Love Again ✔

By fanoshkaflippo

157K 7.1K 1K

Official Wattpad Creator, and super proud of it! Maddox has been in love with Rose for a few months now. Just... More

1. Blinded By Love
2. One Year Later
3. Being Safe
4. Tell Me What To Do
5. One Secret
6. Friends
7. Disappointment
8. An Angel
9. Unexplainable
10. Not Good Enough
11. Scared
12. Effort
13. You Always Come First
14. Rose
15. Overcoming Fears
16. Two Secrets
17. Safe With You
18. Tell Me Why
19. Only You
20. All That Matters
21. All Along
22. Too Good
24. Panic
25. Guilt
26. My Miracle
27. New Memories
28. Last Forever
29. One Day
30. This Is Forever
31. Excited
32. Love Again
Colton's Miracle

23. Overestimated

4.1K 203 22
By fanoshkaflippo


I nervously fiddle with the hem of my white dress as Maddox drives. Im not paying much attention to the conversation he's having with Tyler because I'm about to meet his family and I'm scared. Even though I've spent an hour on the phone with Mama doing her best to calm me down and promising me that they'd be blind not to see how amazing I am, I still feel like throwing up.

Eddie wasn't as polite as Mama though. He promised if any of them are mean to me he'd drive here and take me away instantly, and not before giving everyone a piece of his mind. Then they both made me promise to bring Maddox to meet them soon, which I quickly ended the call after.

Maddox's hand grabs mine, startling me, and I jump in my seat before releasing a breath. His fingers hold mine, his thumb soothingly caressing my knuckles. "You have nothing to be nervous about, baby."

"They'll love you, Ella." Tyler says from the backseat, shoving his face between Maddox and me. "Especially when they see how fucking whipped Theo are for you."

Maddox chuckles and nods his head in agreement.

"I'm just worried b-because I feel like too many things could go wrong." I admit the truth quitely.

Because what if someone accidentally touches me and I make a fool of myself? Or what if the stutter makes the conversation really awkward and they decide to stay silent instead? Or what if someone wonders why I'm the way I am and I have to give them an answer?

"I'll be right by your side the whole weekend, Angel. And if you feel like you can't be there anymore, just say the word and we'll leave, no questions asked." Maddox promises, but I don't take him seriously, because I would never do that.

He has mentioned a couple of times how important this day is to his family. He explained that it's traditional for them to gather on both their parent's birthdays, and no matter where he or his sisters are they always show up. So I could never break his family's rules like that.

And if I'm being honest it makes me a little more nervous to know that I'll be somewhat stuck there. But I have Maddox with me, and from what I gathered from him, his family sounds truly wonderful. I also have Eddie on speed dial, just in case. So I should be fine.

"I'll be there too, you know?" Tyler scoffs. "I feel like I don't get enough love from you guys."

I giggle at his childish behavior, instantly enjoying the familiarity of it. Maddox rolls his eyes. "You're about to be showered with enough love to last you a damn year."

"Aw!" Tyler puts a palm over his chest. "Are you jealous because Mama Magy loves me more?"

"As if." It's Maddox's turn to scoff.

"You know it's true." Ty shrugs, before turning to me. "We'll let Ella be the judge of that once this weekend is over."

"I'll be fair." I nod my head as I promise and Maddox sends me a playful glare before focusing back on the road.

Fifteen minutes later, we park in front of a big two story house that looks really elegant yet quite cozy at the same time. Maddox has told me that his family is rich, that his father owns a big company which Maddox wants to run after he graduates. That's why he chose business to be his major. But when I see the three cars parked next to ours, each one looking more expensive than the last, I get what he meant about being rich.

Maddox turns off the engine and Tyler jumps out of the car. Maddox turns to me with soft eyes. "I can't tell you how grateful I am to you for being here with me, Rose. I'm so fucking proud of you."

My heart calms down a notch as I remember why I'm doing this. "I love you."

"I love you more, Angel." He drops a small kiss to my lips before exiting the car. I take two deep breaths and wipe my sweaty hands as Maddox opens my door for me. He grabs my hand in his and as if on cue, the front door is pulled open.

A beautiful woman, with long midnight black hair to match Maddox's, rushes her way over to us. "You made it, boys!"

"Hey, Ma!" Maddox and Tyler both say in one breath, opening their arms wide for her, but she totally ignores them, and literally shoves them aside so she could have a better look at me.

Her soft blue eyes, that remind me so much of her son's, look at me for a couple of seconds before she grins widely. "Ella. You're even more beautiful than my son has said."

I blush and fiddle with the small box in my hands. "Th-thank you. It's really n-nice to meet you, Mrs. Hun-Hunter. Thank you f-for letting me join you on such a s-special occasion." I take a deep breath, refusing to let my embarrassment show as I stretch my hand for her to grab the box . "And ha-happy birthday. It's n-not much, but I r-really hope you like it. If you don't, p-please let me know, and I'll return it and g-get you something better."

I don't know why her eyes become glossy or why her bottom lip trembles, but she looks like she's about to cry and I panic as I quickly look at Maddox who's scowling at his mother.

"Ma." He gently nudges her. "Take it."

"You're so precious!" She suddenly cries and I flinch, taking a step back instantly.

"Shit." Maddox hurries to my side and grabs my hand in his. "She's just really excited, baby. I'm sorry."

I quickly shake my head, dismissing his apology, and look at her again to see Tyler rubbing a hand up and down her back soothingly while she wipes a couple of tears off her face.

"I'm so sorry." She looks at me again, embarrassed. "Please forgive me. You're just so polite and beautiful and I'm so happy to finally meet you, Ella."

I release a breath at that. "Th-thank you so much. H-here." I try to give her her present again, and this time she takes it.

"Thank you, dear." She smiles widely at me before turning to her son. "I've missed you so much, my boy."

"I've missed you too, Ma." He lets go of my hand to quickly hug her and when she pulls away he holds it again.

"But not as much as I've missed you!" Her voice is much higher as she turns toward Tyler and hugs him.

"I know! I missed you so much more, Ma!" Tyler hugs her tightly, wiggling his brows teasingly at Maddox who chuckles at his bestfriend and shakes his head.

"Everyone is waiting for you inside. Come on in!" She adjusts her elegant green dress, ridding it on any wrinkles before motioning with her hand for us to follow as she and Tyler make their way to the front door.

"Are you okay, my love?" Maddox tugs me to face him and he gently caresses my cheek. "I'm sorry about Ma. She gets emotional pretty easily."

"She's really sweet." I smile at him, happy that she seemed to like me. One family member down, the rest to go. "Can I have a hug please?"

His eyes soften, and for a second guilt flashes through them before it quickly disappears. Wrapping his arms around me, he hugs me tightly. "Thank you so much for doing this, Rose. I fucking love you, my brave angel."

I breathe in his scent deeply, letting the familiar feeling of safety wash over my scenses. "I love you too."

Pulling back, Maddox entwines our fingers together before leading me inside the house. Loud voices, talking and laughing, are instantly heard and I nervously beg my heart to calm the hell down, because Maddox is right here and I'm not in any danger.

Carefully, Maddox leads me to the living room, where everyone is present and they all stop whatever they're doing once they see us. My eyes are instantly drawn to the three small figures on the floor having a tea party and I smile.

"Holy shit, is that Ella?" A beautiful young woman asks with a gasp and the man with a short beard and moustache beside her elbows her in the side, tilting his head towards the children.

Maddox groans next to me, his hand squeezing mine. "Charlotte."

"I'm sorry!" She exclaims loudly, and I notice that her enthusiasm matches her mother's. "I just never imagined my brother would date someone so gorgeous! Cheeseballs, girl! You're way out of his league."

I blush again, looking at my feet breifly, before raising my head back up. "H-hello." I give them a small wave with my free hand.

"Everyone, this is Ella, my girlfriend." Maddox announces proudly as he takes one step closer into the room and I nervously follow him. "Baby, this is Charlotte, my older sister and her husband, Mark. Little Cody right there is their son."

I smile at both of them before moving my eyes to the two year old boy on the floor, then back at them. "It's r-really nice to m-meet you."

Mark gives me a friendly nod and Charlotte waves back. I smile at her. "Y-you're really b-beautiful too."

"Why thank you, fair lady." She bows her head, faking an English accent and her husband shakes his head with a quiet laugh.

"You're such a dork." He chuckles at his wife and she sends him a playful glare.

"Like you can do an accent better than mine." She scoffs.

He raises his eyebrows at her. "Challenge accepted, honey."

"They're a couple of idiots." Maddox suddenly whispers in my ear and I flinch away with a loud gasp, because I didn't expect that. "Shit, baby, I'm sorry."

I quickly shake my head, my face red with embarrassment because I know everyone just saw that. "I-I'ts okay."

I'm getting overwhelmed, and I hate it. I feel like throwing up and crying my eyes out at the same time. I've been doing a lot better with people lately, but that was as long as they were away and silent. At the game, I had a lot of attention on me, but no one tried to talk to me, and I knew if someone had, Maddox would've shooed them away. After the game, whenever Maddox and I go out, I would be fine just watching people from afar. I'm not as scared of them as I used to be, but that was when everyone was minding their own business.

Now, I'm worried I might've overestimated how much better I've become. Because I feel like I'm about to lose it any minute now, and nothing has even happened. Everyone is so nice and well mannered and no one even attempted to touch me, but I can barely keep my breathing steady enough for no one to notice that I'm not okay. And I absolutely hate it.

"Angel?" I blink through my thoughts and frown at the concern on Maddox's face.

"Y-yes?" I clear my throat.

He stares at me for a second too long before turning his head to the couple in front of us. I didn't even notice them walking over. "This is my oldest sister, Sofia, and her husband Peter."

"My sister was right." Sofia says, a lot calmer and more mature than her siblings. "You are truly gorgeous."

I wonder if they're showering me with compliments because of Maddox telling them about my condition beforehand. I wonder if they feel sorry for me and that's the only way they know how to help.

But then I shrug, because it doesn't matter anyway. I do know I'm beautiful, so even if their compliments were for a whole different reason, it still means they're nice enough to try anyway.

"Th-thank you. So are y-you." I smile at her warmly. "You a-also have very beautiful g-girls."

Her husband's eyes visibly soften at the mention of his daughters and he grins at me. "They take after their mother."

Sofia giggles with a faint blush.

"Brownie points for you, man." Maddox chuckles as he hugs Peter quickly.

"Gotta seize the opportunity when you see it." They laugh at his joke, and I take that moment to suck in a deep breath.

"Come meet my father, Angel." Maddox sounds really excited and I'm suddenly ashamed that I feel an urge to tug my hand out of his and run.

I have to remind myself again that I'm doing this for him, because I know it means a lot to him. I'm also doing it for our relationship, because meeting the parents is essential, and it makes the relationship a lot stronger. And I'm doing it for me, because I want to prove to myself than I can.

I follow where Maddox leads me, and a nice looking, middle aged man stands up once we reach him. "My boy."

"Hey, dad." They breifly hug and I start scratching my arm nervously.

"You've found yourself a good woman, son. I can already tell." His father gives me yet another compliment and I give him a small smile in return.

"It's a p-p-pleasure to m-meet you, sir." My stutter is getting worse and by the end of my sentence I wince.

His light blue eyes soften at me, making me even more embarrassed, and he gives me a fatherly smile. "Pleasure is all mine. Thank you for joining us."

"Th-thank you for h-having m-me." I'm seconds away from crying, I can feel it.

Maddox feels it too because he nervously clears his throat, his hand tightening around mine. "I'm gonna show Ella our room. Excuse us."

He pulls me with him out of the living room and towards the stares and I feel my breathing become shorter as we go to the second floor. Once we're out of everyone's vision, he silently wraps his arms around my waist and lifts me up. I shove my face into his neck and try to calm down, breathing his scent as steadily as I'm capable of. He walks to the second door down the hall, opens it then shuts it behind us. He sits on the bed with me still squeezing him tightly and rubs both hands up and down my back. "You're okay. You did so well, my angel."

"I'm not o-okay." I admit the truth quietly, my lips trembling because deep down I knew this was going to happen. I don't want to worry him, and I don't want to ruin his day, because I can see how happy and excited he is to be here, but I've never been anything but honest.

"Want us to leave, Rose? Don't worry about anything and just say the word, baby." He promises and I love him so much because I know he's truly meand that. But I also know how disappointed that will make everyone feel, myself included. I want to believe I can do this, even if I'm almost sure I can't. I just have to try a little harder.

"No." I shake my head. "But can we stay h-here for a little w-while? Please."

"Of course, my love." He scoots back on the bed and lies down with me against his chest.

I look around, quickly taking in my surroundings, and I smile. "Y-you have a c-cute room."

"Breathe, Angel." Maddoxs hand moved through my hair, and I can hear his heartbeat against my ear, only it's a little faster than usual. "It's just you and me now, baby."

I nod my head and focus on breathing, praying that this weekend wouldn't end with a disaster.


You ready or not for this? Cause shit is about to hit the fan!

*very loud evil laugh*

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