Sarina Maxine

Da hanaripinku

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Tyler Hanson is the top detective of Greenwaters, Illinois. His priority is to find his brother who was kidna... Altro

Tyler (Chapter 2)
Sarina (Chapter 3)
Tyler (Chapter 4)
Sarina (Chapter 5)
Tyler (Chapter 6)
Sarina (Chapter 7)
Tyler (Chapter 8)
Javier (Chapter 9)
Sarina (Chapter 10)
Tyler (Chapter 11)
Grace (Chapter 12)
Sarina (Chapter 13)
Tyler (Chapter 14)
Sarina (Chapter 15)
Grace (Chapter 16)
Tyler (Chapter 17) πŸ”ž
Javier (Chapter 18)
Tyler (Chapter 19)
Josh (Chapter 20)
[Name] (Chapter 21)
Sarina (Chapter 22)
Tyler (Chapter 23)
Sarina (Chapter 24)
Character Introduction (Sarina Maxine)
Tyler (Chapter 25)
Josh (Chapter 26)
Javier (Chapter 27)
Andy (Chapter 28)
Sarina (Chapter 29)
Character Introduction (Tyler Hanson)
Tyler (Chapter 30)
Andy (Chapter 31)
Grace (Chapter 32)
Josh (Chapter 33)
Sarina (Chapter 34)
Javier (Chapter 35)
Character Introduction (Javier Hernandez)
Sarina (Chapter 36)
Tyler (Chapter 37)πŸŽƒ
Sarina (Chapter 38)
Javier (Chapter 39)
Josh (Chapter 40)πŸ”ž
Tyler (Chapter 41)
Sarina (Chapter 42)
Character Introduction (Josh Weiß)
Andy (Chapter 43)
Josh (Chapter 44)
Javier (Chapter 45)
Sarina (Chapter 46)πŸ”ž
Tyler (Chapter 47)
Grace (Chapter 48)
Sarina (Chapter 49)
Tyler (Chapter 50)πŸ”ž
Sarina (Chapter 51)
Tyler (Chapter 52)πŸ”ž
Josh (Chapter 53)πŸ”ž
Character Introduction (Grace Campbell)
Javier (Chapter 54)
Grace (Chapter 55)
Josh (Chapter 56)
Sarina (Chapter 57)
Tyler (Chapter 58)
Andy (Chapter 59)πŸ”ž
Tyler(Chapter 60)πŸ”ž
Josh (Chapter 61)
Javier (Chapter 62)
Character Introduction (Fadila "Remmy" Haddad)
Character Introduction (Dyon Miles)
Sarina (Chapter 63)
Tyler (Chapter 64)
Javier (Chapter 65)
Sarina (Chapter 66)
Josh (Chapter 67)
Tyler (Chapter 68)
Sarina (Chapter 69)πŸŽ„
Andy (Chapter 70)
Javier (Chapter 71)
Tyler (Chapter 72)
Sarina (Chapter 73)
Tyler (Chapter 74)
Andy (Chapter 75)
Josh (Chapter 76)
Tyler (Chapter 77)πŸ”ž
Sarina (Chapter 78)
Tyler (Chapter 79)
Andy (Chapter 80)
Thank you!

Sarina (Chapter 1)

318 8 10
Da hanaripinku


I could see the light of the sun shinning through my eyelids, the usual reddish-orange color we're all familiar with.

I sighed knowing I had to open my eyes at some point. Once I do, it will trigger the official start of my day, though keeping it close won't make time stop.

I wish it did.

"Can't time go back to last night so I can sleep more", I groaned.

I finally opened my eyes.

Time to get ready for school. I literally slid out of bed onto the floor like a lazy seal. I have a severe case of senioritis, for sure I'm not the only one though. Just two more weeks left of school, I have to make it until graduation and then I'm a free woman.

After a few minutes of procrastinating, I finally got up off my rug. I had my two weeks worth of clothes picked out for the remaining days. Lazy clothes of course, comfy, baggy and unattractive, that'a my motto. Many of the girls still try to attract the boys at school but not this girl. I never had a boyfriend anyway and never kissed. At this point I don't care, I just want to be done with school.

I deserve a trophy. I avoided all high school romantic drama. I mean, who wants to deal with that. Relationships are so overrated.

"Sarina, hurry up, you're going to be late. Eat some breakfast", my mom shouted from downstairs.

I hurried down the stairs, not to hurry up to school but to eat. I sure do love me a good breakfast.

"Breaking news, Greenwaters Police Department's Captain Bells is starting off the press conference regarding the latest and largest drug bust the city has ever seen. Now we are switching to the live stream of the conference."

"Mom. It's the last days of school. No one cares about being late, not even the office people. I think they're closed."

I sat down at the counter, placing pancakes and bacon on my plate and then started eating.

"You have two weeks left to be exact. The office isn't closed and I care about you being late. The bus cares too, if you're late I'll have to take you to school."

"Then I'll be late", I joked with a shrug.

My mom gave me a look but she knew I was playing around.

"Good morning everyone. Getting straight to the point, after going off a hot lead for almost a year, we finally uncovered one of the leading drug organizations in Greenwaters. As we all know crime rates throughout Illinois has been a problem, not just in Greenwaters. While we would like to have more progress in decreasing crime rates dramatically, this drug bust has made a big dint in this city alone. The Greenwaters Police Department is motivated to aggressively crack down on any criminal activity. We see this day as a victory for Greenwaters."

"What are you watching mom, more boring news stuff?"

"Your father was watching it before he left for work. It's good that the police stopped that crime organization but there's still a lot of crime going on around here. I always worry about you."

"I know mom. You worry about everything."

"I just want you to be safe that's all. That's why I brought up to your father about moving to a smaller town, maybe a few hours away from the city. He could always work from home but, that's not something he wants to do."

"Mom, I can't live hours away. My friends are like everything to me and...what about college?"

"I know. It was just talk. We don't want to take you away from your friends. You're an adult now so, keep that in mind. You have a whole country to explore. You don't have to live here forever."

"Hello and again, thank you all for joining us this morning. I'm detective Hanson and I am leading this case so if you have any questions, please ask me. I would like to start off by saying, just like what my Captain mentioned earlier, I am pleased to have put a stop to this crime organization. It of course wasn't just me along. I could not have done this without my team. We are the strongest and one of the best police departments in Illinois. We strive to be the top but we also strive to work together with our neighboring departments to bring down crime and some day eliminate it. At one point, not too long ago, this city had one of the lowest crime rates in the country for its size. Over time, crime from outside sources has plagued our city. We will go back to when we won't have to fear for our loved ones and the children of this great city. Please, don't stop supporting your local police departments. The men and women of our departments work tirelessly everyday risking their lives to protect each and every one of you. I stand here today to speak for all of us that we enjoy working for the community to make life safer. Now with that being said, I'll take some questions."

I wasn't watching the T.V., just listening as I was finishing up breakfast. My mom made a good point. Crime here sucks, Illinois isn't known as the safest place. I try to ignore what's going on because if I worry about it too much, I would be too scared to live my life. I am careful though. I never venture out at night, especially on my own and I always stay in contact with my parents or my friends. I don't have a lot of friends to begin with so my parents don't have to worry about me hanging out with the wrong crowd and ending up in a crime organization. My parents are the type to get to know the people I hang with and so far they approve.

I hurried up eating the last bit of bacon and then I downed my orange juice before and I headed out the door.

"Bye", I shouted before the door closed.

I only waited a few minutes on the corner of my street before the bus came in sight. Once aboard I heard one of my best friends shouting for me.


I learned quickly not to be embarrassed by her. She's the type to not care what others think about her. That's why we are best friends. She's not fake.

"You don't have to shout Grace for like the millionth time."

"Can't a girl be excited?"

"Sure but you can be excited quietly. Anyway, let me guess why you are so cheerful this starts with a B?"

"Boys! Oh Sarina you're such a good guesser", she exclaimed as she flung an arm behind my shoulders, resting it on the seat.

I scoffed.

"What", she said in an annoyed tone.

"Do you ever get tired of them? It's like you can't survive without being around a guy."

"Um. That's like not in my DNA."

"I see", I said in a flat tone.

"Guys can't resist a natural beauty. I worked hard to look this way."

"I know. I was there through it all, remember?"

I met Grace during our freshman year. Besides her realness, I always thought she was just fun to be with. I was quiet and shy while she was loud and pretty much the opposite of me. We just filled each other's gaps.

"I know. The past is the past. Anyway, this guy I'm all excited about goes to the college I'm going to."

"So now you're going to college?"

"Yeah, duh...what else am I going to do? Besides, I don't want to stick around my family."

"Well, just go to school because you want to, not for guys."

She sighed.

"I know. I'll try school out but I do have a backup plan...sort of. I want to give modeling a shot too."

"I think you'll be good at that. You're narcissistic enough."

She hit me lightly. "Hey!"

I laughed.

We arrived at school much faster than I wanted to. There was a few minutes left until they let us in the cafeteria for breakfast. You have the option to eat breakfast or just hang out until homeroom starts.

Grace and I waited around until then. She did most of the talking about this dream guy of hers.


We both looked over.

Grace cupped her hand around her mouth to amplify her voice. "Hey sexy guy!"

It was our bestie Javi. Looks like he arrived a bit after our bus got here. He jogged over to us.

"Sarina you're not going to call me sexy too", he asked with a concerned tone.

"I'll pass."

Javi gave a hurt expression which made Grace laugh.

He took my face in his hands pressing a forced kiss on my cheek, a bit longer than usual.

"Javi", I said as I swatted him away with a laugh.

While Javi and Grace always have the sexy jokes of our crew, they in no way have any interest in each other even though they look like models. They even dressed up for the last days of school while I just settled on looking like a potato.

Javi and I have been friends since freshman year as well. We all became best friends at the same time. Around junior year is when he told me that he liked me, I thought he was just messing with me. Javi is the jock of the school, the popular kid. He even won the most popular male student award. I don't know why we have such a thing, its's stupid. He's also the hot guy, all the girls like him. Luckily we don't have an award for that as well. He is like the football champion of his team too. Despite him being way above my level, for some reason he still liked me. He's always been nice don't get me wrong but I just didn't believe it until recently during senior year. We did talk about it, I told him I didn't want a relationship because he's such an awesome friend, I didn't want to ruin that. I also didn't feel the same way he felt. We wouldn't look right together either. He's a Greek God and I'm a potato, so not a good look for a couple.

Even though he has all this popularity at school, he never once let it go to his head. He appreciates the attention but he prefers small intimate relationships with friends, real ones. He was very close to his football team and used to go out with them a lot but he told me all about them, what they liked to do, which was party and drink, that didn't match up to what he liked and so he drifted apart from them. Even in his dating life, his record is short. You would think he would have dated every pretty girl in the school like the other jocks but nope, not Javi. I think he told me he only dated like two girls during our time in high school. At first I didn't believe him but after getting to know him over the years, I learned that just wasn't his style.

"So, what are you guys talking about", he asked.

"Boys, college, modeling, stuff like that", Grace said.

"Modeling? Wow, you'll be perfect for that, skip college."

"Javi! You're supposed to be encouraging her to go to college."

"College isn't for everyone Sarina. Why waste your time", he said with a shrug.

"That is true", Grace said.

"Still. It's a great back up plan just in case modeling doesn't work out. You said it yourself, you don't want to live with your parents. Keep that in mind Grace."

"That's true too. I do need my own space."

"What about you Javi? Are you going to college like you said", I asked.

"Yep. Just waiting on the acceptance letter."

"So confident on getting that acceptance letter", I teased.

"Of course I will. I am top of the class, a jock, all that important qualifying stuff."

"And yet you like me. You are a weird one."

"Huh? How is that weird?"

The doors opened, everyone started flooding into the cafeteria. We all started to go in as well but Javi held me back. He held onto my arm.


"You guys talk or whatever. I have to go talk to someone too. I'll see you guys later", Grace said.

I turned my attention back on Javi.

"Why is it weird for me to like you", he asked, his tone serious.

"Look at you Javi. You're handsome, all the girls look at you but...they hate me because you like me."

"They do?"

I noticed how girls glare at me when they see the way Javi acts around me. I didn't let it bother me though. It won't be long until I don't have to deal with them ever again.

"It's whatever."

He pulled me a little closer to him.

"No, it's not whatever. Tell me their names and I'll tell them to leave you alone. They'll listen to me-"

I shook my head.

"No, please. I'm okay, I promise."

Everyone was inside now, it was just Javi and I alone out here.

"Just a few more days right", he said.


He wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

"I like you for a lot of reasons but I respect that you don't want more than a friendship. I've been working on moving on from that but it's hard. In the meantime, just let me have this crush on you, okay?"

"Okay", I said quietly.

I wrapped my arms around him. We just stood there, taking in the moment.


We both jumped out of our skin, it was one of the math teachers who thinks he is security. Javi grabbed my hand to run inside, quickly passing that annoying teacher before he could identify us and have us written up.

"'re making me..a rebel now", I said between breaths.

I swear he forgets I'm not an athlete like him, I can't keep up.

"I guess so", he said with a big smile.

He always finds the fun in everything. That's why he is my bestie. I don't know why I don't have feelings for him. Maybe he's not the one for me.

I'm okay with that.


"Guysss...we still have the rest of the night ahead of us before it's over. We can't just sit around and do nothing. It's a Saturday for crying out loud", Grace complained.

"You know, we don't always have to do stuff. Just relaxing with friends is fine with me. Besides, I'm starting to get tired", I said.

"You're such a grandma Sarina. It's like...eight...way too early to sleep."

"And you had way too much to drink."

I felt Javi's chest vibrate on my back as he chuckled.

"I agree with Sarina Grace, you need to chill on the drinks. I thought you needed to appear sober enough for when you get home."

"Yeah...yeah...I know...I'm...I me. But guys, I want to like...go out and get know. Sarina, you still a-"

"Okay about you take a nap or something to sober up", I said.

"Yeah. My folks are gone for the rest of the week. They'll be back for our graduation of course. You can sleep here", Javi said.

"No, no...I'll just get in the way of you two."

"Maybe that's true-"


I started to get up but he quickly pulled me back down to his chest.

"Okay, I won't say that", he said with a laugh.

"Anyway Grace, if you are leaving you should do so now. The streets aren't safe these days. You probably heard on the news about that huge drug bust."

"I know. It's crazy that it's not too far from here. My family was worried about it", Javi said.

Suddenly Grace flung herself onto us.

"You guys are the best! You care about me!"

"Yes Grace. Of course we do but...first...please get off of us."

I gently pushed her off. She sat on her heels, giving me full attention.

"Second, you really need to sleep all this off, okay? Javi will take you home, right Javi?"

"Duh Maxine."

Javi playfully shoved me off of him. I fell back lazily onto the couch.

"Don't go anywhere, okay? And don't snoop in my room...not without me."

"I know what I will find. Lots of...questionable things your grandma will not approve of?"

Grace laughed.

"I'm sure those things are nothing compared to the glass bottles here. If we don't get rid of the evidence, my whole family and ancestors will murder me."

I laughed.

"Don't worry Hernandez. I'll hide the evidence of your underage drinking party."

"Hey! I didn't drink anything nore brought this, it was all this one", he said as he lifted Grace's arm.

She was pretty much half awake by now. I watched as he had to practically drag her out the door. When they were gone I started cleaning up. I packed the bottles away so we could throw them out later in a neighbor's trash bin or something. I know parents, they can figure out anything. I got to cleaning to make sure they don't smell any evidence either even though it will be a while before they come back.

Javi's parents are nice to Grace and I. We never had any problems with them but Javi complains about how they want him to work for the family company. Javi's well off. He has his own car, well his parents brought it for him, brand new by the way. Despite his status, he never brags about it. His parents wanted him to go to a private elite high school but Javi was against it. He just wants a regular life. I'm glad because we would have never met each other.

A few minutes later Javi came back.

"Grace is safe and sound. I had to drag her in the house. Luckily her parents were in their room and her sister was there to cover for her."

"She got lucky this time, too bad she won't remember."

"That's our Grace."

"Grace who lacks grace."

Javi laughed.

He sat down on the couch next to me, slinging an arm around my shoulders.


"So", I copied.

"So...what now?"

"It's getting late. My parents would want me home soon."


"You know why. My mom especially is worried."

"How about you tell them you're sleeping over?"

"I can't sleep over with just a guy."

"Ah but they don't know Grace left're not really lying to them. You are just...missing a few details. Besides...they love me."

"Javier Hernandez! Are you asking me to lie to my parents so you can have your way with me?"

"Yeah I...h-hey...wait...what?"

I laughed loudly. That caught him off guard.

"I know you too well."

"I didn't say...I...well..."


"I-I mean...since we're alone. We could-"

I stood up suddenly, cutting him off.

"Looks like I have to make a phone call."


My parents approved of me staying over with my friends. Friends being Javi alone.

"You said you were tired. We can head to bed", Javi said.

"What about you?"

"I'm not tired just yet."

"Okay to bed."

Javi led the way.

This is my first time sleeping over his house actually. I'm surprised my parents said yes but they wouldn't have if they knew the truth.

"What am I supposed to wear", I asked.

I can't sleep in what I'm wearing, not comfortable.

" about one of my shirts."

He went into his closet to pull out his football jersey.

"I can't wear that's important to you."

"It is but so are you, I never had anyone else wear it but you are an exception."

"You're too sweet, aren't you Mr. Hernandez?"

I took the jersey from his hand and made my way to the bathroom to change.

" not call me mister. Sounds like you're speaking to my dad."

I giggle.

"Yes sir."

After changing, I went back to his room. The jersey fit but I wish it was a bit longer. On thinner girls it would be over sized but I have curves, so it barely covers my butt. I hate sleeping in pants so panties it is though Javi never saw me in them. I guess they are no different than bikini bottoms.

"Wow, wow. Very sexy", he said, giving me to "o-kay" hand sign.

"How about no. I just look like your average Joette."

Javi was already laying down in bed wearing an undershirt and who knows what for bottoms as he had the covers over him.

He reached out to me, I took his hand. He slid over, dragging me down into bed.

"You know I don't like when you say that. You're not average to me, you're really pretty."

I wouldn't go that far but I also don't consider myself ugly. I never really thought about my appearance as I never cared. All I care about is just being somewhat healthy since health issues run on both sides of my family, I don't want to get any of that.

I rested my head on the pillow and let out a sigh.

"Thanks Javi."

He was laying on his side, head propped up by his arm so he could look at me.

"Is there anything I can do to make you believe me."

I shook my head.

"No. It's just something I need to get over myself."

"Ah...I see...anyway...are you going to sleep like now?"

I turned my head to look at him. I could see in his eyes what he wanted to do, he's so obvious. Most guys are. I reached out to rest my hand on his cheek.

"Yes, I'm going to sleep like a log and then go straight home."

He then flipped onto his back, letting out a sound of frustration like a toddler. I couldn't hold back my laughter. I love messing with him.

"You suck Sarina", he said with a pout.

"I know", I said in a cheerful voice.

"Have you ever touched abs", he asked randomly.

"No, I'm sure they are nothing special."

You're such a liar Sarina!

I looked up at the ceiling with my hands folded on my stomach. From the corner of my eye I saw Javi taking off his shirt. He is trying so hard to get me to give in it's cute. I pretended not to be amused.

"Well, I've been working out extra hard lately to get them more defined. Here..."

He took my hand without asking me and placed it on his abs.

Whah! It feels nice! But don't express that Sarina!

"Meh", I said.

I then made the mistake of looking at him to see he was already looking at me. His expression was...mature. Men change very differently than women. I remember when he was younger and lean and now he handsome like a true adult. I never actually took the time to look at him this way. I wonder if he already saw me this way and that's why he's behaving like this. If so...I don't know what to do. I never thought about my feelings for anyone seriously. I don't know what to look for in a guy and what kind of life I want. I don't even know where I want to go to school for.

Maybe I should start with something simple...maybe I should...give him a chance.

Suddenly, Javi made a move, taking the hand that was resting on his abs to pull me over, half way draping over him. He then held me there so I couldn't leave. I was about to protest, I stopped after hearing his heart was racing.


I did give in by relaxing myself.

"What's gotten into you", I asked quietly.

"I enlisted in the U.S Air Force."

I quickly sat up.


He looked away from me.

"I start after we graduate. The base is in Texas so-"

"When did you do this? Why didn't you tell us?"

He looked at me.

"Because I didn't want this reaction. It's no big deal...really. We aren't in any major war or something."

"But Javi-"

He sat up, facing me and smiled.

"Don't worry Maxine. I thought about it for a long time. I don't want to be known as my parent's kid. I don't want to work for the family business. I want to do something for myself. I don't want to waste my talent on something I don't like, you know?"

" told your family already?"

He looked down between us.

"No. Not yet. I kinda have a feeling of what their reaction will be so...I'll wait to tell them later."

I know how his parents are. They think they know what's best for him so they expect him to work for the company. It was hard enough for him to tell them he wanted to go to a public school. This is's a whole other level.

I reached out to take his hand. He looked at me.

"You know me...I just worry. I don't want anything to happen to you."

"I know but...I'll be one badass soldier. I'll be in uniform too so I'll be sexier than ever before."

I laughed and then I moved my arms up and around his shoulders, hugging him.

"I'll look forward to that. I'm happy the two of you are working towards what you are good at."

I felt him move his arms around me.

"You'll find your way too."

"Nah...I'm not sure about that."

Suddenly, Javi pushed me down onto my back, quicker than I could respond. He hovered above me.

"Have more confidence in yourself Maxine. You're smart and caring, I know you will be great in whatever you choose."

"I know...I just...I feel so behind in like everything. I'm just in the back watching you two...leave me in the dust."

He frowned. He then leaned down closer to me, our chest barely touching.

"Hey, what did I say about comparing yourself with others. I believe everything happens for a reason. Some of the greatest people were late bloomers. Don't ask me who because I have no idea."

I laughed.

He moved closer to press a kiss on my forehead. I smiled. He's right. I just need to be patient. My time will come.

"While I might not be helpful in your career choices...I can be helpful in one area where you are lacking experience."

I raised my eyebrow.

"Pleaseee", he begged.

He moved down a little to place a kiss on my neck. It tickled and made me laugh. My hands moved to his forearms, they felt strong.

"I don't with what?"

"How about just a peck?"

"You know it won't be just a peck."

"You're right about that."

I giggled.

"How about...I'll think about it. I just don't want to-"

"Hey, don't feel guilty or anything okay? I know I'm being pushy tonight. I'm sorry for that."

I shook my head.

"Don't be. You know me, sometimes you have to push me in order to get me to try things. At least now I moved up to considering it because...well, yeah I've been curious and I never had an opportunity like this so..."

"I can sleep well knowing that then. It'll be like the best make out session ever."

I hit him playfully.

"Stop Javi! Now go to sleep."

I pushed him off of me, he rolled over onto his back, bringing me in with him.

Time really is ticking down fast to our final days of school. Our final days of youth before we officially start our life in the big leagues of the adult world.


"Can you believe we are already in our last week", Javi said.

"I know, graduation is this Saturday. They already gave us our cap and gown. Did you try yours on?"

"Yep, fits like a glove. I got my tassels and everything."

"You must be so proud to be graduating top of the class. I sure am proud of you."

Javi took one hand off the steering wheel to reach over and take my hand.

"I don't brag about it. It was just an accomplishment I wanted to do. It was hard taking those AP classes, play football and have a life. I'm honestly glad it's all over. I won't do that again. I don't care how many tassels and cords I get."

I laughed.

"Well, I never wanted to be in your shoes. You smart kids have it hard."

"I blame it on my family too for pressuring me. My brother was top of the class too when he was in high school so I had big shoes to fill. Now they expect me to go to one of the elite universities."

"Still didn't tell them yet about the Air Force?"


We have quite a bit of time before school starts. Grace was staying home today since she's "sick" even though she got drunk Saturday. I hope she didn't go out partying Sunday or something. I don't blame her though, I don't want to go to school either. I can't fake my way out of it or skip since I don't have the guts. Thank goodness Javi is here with me.

Javi parked a block away from school just so we could be alone for a bit. I ended up staying over another night and surprisingly my parents were okay with that. Javi said they just wanted to get rid of me. They are taking the empty nest thing surprisingly well. My brother who is ten years older than me moved out when he was close to graduating university. He's been on his own for about five or six years. He will be coming in town to see me at my graduation.

It was nice to head to school with Javi this morning. I was thinking about what he proposed to me last night. I still feel behind in life but he makes a point about me at least trying out one thing. A relationship. The problem is he is such a great friend and I always want him to be my friend. I can't see him as anything else but that. I'm more so afraid of lossing him.

"Something on your mind Maxine?"

We walked around to the front of the car, sitting on the edge of the hood.

"Just about last night", I said.

"I have to say, after thinking about it...I feel bad that I pressured you. That wasn't right of me, I'm really sorry."

"Javi, I told you I didn't feel pressured. You know if I didn't like something I would tell you."

"Yeah, I know. I just can't shake the feeling."

"I'm okay, I promise. I was just thinking...I...I want you to always be my best friend. So much so that, I can't see you as anything more than that. It's not like I don't like's...uh...I don't know. I'm not good with words..."

"It's probably like, you want the friendship but you might be open to more things without changing the status of our friendship."


He chuckled.

"Isn't it called friends with benefits", I asked.

"I hate that saying", he said seriously.


"I don't want to call that. I feel like friends with benefits is something when you just use your friend for pleasure. It's selfish. I don't see you as an object Sarina, I have feelings for you but I do respect how you feel about me. Honestly, even if we were in an official relationship, I would still see you as my best friend so...I get where you're coming from. Being friends and...doing things like affectionate stuff and kissing...those things are not just to benefit's like me expressing my feelings for you as if you were my girlfriend. I just...if we agree to that, I don't want you to feel like I'm using you...ever because I would never do that. I will never cross the line or do anything that makes you uncomfortable."

Javi was speaking while looking away from me. I caught a glance of him, he spoke all the while looking serious. He in no way wants to hurt me, I know he would never do that.

I took his hand, lacing our fingers together and then I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"How would this agreement go", I asked.

"Hm...well, since I never did this before I guess the rules are open. If we don't like something we say it. We go only as far as we feel comfortable with. We need to always talk about how we are feeling."

"And what about when we find someone to start a real relationship with", I asked quietly.

I felt him clutch my hand tighter.

"We won't hide that from each matter how we feel about it. We will support each other if it comes to that. But...if one of us feels hurt by it then...we still need to tell one another."

I feel like...that would most likely be me.

"Then...I agree to the terms and conditions."

He laughed.

"Jeez Maxine. Sounds like you are signing over your soul."

"I am. It's you after all."

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing. Nothing", I said with a laugh.

"We should get going. School is going to start in a few minutes", he said.


I let go of his hand to stretch. Javi moved in front of me, he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I feel happy", he said.


"I like our contract."

I laughed.

"Me too. We make pretty good contracts."

"So...can I start off the contract with a peck?"

"Ugh are just too eager."

"I'm a guy, can you blame me?"

"It must suck to be a guy then."

"Yes, especially when a pretty girl keeps refusing to let me at least give her a peck", he said with a pout.

I giggled.

He walked over to the drivers side of the car to get in, I did the same on my side. We drove over to the school's parking lot.

"Just one", I said.

Javi was getting his seatbelt off.


I smiled, not repeating myself.

"What did you say?"

I still did not repeat myself. Not my fault if he wasn't paying attention though it wasn't fair of me. Like I said, I love messing with him.

I was about to get out of the car when suddenly Javi appeared in front of me, he obviously rushed over here.

"May I help you sir", I said with a teasing tone.

"Sarina, you know what you said and you did it on purpose. You wanted to say it so fast on purpose so I couldn't hear, making me miss this opportunity."

He was upset which almost made me laugh. I had to fight hard to keep the urge to laugh away.

"Oh, well. I wouldn't do such a thing."

I looked at him. He then smiled and laughed which made me laugh as well.

"You're the worst, you know that."

"You know you love it."

"Yes I do Maxine."

He propped one hand on the door frame of the car and then with his other hand he took my chin, gently tilting it up.

I bit my lip, it's a bit of a habit I do for no particular reason.

I watched as he leaned down, bringing his face closer to mine, tilting it to the side. I closed my eyes before he closed the gap between us and then I felt it...I felt him making contact with my lips. It's soft, softer than I thought it would be.

It's definitely not a peck but I didn't stop him. It feels nice, really nice because he's my best friend.

I'm happy to share this first moment with him after all. 

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