The Baby Project

By DeathShallNotPrevail

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Mai's high school has decided to do THE BABY PROJECT!!!!! Only this project gets really real. The babies are... More

02~A Place to Stay
03~Moving In
04~A New Case
06~A Simple Talk
07~New Information and Fluff
08~Two Words
09~A Remembered Story
10~Silent Night
11~Meet the Parents!
12-Calm Before the Storm

05~Decisions and the Works...

1.6K 73 22
By DeathShallNotPrevail

~Mai's POV~

Naru held my gaze as Oliver squirmed in my arms.

"Nah~!" Oliver's cry made me blink and break the stare down I had going. Finally Naru's shoulders slumped and he let out a sigh, quickly stepping closer and taking Oliver from me.

"Good. Now I'm going to make some tea and get Oliver's bottle ready since it's almost time for him to eat. You guys sit and talk about this case." I wave my arm to Naru's couch and then race for the kitchen, grabbing the baby bag on my way. Once there I begin my tea making process, letting the water for Oliver's milk heat up as I do so.

In minutes everything was done and I was heading back out. When I sat down Oliver was staring at the bottle in my hand and squirming. Once again I hold the bottle out to my boss.

"Do you want to feed him Naru?" Naru stiffens and shakes his head. Sighing, I take Oliver into my arms and begin to feed him, settling in next to Narj and looking at Madoka.

"So what's this case about?" The pink haired woman blinks.

"Oh! Well you know the ex prime minister?" We both nod. He had recently bought this huge mansion. It was surprising because it had been empty for years.

"There's been some major paranormal activity going on but that's not why you need to take the case." Madoka trailed off when her gaze landed on me. I sighed and turned to Naru.

"Well it's obvious that I'm not supposed to hear this so how about I go finish feeding Oliver in the kitchen and then bathe him there?" Naru glanced at me before nodding.

"While your at it take a bath. You haven't taken one in two days and your cloths stink." My mouth popped open and my face grew hot. I was about to reply when his gaze mr mine. The words in my mouth froze. His eyes were soft, a gentle bath of greyish-blue.

"You can borrow some of my clothes for now. They should be in my top draw." I blinked before nodding and standing up and heading to the kitchen. Oliver quickly finished his bottle and cooed sleepily at me. I smiled and quickly filled the sink with warm, soapy water. It was then a thought hit me. Is it the water that Oliver's afraid of or the bathtub?

"I wonder...." Quickly, I strip Oliver of his baby clothes and diaper. I close my eyes, send a quick prayer to Kami, and lower him towards the water.


He didn't cry. A grin spread across my face and I quickly washed Oliver, rinsing him off and changing him into a new diaper and blue footie pajamas. I scoop the yawning baby up and head towards the living room.

"Naru, I need you to watch Oliver while he sleeps. I'm going to take my bath and you know how he gets around the bathtub." The three people blinked at me.

~Naru's POV~

Mai had come in right after Madoka had weedled me into accepting the case. I stood up and walked over, taking the yawning kid from her.

"Alright but you have ten minutes." Mai quickly rushed off and I went back to the couch, sitting down.

"Hey Noll?" Madoka called out from next to Lin.

"What do you think about Oliver?" I stared down at the now sleeping kid. I wouldn't admit it out loud but he was cute.

"I mean, he does have your name. It must be weird hearing it and not being able to respond to it." I shook my head.

"Of course it's different. But if I couldn't ignore my name what type of idiot would I be? I have a job and I can't let something so silly as sharing a name with a child get in the way." I evened my gaze with my mentor.

"Besides, they don't even know who I am." Oliver let out a small yawn and snuggled closer to me. The conversation stops and we wait in silence.

"Is Oliver asleep already? It's almost weird how much he sleeps." Mai's soft voice broke through the still silence that had settled over us. I stilled when my gaze landed on her. She was wearing one of my white button-up shirts with a pair of my sweat pants. They were obviously too big as she had pulled the strings as tight as they could go and rolled the bottoms up.

"Here I'll take him." She quickly moved over and gently took him from me, shifting him to where he was laying on her chest. I glanced at Madoka out of the corner of my eye. She was grinning and whispering something into Lin's ear.

"So are you going to take the case?" I nod.

"Alright then. Should I call everyone? Masako and Yasu included?" Mai had begun to rock Oliver with her arms, somehow managing to remain completely still next to me at the same time.

"Of course." With another glance at the kind-hearted girl I force out my next sentence.

"And you will not be coming on the case." Mai froze, her arms even stopping their movement.

"Why?" Her voice came out a whisper.

"Someone has to look after Oliver and I doubt you want to take him into a building where multiple deaths have occurred. I need the others more than I need you." My voice was monotonous as Mai blinked.

"So you're saying I'm useless." Once again I nodded.

"Alright then." Mai stood up and grabbed the half full tea cup from The table in front of us, Oliver still on her hip.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to find a hotel and I'm going to live there until I get enough money for an apartment since I'm such a burden." Her voice was cold with rage and I barely stopped myself from flinching in front of Lin and my mentor. I've seen Mai mad but never this mad.

"Mai you're not a burden!" Madoka hopped off the couch and stopped her from moving any further. It's then I decide to step up, my brain was beginning to throb from the idiocy in the room.

"Madoka, Lin, I need to talk to Mai." They both stare at me in silence.



Hi there! I'm sorry this took so long but I've just had a really long last couple of months. XD however that is still not an excuse for me to ignore my stories! So here is the next chapter of THE BABY PROJECT! I hope you've enjoyed it and are looking forward to Te next chapter because it is in the works!

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