Mrs. Abbott and the Doctor

By Rowe_Boat_127

2.4K 56 54

*SEQUEL to Favorite Poison* Church bells will soon be ringing for Pelican Town's newly engaged couple, Dr. Ha... More

My Girl
Laces & Pearls
Love is in the Air
Leaving Me Dazed
A Song for You
Three Years Too Late
Just a Check Up
Rain Drops and Book Marks

Cluttered Memory

223 5 10
By Rowe_Boat_127

It's a slow day at the clinic and Harvey is texting his fiancée about the progress he's made in packing up his things. He estimates he'll be done with bringing everything over in one more trip with help from her dad. He perks his head up hearing the door open only to see Maru coming in for her shift.

"Morning, Maru." He greeted smiling at her

G'morning Harvey." She smiled back, "How's the wedding planning coming along?"

"It's going," He nods exasperated, "Everything's coming together though."

"That's good," Maru nods as she went around straightened up the waiting room, "Have you decided who's gonna be your best man?"

"Funny that you ask that," Harvey lightly chuckled, "Because I was going to ask you if you can be my best man, best woman really."

"Are you joking?" She pressed as a smile grew on her face.

"You know I'm terrible at telling jokes." He starts, "You don't have to wear a suit if you don't want to."

"Oh, I'm wearing one." Maru declared excitedly, "If I'm being your best man, I'm going the whole nine yards! Suit included."

Harvey grinned widely ecstatic that his best friend is in his wedding party, "You are truly the best, Maru."

"I know," She blushes bashfully, "You don't have to tell me."

The front door opens and they see a dark haired man in suit walk in with his head leaned back to contain a serve bloody nose.

"Oh my!" Harvey sprints around the counter grappling a wad of tissues. He helps him to compress his nose properly and leans his head forward, "Sir, what happen?" He leads him to the back into an examine room.

"I got a door slammed in my face." He nasally states sitting in the table.

"Was it on accident?" The doctor asks as he quickly put on gloves to see if it's broken. He took a good look at him knowing he seen him before but didn't know where.

"Not really." The man explains not giving him a direct answer.

"Huh." Harvey expressed furrowing his brows more puzzled, "Before you continue, your nasal bone is definitely broken. I can give you local anesthesia to put it back into place."

"Please, whatever you need to do."

Harvey measures out the medicine need to numb his nose. He explains the perimeter where he wouldn't be able to feel any sensation as he manipulates the facial bone back. The man agrees to the procedure and Harvey injects the anesthesia.

"It takes a few minutes to kick in," The doctor explains disposing the syringe, "So what brings you to Pelican Town?"

"I'm here to help the mayor settle a legal dispute with JojaMart." He explains.

"Oh yeah, I did hear something about a lawyer coming into town." Harvey nods as he searches his brain on why this man is ringing alarm bells, "And what's your name?"

"Nathan Todd."

Still couldn't place a finger on why that name is familiar! He definitely didn't know a Nathan personally.

"This is some welcome then." He jokes and gently taps Nathan's nose, "Can you feel anything?"

"No." Nathan answers feeling his upper lip is numb

"Alright, you may hear a pop." Harvey warns seeing him brace himself before the doctor pushes the bone back into place. "There." He bandages the bridge of his nose so it'll stay in place.

The doctor cleans his hands and grabs a spare clipboard and scrap paper so he can write his encounter note,"Enlighten me, Nathan. You're here to help Lewis, and somehow got your nose broken. What led up to it?"

"I knew previously that someone I knew moved here a while back and I wanted to meet up with her." Nathan starts, "After I met up with Lewis, I stopped by her place and with no words exchanged. Bam! She slammed the door in my face."

Harvey remained silent as he wrote his explanation. He couldn't help but theorize that he knew a lady here and there was still some bad blood between and got met with a rush of wood to the face. Unfortunately, he couldn't ask Adella about him since it would be a violation to patient confidentiality.

"Alright Nathan," He finishes writing his note and glances up at him, "I'm going to give you some painkillers and have you come back for a follow up in a few weeks. If that's no trouble."

"That should be fine," Nathan nods, "I'm probably gonna be in the area for awhile."

"Okay then, I'll go get you your medicine and if you'll head out front, Maru will set up a follow up for you."

"Thank you." He praised watching him left the room.

Few minutes pass as Harvey searched the medicine cabinet for the painkillers. He can hear a muffled conservation between his patient and Maru. Shortly after, he returns to the front to hand the lawyer his pills.

"These should last you till the next appointment." The doctor advises handing the bottle over.

Thank you, doctor...?" He pauses not catching his name.

"Harvey," The doctor starts, "Everyone calls me Dr. Harvey, my apologies for not properly introducing myself." He held his hand out.

"No worries, you were just doing your job." Nathan mentioned shaking his hand, "Thanks again, doc." He heads out the front door.

Harvey stares at the door trying to clear the fog in his mind. He taps his fingers on the counter as an aid but nothing seem to work. Maru noticed his trace before breaking him out of it.

"What are you thinking about this time?" She her to face him.

"I feel like I know him..." He pondered, "At least know of him."

"Déjà vu?"

"Maybe," Harvey shrugs and turns to go into his office, "It'll come to me when I least expect it."

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