one of the fancy chairs and grab a glass of one of the bubbling champagne glasses sitting on the table in front of me. Five minutes later Grayson comes across from me and does the same. As he takes a sip a sour face spreads on his face and he states " liquor is better than this rubbish!" He stands up and walks to the back of the jet and grabs a bottle of wine and whisky. He hands me the wine knowing that I much prefer it over any hard liquor. As he sits back down and straps in we are informed that we will be taking off in a few minutes. Grayson's starts to tease me about me admiring the interior of the jet. " Well it's not my fault you decided to pull a Richy Rich and buy a jet the size of a plane that is fancy and modern at the same time!" I said defensively. He just smiles and says" the jets not mine I'm just borrowing it from a guy who owed me a favor. I roll my eyes and look out the window as the jet takes off into the air. I look at the clouds and can only think how nice it must be to be so free. To go wherever you want with no one telling you otherwise

After a while I got up from my seat and took the chance to look around. At this point Grayson was reading and ignoring my chance of having a conversation with him. I make my way to the sleeping corridor on the plane and lie down on one of the built in beds. I then look for a bathroom where I can change into some more comfortable attire. I guess I wasn't as prepared for the long flight as I thought I was when I first got dressed. When I finished changing into gray sweatpants and a loose fitted t-shirt and laid down on the surprisingly comfortable bed. I wrapped myself in a warm cozy blanket. The last thing I remember is looking at the clouds out of the skylight window. Slowly drifting into darkness.

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