My YouTube Prince

By Zeemzie

31.7K 6.5K 682

"This is from Jessheart12. She said 'you guys definitely have feelings for each other'" he read out. "Is that... More

Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-seven
Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter Thirty-two
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-four
Chapter Thirty-five
Chapter Thirty-six
Chapter Thirty-seven
Chapter Thirty-eight
Chapter Thirty-nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-one
Chapter Forty-two
Appreciation Chapter
Chapter Forty-three
Chapter Forty-four
Chapter Forty-five
Chapter Forty-six
Chapter Forty-seven
Chapter Forty-eight
Chapter Forty-nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-one
Chapter Fifty-two
Chapter Fifty-three
Chapter Fifty-four
Chapter Fifty-five
Chapter Fifty-six
Chapter Fifty-seven
Chapter Fifty-eight
Chapter Fifty-nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-one
Chapter Sixty-two
Chapter Sixty-four
Chapter Sixty-five
Chapter Sixty-six
Chapter Sixty-seven

Chapter Sixty-three

356 84 6
By Zeemzie

S/N: You can use the above playlist for this chapter.

Yinka's POV

It'd been a while since I had attended house parties and being honest, I didn't miss it. I stood over the balcony, overlooking the grooving bodies by the glistening blue pool. For someone who loved music and the feel of loud beats booming in my chest, I felt bored. I would honestly take a quiet night of gaming in my living room over this.

I sensed the looming presence of a body on my right side before I saw whoever it was. I angled my body to face the person, just in time for them to speak out, introducing themselves.

"Hi, I'm Angela," a fair, skinny girl with a face full of makeup, slightly blotted with sweat waved at me. "We are big fans. Can we take a picture with you?" she gestured to her friend who latched unto her arm, avoiding eye contact.

I straightened my posture and put on a welcoming smile. "Sure"

In a split second, Angela was by my side, leaving her friend to take pictures. After a few decent shots, they swapped positions. I maintained a courteous smile despite the bright flashes of light from the camera, the area was a bit dark, and so it was as expected. They thanked and waved goodbye once satisfied and then disappeared into the crowd. Probably in search of another celebrity.

This party had chunks of them; upcoming artistes, social media influencers, a few rising actresses, models and popular YouTubers. The party was a socializing hub. People were either dancing, drinking or taking pictures with and of their favourite celebrities.

"Bro," I felt a hand clamp unto my left shoulder and Mide moved into my line of sight. "I was surprised when you told me you were going to come"

"Omo, I was surprised myself" I replied as we exchanged a back-smacking hug.

He pushed his head back a little and studied my hair. "You dyed your hair," he commented, still observing my hair. "You know for a moment I almost didn't recognize you"

"Yeah, I was itching for a new look" I ran a hand over the milky blonde waves of my head. Despite Neye's opinion on the rigours of managing the hair colour, I still decided to go for it. The moment it proved to be too much of a hassle, I'd colour it deep blue. I tipped my jaw to him. "What's good with you?"

"You know, the usual" he sighed and stuffed his hands into the pocket of his light blue trousers. "My schedule's packed for the next two months"

"Oshey, Big man movement" I hailed, throwing my hands up in the air.

He rolled his eyes whilst nursing a small smile. "Naso. Oh yeah, Jamil said--" his words hung in the air as he stopped to pick two glasses of wine from a passing server. He handed me a glass and took a small sip out of his glass. "Jamil said he'd be late and you mustn't leave before he gets here"

I clicked my teeth as I brought my glass to my lips. "As I expected. Clingy bastard"

Mide almost spat out his drink as he fought back laughter. "Ehn, what did you say?"

I didn't get to respond as our space was infiltrated by a tall, sturdy man who had Prisca's arm linked to his. "Hi boys" Prisca greeted us with a sugary smile.

"Hey" Mide and I replied before exchanging curious looks at each other as we settled our gaze on Prisca's plus one.

Prisca noticed this open exchange and leaned into the man's side as she gave brief introductions. Her plus one, Mike was introduced as a 'friend'. But, with the way she was pressed up against him, I suspected it was more than that. It was none of my business so I didn't dwell on it.

We decided to head to the ground floor, where the party was going at full throttle. The open evening sky had grown darker than when I'd arrived and the premises' outdoor security light, lit up the vicinity. There was a long table of assorted pastries, all exhibited in a show glass. Besides the pastries were a bowl of fruit punch and plastic red Solo cups.

Prisca moved to pick up a cupcake from the stack and I held back her arm. She looked up at me with raised brows and narrowed eyes.

I released her arm. "They're laced with weed. Unless you don't mind." Then I grabbed a bottle of Coke from an Ice filled cooler, beside the table, on the floor. "The punch also has all kinds of liquor mixed in it, too"

I had attended one too many of Dee's house parties to know what to steer clear of and what to indulge in.

Mide mirrored my action and we poured our sodas into the plastic cups while Prisca and her friend went ahead to have a go at the punch. As I took a sip out of my cup, my eyes danced around the scenery around us.

The two-story massive edifice stood out in its pastel peach colour. Tall pine trees and small shrub plants could be seen by the walls of the border surrounding the house. CCTV cameras peeked out of all crevices of the house.

They moved over the people around the pool, only a few people were actually in the pool. The others remained on the lawn chairs, had their feet dipped into the water or maintained a safe distance from it. Finally, my eyes landed on a brown smear on the breast pocket of Mide's white dress shirt.

"White is a risky choice in this kind of gathering" I gestured at Mide's chest with my cup. Unless that was the theme.

"Shit" he kissed his teeth and attempted to wipe it off. It made no difference whatsoever.

At that moment, everyone gave their outfit a subtle once over. Prisca had on a deep green playsuit and like me, Mike had on a black T-shirt with random graffiti. The only difference was, he had on a pair of jeans and I had on black Joggers.

"Shey no be Yinka be this? A deep baritone thundered behind me. (Is this not Yinka?)

I turned around and found a large frame drawing nearer but couldn't identify him, due to an overhead light. Soon, the person walked past the security light and I recognized him to be Dee. Short for Desmond. He had gotten bigger than the last time I saw him at my party in the club. Always one for the soft life, from our University days till now.

"Aye bro" I responded with a firm shake and brief shoulder hug. "What's good? You just dey increase on a daily"

"When life dey soft, man gats to chop well na" he replied as he repeated our greeting with Mide. Then moved on to shake hands with Mike and hug Prisca.

"Definitely" I agreed with a nod.

Dee threw this party because why not, and it was packed because his parties trended and were lit. He was a Tech Wiz and made cool stacks from it. Parties were his way of unwinding after working hard.

"What are you guys doing outside now? Come inside jare. Yinka, na you I dey wait since" Dee said, throwing a hand over my shoulder, propelling me forward. (Yinka, it's you I've been waiting for)

"Me?" I said with a hand placed on my chest, trying my best to keep the wariness out of my voice.

"Yes na," he slapped the mid of my back and an involuntary oomph escaped my lips. I fought the urge to rub the throbbing spot but kept a tight smile on my face. "Life of the party"

I released an awkward chuckle as we walked into his house.

The lights in the house were dim, specifically for the purpose of this gathering. In the centre of the living room was a pool table with a golden lit chandelier, illuminating the area. The air reeked of cigarettes and sweaty bodies. Glancing to my left, I found the source of the smoky smell. There was a long couch by the wall and it hosted guys and girls smoking, and before them on a low table were bottles of liquor and shisha.

"Pick your poison" Dee stretched out his arms to the two crowded areas. He leaned closer and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Or you could pick a babe and head upstairs." He straightened up and wiggled his brows suggestively before erupting in a loud, chest vibrating laughter.

I smiled and shook my head and hands in front of me. "I'm good, bro"

"You sure?" he tilted his head to the side and scrunched up his forehead, to examine me.

I gave a terse nod. "I'll just observe, for now"

He shrugged his shoulders. "If you say so, I—"his speech was cut off when his gaze caught something across the room. Or someone. "Aye, Ezer" he hollered, holding up a hand.

Without giving it a proper thought, I followed his line of sight and found the 'Ezer' on the other end. He, like me, had followed the direction of the calling voice and met eyes with me. His bright expression faltered for a split second after taking in my presence. He was quick to mask it and moved on to Dee. He beckoned Dee over to his side instead of coming over.

Much better.

"I dey come," Dee tapped my shoulder and I nodded. I tried my best to keep the grim expression that had taken over my face away. (I'll be right back)

In an abrupt rotation to face my company, the coke in my hand sloshed around in the cup, and I was immediately reminded of its presence. I took a slow, casual sip of the drink and noticed the swift and subtle hand gesture Mide made to someone behind me. My guess was, it was directed at Ezer.

I swirled the remnant of coke around in the cup and downed it in one go. "You can go right ahead. Don't let me stop you"

Mide stuffed his hand into his pockets - Somewhere along the way, he had rid himself of his own cup- and straightened out his back muscles. "I'm good right where I am. Besides, I don't have the energy to accommodate Dee's party vibe"

I chuckled and placed a weak hand on his shoulder. "True"

"Well, I'm going over to say hi" Prisca piped up and sashayed over to the other side of the room. Not before, taking her escort by the hand, pulling him along with her.

Instead of standing a few feet from the side entrance into the house, we moved to a relatively quiet corner of the house. I was able to thrash my empty cup along the way and I was still at this party solely because Jamil hadn't arrived yet.

The two fangirls from earlier walked past our corner and waved with an aquatinted exuberance. I responded with a subtle hand raise in their direction and my eyes travelled from them and landed on Ezer.

I would have looked away in an instant but he had a hand around a young man that screamed familiarity. He had on a white t-shirt with matching ripped jeans and sneakers. A silver Rolex on one hand and another silver wrist chain on the other, accompanied by a big, knock-off diamond neck chain. I squinted at his face, but a black bucket hat prevented me from seeing anything, other than his ear piercings.

From the looks of things, Ezer was introducing this person to Dee and the guy received Dee's outstretched hand with both hands. His whole body exuded the fact that he was trying to fit into the 'big boys' crowd and for that, I decided we weren't acquainted.

"I didn't think you'd actually wait for me"

I shifted my gaze from Ezer's crowd and fixed on Jamil who had just emerged in front of me. He had a satisfied grin on his face, a complete contrast to his tired work appearance. He missing a tie and a suit jacket to complete the office look.

"What makes you think I was waiting for you?" I crossed my hands over my chest and fixed him a nonchalant look.

He gave my arm a light slap and laughed. "The fact that both of you are standing here in the corner clearly bored out of your minds"

A grin broke out on my lips and I pointed to my face. "It's that obvious?"

He nodded as we all burst out laughing.

Jamil sighed and placed a hand on his waist. "Who fixes a party on a weekday?"

"Dee, apparently," Mide said

Jamil released yet another sigh and squared up his shoulders. "Well, I'm here. Might as well enjoy this as best as I can" He slapped his hands together and rubbed with anticipation. "What's good enough to consume here?"

We headed outside to the food spot and it was a relief to be out of that stiff air, in the house. Just as we arrived at the table, a server arrived with a fresh tray of confectionaries. The dark night had settled well over the house and a tall muscled man, topless - except for a yellow apron - worked on a barbecue stand.

I leaned toward Jamil and tried my best to speak over the loud, booming music. "You have work tomorrow right?"

He nodded and yelled out. "Yeah"

"Then I would stay away from these if I were you" I gestured at the whole confectionary show glass.

He considered my words for a quick second and nodded with apt realization. He pointed towards the barbecue stand and we proceeded to stuff ourselves with everything that escaped the heat of the coals.


Regardless of the loud party going on in the background, Jamil, Mide and I caught up on our affairs over the ever-filling plate of smoked meat. As much as, I claimed I hadn't missed our hangouts, the party proved that I hadn't. We spent minutes, chatting, jesting and laughing over any topic that sprung up.

I made a mental note to thank Neye for insisting that I go out.

"—Yeah, we need to meet up again," Jamil said and threw a chunk of meat into his mouth.

"We are going to be at Yinka's place on Sunday, remember," Mide informed Jamil

Jamil's brows took a downward dip with confusion, then smoothened up as he recollected. "Oh, your parent's anniversary," he said and clapped my shoulder.

"Speaking of which," I turned to Mide. "Could you take a few pictures of my parents, on that day?"

He nodded and placed a firm, assuring hand on my arm. "Sure"

"Thanks, man," I said and clapped hands with him.

The loud cheering of a crowd inside the house drew our attention, as well the attention of the rest of the people by the pool. That crowd grew bigger in an instant as more people circled around the area of attention. Curiosity pulled at us and we eventually gravitated toward that crowd.

If I had to call it a night on this junction, I needed to be aware of that on time.

Once we reached the heart of the buzz, the sight of a regular, average height guy chugging down a bottle of liquor by the pool table greeted us. With one long glance at and around the pool table - the red solo cups arranged like a triangle at both ends of the table and a white ping pong ball that rested between two cups at the far end - I deducted that some sort of game was at play here.

The crowd began to chant, encouraging the audacious young man to go on and anxiously awaiting the end result. A bad one, I predicted. In a few seconds, the guy expelled a mouthful of the drink and collapsed to the ground, unable to carry on with his brave act of foolishness. Luckily, the bottle didn't shatter around him and rolled under the table, leaking out its content.

He coughed and groaned out in pain whilst clutching his throat and chest on the floor while the crowd busted out in laughter. Unconsciously, my hand travelled to the base of my neck. I can't imagine how he was able to swallow that amount of liquor at a go in spite of the burning sensation.

Another guy crouched down beside the one writhing in pain and asked. "Are you okay?"

Of course, he was. Can't you see? I thought and shook my head.

It took another minute for the crowd to realize that this small exhibit of 'entertainment' might advance into something life threatening. Even the music was cut out, in response to gravity of the situation. Three other guys moved out of the crowd and helped to lift the afflicted man off the floor and out of the house. A few other people moved out with the first group and the charged atmosphere waned out.

"Uhm, maybe we'll reduce it to just two shots of liquor," A dark lanky guy in a white T-shirt and blood-red jacket suggested after two minutes of silence.

There was a low hum of agreement and I shook my head at how fast they moved on.

"How about we leave the liquor alone," I found myself speaking out. Many pairs of eyes travelled to my spot, I released a sigh and stepped out. "I'm assuming you need some kind of penalty, right?" Without awaiting a response, I continued. "Maybe... money could be used instead, or something valuable"

"This is why I needed you" Dee's voice boomed behind me, and then he threw an arm around my shoulder. "To make it harder, we'll switch over to a game of pool" a low murmur of disappointment arose and died down but Dee wasn't fazed. "Whoever wins gets to keep the loser's change"

In a matter of moments, the cups were cleared off the table and it was prepared for the said game. Dee and I opened the first round of the game as the instigators of this change and used our accessories – Dee's gold chain and my silver Rolex wristwatch- as our prize token.

Dee won our friendly match and Jamil took my place. Gradually, other people began to take part in the game with eagerness. I lingered back a while to make sure a fight doesn't break out from this arrangement. The rules of the game were tweaked a bit and people could play another round in hopes of retrieving their lost asset. All was good as far as I could see.

I signalled Jamil of my departure and assumed he would pass it on to Mide who was playing at the moment. Just as I turned around to leave, my name was announced loud and clear by a voice I knew too well.

"You wouldn't mind a friendly game with me, right?" Ezer stood at the opposite of the table, beaming with sardonic smiles.


A/N: Hi, my lovelies,
         I'm well aware that I've been MIA for a long time now. I apologize for not giving y'all a heads up ahead of time. It was an impromptu thing that turned out to be way too long. I know I'm always full of apologies and empty promises, but I hope you can forgive me this one time.

 Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter.
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