Izuku Newgate: The Child of t...

By KatakuriTheCultured

50.8K 664 202

Izuku Newgate formally known as Izuku Yagi was the child of Inko Yagi aka the No.7 Magnetic and Toshinori Yag... More

Characters and stuff
Abandoned with a new family
Conqueror's Haki and Treasures
Entrance Exam
First Day Of UA
The King's kin
USJ and The Hawkeye
A big event and Even more training!

My reason to protect my family

6.9K 92 20
By KatakuriTheCultured

3rd Person's POV

It's been 8 Years since the Yanagis adopted their new member of the house and now Izuku is now preparing for another day for his school "Come on Dabi, Reiko, Let's get going" Izuku said with joy in his voice "Alright, alright, I'm coming... Reiko get your bag already" Dabi said as he just finished eating his breakfast. As they leave they wave bye at their parents "Bye Mom and Dad!" Izuku said as they walk to their school while the 2 parents still screeched about Izuku's cuteness well inside their heads of course. Meanwhile Izumi with her friends were also going to school "Hey guys!" Izumi said to her friends "Bout' Time you finished" Katsumi said angry as usual "Come on let's go before we get late" Shouko  said "Yeah let's get going" Izumi said. While they were going to their school they bumped into a familiar white haired boy.

Izumi's POV

I accidentally bumped into someone by mistake but this person had a familiar face freckles, Messy hair, Wide eyes, it couldn't be Izuku... He's gone already there is no way it could be him... "Hey Izuku what happened here?" Another boy said with white hair too "Sorry about my little brother, I hope he didn't bother you. Let's go Izuku before we get late" That comment dropped my hope as I thought I saw Izuku. They left with a girl waiting for them it seemed it was their little sister "They looked familiar... Especially the one with the freckles" "But the other one was familiar to me too..." Said by Katsumi and Shouko while we walk to our school. It was just a regular school day with the subjects and such. When in lunch I asked my friends "You guys still want to be heroes?" "Of course! I want to be a hero for the person who couldn't" Katsumi said putting her fist in the air "So you just admitted you liked Izuku" Shouko said which made Katsumi blush "Didn't you also like him too!?" Katsumi said "When did I said that..." She said taking a sip in her juice. It made me smile seeing them try to defend themselves but also saddened by the fact I won't see Izuku again.

Izuku's POV

I was eating lunch with my siblings and was enjoying the Katsudon that was made for me "Hey guys I want to offer you something" Dabi said bringing out a bottle of sake and three cups "How'd you get that?" I said shocked "And isn't illegal for you to drink in a young age" Reiko said "First. I bought it, Second. We will drink it" Dabi said with a smile "But then again isn't it-" "It ain't illegal if we can't get caught" He cut me off before filling the cups "We're going to drink this as a symbol of our siblings-hood" He said as he raise a cup. Reiko took one and also raised it as well "To our sibling-hood" She said that made me also take a cup "Yeah sure!" I said as I took my cup "As siblings we will always look after each other!" Dabi said as we cheer our cups.

After that happened we went to our class "Alright, class I've read all of your career forms and saw some promising futures... Doctors, Detective, lawyers, and as the usual...  Heroes. And many more" Our homeroom teacher said as he looks through our forms "Though one did stand out... Izuku you sure you want to be a hero?" The room was filled with silence until one of the students said "Izuku? Aren't you quirkless? You'll die befo-" "SHUT IT" Our homeroom teacher yelled while staring daggers at the students "But teach-" "I did not ask you!... Everyone listen up and answer my question, How do you describe a hero?" The class was left in silence. I broke the silence by raising my hand and speaking up "A hero is not defined by their power and their strength they're are called heroes because they sacrifice their life in a daily basis in order to protect the people who couldn't protect themselves" The teacher smiled at me before saying "Class is dismissed" "But we still have some ti-" A student was about to say before the bell rang. I was packing my stuff until our homeroom teacher went over to me "Hey their Izuku I wanted to give you something" He handed me three books that all said Haki "These might help you" He said before walking out the room. I read all the books titles "Haki: Armament, Haki: Observation and Haki: Conqueror's" I went out while reading the first book "Armament Haki is like a armor that will coat your body or your weapons. In order to activate you must only have one thought... Will Power" I read before a bunch of bullies stop me "You really think you're going to be a hero?" They said as they raise me in the air "Guess we have to teach you a lesson" "The only lesson the will be thought would be yours" Dabi said while holding the guy's neck "What the?!" "You should stop moving before I burn you" He said while showing his fire. The guy also notices his friends has pens in front of their throats so I looked to my sides to see Reiko "You touch my brother, you burn in hell" The bully put me down and ran away before they get hurt "You alright Izuku?" Dabi asked as he lift me up and shook off the dust on me "Yeah I'm fine, Thanks" "Anytime" After that we walked to our home and then I started to read the books teacher gave me "Whatchu reading there" Reiko asked as she looked over "It's a book all about Haki" "Haki?" Dabi asked "Yeah it says it can make your whole body harden and make it stronger than iron with your willpower alone" Dabi seemed to think about it for a few moments "So if you master it you can be closer to be a hero" He said with a huge smile on his face "I guess so huh..." "You'll be a great hero, I know it" Dabi said cheering me up "Thanks..." We looked over to our home to see it only burning.

3rd Person's POV

The three immediately rushed over to see their father in his hero suit "Kids... Run away" He said in a weak voice as a villain stomped on him "YOU BASTARD!" Dabi screamed as he flies over with his fire at his full speed and kicked the villain as hard as he can to his surprised that he blocked his attack. He was then punched in the gut, it seemed that the person can make his fist punch like a jackhammer. Reiko also rushed in throwing pebbles with a fast pace only to be deflect at her and gets knocked out with one punch "HAHAHAHA This is the silver shield's true strength? How weak!" The villain said as he points a gun at Johnathan and shots him "DAD!" Izuku screamed while the villain went to their mother 'No... Stop! Don't kill her!" Izuku thought as he tries to run to them. Claire then looked at Izuku then smiled "I love you guys" She said before getting shot. Izuku stopped and fell on he's knees as he saw his parents die. A voice then called out to Izuku "Hey kid..." Izuku looked around and saw a 20 Feet man standing behind him "Please help my parents their are going to die!" Izuku said as he tries to stand up "You're in your thoughts kid" The man said "What am I gonna do, I'm also going insane talking to a person in my head" Izuku said as he hold down his head "I couldn't save my parents, I'm so weak" He said as he started to cry "They're many people who wishes to save someone that they couldn't" The man said "Your one to talk! You don't understand what I feel and your just something my mind made up!" Izuku said with hatred.

The man looked at Izuku and said "My son died before my eyes... I was ready to give my life for his yet he didn't made it" Izuku was shocked as he hear him. He looked down before apologizing "I'm sorry... I didn't knew-" "I came here to help you in a way" Izuku was cut off while he looked the man "How?" "I will give you my power but you must make me a deal" The man said as he reach his hand out "You will protect you family, No matter what is the cost" He said while Izuku thinks before standing up and shaking his hand "I will accept your offer" Izuku said before the man smiled "Very well then, You will take on the name..." Izuku's hand started to glow as he listens to man "NEWGATE!"
Izuku was finally out of his thoughts and started to rush to the villain before he can hurt his siblings.

"Go and rise boy, You have a family to protect" The man said while Izuku formed a fist. The villain saw him "You think you can stop me!" He said while running to Izuku "Don't worry kid. YOU'LL SEE YOUR PARENTS SOON ENOUGH" Izuku then jumps at level of the villain's head. He punches the man as a sphere cover his fist, He made a crack in the air while punching the man "DON'T EVER HURT MY FAMILY" Izuku said as he brings down the man while also destroying the ground "IZUKU" Dabi screamed as they try to get up but to be shock how Izuku brought down the man "Izuku... Has a quirk?" Dabi questioned as he gets up to go to their parents "Mom, Dad... Please wake up" They didn't answer "Please... You have to see this Izuku, H-He. He has q-quirk" Still no answer "Please wake-" He was cut off by Izuku putting his hand on his shoulder "Their gone..." Dabi can only cry while Izuku carried Reiko on his back "No they can't be... No!" Dabi screamed as he cries "Look at this" Izuku gave a card that said had a number. Dabi immediately called the number and the phone answered "Did you do the job you rascal?" A man said in the other side of the phone "Your going to pay for this..." "Huh?" "YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!" Dabi screamed which woke up Reiko "What the fu-" "I'M GOING TO FIND YOU AND BURN YOU ALIVE" He said threatening the man that hung up "Izuku-" "I know... You want to make them pay" Dabi stopped what was he about to say and looked at his parents' bodies "But we can't do anything about it now and I'm sure they wouldn't like us hurting people" "Buy Izuku!" Izuku only stared at his eyes "Do they want us to be monsters?"

After awhile Izuku called the police and some ambulances. There were many reporters also coming to area Izuku was sitting in one of the ambulance next to Reiko laying down besides him "Are you mad at the people who killed mom and dad?" Reiko asked "Yes... I am and I'm sorry for not protecting your biological parents" "It's okay... We all couldn't protect mom and dad" She said as a tear drop from her eyes "I just hope they will always look out for us in the skies" After for few days Izuku with his siblings receives the will of their parents. With a 12,841,600¥ for each sibling and one property in musutafu and when they got their money and the place they all started to train each other. Dabi with fire control, Reiko with her quirk and Izuku trying to understand his quirk but they all have one same training. Haki training, Dabi has understand how to use both Armament Haki and Observation Haki, Reiko learnt Armament Haki the fastest, and Izuku starts to experiment trying to know if he has  Conqueror's Haki. They're all training in the same place with the same mission and that is to clean up Takoba Beach.

To be continued...

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