Vengeful | A Rainbow Quest AU

Por LoneRanger253

18.1K 891 3.5K

Vengeance is a strong connection to something... or someone. When Sabre is almost killed after the events of... Más

Chapter 1 - An Untimely End... Or Is It?
Chapter 2 - Revived... Again
Chapter 3 - Beginnings of The Vengeful
Chapter 4 - New Friend, Old Enemy
Woah! 0.0
Chapter 6 - "Time" for a Plan
Chapter 7 - Kind, Yet Sinister
Art of the AU :)
Chapter 8 - First Blood
1K Reads! :D
Endgame Vengeful Designs! (2/8 Done)
Chapter 9 - Recollection and Regret
Chapter 10 - The Beginning of the End: P1
Meme While You Wait for Chapter 11
Aye Fricken' YO-
Chapter 11 - The Beginning of the End: P2
Chapter 12 - Comfort After Chaos
Chapter 13 - Major Changes
Guess Who :3
Chapter 14 - Visits
Chapter 15 - Simulacrum
Sleepover (One-Off)
Chapter 16: Pressure
Chapter 17: Ashes of the Old

Chapter 5 - Discovery

704 34 52
Por LoneRanger253

When I woke up that morning, I could hear Rainbow and Dark moving things around in the cave.

"Hi guys."

They both stop, and Rainbow makes my body open my eyes.

"Morning, Sabre!" Rainbow says. He's holding materials.

"Morning." Dark says, also carrying extra materials around, moving them to a vacant chest. Most are in a nearby corner.

"Did you two already go out for the materials?" I ask, being puppeteered to my feet.

"You were still asleep," Rainbow explains, "And we decided to just let you sleep in."

"I could've helped you."  Dark walks over to me after putting things away and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"It's alright, bud. It's no problem, really."

"It was because of the nightmare, wasn't it?" I say. "I overheard your conversation."

Rainbow and Dark freeze in place, looking at each other slightly.

"Whaaaat, noooo..." Rainbow says. "We just... uh..."

I laugh. "You've always been a terrible liar, Rainbow."


Dark gets us back on track.

"Okay, you two. Let's get these traps built quickly."

"Right." Rainbow and I both say.

We head outside. With the three of us, it didn't take that long. We had the traps up before afternoon. Looking back at our handiwork, we smile.

"I think we did a pretty good job." Dark says.

"Heck yeah, we did!" Rainbow cheers.

"Maybe we'll get to see the falling log trap nail someone in the face." I say, laughing.

"Shadow specifically?" Rainbow says, turning to me with a mischievous grin. Dark sees and starts laughing.


"What the heck is that look?" Dark says between laughs.

"Well, excuse you, it's my scheme face." Rainbow says, jokingly acting offended.

"You look like a goblin!"


Our laughter is interrupted when we hear something crashing through the trees a little bit away. We freeze, the Rainbow turns to us with a serious expression, fear in his eyes.

"Inside." He whispers, and we don't hesitate. We quickly yet quietly go back into the cave, being careful to make the entrance seem as natural as possible so we don't risk it standing out.


[Light's POV]

As soon as Shadow and the figures leave, we ran back out of the forest. This should be impossible. I sealed that sword away in the abandoned Hub, deep underground. How is it here, and how is Shadow here? Sabre is dead, and the only way a creature like him could be alive is if the Darkness has a host. Unless... maybe, I shouldn't focus on that right now. What's important is getting this information back to the Leaders. When I'm sure we're out of earshot, I say to the Guards;

"As soon as we're out of here, we teleport back to the Citadel and inform the Leaders! Those beings were planning to attack us, we need to form a plan before it's too late!"

The Guards nod, and we keep running. When we get out of the maze of dark oak trees, we gather around and I teleport us to the Citadel.

When we arrived, the Orange Leader was already in the hall, seemingly trying to clear his mind from the recent happenings. I hate to add to this burden... he turns to us.

"Oh, you're back. Did you-"

I interrupt. "Huge problem, get the other Leaders, quick. Everyone needs to hear this."

Once the Leaders are all in the meeting room, I rush in and take my place.

"What's with all the panic, Light?" The Yellow Leader asks.

"I hate to constantly be the bearer of bad news, but somehow, the Darkness is back. And Shadow is leading it."

You could hear a pin drop from the silence that envelops the room.

"I'm sorry, WHAT?" The Blue Leader says. I explain the situation further.

"I don't know how, but the Darkness has returned and is being led by Shadow Sabre, and he has that cursed Sword as well. They've already gained enough Infected to start planning an attack, which me and two of my Guards overheard. I don't know when, but they're planning to attack the Kingdom soon."

The rush of commands throughout the Citadel happens before anyone could blink. While the Leaders prepare the people, I go to my Guards and get ready for an incoming battle. The word of the Darkness returning is out already, and everyone is panicking as they collect what is dear to them and secure their homes. The entire Kingdom is going on lockdown.


"Are they gone?" Dark asks. It's been a while since we hid in the cave after hearing someone.

"I'll go check." Rainbow says.

"Are you sure? What if it's Shadow?" I say. "Or someone from the Kingdom?"

"Don't worry, I'll be careful." Rainbow says, exiting the cave.

It's a few minutes before he contacts us through the Crystal.

"There's a guy in a hooded cloak here." He says.

"Darkness?" We both ask.

"No, it's slightly... green? Yeah, there's a guy in a hooded dark green cloak next to the river."


"Holy crap, it's a Green Steve."

A Green Steve? Here? What's he doing? We hear a quiet voice coming from outside.

"Hello? Are you guys there?"

"He knows about us?!" Dark yells in the Crystal connection.

"Shh, he's still saying something." I say. The Green Steve continues.

"Don't worry, I'm not with the Kingdom. I followed you because I live near here."

"...I'm gonna show myself." Rainbow says. Dark and I start to protest, but we hear the Green Steve speak to him before we can get a word out.

"Hey there. Do you recognize me?"

Rainbow takes a minute to respond.

"...Hey, actually... I do. Aren't you the Green Steve that Sabre and I saved and brought to the Hub?"

"Yes! That's me! Hi again, friend."

I remember him, too. He helped me through bad times, and was the only one that I felt truly accepted me as I am. However, I thought he lived much closer to the Kingdom? Did he move?

"That's my friend! The one I told you about!" I say to Rainbow.

I think Green Steve notices Rainbow looking back to the cave or something.

"It's okay, I'm not here to rat you out or anything." He says. "I don't agree with the Kingdom either. That's why I moved way out here away from it. I realize you're people too... even Dark."

"He... accepts me?" Dark says. I guess it's as strange for him as it is for me.

"It's alright, this one can be trusted." I assure both of them.

I hear Rainbow come back to the cave, and he enters and grabs Dark and I's hands. We're led out to the cave's clearing. Green Steve is standing on the other side of the river, holding a basket of some kind. I realize that Dark and I are hiding behind Rainbow, when Green Steve talks to us directly.

"Hey, you two. Glad you're alright." He smiles.

Dark looks extremely confused. I guess the only kindness he's ever been shown was from me and Rainbow, now that I think about it. Rainbow pulls us from behind him, now seeming to trust Green as well. Dark gathers himself and awkwardly waves at him. Rainbow puppeteers me to wave as well. Green holds out his hand, seemingly trying to reach across the river towards us.

"May I come over, please?" He says.

Rainbow walks to the edge of the river, and stretches his arms outward towards Green.

"Jump," he says, "I'll catch you."

Green does so, and as promised, Rainbow catches him and pulls him away from the river's edge.

"Thanks." Green says, balancing himself.

"No problem," Rainbow replies. "Want to come inside?"


[Light's POV]

As I stand guard in the dead of night, I can't stop myself from feeling hopeless. I don't know whether it's the fear from the Darkness returning, the sorrow from Sabre's recent death, or just the harrowing cloak of shadow from the night, but I feel as if I'm in misery as I watch the plains ahead of the gates.

Sabre's death impacted me greatly, even though I don't really show it all that much. Maybe I just got used to being stone-cold focused all the time. As soon as I got the news that dreadful day in the Citadel, my mind was flooded with memories from better times. When we first met, how he helped around the village, how he protected us from Nightmare and the other villains that befell us, how he made me what I am now, when he came to the party in the main building... I miss that. And for it all to be shattered with one single sentence... I miss him, most of all. I might have been cold to him after the Age of Darkness, but... he was still my friend. It's... a little embarrassing to admit that I cried in my quarters the night he was buried. I have no idea how I held it back during the funeral. Worse thing is, though... I was the only one there. The Leaders were occupied with trying to find the Crystal thief and forgot about it, while I don't know why the people of the Kingdom didn't come. I sigh, and lean against the railing of the walls.

I never should have sent him on that stupid mission.

If I didn't, he would never have been killed. Heck, I should have sent people to go with him, for crying out loud. Why was I so negligent? How could I have been so stupid for doing that?! The Corrected Sun members we had previously caught with him by our side all tried to attack him, it was obvious I shouldn't have sent him alone. And now, he's gone.

I pull out a book that one of the Guards handed me after they recovered Sabre's body. They said it looked as if it had fallen out of his bag while he fell from the cliff. I don't know why they decided to give it to me. Maybe this is some divine punishment for what I've done, having only things as a reminder of my late friend. I put it back in my satchel as I decide to look at it once my shift is over. Right now, I have to focus.

It took a while for the next Guard to come and swap with me so I could go home for the night. I've already settled in my quarters, when I remember the book. Taking it out of my satchel, I undo the leather binding over the cover and open it to it's first page.

To my surprise, it's a sketchbook.

Flipping through the pages, I see many, many drawings. However, none of them catch my eye until halfway through. It seems this is where he'd started sketching our world, as I see drawings of Orange Steve, the village, the Hub, and moments with him and our friends. As I keep flipping through, more and more guilt sets in. It's not until after I see one drawing in particular that I force myself to stop, tears streaming quietly down my face.

It's a drawing of me after becoming the embodiment of light, and Sabre sitting next to me. I remember this moment, we were just sitting in the Hub and talking about our days, however what made it memorable was the fact that this is a drawing of the day before Sabre was infected.

Next to the drawing, there was something like a journal entry.

"One last light to turn to. He's really been strong through all of this, and I'm proud of him for it. I'm glad I have Light Steve as a friend during this ordeal. Maybe after it's all over, we can go back to just being goofs with each other while hanging out like the old days. I really miss that. Either way, I'm just happy we have each other to lean on after all that's happened to us."

I shut the book and place it on my desk next to me. He really looked up to me, didn't he? He saw me as a last hope. He saw me as one of his best friends. And now it's gone, and it's all my fault. I wipe my tears and sit back down on my bed.

Dang it, why must I torture myself like this?


Rainbow, Dark, Green, and I talk for hours, way after sunset. Well, those three talk, Rainbow and Dark tell Green what I want to say. They've already explained the crystal thing. Surprisingly to Dark, he hits it off great with Green Steve. I can already tell they're gonna be good friends. While he's here, and since he can be trusted, we tell Green of our plans and new identity of "The Vengeful". He actually agrees to our cause and such, who would've known? Green gets up, getting ready to head back out.

"Well, it's getting quite late, but before I go..." Green takes out the basket he's been carrying, and hands it to Rainbow. "This is actually for you guys."

Rainbow opens the basket, and inside is a variety of foods, cleaner and newer bandages, extra blankets, some candles, and even a few healing potions.

"Woah..." Dark says, in awe of the gift.

"A-are you sure we can take this?" Rainbow asks Green. I'm amazed by Green's generosity as well, though I can't really show it.

"I'm sure. I have plenty of stuff, since it's just me out here." Green says. "Well, I guess it's not gonna be just me anymore, huh?"

We chuckle. Then, Green asks one more thing.

"I actually wanted to also take a look at Sabre's injuries." He says. "I'm thinking that I could help with it a little."

Rainbow and Dark look at me, awaiting my answer.

"That's fine," I say. "None of us actually know that much about healing, and he is a Green Steve after all."

Rainbow smiles, and Dark turns to Green.

"He said it's alright, go ahead." He says.

I'm sat back down on the floor, and Green unwraps my bandages and takes some clean ones out of his cloak's pocket. While taking away the old bandages, though, he checks the wound and says;

"Oh, that's not good..."

"What? What?!" Rainbow worriedly exclaims from his seat. Dark looks at Green with a concerned expression.

"How long ago did you say you wrapped these, again?" Green asks.

"Three days ago, why?" Rainbow replies.

"The injuries haven't healed at all," Green says. "In fact, they haven't even scabbed over. There's still blood coming out." Green pulls his hand away from my head, and I see his fingers are covered in a sticky crimson liquid. My blood.

"What does that mean?" Dark asks. Rainbow looks like he's about to cry.

"It means he's lost the ability to heal naturally." Green solemnly answers him. "It seems the incident took that away after he died."

A sad silence covers the room. I can't heal? At all? Could a potion help? What will happen if I get injured again? Green interrupts the silence.

"Hand me one of the healing potions, will you?"

Rainbow hands him one, and places it in my hands, while Rainbow immediately knows what to do and puppeteers my body to drink it. While that's happening, Green takes the new bandages he has and re-wraps my head injuries. Once he's done with that, he takes a cloth and cleans my blood off the stitches on my face. "Could cause infection," he said.

I finish drinking the potion, and Rainbow puppeteers me to place the bottle in front of me on the floor. Green finishes up with the bandages and stitches, and rises back to his feet, pulling me up with him.

"Make sure to be careful with him, alright?" Green says. "Since he can't heal, even a simple bruise could be a big problem."

"Don't worry, we will." Dark says, smiling at his new friend.

"Could you please come back again soon so you can teach me that?" Rainbow asks Green.

"Well, even better, I can keep coming back every two days or so." Green says. "I've run out of things to do out here, so I've got nothing better to do."

"Really?!" Rainbow exclaims, excited.

"Yeah, I can even bring more potions and such when you run out."

"That would be amazing, thank you." Dark says. "It's kind of been a struggle for a little bit, and I've only been here two days!"

Rainbow adds, "Yeah, even though we got lucky, it's still not a good idea to be living the way we are now."

"Right down to the bonkers sleep schedules." Green chuckles. "Maybe I can get you a clock so you won't start acting like zombies, too."

Zombie puns. They're always gonna happen here, whether you like it or not.

We wave goodbye to Green as he heads back out into the forest, using a vine to get back across the river. Then, we close the door and head back inside.

"We have a new ally!" I say.

"He's really nice. I'm glad he's here." Dark adds.

"I thought we were just going to be alone out here..." Rainbow says, climbing into bed. "I'm happy I was wrong about that."

Dark and I also get to our beds, as like Green said earlier, it's late. Closing our eyes, we're all excited for our new friend's next visit.


[M's POV]

As I'm sitting next to the overturned grave, my hand on the headstone, I wonder what had happened to him and his place of burial. Even though I hadn't known him for long, and he was a little strange, he actually became a good friend to me... and he had saved me from a terrible fate.

I'm startled by the sound of the bushes behind me moving. Did someone find me? I turn to look at them and prepare to run, when I see a familiar person in a lab coat in front of me, wearing a hood over their face like I am.

"Professor?" I ask. "What are you doing here?!"

He chuckles and walks over, sitting beside me.

"Well, you didn't really think you were the only one going outside the walls when the Leader wasn't looking, did you?" He says.

"I guess not..." I answer, sitting back down. "But, why here?"

"I followed you." The Professor begins. "I saw the look in your eyes when the news of this strange being's death reached you. Then, with the news of the grave robbery, I knew that you would come here to at least pay your respects in some way." He pauses. "Was he... your friend?"

"Yeah... yeah, he was." I said. "Not only that, but he saved me, too. I guess I was kind of hoping I would get to return the favor."

"Hm..." the Professor sighs. He the gets up. "Come on, Apprentice, let's go back before mister grumpy hothead finds out we're gone."

I follow suit, and we begin back into the forest.

"Shame, really..." the Professor says. "I would have loved to run some tests on this 'Sabre' fellow."


"What? Did you really expect something different?"

Oh, who am I kidding. It is Professor Red, after all.


Yo, sorry for the long wait guys! School sucks, lol. But hey, you get a longer chapter because of it :). (Like, seriously, 3137 words is a crap ton)

Have a nice one! And I hope you enjoyed the angst train barreling right into the feels.

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