A Child of Mischief (Loki/Ave...

By krissy_girl94

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Long before the events of Thor and the Avengers, the god of mischief fell for a common Asgardian maiden. Late... More

1. Shock and Awe
2. Love and Unbearable Pain
3. Banishment
4. Hurtful Goodbyes
5. A New World
Time jump
6. Buisness As Usual
7. All Jokes Aside
8. Explanation
9. Traveling Realms
10. Asgard
11. Mind Over Reality
12. A Test of Skill
13. Festive Fiasco
14. Mind Games
15. Training the Mind
16. Battle Grounds
17. Mischievous Ways
18. Whose to Blame
19. Memory Lane
20. Secret of A King
21. Seeking Guidance
22. Decision Making
23. Royal Argument
24. Calling Home
25. Casting Votes
26. A New Day
27. Legends
28. New Life
29. Taking a Stand
30. Truth Telling
31. Secret's Out
32. Bargain
33. Meetings and Goodbyes
34. Unlikely Explaination
35. Rumor Control
36. Payback or Revenge
Time Jump
37. Unhinged
38. Deadly Birthday
39. A Lie Unveiled
40. Rescue Mission
41. A Family Reunited
42. Survival
43. Awakening
44. Winds of Change
45. One Final Test
46. Family Crisis
47. Offer of A Lifetime
48. 1 Year Later
50. Festivity

49. Together Again

54 1 0
By krissy_girl94

As Cora stands in the landing pad, she looks up at the compound and see's recruits scatter away from the windows. Cora uses her shifting power and changes from her ball gown and into a sparring jumpsuit.

The door of the compound opens and Natasha stands in the entrance and waves at Cora. All of Cora's emotions build up and she runs toward Natasha. Opening her arms, Natasha hugs Cora as she reaches her.

"What are you doing here, kiddo?" Natasha asks as she pulls away from Cora.

"Came to get Peter, Andre, and Olivia. My parents are getting married, and Odin thought it would be a good idea to have them join in on the festivities." Cora explains as Natasha links arms with Cora and walks her into the compound.

"Hold on, did you just say your parents are getting married?" Natasha asks, stunned as she stops in the middle of the training room.

"Yeah, I was surprised when I heard about it as well. Not to mention, my mother had another baby three months ago." Cora explains, Natasha's eyes go wide and her mouth slightly falls open.

"Wait, back up, what?" Natasha asks as she regains her composure. Cora only nods as she watches recruits just stare at her and Natasha.

"If any of you are thinking of attacking me, I'd strongly suggest against it. I have more power than all of you recruits in this room." Cora says to the recruits as she straightens her posture. Natasha gives Cora a surprised look but nods in agreement with her.

"Cora's right, you guys don't stand a chance against her." Natasha says as she pulls Cora away from the recruits.

"Being the daughter of the God of Mischief has its advantages." Cora states and the recruits all gasp when she says this.

"Anywho, Peter, Andre, and Olivia are all in the secondary combat training room. The three of them train together practically everyday." Natasha says as they round the corner and nearly almost bump into Ruby.

"Miss Romanov, I'm so sor—." Ruby begins to say as she looks up and see's Natasha and then Cora. When she see's Cora, she turns on her heels and begins to walk away from the two of them. Natasha and Cora exchange a look with each other, before Cora waves two fingers in the air, which makes Ruby turn around and slide back in front of her and Natasha.

"What do you have for me, Ruby?" Natasha asks as she looks at Ruby. Cora keeps her expression smooth, and doesn't show an ounce of emotion towards Ruby.

"The reports you asked for." Ruby says as she hands a file over to Natasha. Ruby stays quiet as she stands in front of Natasha and Cora.

"Thank you, now get back to your normal duties." Natasha says, Ruby nods and walks around her and Cora, and doesn't look back at either of them as she tries to get away.

"I see the limitation cuff is still coming in handy since Thor sent some back with you after you came back to Earth." Cora notes as she and Natasha stand in the middle of the hallway.

"Yes, considering the four that tried to end you have been the only ones to wear them. They have come in handy when keeping them under control." Natasha says as she looks up from the report and to Cora. Just as Natasha looks at Cora, a loud thud can be heard from down the hall. Cora looks in the direction of the thud and Natasha laughs.

"They must be doing hardcore training, because that sounded like it hurt." Cora says as she keeps her eyes toward the end of the hall.

"Yeah, ever since they came back from Asgard, it's all they do, other than the occasional mission they go on as a team." Natasha says, Cora looks at her as she says the last part.

"They are allowed to go on missions now?" Cora asks, Natasha only nods.

"Go get them." Natasha says as she see's the determination in Cora's eyes.

"Mind if I turn into you? To test them and see if they can tell whether or not it's really you." Cora asks, Natasha thinks about the answer before she nods her head.

"Do what you have to do." Natasha says and then turns and walks away from Cora, leaving her in the hallway.

Making her way down to the end of the hallway, Cora hears another loud thud as she gets in front of the door.

"Nice tackle and defense, Olivia." Peter says, Cora smiles as she hears Peter's voice. Looking at the door, Cora morphs into Natasha before opening the door.

"Hey, Nat. Wanna join in and train with us for a bit?" Andre asks as Cora steps into the room. Her eyes moves over the trio as they stand in the middle of the room.

"How about a little three on one? To see if any of you can take me down." Cora asks throwing her voice to sound like Natasha. The trio look back and forth between each other and nod, then look at Cora.

"Make the first move." Olivia says, Cora smiles she shakes her head, and looks at the trio.

"Bad mistake." Cora says, and rushes at the trio, before flipping over them and landing behind them.

With quick thinking, Olivia opens a portal and places herself behind Cora. Olivia tries to grab Cora by the arm, but Cora ducks down and swings her legs around, knocking Olivia to the ground. Andre grabs Cora around the waist, and she elbows him in the ribs. Cora backs up and cartwheels away from the trio before landing in a defensive position. Peter shoots web at Cora, Cora catches it, and throws it back at him.

"Come on, you three. At least make this a challenge." Cora throws her voice and says. The trio look at each other and then smirk at one another. The trio move around the room, until they make a triangle like shape around Cora. Looking at each of them, Cora can see they are about to execute a group attack.

The trio circle around Cora, but keep the triangle shape that had first formed. Slowly they advance closer to Cora. Using her peripheral vision, Cora watches as Peter lunges toward her.

"Wrong move." Cora throws her voice and says, right as Peter gets close to her, both Andre and Olivia go in for attacks. Cora kicks Peter in the chest and knocks him down. Andre and Olivia both get their hands on Cora and she spins them and pulls them together causing them to head-butt each other.

"Okay, maybe challenging Nat wasn't the best idea." Olivia says as she rubs her head, the trio all slowly stand up and look at Cora.

"I'm going to have to say, you three failed that test. Good try, though working as a team is a strong way to get the upper hand on an opponent." Cora throws her voice again and says, the trio just look at her as they each breathe heavy.

"At least we gave it our best shot." Andre says, Cora smiles as she continues to look at the trio.

"You guys did give it your best, but it seems you three forgot the most important lesson you should have learned on Asgard." Cora throws her voice and says, the trio look at her questioningly.

"Which lesson would that be?" Peter asks as he raises an eyebrow.

"Expect the unexpected." Cora says using her own voice and morphs back into herself. All three pairs of eyes that look at Cora go wide, and mouths drop.

"Cora!" The three of them scream, Andre is the first one to grab Cora and hug her, Oliva pries Andres arms off of Cora and hugs her tighter than Andre had hugged her. Peter stands in the middle of the room, stunned as Olivia backs away from Cora.

"Surprised to see me?" Cora asks, and Peter still stands in front of her stunned.

"I think he's more shocked at the fact that you just kicked his ass." Andre says, Cora walks up to Peter and stands in front of him.

"Hey Pete." Cora softly says as she lightly places her hand on his face and strokes his cheek with her thumb. Peter's eyes soften, and he suddenly throws his arms around her. He buries his head in her shoulder, and he shakes his head. Cora gives Andre and Olivia a concerned look and they both shrug their shoulders.

"Boy, if you don't quit stalling and kiss your girl already, I will ground pound you." Andre threatens, which makes Olivia and Cora lightly laugh. Peter pulls his head up and looks at Cora with slightly tear filled eyes.

"Sorry, I'm just in shock. I wasn't expecting you to be here." Peter says as he pulls Cora back to him and hugs her.

"Okay, I'm ground pounding you." Andre says as Peter steps away from Cora. Cora looks at Andre, smirks at him, then shakes her head.

"Chill Dre, he probably doesn't want to kiss her in front of anyone." Olivia says as she grasps hold of Andre's arm.

"What brings you back to Earth, Cora?" Andre asks as he shakes Olivia off of his arm.

"A few things actually. My time with the TVA ended around Midnight, and you three have been invited back to Asgard, by Odin himself." Cora explains, the trio look at her with wide eyes as she says Odin invited them back to Asgard.

"Why does Odin want us back?" Olivia asks as she tries to keep herself composed.

"Company for me, while tonight's festivity takes place." Cora says and the trio look at her questioningly.

"Festivity?" Peter asks as he drops his arms from around Cora, but takes hold of her hand.

"My parents are getting married." Cora says, Peter's grip tightens on Cora's hand. Olivia and Andre's mouths both fall open from sheer surprise.

"The God of Mischief, actually settling down. Now there is something I didn't think I would hear." Olivia says, then covers her mouth, and looks at Cora with wide eyes. Cora lightly laughs and shakes her head.

"I didn't expect it either." Cora says, then covers her right ear with her hand as chatter comes over her communicator.

"Cora, come in, Cora." Thor says, Cora laughs and shakes her head.

"What do you need, Uncle?" Cora asks, and the trio looks at her curiously.

"It appears the baby noticed you had left and has begun whaling again." Thor says, and Cora can slightly hear Eluf scream in the background.

"Myself and the others will be back in a little while. So do the best you can without me." Cora says, and looks at the trio.

"What was that about?" Olivia asks, Cora rolls her eyes and shakes her head.

"I leave for not even an hour and they can't even keep things together." Cora says, the trio looks at her with confused looks. Cora looks at the three of them before speaking.

"If you guys want to go to the wedding, I suggest you three get changed, and meet me at the front of the compound." Cora says as she shifts back into her gold dress she had worn earlier. Her hair changes to the half crown braid, and her makeup is soft. Peter keeps hold of Cora's hand as the four of them leave the secondary training room.

"The only one that really needs to change is Peter." Olivia says, Cora looks over at her and Andre, and see's they are both in formal attire.

"We'll wait at the front of the compound for you." Cora says to Peter as they exit the training room. Squeezing her hand, Peter looks at Cora, then nods and let's go of her hand. He walks to the elevator and keeps his eyes on her as he waits for the elevator.

As Cora, Andre, and Olivia all walk to the front of the compound, Cora ponders a thought.

"What have you three been up to, since last year?" Cora asks, both Andre and Olivia, look at her and roll their eyes.

"You mean what has Peter been up too?" Olivia guesses as she reads between what Cora really wanted to ask. Cora lightly chuckles, and shakes her head.

"I actually meant all three of you, not just him." Cora says as she looks at both Andre and Olivia.

"So much has changed since you left. We got promoted to Junior Avengers. And have been on a few missions. Granted, Peter was already a full fledged Avenger, but he stayed around and helped us when we needed it." Andre says as him, Cora, and Olivia all make their way back to the front of the compound.

"After you left, Peter tried to convince the royals to let him stay the whole year on Asgard. He felt he would be closer to you if he stayed there. But, Odin and Thor wouldn't have it. We were sent home about two weeks later, after we finished off the month." Olivia says, Cora's eyes go wide as she hears this.

"He was trying to keep himself occupied. You leaving, really threw him through a loop. Took him a good month almost two, before he came out of the funk he was in, from missing you as bad as he did." Olivia continues, as Cora, Olivia, and Andre all enter the main room of the compound, all of the recruits step back and stand against the wall.

"What happened to the four that tried and failed to get rid of me?" Cora asks as Andre steps in front of her and opens the front door of the compound.

"They were each assigned new roles around the compound. Ruby took your old control room job, Sadie got put on kitchen duty, Xander got janitorial staff, and Derek became Bucky's personal sparring dummy." Andre explains as he, Cora, and Olivia walk toward the Bifrost landing pad.

"Well, Bucky had been looking for a sparring partner that could match the style of him and Steve Rogers." Cora says as she shrugs her shoulders. As Cora, Andre, and Olivia get situated on the Bifrost landing pad, Peter comes rushing out the front door of the compound.

"You guys weren't going to leave without me, were you?" Peter asks, he tries to catch his breath as he gets in front of Cora.

"Now, why would we do that, I said we'd wait for you." Cora says as she raises an eyebrow and places her hands on her hips.

Peter leans toward Cora and presses his lips to hers. Cora softly kisses Peter, before she pulls away from him.

"Hi." Peter says still out of breath from running from the compound and to the Bifrost landing pad.

"Hi." Cora says, then lightly smiles. Andre snickers from behind Cora.

"About damn time. I was beginning to think you lost feelings for her." Andre says, Olivia let's out a light laugh as she watches Cora turn to Andre and side eye him. Andre laughs again and defensively holds his hands up.

"Alright, enough messing around, whose ready to go back to Asgard?" Olivia asks, Cora looks at her and nods.

"Heimdall, bring us up." Cora says, and the blue and white light of the Bifrost engulfs the kids and sends them up to the sky.

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