The Billionaire Mafia Boss Al...

By YYeung128

4K 115 89

A parody... except it slowly gets less satirical as I get way too attached to the characters and turn the sto... More

Not-So-Accurate ChatGPT Blurb
A/N and Cast
The Bad Beginning
Slowburn but Make It Quick Pt. 1
Slowburn but Make It Quick Pt. 2
Author Finally Remembers to Add Plot
A Chapter of Mostly Fluff (As a Treat)
Revelation after Revelation
Ryder Isn't In This Chapter
The Sex Chapter
Unresolved Everything Else
Filler Content
Relationship Problems
Relationship Problems and Incest Pt. 2
The Most "Werewolf" Chapter In The Story
What a Rainy Ending Given to a Perfect Day
Half and Half
Rescue Mission! What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
Hating Homoerotic Literature Is Not a Personality Trait
Oops, I Accidentally Committed Mass Murder
Capitalists Deserve To Suffer
Loose Ends? Tied.
Epilogue- The Five Year Recap
The Spinoff I Will Never Write

It's Really Not That Deep

208 7 2
By YYeung128

I woke up to the smell of eggs and bacon. My stomach rumbled in anticipation. I tried to get up and immediately winced when a sting of pain went through my head.

I rubbed my eyes. This isn't my room. Where am I? The room was large with gray walls. It was very simplistic and neat, with only a chair, a table, and a bed. The room was easily larger than my house. I got off the king sized bed and followed the smell of breakfast.

I ended up in a large kitchen. As soon as I entered, I gasped at the sight. There was Ryder cooking breakfast, shirtless. Holy moly. He was wearing an apron, which made him look even more handsome. He slowly moved to the music, cooking and singing. I watched as his back muscles clenched, unclenched, clenched, unclenched, and turned into a muscular chest. I looked up, and found Ryder smirking at me.

"Take a picture, it lasts longer." Ryder smirked. I blushed.

Suddenly, my head felt a bolt of pain. "Oww. My head hurts so much."

"You have a hangover from drinking too much." He said.

"Oh." Just like that, my hangover is gone.

"I didn't know you can cook." I said, changing the subject.

"That's because you don't know me, babygirl. I'm not just a pretty face, you know."

I guess I was wrong. Ryder wasn't the obnoxious playboy I thought he was after all.

"The food will be ready in a few minutes. Sit and wait." he says, returning to his cooking. I sit down, watching him cook. I could get used to this.

A few minutes later, Ryder placed a plate of pancakes in front of me. I quickly dug in, not caring about how I look.

"This is so good." I moaned. His orbs flickered when I did that.

I stuffed my entire breakfast into my mouth as quickly as I can.

"You know, most girls would eat slowly and prettily." He said.

"Do I look like most girls?" I said with my mouth full.

Ryder chuckled. "No, of course not. Here, you have something on the side of your mouth." He said.

I try to wipe it off my face.

"No, you're not doing it right. Here, let me." He puts his thumb on my cheek and slowly wiped it off my face. My heart began beating quickly, and my cheeks turned hot.

I looked at his lips. I want to kiss him so much right now. Ryder's orbs flickered, showing sadness, anger, envy, fear, surprise, anticipation, joy, amusement, pride, and something unknown. I might have imagined this, but I saw love in there too.

He moved away from me, and his orbs looked everywhere except me. "Did you remember anything about last night?"

"No, did something happen?" I only remembered dancing and playing beer pong. I also remembered Ryder Daniels kissing Brittany.

My heart felt a pang of pain. He doesn't like you, you idiot. He likes Brittany. Why would he like a loser like me?

"Nothing happened, babygirl." He said, scratching the back of his neck. He suddenly smirked. "So, you're in love with me, huh?"

"What? N-no! Why would I like someone like you?" I said nervously, fiddling with my fingers.

He leaned closer to me and our lips almost touched. My breathing stuttered. I wanted to kiss him so badly. I leaned forward.

"Do you want to go on a date with me, babygirl?" He whispered huskily.

I nodded. I desperately wanted to close the distance between us. I leaned closer and closer.

At the last second, he leaned back. "Not in love with me, huh?" he smirked. I blushed. No, I reminded myself. I can't have him. He's in love with Brittany.

"Come on." he said. "I have something I want to show you."


He led me to his motorcycle. "Get on, babygirl." he said.

I don't complain before I get on. I had gotten used to riding the motorcycle.

As he drove, I rested my head on his back. My arms wrapped around him, holding on to him as tightly as possible. I can feel his muscles tense as I did that.

Finally, we arrived. We were in a grassy forest filled with trees. There were animals anywhere, no sign of humanity in sight. I could hear birds singing a lovely melody. It was... beautiful.

"Whenever I have troubles, I usually go here to calm down." He said sincerely. Then, something miraculous happened. He smiled. A real, genuine smile. Not a smirk, not a wicked grin, but a smile. It was beautiful. He had one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it, that you may come across four or five times in life. It faced, or seemed to face, the whole external world for an instant and then concentrated on you with an irresistible prejudice in your favor. It understood you just as far as you wanted to be understood, believed in you as you would like to believe in yourself, and assured you that it had precisely the impression of you that, at your best, you hoped to convey.

"Here, follow me." He said suddenly, breaking my trance.

He grabbed my hand and led me through rows of trees into a forest clearing. It was a private and calm space. On the right, there was a tall cliff that dove into a lake. In the clearing, I could believe that Ryder and I were the only two people in the world.

"Wow." I admired, trying not to notice that his hand was still in my hand. "The view is beautiful."

"Yeah, it is." he said. When I looked at him, I found him looking at me. I blushed.

"I found this place a few years ago." He said. "You're the first girl I ever brought here."

I put my face in my hands, trying to hide my blush from him.

"Come on. Let's try jumping off the cliff, babygirl." he said.

"No way. That is dangerous." I said, looking at the cliff. The water is probably a hundred feet below us.

"Come on, I've done it a million times." he said, a wolfish gleam in his eye.

"What if I die?" I asked.

"Don't worry, we'll do it together." He put my other hand in his and squeezed it. He gave me a reassuring look.

"Fine. On the count of three." I said. "One, two, AHHHH!"

I screamed as Ryder and I jumped off the cliff. I landed in the water below. That was surprisingly fun.

I punch Ryder on the shoulder. "How could you make me do that?"

He splashed some water at me. I retaliate, splashing more water at him. Eventually, we were splashing water at each other. My clothes were completely soaked.

"Stop it!" I said, laughing.

"Never." He said, looking at me with an intensity I have never seen before.

Suddenly, we both stopped and looked at each other. I looked at him. He looked at me. We moved closer and closer and closer. We continued moving until our lips are millimeters apart. Our bodies pressed against one another. I looked at his face, then shifted my eyes to his lips. I want to kiss him so badly.

Suddenly, he pressed his lips against mine. It was passionate and demanding. I melted into the kiss, pulling myself even closer to him. It was everything I was dreaming of. My hands go up to his hair, tucking his brown strands as hard as I can. He licked my lips for entrance, but I playfully denied it. His hands slid down to my butt, squeezing it as hard as he can.

I gasped, and he used that opportunity to stick his warm, sloppy tongue in my mouth. Our tongues battled for dominance. He tasted like wood, pine mint, and something uniquely Ryder.

Unfortunately, humans need to breathe. So after a while, we reluctantly broke away, gasping for breath.

"That was-" he said huskily.

"Amazing." I said.

"It is way better than the kiss last night."

"Last night?" I gasped. "You said nothing happened last night!"

"Wait, babygirl. Let me explain-"

"No. How could you lie to me? I thought we had something! I trusted you!"

"Wait." He said, grabbing my hand. I pulled my hand out of his grip, and ran away from him.

As I ran, my eyes were filled with tears. How could he do this to me? I was wrong. He was nothing but a cold, insensitive jerk.

I ran to my house as quickly as I can. As soon as I arrived, I quickly went inside.

"Brynn." My mother said, being more drunk than usual. "I have something to tell you."

I slowly walked towards her. "What?" I asked.

"I sold you to a billionaire for money." She slurred.

"Why? What have I ever done to you?" I asked angrily.

"Shut up, you ungrateful child." She pointed behind me. "Look, there he is now."

I looked to the direction she is pointing. I gasped. "Ryder Daniels?"

A/N: Le gasp! Did you guys expect that plot twist? I sure didn't! Don't forget to vote, comment, share, like, subscribe, and turn on the notifications!

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