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By zombieedoll

11.8K 335 444

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629 20 49
By zombieedoll



Not only was he confused as to why Fushiguro had canceled last minute yesterday and was now avoiding him, Kayo apparently had the ill intention of harming him in every shape, way, and form from the way she was shooting daggers at him.

Yuji could vividly remember that cold text he had received from Megumi the day before; a "I'm not feeling well, sorry" text with little to no context.

But he tried to shake it off; he was going to the beach with his friends after all!

After a few hours of travel and then onto a ferry, the group finally arrived at one of the finest resorts in Okinawa (courtesy of Satoru Gojo's deep pockets).

"Man this place is huge!" Yuta stretched his legs as he hauled his bag towards the fancy-schmancy hotel they were going to stay at.

"Everyone stick together until we've checked into our rooms. You can all go and do whatever after," Kiyotaka checked his watch as he hauled his own bags, secretly keeping an eye on his sister and Gojo, who tended to be the most troublesome.

The group went along into the five-star hotel to check-in and leave their bags. They quickly dispersed-- Gojo fleeing to the pool bar and Kiyotaka hot on his heels, deciding that the kids were more responsible than the 28-year-old man-child.

"Now what?" Yuta asked, the group didn't exactly have an itinerary.

Nobara and Kayo made eye contact, having the same idea in mind: "POOL!"

. . .

The hot sun beat down on Kayo's skin as she lay in the donut floatie in the pool, sunglasses on.

Everyone lounged around, soaking up the warm rays of sunlight and the cool pool water-- no school, or sports, or work to worry about.

Not a care in the world.

But oh they would be so very wrong to think that, for Megumi was still an emotional wreck everytime his eyes landed on Yuji, and Yuji was still racking his brain trying to figure out what he did wrong. Yuta worried about the basketball training camp that was looming, and Kayo still stressed about her best friend and the impending track meet.

This trip wasn't doing too much to ease their worries.

"What kind of vacation is this??" An enthusiastic voice booms, approaching them.

Gojo walked towards the group, a red Hawaiian shirt opened, revealing his toned abs and torso. He wore beach shorts, flip-flops, and his signature sunglasses.

Kiyotaka trailed behind him, wearing a similar outfit, minus the slutty top.

"You're all so gloomy," Gojo picked up one of the towels, "We came here for the beach, did we not?" He looks at the group expectantly.

The kids glance at each other, shrugging.

"Well then, let's go!"

. . .

"Why don't you go into the ocean, Kayo-chan?" Maki asks, shooting a glance at the girl.

Kayo laid on her towel with one of her favorite shojos cracked open. She glances at the lifeguard that was perched on the railings of the guard-house a few meters away from them, "I don't trust men with man-buns," she replies plainly.

"She can't swim," Kiyotaka deadpans, actually answering Maki's initial question. He was also reading a book whilst basking in the sun. Probably one of the few things he and his sister had in common-- a love for literature and not knowing how to swim.

"My ex-husband had a man-bun," Gojo chimes in.

"Oh yeah, what happened to him?" Yuta asks. He was currently building a sand castle with a working irrigation system and a village with Inumaki.

Gojo sighs, a bit dramatically, "Divorce,"


Maki jogs to join Nobara, Yuji, and Panda in the water as they were about to start a game of volleyball. Kayo looked at the four longingly, then glanced at Megumi who sat on her left side. His eyes were fixed on the ocean ahead, and underneath his sunglasses, Kayo knew who he was looking at specifically.

"Maybe you two should talk it over," she whispered so only he could hear.

He tore his gaze to look at her. "It's the rational thing to do," he tried keeping his voice steady, "but I don't think..." he trailed off.

"I understand," her voice softened a bit. She understood. Megumi wasn't ready; the wound of heartbreak was still fresh.

Suddenly, Gojo stands up abruptly.

"I have an idea!" He waves the group from the water over.

"This can't be good," she mutters under her breath, earning a stern look from her brother.

"Since all of you are acting so lame on this supposedly fun trip, I'm proposing we play a game," he announces, clapping his hands at the end to add emphasis.

Everyone stays silent, waiting for him to continue.

"Let's play...a scavenger hunt!"


"Tough crowd, eh? Whoever wins gets 10,000 yen,"

That definitely gets a reaction.

"What are the rules?" Maki asks with a smirk. She was the most competitive, physically, and mentally strongest out of the group. In her eyes, it was a won game for sure.

"There are no rules-- except maybe don't injure each other too much,"

"Satoru--" Ijichi began, suddenly worried for the bloodthirsty-ness of the kids.

Gojo waves him off, "You'll be in pairs of two," he raises a peace sign, signifying the two. "And I'll be picking the teams," a devilish smile forms on his lips.

Ah shit, Kayo thought.

"First up," he gives himself a drumroll beat by slapping his thighs really fast, "Kugisaki and Maki," he points at the two girls.

Ah shit, Kayo thought.

"Panda and Okkotsu," he points at Yuta and the pale boy standing next to him. Panda's real identity wasn't known to many people-- due to quite literally always wearing the school mascot costume. But underneath, he was this pale young man, with jet black hair. Everyone called him 'Panda', including the teachers.

Gojo's finger then points to Kayo, who was conveniently already standing next to her partner (or so she thought).

"I'll stick with Meg--"

"Ah uh uh uh," Gojo wiggles his finger back in forth, his smirk widening, "you, young lady, are going to be with this young man," he gestures to Inumaki.

Kayo's face flushes.

Inumaki shrugs and smiles, walking over to stand next to Kayo. He nudges her with his arm gently, "We'll win,"

Kayo's face flushes even more. She nods, and signs "Okay,"

"And that leaves you two!" Gojo beams, clasping his hands.

"The last team is...Yuji and Megumi!"


[A/N: also to clarify a bit,, 10,000 yen is about 80 U.S. dollars :]]

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