Lost in the Love Letter

By ma2815

1K 46 19

Mandy was always one to falsely romanticize her life. She found her first love at a young age in her Martial... More

before we begin - author's note
ch. 1 - intro
ch. 2 - the big news
ch. 3 - the first goodbye
ch. 5 - new beginnings
ch. 6 - the boy
ch. 7 - questions
ch. 8 - encounters
ch. 9 - offense vs defense
ch. 10 - feeling the heat
ch. 11 - live a little
ch. 12 - a glimpse of the past
ch. 13 - partners
ch. 14 - twists and turns
ch. 15 - a formal reunion
ch. 16 - feuds and photos
ch. 17 - a class act
ch. 18 - helping hands
ch. 19 - the candle burns again
ch. 20 - a happy ending

ch. 4 - making the move

57 4 0
By ma2815

*a month later*

The moving day had arrived. Most of the things had already been sent to the new house. The days leading up to now kept feeling shorter and shorter to Mandy. She had said goodbye to everything: Her friends, extended family, and school. And in that pile, she also gave a sorrowful farewell to her ASB President position. She spent about a week composing a letter to her school administration explaining how sad she was about leaving and how she felt as if she were letting her classmates down. They responded kindly, wishing her the best of luck at her new school and to the adventure that awaits her. Mandy's school was sad to see her go, especially because she was one of the most involved and prestigious students on campus.

Mandy's Dad: "Knock, knock? *he entered Mandy's room* You ready to head out kiddo?"

Mandy: "Not really, but just give me a minute."

Mandy's Dad: "Okay" *he slowly headed out and closed the door again*

Mandy took a minute to reflect on the memories she had in her room. Although it was empty, she still pictured everything perfect in place. Her room always gave her comfort in times of pain. It was always her safe spot. Mandy never thought she would have to abandon it. She had lived there all her life, and wasn't ready to leave her neighborhood.

She wanted to stay strong for her (very ecstatic) parents, and wiped her tears away. She forced herself to open the door and head out, then turned back to take it all in for the last time. And just like that, they were gone.


*in the car*

It was a 12 hour drive to the new house. Wifi was spotty all the way through, but still had a few strong connections in some areas. Mandy had been used to these long car rides, and had mastered occupying herself. But this time, she couldn't help but stay glued to her phone. They were about 1/3 of the drive in, and they reached a fairly strong cellular signal. Mandy opened Instagram, and the first thing she saw was a photo of Emily, Selah, Ashlyn, and Mia all together at Disneyland. She liked the post and commented 2 pink hearts, then scrolled. She came across Noah's recent post; he posted a picture with him and his friend, Bruce. Mandy decided to get off of social media, because she knew she would miss everyone more and more.

*3 hours later*

At this point, Mandy had already finished 3 movies and finished her snacks from the gas station store. The wifi signal was strong again, so she checked her phone. There was a notification on instagram from a perplexing username. Mandy immediately recognized who it was. It was from Hunter. She thought he stopped using instagram, but she must have been mistaken.

Her heart started racing and urgently unlocked her phone. He replied to her story about moving.

User051102 replied to your story:

"you're moving?"

Mandy's thoughts: Oh my god. What do I do???? That was a stupid thing to say... like duh I literally said goodbye in my story. UGH WHY THIS NOW? I mean, especially because I'm moving I'm never gonna see him again. I should just be blunt, like he was with me. I'll just give a plain "yes"... NO he might ask something else. This kid just all of a sudden comes back from the dead. What if he wants to be with me? No that's stupid, of course not. I hope he doesn't bring up the letter... oh I got it!! I'll just not reply. Avoid all conflict and conquer. HE doesn't deserve my response anyways...

So she exited out of Instagram and left her phone alone for the remainder of the trip.


*at the new house*

Mandy's Mom: "We're home! I'm so glad we are finally here to stay!"

Mandy (muttered as she walked away): "It's not home."

Mandy's parents didn't hear remark. They were too infatuated with the new house.

Mandy's Dad: "Okay, we've already unpacked a lot, but let's rest for a bit and then continue to unload."

Mandy silently left her parents, and went to analyze the house. The house had 2 stories, like the old one, but it was much bigger. She missed her real home. Her parents kept calling their new place "home", but Mandy couldn't stand it.

She headed to her new room, and saw the piles of boxes around her. She didn't want to unpack; she didn't want to have a new beginning. She missed her old life, and was dreading senior year. School started in one week. Mandy was already registered and prepared, but was not excited.

She checked her phone, and opened a text from Noah.

Noah: Did you make it over there successfully?

Mandy: "Successfully, but sadly"

Noah: "I'm sorry. I miss you already."

Mandy: "Same here."

Noah: "I'm just a phone call away if you need me."

Mandy knew that she had to cut off Noah from her. It was unfair to him to keep leading him on, and carrying hope. She learned this from personal experience (hint hint). As much as she wanted to be with him, she knew it was best to let him go, so that he could find someone new and be happy.

She decided to call him, and explain that to him on the phone. He didn't take it the best way, and they both just sat in silence with each other on the phone for a bit. But, he gradually came to understand why she was rupturing their friendship, and appreciated her goodbye.

Mandy never heard from him again.

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