The Mercenary Of DC


88K 1.5K 278

This is a story based on what if Deadpool existed in the DC universe but not Wade Wilson...but someone entire... More

Character Stats
Chapter 1: Home Of The Big Bad Bat
Chapter 2: Deadpool Vs The Batfamily
Chapter 3: Shutting Down Falcone
Chapter 4: Lady Shiva
Chapter 5: League of Assassins Part 1
Chapter 7: League of Assassins Part 3
Chapter 8: League of Assassins Finale
Chapter 9: Date With The Daughter of the Bat
Chapter 10: Invasion: Part 1
Chapter 11: Invasion: Part 2
Chapter 12: Invasion: Part 3
Chapter 13: Invasion: Part 4
Chapter 14: Invasion: Part 5
Chapter 15: Invasion Finale
Chapter 16: New Home
Chapter 17: A Vampire's Wrath: Part 1
Chapter 18: A Vampire's Wrath: Part 2
Chapter 19: A Vampire's Wrath: Part 3
Chapter 20: Family Ties
Chapter 21: Bloodline: Part 1
Chapter 22: Bloodline: Part 2
Chapter 23: Bloodline Finale
Chapter 24: Vulnerable
Chapter 25: Trials of Freedom: Part 1
Chapter 26: Trials Of Freedom: Part 2
Chapter 27: Apokolips War: Part 1
Chapter 28: Apokolips War: Part 2
Chapter 29: Apokolips War: Part 3
Chapter 30: Apokolips War: Part 4
Chapter 31: Apokolips War: Part 5
Chapter 32: Apokolips War: Part 6
Chapter 33: Apokolips War Finale
Chapter 34: New Timeline
Chapter 35: Death to Deadpool: Part 1
Chapter 36: Death To Deadpool: Part 2
Chapter 37: Death to Deadpool: Part 3
Chapter 38: Death to Deadpool: Part 4
Chapter 39: Death to Deadpool: Part 5
Chapter 40: Death To Deadpool Finale
Chapter 41: Sins of Deadpool: Part 1
Chapter 42: Sins Of Deadpool: Part 2
Chapter 43: Sins Of Deadpool: Part 3
Chapter 44: Sins of Deadpool Finale
Chapter 45: Final Conflict: Part 1
Chapter 46: Final Conflict: Part 2
Chapter 47: Final Conflict: Part 3
Chapter 48: Final Conflict: Part 4
Chapter 49: Final Conflict Finale
Chapter 50: Gathering
Chapter 51: Hellish Chaos: PT 1
Chapter 52: Hellish Chaos: PT 2
Chapter 53: Hellish Chaos PT 3
Chapter 54: Hellish Chaos: PT 4

Chapter 6: League of Assassins Part 2

3.1K 64 5

Third Person POV

(Ecuador Airspace)

Deadpool was sitting down in the Bio-ship, loading up his guns and sharpening his swords, Kid Flash watched curiously and Deadpool raised an eyebrow "If you want me to show you, I can." Deadpool said "Oh no, I'm just curious." Kid Flash said "About what?" Deadpool asked sheathing his swords "How did you get your powers?" Kid Flash asked and Deadpool frowned at the question "That's...a long story, I don't want to get into." Deadpool said and Kid Flash noticed Deadpool's demeanor had changed, so he left it alone, on the other side of the Bio-ship, Black Bat was stretching while Spoiler was talking "So, are you ever gonna tell me why let Deadpool get away?" Spoiler asked "I...don't what you're talking about." Black Bat said and Spoiler chuckled "Cass, I know that Deadpool wouldn't of gotten away from you, you let him go." Spoiler said and Black Bat sighed "You're right, I did. And the reason being that he wants to be better." Black Bat said "I understand that Cass, but you have to admit, he's a little bit of a...psychopath." Spoiler said "But he's not like the Joker, he killed people because he was hired to do it, Joker did it for fun." Black Bat stated "You're right about that." Spoiler then the ship landed.

(Ecuador: Forest)

Everyone got out of the Bio-Ship and looked to see the beautiful city of Ecuador in all it's glory "Ahh Ecuador, my favorite place in the world, apart from the riots and protests." Deadpool said taking in the horizon "You've been here before?" Robin asked "Been here? I fucking lived here!" Deadpool said cheerfully and started parkouring through the jungle "C'mon, I'll lead the way!" Deadpool said and everyone started following him.

(Ecuador: Farmer's Market)

Everyone arrived into the farmer's market of Ecuador and saw all the people and food "This brings back memories." the white voice said "Memories of food, bounties and fun!" the yellow voice said "You could that again." Deadpool said "Say what again?" Black Bat said "Oh, just talking to the voices in my head, that's all." Deadpool said and Black Bat raised an eyebrow but shrugged it off, a lot of locals glanced at them giving them weird looks "We need to blend in, assassins could watching." Black Bat said "There's a clothing shop up ahead." Deadpool said and everyone walked through the farmer's market.

(Ecuador: Clothing Shop)

Alex was already dressed in his casual outfit that was a red shirt, a black hoodie and shades "I wonder what they look like without the costumes." Alex said adjusting his hoodie, then everyone came out of the changing rooms "Huh, let me guess...Kid Flash." Alex said pointing at a brown haired kid "Blue Beetle and Spoiler." Deadpool said pointing to a Hispanic kid and blonde girl "The little shit." Alex stated pointing to a small child with a angry demeanor "And lastly, Black Bat. Even without the costume, you are intimidating and sexy as hell." Alex said and Black Bat smiled "My real name is-" Black Bat started but Alex cut her off "Cassandra Cain, I already know, your mom told me." Alex said and Cass was surprised but nonetheless took charge "We're going to a hotel, to lie low, and later we can find leads on where the base is." Cass said and everyone exited the hotel.


Everyone had entered the hotel and gotten keys to their rooms and they were who their roomate was "Bart, you're with Jamie. Steph, you're with Damian unfortunately." Cass said and Steph snickered "I can handle him." Steph said "Alex, you're with me. If that's okay." Cass said and Alex grinned "More than okay." Alex said and everyone entered their rooms.

(Bart and Jamie)

Bart was brushing his teeth while Jamie was flipping through the TV bored, "What do you think of Alex? He seems cool." Jamie said and Bart spit in the sink "Yeah, he is, but he's also a bit cuckoo." Bart stated "Good point, but Black Bat seems to trust him and Black Bat isn't really the trusting type, so maybe he's a good guy." Jamie said reasoning with Bart.

(Stephanie and Damian)

"He's an imbecile, a psychopath, a murderer! We can't trust him!" Damian said practicing with his sword and Steph raised an eyebrow laying back on the bed "Didn't you try to kill Tim when you first met him?" Steph asked "That's...different." Damian said "Not really, we didn't trust you until you proved to us you could be trusted, right?" Steph asked "...Yes." Damian said frowning "So, why shouldn't the same go for Alex?" Steph asked and Damian sighed "I suppose you're right." Damian said continued practicing with his sword.

(Alex and Cass)

Alex was taking a shower while Cass was talking with Batman on her communication device "We tracked the League of Assassins back to Ecuador, which is why we're here." Cass explained and Batman nodded "Good work, Cassandra. Let me know if-" Batman said but then Alex came out of the bathroom in a robe "I needed that, really relaxes my body.* Alex said and saw Batman on screen "Oh, what's up Buttman? How's Gotham?" Alex asked and Cass looked back at Batman with wide eyes "Deadpool." Batman said twitching a eyebrow "Cassandra, I'll send-" Batman said but Cass cut him off "Batman, we got the information on the League, because of Deadpool...why not let him be of use to us?" Cass asked and Batman sighed "Fine. But don't do anything too dangerous." Batman said and hung up the call.

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