One Piece Reaction to memorie...

By Azill_Kun231

301K 3.9K 960

that man, he did this for his own good?! you've got to be kidding us! Monkey D. Luffy, that boy is somehow a... More

[Start] Where are we?!
[Reaction] Monster trio
[Reaction] Who is he? (My AU)
[Break] memes
[Reaction] Trio Worst Generation
[Side Story+Reaction] Brothers
[Reaction] the Father's sin
[Reaction] Family
⚠️[Reaction] Gear (s)⚠️
[-] Resting
[Special] Luffy's birthday
[Bonus || Zoro] Eye
[Special 22k] 1015 Spoilers!⚠️
[Promotion] Story: Where not supposed to be are
[Bonus || Shanks] Red Hair's point of view
[Special 45k] Trailer(s) Film RED
[Break] Pics
[A/N] :'D
[Reaction] Dark!Luffy
[Reaction] Modern (Celeb) AU

[Memories] Anchor (1)

14.1K 190 47
By Azill_Kun231

I have no much memories about the episodes of Luffy childhood, so there's going to be some changes.

cr: 21doou on twitter

and damn, guys. the newest episode, 1015, it's so cool, and sad. I nearly cry in the scene of Yamato and Ace, especially when Yamato cried at Ace's death. but damn. Red Roc is cool asf. and I like how Luffy told Law to bring everyone down and Law quickly do so. 


"what a great day to begin with! my eyes is amazed by the beauty of this morning, not like I have eyes! Yohohohoho!" 

"how do you even know this is morning?.." Usopp sweatdrop at Brook's skull jokes.

"ah, I don't know. I just feel like it is, Usopp-san." answer Brook, confused a bit too.

"it's morning actually, so you're not wrong. around 10 o'clock I think." Nekotri inform them while she listening about Chopper explanation.

"oh." the strawhat crew just made a sound of acknowledge.

"oi, Luffy. are you still going to be asleep?" Zoro nudge Luffy's face with the handle of his sword.

"let him be, Zoro. future Luffy seem very exhausted from a fight he said." say Chopper. Zoro just sigh and sit back beside the snoring Luffy, who's not their timeline but in the future.

Nekotri, the seven years old cat-girl is sitting close with the Strawhat. the crew pick her interest especially Chopper and Franky. 

Sanji puff a smoke while staring at his captain, "he don't seem to be change at all.. shitty-captain."

Robin chuckled hearing Sanji's statement. "I agree with you, cook-san."

"yes, of course! Robin-chwaan~!!" Sanji grew a heart on his eyes while he swoon around the archeologist woman.

"Luffy crew sure is interesting.. I mean, he have a reindeer, cyborg, and skeleton on his crew. that's beyond normal, for me." said Ace to Sabo beside him. Sabo laugh shortly while smile at the sight of their little brother's crew.

"yeah, he sure is something else. But, Ace. somehow, I can tell they're all loyal and prepared for anything if it's for Lu." said Sabo while he bow his head on respect for the crew.

Ace don't answer him. but he have a smile on his face that have a hint of proud on it. how not, their little brother who in the past always following them and crying over something small, crybaby. now, to see how this little brother of them can reach this far, they're proud. and of course, not just them.

Dragon, who silence since the start, he stare at the sleeping figure of his son and glance at the crew around him. though it got not noticed by anyone, Dragon have a smile on his face. smile of proud and relief for his son and only. he proud for seeing his son going alright, and relief that Luffy can be who he is now, without any parents figure and hatred towards them.

not just the father, the grandfather, Garp, he have a big bright proud smile on his face. he's proud. even though the boy who he always tell to become a great marine do not become one, but now he knew, Luffy is only fit with the world of piracy. he wants to be free, not obeying orders and work under someone. he always want to be captain and the pirate king after all.

Shanks, even though he and Luffy don't have any blood relate, but he already seen Luffy as his son. but of course, he will be not admit it in front of everyone, especially with the family of Monkey around. since he first meet Luffy and got to know him more, Luffy remind him of his Captain, the man who already died but still held the title of pirate king until a new one emerge.

not just Shanks, but Whitebeard, Rayleigh, and even Buggy sees Roger on that boy. guess, Roger will got descend to Luffy. the will of D. is still unknown, isn't it?

"I'm back." Azill suddenly appear in front of the Strawhat, making them jump in shock. "ah- pardon."

"where are you from-yoi?" Marco asked.

"just picking a projector for this big orb." Azill show the red big orb that he held in his left hand.

"woah, that's big.. what's in it I wonder..?" Thatch mumble seeing the big orb on the man's hand.

"projector? can't it be the same as the other?" Yassop ask. he literally too distracted by staring at his son without really approached him that he not really paying attention to the man.. tch tch, this pirate crew (red-hair) is really the gathering of bad and irresponsible fathers.

"nah, can't do. this orb contain a very big one events. it's his memories of his childhood." Azill pointed Luffy who still loudly snoring and even mumbled something about tonight's meal.

"Luffy's childhood?" unsure the strawhat and the people who adore/admire Luffy.

"Lu's.. memo.." wait- does that mean.. something clicked on Ace's mind. shit- memories of Luffy then that mean he will be shown up! Ace cheek reddened remember how he is in the past. Sabo, who see Ace red cheeks, wondered what's wrong with him. well, before Sabo remember about it too, but he more looks brightened with it. they will see the small Lu again, so of course.

"Anchor's memories? then that mean we will be shown?" Shanks asked his crew with a low voice, not wanting to be heard by others.

"I don't know, Boss." replied Benn.

"stop getting confused, you humans."

"now, are you trying to act like some kind of God or what.." mumbled someone, seeing how he address them 'humans'.

"hah? I call y'all as I like. and no, I'm not some kind of God, thank you." Azill keep a blank and straight face while saying that, and woah, there's a hint of sarcasm on his voice.

"yeah, sure.." the people sweatdrop at the man's word but let it go.

"just start it, Azill-yoi!" irritated Marco, enough with this pointless chit-chat.

Azill clicked his tongue but do so. he made the orb disappear and to enter the screen. actually no. it appear on the project that is in the table underneath the screen. the orb got hold by the project that have a cable that connect to the screen. the orb glow as the screen turn on to show a bright sunny day in the village with much windmills.

"this is?" Garp mutter, familiar with the place.

"Hey Luffy!" the screen focused on the shore where there's a ship with a figure of dragon docking. "what are you trying to do?!" 

the voice yelled towards a small boy that stood on the figure. Luffy have a knife in his left hand as he yelled back at Shanks.

"Strawhat know Red-hair?" a gasp of surprise filled the theater.

"ah, that straw hat.." the strawhat crew mutters, seeing the hat in Shanks's head.

"I'm really serious! I'm so pissed! I'm gonna prove it to you!" small Luffy yell with a much annoyed tone. 

"yeah, do it! I don't know what you gonna do, though." Shanks cheered Luffy as he lift the knife to his cheek, right below the eye, and stab it right into it.



"t-that's how Luffy got his scar?!"

"I thought that he received it from a fight.." Zoro mumbled disappointment.


"IS HE THAT MUCH IDIOT?!" the two brothers can't help but panicked seeing how Luffy hurt himself just to prove his determination to Shanks.

"Ah.. this day... wait-" Shanks panicked and glance towards the Marine Hero who already giving him a dead glare. "shiiitt... " Shanks can't help but curse seeing how Garp have his eyes telling 'you're dead, red-hair, for making my grandson becoming a pirate'.

the people on deck gasp in surprises as Luffy winched in pain.

"you Idiot! what are you doing?!" Shanks yelled as he run to Luffy.

the screen change place, to a bar with the sight above the door 'Party's Bar'. just from the outside, you can hear the laughs and cheers from people in the inside.

"cheers, guys!" the people of Shank's crew cheers together as laughs followed them.

"For Luffy's guts and our great journey!" all the crewmates drink sake from the glass, and Lucky Roux drinking from the barrel itself.

Luffy and Shanks sit on the stools right in front of the table and the woman bartender. 

"Oh, Makino!" Shanks beamed seeing the woman who took care of Luffy.

"ah, it didn't hurt at all!" said Luffy with a tears in the corner of his eyes and a plaster tapped below his left eye.

"Luffy is a bad liar since child, I presume." Robin chuckled seeing how Luffy said those words with a face that betrayed him.

"SUPER bad liar." Franky laugh along side Usopp and Chopper.

"That's a lie! don't do such a stupid thing. you got me scared, you know." Shanks shout at Luffy, clearly disagree on his lie.

"It's not a lie!" Luffy turn to Shanks that sitting beside him while eating his fried rice. "I'm not scared of getting hurt."

Luffy turn his whole body to Shanks and lift his hands in the air, "take me on your next voyage, Shanks! I wanna be a pirate too!" he said with much hope to Shanks.

Shanks smile, a teasing one. "As if you could be a pirate! you can't even swim, and you just going to be fall to the sea like an anchor! it's a fatal flaw for a pirate to be an anchor." he laugh while teasing the boy.

"then what's the case for the devil fruit user's one?" someone ask to the youngest Yonkou who just smile sheepishly.

"I won't fall if I keep stay on the ship. and I'm good at fight! I'm well trained, my punch is like a pistols!" he said with his hand in front of him giving a best posture of 'punch pistol'.

"yeah, of course." Zoro rolled his eyes while giving a sarcasm hint in his voice. he's always the one who fish him up if he fell to the sea, after all. and Luffy punch ended like pistols as he said.

"pistols? oh, really?" Shanks asked with a bored tone with his cheek resting on his palm.

"what's with that tone?!" Luffy angrily shout.

"Luffy!" the crew call the boy while holding together with their arms around their necks.

"You're in such a bad mood!"

"Have fun at whatever you're doing!" Yassop grin at the boy.

"ah.." Usopp sees his father with a wide eyes, before realizing that he's in the theater too after recalling that Yassop did ask Azill a question. he nervously sweating, not knowing how he will greet his father, if he can.

"Yes, being Pirate is fun!"

"the sea is broad and vast!"

"we're travelling various islands!"

"above all, we're free!"

the pirates grin, hearing this. all of that's true. even though much pirates set sail to the sea for searching the great treasure One Piece and not knowing the truly mean of piracy.

the marines clicked their tongue at this. seeing how the pirates carefree saying that like they didn't do anything outlaws. but of course, there's some that keep quite and not have a hint of annoyed at the pirates. they even awed a bit hearing the pirates' saying.

Luffy awed at their words while Shanks turn to them.

"you guys, don't teach him such silly stuff." he said, sounding a bit disagree at how his crew tried to convince Luffy.

"but it's true, right?!" Roux and Yassop said together with their hands still around each others necks.

"Boss, why not take him on just one voyage?" said one of Shanks's crew, trying to convince him to take Luffy with them.

"I think so too." said one, agree with the other.

"then, somebody, trade place with him." said Shanks with his back backing them.

the crew flinch, and turn around, leaving Luffy while they turn to what they did earlier. "okay, we're done talking! let's drink!"

"didn't you side with me?!" Luffy shout at them.

"in short, you're too much of a kid. I'll consider it when you're ten years older!" said Shanks while pointing spoon at him.

"Stupid Shanks! I'm not a kid!" cried Luffy.

"you keep decline that you're a kid when you're kid." said Ace, grinning to older Luffy who already awake few minutes ago and join them to watching his own memories.

Luffy just chuckled and turn his gaze towards Ace. "I'm not a kid anymore, Ace." he said with a wide grin but he's serious. Ace eyes widened as he heard those words. surely, Luffy will decline him saying he's not a kid, but this, Luffy didn't decline him. rather, saying that he's growing up.

"Lu.. he's growing up." Sabo wipe a tears from the corner of his eyes with a handkerchief.

"Now now, don't get so mad. Have some juice." Shanks placed a glass of orange juice in front of Luffy who quickly beamed an take a seat beside him.

"wah, Arigato!" he quickly took a gulp of the juice while Shanks suddenly laughing with tears on his eyes.

"see, you're a kid! ha! no Pirate drink juice!" Shanks Laughed at him.

"that's wasn't fair, Shanks!" cried Luffy after seeing how he got on Shanks teasing trap.

Luffy got up and walk away from Shanks while still holding the glass of juice. "I'm tired now!" 

"Luffy, you gotta understand how Boss feels." said Benn, the first-mate while lighten his smoke.


"there's no denying that he's the head of pirate crew. he knows how tough and dangerous being a pirate is more than anybody. Don't you see? it's not like he wants to break your spirit." explain Benn.

"No, I don't! Shanks is just making fun of me!" shout Luffy still offended by Shanks.

"Anchor!" Shanks yelled mocking Luffy who quickly turn around and pointing his finger at Shanks.

"See?!" yelled Luffy offendedly.

"I guess you're having fun as usual." Makino chuckled while cleaning the glass with cloth.

"teasing him is fun, so yeah." Shanks rested his elbow on the table as he tell Makino.

Makino turn to Luffy and ask him, "Luffy, do you want to eat something too?"

"uwaahh! what a sweet lady!" Sanji swooned at the sight of Makino.

"shut up, ero-cook!" Zoro yelled, annoyed at Sanji who disturb his sense of focusing on the screen.

"what did you say, you shitty Marimo?!" Sanji forehead meet with Zoro's as he glare at the moss head guy.

"who're you calling Marimo, you curly brows?!" Zoro already held the handle of his sword, ready to unsheathed before something interrupted them.

"Shut up, you guys!" Nami punch their head leaving a bumps on it.

"yes! put it on my treasure tab." Luffy happily run to the stool and seat on it.

"treasure tab? that's fraud, you know." Shanks said with a raised eyebrow.

"no! I'll pay for it once I become a pirate and find the treasure!"

"still, you keep her wait, Luffy." Ace nudge Luffy side earning a small whimper from the boy.

"but Makino said it's okay! and I'll be back to the village once I gained the title of Pirate King and pay her with my treasure!" say Luffy.

Kid smirked hearing that. "not before I got it first, Strawhat."

Luffy turn to Kid and he widen his eyes. "Jaggy! you look different." he stated.

"of course he is..." Azill sigh.

Makino laughed shortly, "I'm looking forward to it." 

Luffy stab the meat in front of him with fork and bought it to his mouth. "Shanks," Luffy called Shanks who eating his food beside him.

"What is it?"

"how much longer will you stay in this village?" ask Luffy who tried to bite the meat out.

"well.. after two or three more voyages, we'll leave the village and head north." said Shanks.

"two or three more voyages?.." Luffy mumbled while chewing the meat in his mouth.

Makino, who hear the sad tone of Luffy's lift her head to see the boy face who held a sadness. yeah, of course he would be sad if the man and the crew that always company him left. Makino smile softly, seeing Luffy face that held a sadness.

Luffy turn to Shanks and smile, "I'll learn to swim before then." he say.

"Luffy can't swim even before eating devil fruit?" Nami cocked an eyebrow, is he really can't or just an idiot that can't swim.

"hahaha! he is. I tried to teach him how to swim, but nonetheless that, he still can't before eating the devil fruit." Shanks sheepishly laugh. 

"good, knock yourself out." replied Shanks.

just after Shanks said that, the door get knocked out by a leg of man and one of the door get separated. all the people in the bar gaped and surprised by the sudden outburst. a man walked in followed by a bunch of men.

"excuse me. so these are pirates? they do look stupid." the man in front said with much authority tone. 

"saying the pirates stupid and, more at that, the yonkou..?" Penguin gaped. how can this mere, guess bandit, say something that offended towards a pirate that stronger than any of this bandit group.

"Shanks is not a Yonkou at that time. but if I remember, he already have a big bounty for his head." said Luffy while he glare at the leader of the mountain bandits.

the bandits walk in as the pirates still look surprised at the sudden outburst by them. they have their eyes slightly widened while the village boy, Luffy, seen a chest before and found a strange fruit on it. so, he eat it.

the strawhat facepalm. somehow knew that's a devil fruit and Luffy just carelessly eat it.

the Red-hair pirates sweating nervously remembered the time when Luffy ate the devil fruit.

and the other just sweatdrop.

"that's.. how Luffy got the mighty devil fruit of his?" Ace ask to himself, still remembering the reaction of Luffy's gears that time.

"haha.. Lu.." Sabo laugh nervously and sweatdrop seeing his and Ace's little brother eating the devil fruit like a dessert.

got a nice part 1 of Luffy's memories. continue next week, I think, or in a few days.

and here, have some breaks for ya.

I don't know what the chats mean but it's funny to see Garp waking up from his 'dream'.

I don't ship them, or anything about Shanks like that, but it's cute. specially when Luffy call Kid loser.

I really like these three too much ╰(*°▽°*)╯look at how Luffy's hand atop of Law.

I tried to draw Luffy, and it's good, expect the hair. I'm a bit confused about the hair so it turned like that. and if you ask why Luffy face looks like that is because it's for my fanfic story. a reaction too, but the reaction is from an AU of one piece. (he wear mask, okay)

it'll be published soon. 

'Non Existent Luffy AU react' how's that sound?

anyway, thanks, and bye.

credit to the owners, expect for the last because it's made by me.

ciao! o(〃^▽^〃)o

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