𝑺𝑻𝑬𝑳𝑳𝑨𝑹 • γ€Œ 𝑲𝑡𝒀 𝑿...

By starrysnite

238K 11.2K 9.7K

β•°β”ˆβž€ ❝ π™’π™π™šπ™§π™š.. π™©π™π™š π™π™šπ™‘π™‘ 𝙖𝙒 𝙄? ❞ βˆ˜β‚Šβœ§β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€βœ§β‚Šβˆ˜ You lived a normal and casual life in the twenty-f... More

Intro !! Woohoo !!
Your Bitchass Woke Up Late
I Don't Think We're In Kansas Anymore..
WHAT THE HEL- Wait Nvm It's Only A Chipmunk
Exercising - Your Worst Enemy.
As Dumb As A Roc- Boulder.
Worst Cooks In Ameri- Japan
Mr. Fox Beats Your Ass
Cancelled Sabito On Twitter
Surprise Party
R.I.P., Tanjirou's Long Hair
Old Friend
How To Kick Balls: 101
Haganezuka With The 'Tude
Kazumi Worries For Your Bowels
In The Depths
a/n (not rly tho, just me complaining)
Fedora Fucker
That's A Lot Of Damage!
Disney Princess
Enter: Boar Bitch
Eeny Meeny Miney Moe...
Sherlock Holmes
Knee Murderer
WikiHow: To Flip Off A Lower Moon
Hang In There! (Literally!)
The Hashira's Reenactment Of Judge Judy
You Threatened.. Muzan Kibutsuji?
Get That Away From Me!
Pathetic Attempt At Charades
Mission Impossible!
Girls Don't Fart
Six In The Morning
Wakey Wakey, Eggs and Bakey!
Truths Revealed
You Screw Yourself Over
Haganezuka Throws A Tantrum
Au Revoir!
All Aboard!
Don't Let The Bedbugs Bite!
Trouble In Paradise
Eyes Opened
Let's Make A Deal
Reunited At Last
Bitter Goodbyes
A Father's Love
You Turn Into An Old Man
Zenitsu's Stomach Goes Through World War III
Awkward Conversations 101
Shenanigans But Make It Fancy
Getting Blackmailed By A Toddler! Whoopee!
Second Guessing
The Hardest Thing
Eli Having No Sense Of Direction
The Return of The Psychopathic Swordsmith
Revealing The Truth
Life Without You
Enter: Flamboyant Bitch
Mission Impossible-er
Flashy Lights
Inosuke Goes Through Puberty
Another Day, Another Blackmail
Eli Gets Extremely Humbled
DΓ©jΓ  VuοΏΌ
Slandering Eli, Pt. 2719
im alive !! woo!! (a/n)
The Emergence
That One Britney Spears Song
Broken Record
Enter: The First Wife
Lucky Is She
Karma, Bitch!
At Long Last
His Perspective
After The Storm
Heart to Heart
Slipped Out
Room Arrest
The Great Ice Cream War - Chocolate Vs. Vanilla
Training Dummy
Not-So Sleeping Beauty
No Ifs, Ands, Or Buts
Into The Village
Mohawk Boy
Read The Room
You're Not Schizophrenic, Are You?
The Key
A Puny Crow Kicks Your Ass
Fucked Up Version Of Excalibur
Oh No, He's Hot!
Somebody, Fix The Wifi..
You're Single, Aren't You?
Hips Don't Lie!
In Which: You Drown Like The Titanic

Who Doesn't Love Getting Slammed Into Fourteen Walls?

1.3K 82 32
By starrysnite

surprise !! double update !!

tryna write as many chapters i can before april break ends 💪

listening to spotify as i write this and lemme tell u,


WARNING: Swearing, Blood, Violence


Eli pumped his hands up in the air triumphantly, "AHA!! I TOTALLY WON THAT!! WHO KNEW DANCING TO CLASSICAL MUSIC WAS SO EASY?!" You and Zenitsu deadpanned at him, "You literally resorted to doing the fucking worm. Pathetic."

Zenitsu nodded along before adding, "You looked like a spaz, a moron, a nincompoop, a dumbass, a bad dancer, a self absorbed idio-" Eli intercepted with a betrayed expression, "WHY IS THE LIST SO LONG??!"

He shook his head as the three of you made your way to a table, "THATS NOT THE POINT!! Just admit you guys are sore losers!!" He cupped his ear with his hand and leaned forward expectantly, "C'mon.. I'm WAITING."

You and Zenitsu blocked him out as you started to converse, "Yoooo look at the uhhh.. the chairs! They look so coool.. right Zenitsu.." Zenitsu played along, "Oh, yes they are (Y/N)-chann.. have you seen the.. walls..?"

Eli threw his hands up in defeat as the three of you sat down, "FINE! YOU IDIOTS WIN! YOU HAPPY??!" You snorted, beginning to speak in a British accent, "Why yes, my dear chum! I am quite experiencing the emotion of happiness! Pip, pip!"

Eli rolled his eyes, not even trying to resist the urge to play along, "Oh, that's quite pleasant, my dear chum! I am experiencing-" You cut him off in your usual accent, "I already said 'my dear chum'!! Stop stealing my thunder!"

Hoshi let out a small chirp, to which you signaled to her with jazz hands, "See?! Even Hoshi agrees because she has common sense!" Zenitsu nodded along, "Its true! Hugh doesn't have common sense so it all checks ou-"

Zenitsu abruptly stood up, his knees starting to shake as he clutched his hair, "UWAAAAHHH!!" You and Eli flinched at the sudden yelling, "ZENITSU?! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED??"

He fell to his knees, "ALL MY FEAR IS IN MY KNEEEESS!! JUST LIKE AT THE TSUZUMI MANSION!!! UWAAAAAHH!!" Eli leapt forwards before shaking Zenitsu aggressively by the shoulders, "WHAT HAPPENED?! USE YOUR BIG BOY WORDS!!"

Zenitsu chattered his teeth, "I HEAR DEMON SOUNDS!! AND A FAINT SCREAM!! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIIIEEEE!!" You instantly stood up, "Where are they coming from?! Also, keep it down!"

Zenitsu shuddered, "T-THE SECOND FLOOOORR!! EEEEEKKK!! I'M GONNA DIEEEEE!!" Eli bonked him on the head, "Can it, pissy pants!"

You motioned for them to follow you, "Follow me. We're getting our swords." Eli started to drag Zenitsu as you talked, "I hid our swords behind a potted plant somewhere over here.."

Only one problem. Once you all reached the potted plant, they were gone. You instantly started to panic, "Fuck! Where—?" You whipped your head around frantically, desperately trying to find them.

Eli pointed to a couple of young boys near you, "Oh come on! A couple of brats took them!" Zenitsu sighed in relief, "It's a sign! It's a sign we shouldn't fight the demon and abandon this mission!! Right?! RIGHT?!"

You ignored his complaining, marching over to the three little boys before scolding them, "Listen here, you morons! Maybe you don't have any common sense whatsoever, like my friend Eli over there, but swords.. aren't something to play with!!"

You continued to scold them, "I dunno if being stupid runs in your little annoying friend group, but either way, you better hand me those swords or else I swear to fucking god I will rain down HELL on you."

They glanced at one another before bursting into tears. You sighed out of frustration, before snatching the swords back from them. Soon enough, their mothers came by, and started to argue with you.

One particular mother flipped you off, "How dare you scold my little Hiro?! You have no right! I will sue you!!"

You rolled your eyes exasperatedly, "Oh, okay grandma. Sorry, my bad.. you have so many wrinkles that you look ancient. Anyways, you can't really sue me if you're fucking dead. Good luck with that!"

Eli burst out into laughter, "PFFT— BWAHAHAH!!" Hell, even Zenitsu tried to stifle his laughter in a poor attempt.

One of the other mothers held her kid as he cried into her stomach, "You have a lot of audacity, cursing out us multimillionaires! Even going to the point of scolding our little angels.. especially my sweet baby Kou!"

You handed the swords back to Zenitsu and Eli, "Look, I'm only 15.. but I'll give you a quick little parenting tip out of the absolute kindness of my heart.." You attached a belt with your sheath onto your waist while sarcastically giving the mother an attitude, "I dunno man, I'm just winging it here and shit.. but maybe it's a good idea to teach your dumbass children how dangerous swords are?"

You turned away to leave, but then quickly turned back, "Oh, and also! Teach them that they're not entitled to whatever they want. Once I save your pathetic lives, I'll be waiting for an apology! Bye bye, have a horrible day!"

You handed Hoshi over to Eli, "Eli, take Hoshi. You two, go evacuate the people in this mansion to safety.. blah blah blah! Once you're done, help me with the demon!"

You then winked, "Buuut.. by the time you get there.. they'll already be dead! Now excusssee me.. I got a demons ass to kick!" Before Eli or Zenitsu could argue, you already began to run to the second floor.

As you ran, you readjusted your belt on your waist before speed running up the stairs. Once you reached the top, you wiped away sweat that resided on your forehead, "Goddamn.. I hate climbing stairs.."

You turned the corner, gripping your sword tightly in your hands. You then skid to a stop, "How the hell will I know where the demon is..?"

You looked around confusedly, before you heard a bloodcurdling scream. You wasted no time, instantly making a beeline to the sound of the source.

Another scream.

You quickened your pace.
Who knew running in a dress was so hard?

Then another.

After what seemed to be forever, you reached a door where the screams were coming from. You immediately burst through the door, prepared to help any injured people.

Only, there weren't any injured people in the room. There were blood stains covering the entirety of the empty room. Except in the middle, was a record. You cautiously stepped towards it, before it let out a scream.

Then, the reality of the situation became clear to you.

You had been tricked.

You immediately snapped your head behind you, and low and behold, Katsu stood at the door of the room. You widened your eyes before scowling, "DAMMIT!! I KNEW IT!!"


Katsu began to slow clap, a smirk gracing his malicious features, "Wow.. you're smarter than I originally thought. Here's the thing though.." He stopped his clapping, before making an incision in his arm with his claws.

He shaped his blood by waving his hands around into a sharp sword, making you cringe, "That man said.. if I bring you in.. sadly alive, I'll be promoted to an Upper Moon. Now, I can't pass up on that offer, can I?"

You raised a brow, "Katsu.. can I be honest with you for a second? From one person to another- whoops, I mean one person to a demon?" Katsu raised his brows, "I'm intrigued, I'll give you a chance to talk."

You smacked your lips, "Great! Thanks. So uh.. here's the thing. You with blood splattered on your hair is NOT doing it justice.. It looks like spilt kool-aid.. ya know?"

Katsu paused, "Wh- Kool-aid? What the hell is that?" You raised a brow, "Oh wait! Forgot about— my bad. Another thing, before we fight.. where the hell is your date? Did you ditch her or something?"

Katsu let out a malicious laugh, "You buffoon! I ate her! Was that not obvious?! Luckily for me, she was a scrumptious marechi! I feel a hundred, no, a thousand times stronger than before..!!"

You instantly dropped the lighthearted act, your features turning dead serious. You glared Katsu down, "I'm going to send you to hell. You realize that, right?"

Katsu sent you a toothy, sarcastic smile, "Oh, really? Are you now? I'd like to see you try. You know, that man told me all about your abilities. I'm excited to see what you have to offer! Then, once we're done sparring, I'll simply knock you out and bring you to that man!"

You furrowed your brows before calling out, "Water Breathing, Fourth Form, Striking Tide!"

You launched forwards at Katsu at an immense speed, before he started to attack back, "Blood Demon Art, Crimson Knives of Torture!"

He sent multiple knives made out of his own blood at you, catching you off guard. But you didn't back down, instead, you weaved through the knives as you  twisted your body and sword.

Water erupted from your transparent, glassy blade like a tsunami as you made your way towards Katsu. In the process, the tip of one of the knives nicked your cheek, but in the end, you were able to hack off his right arm.

He almost immediately regenerated it, before bursting into laughter, "Do you genuinely think you can kill me?! We both know that you haven't mastered Water Breathing, more importantly, you aren't compatible with it! Your slashes are too weak!"

You furrowed your brows, "Oh, really? Thanks for pointing out the obvious, Sherlock. Y'know if you weren't a demon, I'd say you'd make a hell of a detective."

With his blood, he transformed it into a giant tentacle. You shuddered, "Yeesh, someone had way too much calamari from the buffet tonigh- AH!" Before you knew it, the tentacle had taken hold of you.

Katsu sent you a little wave and yet another sarcastic smile, "Have a great ride! I'll see you in the main room in a second!" Before you could even question him, the tentacle chucked you at full speed through multiple walls.

You never knew you could experience this much pain. You instantly let out a loud cry of pain as you barreled through a shit ton of drywalls.

The fight had just started, but already, tears spilt from your eyes. You could handle one wall, two at most. But fourteen walls in a row? That was your breaking point.

You felt a rib, maybe even your wrist crack multiple times. Goddammit, have you already broken your bones?

Finally, when you thought the pain was over, you launched out the final wall, and started flying out into the main room.

Eli and Zenitsu were still attempting to evacuate the last of the stubborn guests in the mansion, but they each immediately snapped their attention towards you and Katsu.

Zenitsu instantly passed out on the spot from his immense fear, but Eli had already started to book it towards your falling body. He called out for you, "(Y/N)!!"

Luckily for you, before your body hit the ground, he caught you and braced your fall. He slightly shook you, "(Y/N).. holy shit.. why is your head bleeding so much?! Are you okay?!"

You slowly wiggled yourself out of his grasp, before shakily standing up and wincing, "That.. that definitely wins the award of being the most painful demon attack.."

You bit back your tears, "I can still fight. It's only two broken bones and a concussion, probably.." You winced once you got a throbbing pain in your wrist, "Fuck.. my wrist is broken too. Whoopee. But my blood should be able to heal it soon after the fight though.."

Eli tightly gripped his sword, "Look at you, is this what you call killing the demon before we got to yo- HOLY SHIT ITS KATSU?!" You slyly smirked, "You bet it is! Who was right? I was rig- GODDAMMIT!!"

Katsu sent multiple sharp spikes of his blood towards you and Eli, forcing you each to dodge it. You turned to Katsu with an annoyed expression, "Are you kidding me?! What does a woman have to do around here to make fun of her best friend without a demon trying to kill her?!"

Eli snorted, "That's what I'm sayin! Tsk tsk tsk.. Katsu.. you have no manners!" He turned around to face Zenitsu, "Zenitsu, c'mon you're missing the figh- THIS MOTHERFUCKER IS ASLEEP?!"

You snickered, "Oh yeah, he kinda does that.. don't worry.. he fights while he sleepwalks soooo.." Katsu interrupted your conversation, "Lets make a deal, hm? The girl comes with me, and I won't kill anyone else tonight! Deal?"

You bit your lip, genuinely considering it. Before you could answer, Eli answered for you, "Hell no, you ugly bitch! The only person who can take (Y/N) hostage is me!"

You looked at Eli with surprise, before making a sarcastic remark, "Aw, you really do love me, don't you? Too bad, I already have a boyfriend!! But we can be platonic lovers, how does that sound?"

Eli flipped you off, "Will you shut the fuck up?! Say one more word and I'll actually take the deal he's offering!!"

You placed both your hands on your hips, "Oh, you wanna fucking go?! Forget Katsu, I'll kick your ass right here, right now-!!"


You rolled your eyes, "Nope! No take backs! Lets fucking do this!"

Eli looked at you with a panicked expression, "(Y/N), WATCH OUT!!"

You looked to the side of you, only to find that an arm made out of blood lunged towards you. You fumbled with your sword, Shit! I can't make it in time!

Suddenly, the entire atmosphere changed. It was as if it was about to storm.

A low tone of voice echoed throughout the dance floor,

"Thunder Breathing, First Form, Thunderclap and Flash."


Word Count : 2421

fun fact: i haven't planned any of these chapters whatsoever, i just go w the flow

see ya in the next update !!

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