Rise of the Oni (Book 8 of th...

By DreamerGirlKes

35.7K 3.7K 2.1K

Two years after Takahiro resurfaced another mafia in Japan wants to challenge to be the only mafia in Japan. More

More Characters
Oᑎᗴ | 1
TᗯO | 2
Tᕼᖇᗴᗴ | 3
ᖴOᑌᖇ | 4
ᖴIᐯᗴ | 5
ᔕI᙭ | 6
ᔕᗴᐯᗴᑎ | 7
ᗴIᘜᕼT | 8
ᑎIᑎᗴ | 9
Tᗴᑎ | 10
ᗴᒪᗴᐯᗴᑎ | 11
Tᗯᗴᒪᐯᗴ | 12
TᕼIᖇTᗴᗴᑎ | 13
ᖴOᑌᖇTᗴᗴᑎ | 14
ᖴIᖴTᗴᗴᑎ | 15
ᔕI᙭Tᗴᗴᑎ | 16
ᔕᗴᐯᗴᑎTᗴᗴᑎ | 17
ᗴIᘜᕼTᗴᗴᑎ | 18
ᑎIᑎᗴTᗴᗴᑎ | 19
TᗯᗴᑎTY | 20
TᗯᗴᑎTY - Oᑎᗴ | 21
TᗯᗴᑎTY-TᗯO | 22
TᗯᗴᑎTY-Tᕼᖇᗴᗴ | 23
TᗯᗴᑎTY-ᖴOᑌᖇ | 24
TᗯᗴᑎTY-ᖴIᐯᗴ | 25
TᗯᗴᑎTY-ᔕI᙭ | 26
TᗯᗴᑎTY-ᔕᗴᐯᗴᑎ | 27
TᗯᗴᑎTY-ᗴIᘜᕼT | 28
TᗯᗴᑎTY - ᑎIᑎᗴ | 29
TᕼIᖇTY | 30
TᕼIᖇTY-Oᑎᗴ | 31
TᕼIᖇTY-TᗯO | 32
TᕼIᖇTY-Tᕼᖇᗴᗴ | 33
TᕼIᖇTY-ᖴOᑌᖇ | 34
TᕼIᖇTY-ᖴIᐯᗴ | 35
TᕼIᖇTY-ᔕI᙭ | 36
TᕼIᖇTY-ᔕᗴᐯᗴᑎ | 37
TᕼIᖇTY-ᗴIᘜᕼT | 38
TᕼIᖇTY-ᑎIᑎᗴ | 39
ᖴOᖇTY | 40
ᖴOᖇTY-Oᑎᗴ | 41
Wedding Party and Reception
ᖴOᖇTY-TᗯO | 42
ᖴOᖇTY-Tᕼᖇᗴᗴ | 43
ᖴOᖇTY-ᖴOᑌᖇ | 44
ᖴOᖇTY-ᖴIᐯᗴ | 45
ᖴOᖇTY-ᔕI᙭ | 46
ᖴOᖇTY-ᔕᗴᐯᗴᑎ | 47
ᖴOᖇTY-ᗴIᘜᕼT | 48
ᖴOᖇTY-ᑎIᑎᗴ| 49
ᖴIᖴTY| 50
ᖴIᖴTY-Oᑎᗴ | 51
ᖴIᖴTY-TᗯO | 52
ᖴIᖴTY-Tᕼᖇᗴᗴ | 53
ᖴIᖴTY-ᖴOᑌᖇ | 54
ᖴIᖴTY-ᖴIᐯᗴ | 55
ᖴIᖴTY-ᔕI᙭| 56
ᖴIᖴTY-ᔕᗴᐯᗴᑎ | 57
ᖴIᖴTY-ᗴIᘜᕼT | 58
ᖴIᖴTY-ᑎIᑎᗴ | 59
ᔕI᙭TY| 60
ᔕI᙭TY-Oᑎᗴ| 61
ᔕI᙭TY-TᗯO | 62
ᔕI᙭TY-Tᕼᖇᗴᗴ | 63
Not an Update!
ᔕI᙭TY-ᖴOᑌᖇ |64
ᔕI᙭TY-ᖴIᐯᗴ | 65
ᔕI᙭TY-ᔕI᙭ | 66
ᔕI᙭TY-ᔕᗴᐯᗴᑎ | 67
ᔕI᙭TY-ᗴIᘜᕼT | 68
ᔕI᙭TY-ᑎIᑎᗴ | 69
ᔕᗴᐯᗴᑎTY | 70
ᔕᗴᐯᗴᑎTY-Oᑎᗴ | 71
ᔕᗴᐯᗴᑎTY-TᗯO | 72
ᔕᗴᐯᗴᑎTY-Tᕼᖇᗴᗴ | 73
ᔕᗴᐯᗴᑎTY-ᖴOᑌᖇ | 74
ᔕᗴᐯᗴᑎTY-ᖴIᐯᗴ | 75
ᔕᗴᐯᗴᑎTY-ᔕI᙭ | 76
ᔕᗴᐯᗴᑎTY-ᔕᗴᐯᗴᑎ | 77
ᔕᗴᐯᗴᑎTY-ᗴIᘜᕼT | 78
ᔕᗴᐯᗴᑎTY-ᑎIᑎᗴ | 79
ᗴIᘜᕼTY | 80
ᗴIᘜᕼTY-Oᑎᗴ | 81
ᗴIᘜᕼTY-TᗯO | 82
ᗴIᘜᕼTY-Tᕼᖇᗴᗴ | 83
ᗴIᘜTᕼY-ᖴOᑌᖇ | 84
ᗴIᘜTᕼT-ᖴIᐯᗴ | 85
ᗴIᘜᕼTY-ᔕI᙭ | 86
ᗴIᘜᕼTY-ᔕᗴᐯᗴᑎ | 87
ᗴIᘜᕼTY-ᗴIᘜᕼT | 88
ᗴIᘜᕼTY-ᑎIᑎᗴ | 89


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By DreamerGirlKes

Six Months Later

"Riley we've been through this BabyGirl! We are not having any more babies! Shit, you just had Xenon two months ago and you talking of another. Don't you think ten fucking babies are enough?" X fussed as he finally removed Riley from on top of him. Riley smirked kissing his neck before laughing.

"Baby, I'm playing with you. I got my tubes tied...."

"And that helps how? In case you forgot my mom got pregnant with Kamaria with hers tied as well then Adalynn popped out years later after she tied them again." He laughed making Riley smack him in the chest. Sometimes Xerxes was too fucking dramatic.

"Yeah, that does mean it's going to happen to us... Adriel. Are you, Rhys, Hiro, and Mias really about to do this?" Xerxes sighed shaking his head. Right now, it was for the best just to lay low for a while.

"We're not ending our mafia, Babygirl. Hell, we can't no matter how much we want to. There is no end to all of this. Opa should have known the day he started this there was no turning back. The only thing we can do is lay low. Let our allies run the front lines for now. After the shit that Manuel put our family through, I don't want to think about any of our enemies. I just want to spend time with my family without worry. Our babies are growing... we have fifteen-year-olds Ri, and I feel like we missed have of their lives growing up. As for Harper, Avery, Josiah, and Xenon, I want us to enjoy seeing them grow." He said pulling Riley close to him.

"One more question. Are you planning to sign over the mafia to Xavier when he turns eighteen?" Xerxes lifted from the bed looking at his wife as if she had lost her damn mind. He was just about to turn thirty-four and wasn't thinking of turning anything over to his son as of yet.

"No. I understand why your parents gave you the mafia so soon and my father only did it because of his health. If it was up to Luca he would still be in the seat until his death, if it meant for his sons not to be in the line of fire. I am the same way. There is nothing wrong with me BabyGirl, plus we are still young. I want Zay and Xy to grow up and not feel the weight of running a mafia on their shoulders."

"You say Zay and Xy." Xerxes nodded his head taking her hand into his. Gently he kissed each of her fingertips before stopping to stare into her eyes. Riley smiled big touching his face causing him to kiss the palm of her hand.

"I love you... I love you so fucking much, but yes Zay and Xy. Rhys's son is only eight, Hiro's oldest isn't even five, and Jeremias is five. So, we all came up with Zay and Xy lending the whole thing. Of course, with Elias, Ava, and the quints. Two Dons three Donna and whoever they marry...."

"You're making Elias and Ava a Don and Donna? You know that Lias is a remake for his father and Ava is just like Lucas and Gen. Our children are enough but who is the fifth?"


"Wise choice our three craziest children plus their cousins. You and the other Dons really sat down and thought this out. Most would not have thought about their daughter, but I know you and them come from a different setting. Adriel if you are sure about this then I am sure. How long are we going to be able to hide in the shadows?" Riley asked as Xerxes shrugged pulling her over on top of him as he covered them both although they were clothed. X sighed placing a single kiss on her forehead just as the door opened.

"DAD TELL EZRA.... Oh, snaps! I did not mean to walk in without knocking!" Xavier yelled covering his eyes. Riley and Xerxes shared a look before she sat up fully in the bed.

"The door was locked. Which one of you stole our code?" Xerxes asked standing. "Zay no one is fucking naked. You can uncover your damn eyes." He said as Riley laughed behind him. "Answer me!"

"You see your code is Xy and my birthday...."

"Lies but okay I know to change the locks, but what do I need to tell your brother?" X asked as Zay looked over to his mother. "She can't help you. What is that I need to tell Ezra?"

"That it's his turn to change Xenon. I did it three times today and he peed on me twice. Tell me again why he just can't have a nanny? This is hard work helping with Xen and I am not down for the shi... messy diapers. Ma, why are you looking like you are about to cry?" Riley couldn't help it anymore as she started to laugh and cry at the same time.

"Your dad told y'all there was no nanny...."

"Riley stop being crazy. It's to help you understand the hardships of having a child. When you are at home you and your siblings will help with your little brother. Tell Ezra that it's his turn to change his little brother's diaper and STOP FUCKING WITH KEYPAD TO PARENT'S ROOM! One day one of you is going to walk in and see something that you don't want to see." X said.


"X... XERXES BRO I NEED YOUR HELP!" Elijah yelled running into the room with Zakiya in his arms. Xerxes knew what the deal was just by the way Elijah was panicking. His wife was in labor, and this is why he hated living three minutes away from Eli. Without saying a word Riley moved from the bed allowing Eli to lay Kiya down.

"Wait did you just have sex...."

"Do you want me to deliver your child or not asshole....."

"WAIT ELI YOUR BROTHER CAN NOT LOOK AT MY PUSSY!" Zakiya yelled making Xavier choke. Also making Xerxes remember that his son was still in the room. "Call your mom! Faith anybody but Xerxes or Leon! He can't be looking at me down there either!"

"How long she's been in labor and how far apart are her contractions?" Riley asked prepping Kiya for Xerxes. Elijah just stared at her then his brother.

"When did Riley become your nurse? She's been contracting all day. They just became two minutes apart about thirty to forty minutes ago, but her water hasn't broken. X, she is early." He spoke as X walked back into view from calling his mother and Faith.

"That happens sometimes with twins, but Kiya I have to check you because our parents are out and about. Faith is on her way home from a shift at the hospital. BabyGirl you know what to do... Zay go get Xy.

"What's wrong now?" Luca asked Adele as she hung up the phone with their son. She smiled shaking her head because it wasn't anything for them to get all upset about. Still, she stood sighing as she turned to her husband.

"Kiya is in labor. The babies are two months early and I think your son is freaking out. Plus Kiya doesn't want X between her leg, but the way I heard her screaming in the background she isn't going to have that much of a choice."

"I told that hardhead chile to go to the fucking hospital yesterday. She was talking about a pain in the lower part of her belly. These fucking know it all children be thinking they know more than we do. Valeria, I told you this didn't I." Paris said to Zakiya's mom as they all made their way to their cars and back to the community.

Adele wasn't in a big rush because she knew about the time they got there Zakiya would have given birth. So, the only thing she could do was call the doctor on call at the hospital to ready one of the rooms for her and station in the NICU. "Nova leave that man alone and let him drive!" Paris yelled breaking Dele from her thoughts. "Vic get your stupid ass wife! I told you to let this crazy fool ride in the other car!" She yelled making them laugh as she held Nova back moments later they were in front of X and Riley's home.

Just as Adele thought Zakiya had the babies but were already gone. "Were they good?" Dele asked as Xerxes nodded his head.

"Yeah, baby A had a struggle at first, but I got her right. Then Baby B just jumped out Elijah had to catch her, and you know how that was. He was high talking shit about how his daughter was white and looked like an alien...."

"Leave to Elijah to say some dumb shit, but you could have called before we made our way here. Now I have to go back out to the fucking hospital when we were just moments away from it." Luca asked walking back out of the house.

"Dad needs weed. His jackass level up a little too high." X said shaking his head.

"HIRO!" Kamaria yelled making the man jump up from his sleep looking at his wife as if he was about to murder her. She laughed smoothing out his hair and kissing his nose before resting her forehead against his.

"Why you must scare the shit out of me every damn morning!"

"Damn cheer up Baby. I have something for you...."

"Last time you said you had something for me it was a pregnancy test. Then nine months later three babies popped out. They are just now almost a year old, and I don't think I want more. Between Hanako, Haruka, Takara, Taishi, and the triplets I can't take anymore. I love kids but ours are bad as fuck. Yesterday, I had to stop Ishi from dragging his baby brother by the foot. Then Kaito turned around and bit the blood out of him. The strange thing is the Luna thinks it entertaining the damn panther just sit there like a fucking dog laughing." He said.

"Maybe it's because she is scared of the triplets. They did attack her soon as they started to crawl the poor thing was terrified and screaming. I didn't think panthers could scream." Mar laughed. "But that isn't the reason I woke you. Today marks five years since the first day we met. You remember how I beat your ass and you just let me?" Hiro nodded pulling her to him.

"I deserved it."

"Maybe so.... I'm sorry for all the bullshit that I put you with Shino. I know this isn't about that, but we started good then he came along and fucked everything up. The Oni needed a strong Ane-san and I failed at that two years ago, but I promise I will do better. Also, I remember when you asked me to marry you." She said as her dog came running over with a box in his mouth.

"Normally it is customed for the Don to get collars and such things, but I think your will like this." She said as Hiro opened the box. "I know that we're going underground for a while but for our fifth year of being together I wanted to give you and the other Dons a gift. We are now the Oni and no matter what we will stand strong...."

"Tanaka you better have some fucking clothes on because I fucking swear Mar!" X cutting her off yelled as Blaise ran past jumping on the bed but quickly moved as he saw the panther on the other side of Hiro.

"You sleep with that beast? What is wrong with you amour?" Hiro quickly glared over at the man making Luna lift her hand as Blaise held up his arms. "Always with an attitude. Smile a little Mi Cherie."

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME BLAISE!" Hiro yelled standing.

"Aww was I the only one that wanted him to be naked when he stood? Hiro, Rhys, Jeremias, Sandro, and X show me the goods. I promise I will be good and give...."

"Stop while you are ahead. I have had enough of you! Mar what did you want that we had to meet you here in your bedroom for Blaise to act a fool." Her brother asked as she gave each of them a box. Xerxes looked at her confused after he opened his and so did the rest.

"Dad made it clear that we are now The Oni. I had all of your wives sit down with me to design each of you your own collar so to say... Xerxes you and Reece are the main Dons, so your demons are black and gold. Hiro and Mias are red and silver. I tried not to take away from my husband's culture for his. Alessandro and Blaise are a mixture of all the colors. Our parents also have one... as I told Takahiro we maybe be laying low, but we people see your chains they will know to fear us." Mar spoke as Hiro's phone made a sound. Moments later the rest did the same as they all looked at their phones.

: I have something that belongs to you. Can you find them before time is up?

The End

This is it for The Rise of Oni! I know I said this weekend, but I felt like writing and an hour later this was finish.

So much for laying low... Now the real question who is missing? Will they find them in time and what is to come next?

Thank you all for you love and support through this book. I'm telling you. You all as my readers are what push me into continuing this because you don't know how many times I felt like quitting. Thank you again and love you all! Until the next book please enjoy The Prince's Witch.


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