Esmeray // Bucky Barnes X OC

By Davina_Moore_P0V

604 14 3

I had just turned 17-years-old when the universe decided that it was going to pull a wicked prank on me. Hell... More

The Beginning...
II [Not Edited]
III [Not Edited]
IV [Not Edited]
V [Not Edited]
You Don't Remember Me...? [Not Edited]
VIII [Not Edited]
IX [Not Edited]
You Can't Fix Her!...Watch Me.
Everyone Knows.
You'll teach her control, I believe in you.

VII [Not Edited]

6 0 0
By Davina_Moore_P0V

Katherine Morgan.

July 1st, 2012.


I was tired, I hadn't slept since the nightmare. From the emotional roller coaster I had just been on, to the physical pain that my powers and my punching caused, I was exhausted. I had been in my room all day, I had only gone from my room to the small kitchen on my floor to get some tea or coffee, then back to my room. I ended up taking down all the pictures that had Bucky in them, which was most of the bigger ones. I put them in a box, then I folded up his sweatshirt and nicely put it in as well. Then I put the card he gave me on Easter on top of the jacket. Lastly, I took the necklace off and let it pool in the middle of the card. I closed the box and wrote a quick note.

"We could have had it all."

I took a deep breath, I wanted everything that had him or involved him out. I didn't want to feel it or see it anymore. "Hey F, where is Bucky?"

"Ms. Potts kicked him out of the tower for the day, he was allowed to return at noon. He has yet to come back."

"Okay thank you." I froze knowing that his door would be locked. "Could you do me a favor?"

"Of course ma'am, what do you need?"

"Could you possible unlock his door? I just need to put this in there."

I opened my door with the box in hand, I quickly walked to his room before FRIDAY talked again. "I'm sorry Miss Morgan but I'm really not allowed to."

Damn. Now how am I supposed to get this in— *Click* I lightly turned the knob and the door opened. I smirked and looked up at the roof, "I owe you." She may be an AI but I like to think she understands to an extent what is actually happening and she has some kind of feelings.

I walked in and quickly set the box down on his bed, the note laying neatly on top. I left the room and heard the door click behind me. Now I need to find something to keep me busy. Work. I can work. Tony is probably drowning in work, Pepper too. They'll have something for me to do. I threw my hair up in a claw clip and got some proper clothes on and made my way down to their offices. They were both on the same floor so it would be an easy find. I checked Tony's office first, but he wasn't there. I went to Peppers and knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

I slowly peeked my head in and saw both Tony and Pepper in there, perfect. "Hey sweetie, what's up?"

I gave her a small smile and walked all the way in, I shut the door as I spoke, "hey, I was wondering if there was anything you need help with."

"Of course, is everything alright?"

"Yeah, just need a distraction."

"What do you want to do? You can do some filing, or you could run errands, you could give mail and checks out. What sounds good?" Tony added in, he was going through some kind of filing cabinet in the back of the room.

"Whatever will keep me busy." I shrugged and rocked on my feet. I just needed something so that I wasn't sulking in my room.

They both nodded understandingly, "okay how about this, we'll start you off easy. Run a couple of the errands and when you're done with those, and you still want to do more I'll teach you how to do that." Pepper stood from her seat and made her way over. She rubbed Tony on the back before she got to me.


She took me to another room and started looking through a notepad. She gave me a folded piece of paper with a smile. "Here is a list of things that we need more of. Most if not all of it is for the lab, some is for the business. Take as long as you want, if you get something wrong it's no big deal." She handed me a small card next, "here's a credit card, if you need anything feel free to get it." We smiled at each other as I put the note in my pocket and the card in my phone case. I wasn't about to lose that.

"Okay, thank you." I went to walk away but I stopped and turned around when I felt her hand on my shoulder.

"Are you okay?"

I thought about it for a minute, I really wasn't, and they all knew that. "No, I'm not but I'll get over it. Heartbreaks don't last forever."

She gave me a kind smile and let me leave. I hopped in my 4-runner and decided that today, right this moment, I am going to forget about he who shall not be named and enjoy my life. I turned on my most upbeat playlist and screamed along to it as I drove. After twenty-ish minutes I got to the hardware store to get Tony's lab supplies. I don't know why I agreed to this now that I'm looking at the list.

What the hell is a Sheet Metal Screw?

Now here I am, wandering around like a lost kid looking for their dad, trying to find all these different screws.

"Screw this." I mumbled before pausing, I laughed quietly for a second before trying to look once more.

"Excuse me, Ma'am? Do you need any help?" I looked over and I saw a young man standing next to me. I recognize him from somewhere, but I can't remember where .

I chuckled nervously before nodding, "sorry, this is kinda embarrassing." I held the list out to him, "I don't know what any of this means or where to find them."

He laughed once and took the paper, "it's alright, I can take you to all of them if you'd like, it'd be a good break for me."

"That's alright, I don't want to take you away from your job."

"And miss an opportunity to walk with such a beautiful girl as yourself, I'd rather get fired." He smirked at me, I laughed and nodded.

"Okay, you've won me over." I motioned for him to lead the way. We made friendly conversation the whole time, he would occasionally stop and point someone in the way of an object, but he would continue walking with me after. He helped me blow through the list, we were reaching the last couple items, most of them being wires now.

"Okay, do you know what size wire you need?" He turned to me with a friendly smile.

I froze, my eyes widened before I squinted them, trying to think back if they said anything. "No." I remember Pepper telling me it's okay if I get something wrong, so to not get it wrong, "just get them all?" I suggested, he laughed again and started pulling the wires off the shelves and wall.

"Okay, I'm sorry but this has been bugging me. Do I know you from somewhere?" I asked, I know I've seen him somewhere, but where?

"I'm not sure, you look familiar, but I think I would recognize such beauty." This sly dude, he thinks he's slick. He somewhat is, I may be won over. I smiled and looked to the ground, I hoped I was quick enough, so he didn't see the blush that quickly spread over my face. "See now that's adorable." He said.

He laughed again, he clearly likes to laugh, he looks like a happy person.

When I didn't say anything he spoke, "well that should be all. Come on." I felt his elbow nudge me and we started walking. After I was rung up he helped me carry all the bags to my car. I quickly got into the driver door and pulled out a notepad and a pencil, it was one of those small ones that came together.

"I think this service deserves a tip." I smiled and held him a piece of paper.

"(646) 999-8212"

He gave me a smile, held it up before pushing it in a pocket. "Thank you. For all your help, I'd probably be calling my boss and asking for help if it wasn't for you." I laughed, technically it's not a lie, Tony is in charge of the Avengers...and I am he's kinda my boss.

"Anytime. You ever need more help just ask for Brad." He smiled before leaving. After I got in my car and sat down that's when it hit me. Brad. Brad as is in the Brad who saved me from that one man on the morning I met Sharon. What a small world. I looked at the time and saw it was already 3:30PM.

2 people >
Kathie :) added Tonybaloney and Pepperoni to the conversation.
Today at 3:31 PM

I got everything on the list!
Is there anything else I can do before I get back?

Nope! You're all done for the day

I thought Pep was going to teach me to file?

You've done plenty today, if you'd like to do more I can teach you tomorrow :)

Oh, okay
Can I make dinner tonight?

Can you cook?

Yes, I can cook.
I swear I won't poison you lol

That would be amazing!
Do you need any help?

No, my treat
Can I go to the store and get ingredients?

Yeah jusfocn8

Did you have a stroke?

Pepper attacked me :(

I did not!
You were going to make a sarcastic comment.

Was not!

Were too!

You guys fight like an old married couple XD
So can I go to store?


Yes, have fun and be safe.

Thank you! I will be! See you soon <3



I laughed and put my car in gear and started off to the nearest Walmart. I already knew what I wanted to make, I would have to fry the meat because it is way too late to try and do it in a crockpot.

I first grabbed the thin pre-cut flank steak, I know what to get, but I don't know enough to the point where I don't wander around the store looking for one object at a time. I then went to the cheese, I grabbed the pepper jack and provolone. Some beef broth, Mayonnaise, then some peppers. Next I made my ways to the hoagie rolls, I needed to do a little math real quick. Currently no one is on a mission, so that means everyone is home. I would eat one and a half when I made them at my house, so that means everyone will eat at least two. I quickly counted all the men on my fingers, eleven? I think there is eleven men, Vision is weird, ten without him but he still'll count him. The girls were easy, including me there were five of us.

Okay so that means sixteen total, thirty-two rolls. I grab that amount but pause. Peter has an extremely fast metabolism, so he's going to eat a ton more. I'll add an extra three to his, I won't say they're for him but throw out that I made extras so he doesn't get embarrassed, even though he can't control it, it still makes him weird about it. Then Thor and Loki are literal gods. I'll add another three for both of them.

They're down to visit, along with Clint.

Steve and Bucky are super soldiers, I know that they are extra strong and fast, does that mean they are extra hungry? God why did I ask to do this. Okay so I'll just do three more for them too...? Shit whatever. If we have extra's that'll be fine. I grabbed another three packs, each came with six in it. I now had eight packs with me. What about Bruce? He's the hulk. How much does he eat? I've never paid attention, I need to start. I'll just grab a small pack, one with only two in it. The eighth bag has an extra one that no one would use so he would have three more also.

Okay, I'm not even going to try and figure out how much cheese to get, I'll say it uses two pieces per roll, so I need fifty slices of each. Shit. Okay.

I went and got the cheese, I grabbed some more broth after seeing how much bread there actually was. I give up. I grabbed a good amount of butter for good measure before heading out and paying for it. It came out to a hefty amount, but I didn't think too much of it, Tony would be fine with it. Right? He is a billionaire after all. The end result will be worth it.

I hopped into the car after putting all seven bags in the back seat, who knew that buns took up that much room. After a drive back to the tower screaming along to my music, and taking three trips just for Tony's lab crap, I brought up the food and got ready to cook. I put my hair in a tight ponytail, so I didn't get any hair in the food, or food in my hair.

"Hey F, warn everyone not to come in the kitchen or common room unless the are willing to deal with my loud music with no complaints. Thank you." I smiled at the roof as she said an agreement. I washed my hands as I waited.

"Parden the interruption but Miss Morgan says not to come in the kitchen or common room if you are going to complain about loud music."

I smiled larger as I had her put on my playlist. It was a very upbeat and happy, just what I needed right this moment. I had put the volume to ninety percent, I was always told never to do it one hundred percent because it will blow the speakers, my room is one thing, but this was everyone's, so I didn't want to ruin them.

I started by getting some of the meat out, if I did them in sections and then stored them in the...microwave should be big enough, if not I'll steal the oven from Peters floor. I started putting butter and some salt in a pan and put enough meat for six rolls in it. I quickly glanced at the clock and saw it was already 4:30 so I had to speed this up. I preheated the over to four hundred degrees so it would melt the cheese quicker and started opening up the buns, I got three open before I had to stir the meat, since it was very thin I had to hurry.

My 5-10 second dance parties didn't help my case. Once I had all the buns open I stirred the meat again and quickly put mayonnaise on them, the meat was finished when I was done and I put it on, I put a little more butter and salt in the pan, letting that heat up while I add the cheese.

I got the cheese on and the oven beeped, I slid them in on a cookie sheet and set a timer for 5 minutes, while the food cooked I started more meat and worked on the buns again. I repeated this process 5 more times, I totally forgot about the peppers so I just decided against them. I was finally on my last set as I sang to the song that was on.

"Return of the Mack
Get 'em, what it is, what it does, what it is, what it isn't
Looking for a better way to get up out of bed
Instead of getting on the Internet
And checking a new hit me, get up
Thrift shop, pimp-strut walkin'
Little bit of humble, little bit of cautious
Somewhere between like Rocky and Cosby
Sweater game, nope nope, y'all can't copy
Yup, Bad, moonwalking, this here is our party
My posse's been on Broadway, and we did it our way" I danced and bobbed my head around as I spread mayonnaise.

The song ended as I put the last half dozen in the oven, thank god because the microwave can't hold anymore, I swear it was about to fall with how much food is in it right now. I start washing the pan and knife as I sang to the new song, it only took me the one part as it wasn't a lot to clean.

"I'm hurting, baby, I'm broken down
I need your loving, loving
I need it now
When I'm without you
I'm something weak
You got me begging, begging
I'm on my knees
I don't wanna be needing your love
I just wanna be deep in your love
And it's killing me when you're away, ooh, baby,
'Cause I really don't care where you are
I just wanna be there where you are
And I gotta get one little taste."

I'm not even going to lie, I danced the rest of the song, the people could wait a couple more minutes for me to have my dance party.

I moved onto the table, I set up plates and placed glasses on top of every plate, so they weren't touching the bare table. The glasses were upside down so that nothing fell into them. After the person moved the glass, what happens to it is on them, but I wont let it happen when I'm cooking. "I threw a wish in the well, don't ask me, I'll never tell I looked to you as it fell and now you're in my way." I yelled as I moved back to the stove, I had already put the beef broth to a light simmer just to heat it up.

I pulled out 16 bowls and started pouring the broth into them as I sang along, "I trade my soul for a wish, pennies and dimes for a kiss I wasn't looking for this, but now you're in my way."

Once I finished I saw someone enter from the corner of my eyes, I didn't think much of it because they all knew they couldn't come in and complain until I was done.

"Your stare was holdin', ripped jeans, skin was showin' Hot night, wind was blowin' Where you think you're going, baby?" I sang as I set 4 bowls down, I held 2 against my chest and 2 in my hands. I happily sang along as I turned and picked up 4 more bowls.

As I turned around I saw who walked in, "Hey, I just met you and this is crazy, but here's my number, so call me, maybe. It's hard to look right, at you, baby But here's my number, so call me, maybe." My voice went from a yell down to a small whisper as Bucky and I stared at each other, I needed to finished dinner as it was already 5:45 and I knew everyone was hungry and waiting on me.

I stopped singing but the song still played in the back ground, "Hey, I just met you and this is crazy But here's my number, so call me, maybe And all the other boys try to chase me But here's my number, so call me, maybe."

Every time I turned to set more bowls down he was just standing there, staring at me. I turned to get the last 4 bowls as the next verse played. "You took your time with the call, I took no time with the fall. You gave me nothing at all, but still, you're in my way I beg, and borrow and steal, at first sight and it's real I didn't know I would feel it, but it's in my way." I set them down and turned to wash the pot.

"Your stare was holdin', ripped jeans, skin was showin' Hot night, wind was blowin' Where you think you're going—"

"Okay that's enough FRIDAY! Can you call everyone down for dinner?" I asked after the music was turned off. I decided to ignore Bucky and just focus on getting all the sandwiches out of the microwave, the sheet with the last batch were already on the counter so I just transferred the sandwiches from that onto the plate, the microwave did a beautiful job at keeping the food warm as they felt like they had just been made, I quickly loaded that without washing because it had tinfoil, and nothing touched the bare metal.

Everyone had trickled down and got their food, no one had eaten yet, they were looking at it like they've never seen it before. "What?" I asked. I ended up in between Pietro and Sam. Everyone was silent for a minute before Thor spoke up.

"Lady Kathie...what is it?"

I thought it was pretty obvious what to do with it. I clapped my hands in front of me and held them as I cleared my throat. "Okay, well, these are called French Dip Sandwiches, you dip them in the beef broth to soak the bread, you don't need to, but it tastes better with it. But you do you. This is a home cooked meal. Enjoy." I smiled as they all picked up the sandwiches and took bites. I got some nods from people, silently letting me know it tasted good.

"It tastes amazing, thank you princessa." Pietro leaned down and whispered, I lowered my head to try and hide the smile and most likely blush. Don't ask me how but he can always make me blush—we are only friends, and even though my mind knows that, his compliments hit a weak spot—he acts as if it's a game or a challenge. I finally looked back up and scanned the table, everyone was happily eating, but one person.

Bucky sat back with his arms crossed over his chest, staring at me again. Damn, what is his issue. This is still my day to be happy and not be effected by him, so I tried to think about happy things. Clearly my stare was noticed because as if in sync, Steve smacked his chest and Nat smacked him up side the back of his head. They both gave him a deadly glare before moving it down to his full plate.

I think Nat mouthed "eat" at him. He had a mini staring contest with her before picking up his sandwich and just eating it, hey, I said you do you. I sighed before looking away. I ended up in a conversation with Pietro and Sam, and by that I mean I was looking up at them as the argued over who had the coolest power. Honestly I have no idea how we got to this point but, we did.

I wasn't hungry anymore, like expected, I ate 1 ½. "Hey Wanda, can you hear me?" I asked in my head, she wasn't talking either, she was just kinda listening to everyone around her, she whipped her head over to me with a confused look. I smiled at her.

"How'd you do that?" She asked, even though it was in her head I could still hear her voice perfectly.

I shot her a confused glace once before answering, "do what?"

"Talk in my head."

"I didn't? I asked if you could hear me."

Our conversation was cut short by Sam tapping me, "you good?"

"Huh? Sorry what were we talking about?" I asked looking at them, they looked weird, I can't explain it, but something looked off. I ignored it and blamed it on being zoned out.

"Nothing, you okay girl?" Sam asked, he held his hand to my forehead, and I whacked it away.

"I'm fine you nerd." He laughed and went back to talking with Pietro.

The rest of the dinner went by quickly, before I knew it I was doing the dishes. Wanda had tried to talk to me about what I apparently did at dinner, but she finally believed me when I said I had absolutely no idea what she was talking about after a couple times. After I finished I went to my room, I paused at my door, glancing to Bucky's, debating on whether I should try and talk to him.

"You just returned all his crap. Why would you go there? That's pathetic." Okay damn. I get it. Thanks head Kathie. I swear she can be an insensitive bitch sometimes.

After I got in I started the process of drinking energizing tea and coffee to stay awake. This was going to be hard, but I couldn't go back to sleep. I can't go through that again right now.

Overall? A very successful day, I'll have Pepper teach me to file tomorrow and I'll be distracted by that probably all day so, it's a win-win. Pepper gets help with Stark Industries and I get distracted. Boom. Fool proof.

Pepper Potts.

July 3rd, 2012.


Tony has been going insane trying to throw a party for Steve tomorrow, despite his constant pleading for him not to, he still is. Kathie has been devoted to helping us with anything possible, she has been filing everything, all day long. She only stops when we literally cut her off and take everything away from her. After begging Tony he finally agreed and has been sending her out to get everything he needed for the party. He was hesitant to put her to work but ended up agreeing, I know he has a soft spot for her, even though he tries to hide it, we can all see it.

It was currently around 11 at night and I had just sent Kathie to bed, she wasn't happy about me stopping her but after telling her that the decorations would still be here tomorrow she agreed. As I made my way up to mine and Tony's room, I couldn't help but notice how off Kathie seems.

"Hey honey," Tony said as I shut the door behind me. He was looking at his phone but looked up when I didn't say anything, I was too deep in my thoughts to even notice his voice.


"Hmm?" I hummed looking up, he was now standing and walking over to me.

"What's goin' on in that head?" He asked as he placed his hands on my shoulder, slowly rubbing them over and down my back. He pulled me into him, and I wrapped my arms around his waist as his wrapped around my neck.

"Have you noticed how Kathie is acting?" I asked continuing to think about her.

"Well, she was just crushed, I'm surprised that she is doing so well or much right now. Why, what are you thinking?"

"I don't know, she just seems tired." I sighed and looked up at him, he frowned for a minute before walking back to our bed.

He sat down with me next to him. "Tell me what you've noticed."

I took a breath, thinking about it again. "She's been moving slower, she seems less focused, she's doing everything we've given her perfectly. But she just seems dead, like a walking corpse. I don't think she's sleeping." I admitted to him, he seemed to think about it before nodding.

"How about this? I'll keep an eye on her and see if I notice anything too, and we—" He waved a finger between us, "—will talk to her after tomorrow, we can give her very easy tasks so that she can still do something, but it won't be too much." He gave me sad eyes as I nodded.

"Thank you," I said as I hugged him, pushing the side of my face into his chest.

"Of course." He kissed the top of my head.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Katherine Morgan.

July 4th, 2012.


Today was Steve's birthday, I was up at the same time as him, so I went to go say happy birthday and I ended up scaring the crap out of him. I totally jump-scared him by accident.

Well, that was the beginning of my morning. It was now noon, and I was trying to read something, I can't really tell what it says, all the words seem blurry. I leaned back against the wall as I mindlessly stared at the paper. My blinks started to get longer, and I couldn't open my eyes more than halfway anymore. Not being able to resist it anymore I fell into a light sleep, not enough to actually help considering I was still standing up.

I jerked out of my daze like sleep when I dropped my papers. I shook my head and bent down to grab them. As my knees hit the ground I could see a figure out the side of my eyes. I slowly looked over and saw a black figure. They had no face, no clothes, they were just a black outline of a person. They were bent down the same way I was.

I turned a bit and they turned as well. "Hello?" I asked after grabbing my papers, them doing the same thing, only they were holding air.

I stood up and they did as well, I tried to walk around a table to them, but they just walked the opposite way. I walked directly at them, nothing in the way now. "Hello?" I asked standing about a foot in front of them, it was like looking into a black hole.

"Hello." They said back, theirs wasn't a question though, it was more of a statement.

"Who are you?" I asked, I waited for an answer. I looked them up and down and it was the exact same from the other side of the room. "I—" They were interrupted by someone talking to me.

"Kathie? Who are you talking to?" I turned and saw Bruce, Pietro standing next to him.

I looked from them back in front of me, the outline was now gone, no trace of them ever being there. "You didn't see them? They were right here?" I quickly looked around again to see if I could see them again.

"There was no one there princessa." Pietro walked up to me, he looked around before bending down a bit and examining my face. "Are you feeling well?"

"Yeah...yeah, never mind...sorry." I was beyond confused, who—what. What was that? I looked on the side of Pietro and checked once more. "Just tired, sorry." I let him push me out of the room and into the elevator.

He glanced down at my papers, "whatcha reading?" I jumped at his question, I wasn't expecting him to say anything.

"Oh..I—uh I'm not exactly sure." He extended a hand, motioning that he wanted it. I smiled at him and gave it to him.

"This is a cooking recipe." He looked down at me before continuing, "are you trying to cook for Steve's party?"

"No I—uh don't know what I was doing with it." In all honesty, I don't remember actually grabbing it, it kinda just appeared in my hands.

"Are you sure you're feeling okay? You look a little pale." Bruce was also looking at me, they were both looking me up and down trying to see if something physical was wrong. I didn't like them looking at me like that, I feel like something is wrong when nothing is. I'm a little tired but that's all.

"I'm fine guys. I swear." I tried to convince them, but they weren't believing it.

"Kathie, you know you can talk to us if something is wrong right? No matter what it is?" Bruce was worried, it was obvious, he was there when I had my nightmare so that just fueled his need to check on me. My hands started shaking at my sides, I was nervous, but I felt like I did something wrong, I felt like I was in trouble.

This elevator couldn't go fast enough, I could barely see our reflections from the doors, I was in between Pietro, and Bruce. It was only us three in there, so who was the figure peeking its head out behind me? This can't be the same thing, it's moving when I'm not. My fear rose when I could see it move from behind me to behind Bruce, he was looking down at the papers I was holding, he ended up grabbing them from Pietro, I don't know when though. He wasn't paying attention, too interested in the words.

Everything around me but the figure blurred out. I was focused on the figure and that's all. I watched as it peered over Bruce's shoulder, seemingly looking at the pages as well. The figure turned its' head, if it had a face, I know it would be looking at me.

As if it had black lipstick on, it opened a mouth. It doesn't look like there was one at all. When it closes it, it is gone. Its head was extremely close to Bruce's cheek when the mouth opened. A bright red, pointy tongue slipped out and started licking up his face. Bruce didn't react whatsoever.

I was brought out of my focus when Pietro grabbed my hand. I looked up to him and he shook his hand, silently telling me what was happening. I gave him a small smile before looking back at the reflection. The figure was gone, it was as if it was never there. The doors finally opened, and Pietro pulled me out, not once letting his grip on my hand loosen.

"Okay, te—" Tony started, the 'e' sound dragged as he looked at me and Pietro, I'm not sure if he was looking at our hands or something else, "-eam, we have a party to finish and not long to do it." He recovered quickly. He then went on a 10-minute lecture on what we needed to do, as Tony was giving out jobs he looked at Pietro. They exchanged some kind of look because he skipped right over him and onto Rhodey who was standing next to me.

"Disperse. Go. Go." He clapped twice quickly. I was still standing hand in hand with Pietro, he was about to walk away and pull me with him when Tony stopped us.

"Hey." We turned around, my eyes were moving slower than my head. I turned my head, but my eyes didn't follow for about a second. That didn't go unnoticed by him. "Are you feeling okay?"

"Yes, I am feeling fine. Why is everyone asking me that?" I threw my hands up, bringing Pietro's up with mine, I looked at it, sighed, then dropped that hand, leaving my other still up.

"We're just checking in sweets. Okay, do you think you guys are good to do some decorations?" Tony pointed back at the bar and there was a pile of decorations stacked up. I looked up at Pietro and we nodded at each other.

"Sure." He said.

"Great!" Tony clapped his hands together and started pointing to places he wanted things to go, he didn't care what went there but something needed to go there. We both agreed and walked over to the bar. Pietro let go of my hand and we started picking through them, we finally decided on one and brought it over to a widow. We started decorating, after 30ish minutes we were finally on the last one. Just so happened to be the biggest one too.

"Can you reach!?" Pietro yelled from a good distance away from me, he had one side of a banner and I had the other.

"I think so?" I strained outstanding on my tiptoes, I held a tack in between my teeth so I could use both hands to hold the shiny plastic-like banner up. The sharp part was basically in my mouth since the tack was flat, making it almost impossible and very unsafe to hold it by that end.

"I'm almost done, and I can help you!" He exclaimed.

I tried to get higher on my toes when I felt someone behind me, their body pressed against mine. I watched as a certain shinny hand pinched the edge of the banner and pulled it up, making it the proper height. Bucky scanned my face before his eyes stopped on my mouth.

He brought his real hand up and lightly grabbed the tack, keeping eye contact with me the entire time. He pulled it out of my mouth and pushed it into the wall, he stared at me before just walking away. Not saying a word to me.

"What was that?" Pietro asked looking from me to Bucky.

I shrugged, I didn't know what that was. One moment he acts like he hates me then helps me and now he's back to hating me?

"Whatever, c'mon we need to see if Tony has anything else." He motioned for me to follow him, and I did. I grabbed a mango and peach bang before fully leaving the room.

"You know those will kill you right?" Pietro asked as I cracked it open.

"Better looking like this instead of old and wrinkly," I smirked at him, he scoffed and rolled his eyes causing me to laugh at him. We made friendly conversation as we looked for Tony.

We couldn't find him, so we went back to the party room, there he was. He was standing in the middle of the room instructing Nat to lift or drop a poster, she was huffing every time he changed his mind. She looked like she was on the verge of murdering him.

"Left...right...lef—THERE! RIGHT THERE! YES!" Tony exclaimed, he looked like he was an 8-year-old boy on Christmas morning. Nat pushed the tack in and jumped off her chair. She made eye contact with me and shook her head then rolled her eyes. Before Tony could tell her to do something else she practically jogged out of the room.

Pietro threw his arm over my shoulders and pulled me over to Tony. "We finished." He announced.

Tony looked from him to me, then down to my drink. He grabbed my wrist and twisted it so that he could see the flavor, "Mango Peach. I like your taste." He smirked letting go. "Okay, well, the party will start soon, you're free to go. Go take a nap and get refreshed for tonight, we will be doing fireworks tonight as well." He smiled at us before walking away.

"Great well I'm gonna go take a nap. Would you like me to walk you to your room?" Pietro asked turning to me, I shook my head and smiled.

"No thank you, thank you though." I pulled him in for a hug before walking away.


I don't want to be here. I don't want to do this. I walked down the stairs to join the extremely loud music, way too loud. I had a very simple teal dress on, it didn't show anything, and it stopped just above my knees, making it very safe. It also had a small black belt going around it. My hair was in a half up half down, with the up part being a Dutch braid, and the bottom being straight. I only put some mascara on, so I didn't have to worry about taking a lot off.

I was way too tired to deal with this, I wish my body would let me sleep. I have tried, I'm not just forcing myself to stay awake. I just laid there for hours when I tried, that's more tiring than just staying awake.

I made my way over to the bar and grabbed another bang, even though these made my hands shaky, they were delicious and woke me up. I sat back down and stared off into space for god knows how long until I could feel someone looking at me. I turned my head enough to see Pietro staring at me, his arms were crossed, head tilted as he sat on the stool next to me.

"What are you doing?" He asked, I shrugged before responded.

"Killing myself as you put it." I held my drink up slightly before taking another drink. Before I could even put it down he took it from my hands and set it down on the far side away from him. I lifted my hands to the sides and gave him a confused look.

"What's wrong?"

I shook my head at him, "just tired."

"Are you getting enough sleep?" He stood from the seat and sped around to the other side of the bar, pulling out a water bottle and shoving it my way.

I took it and hummed, "mhmm." I looked down at the bottle, then back at him. "What do you want me to do with this?"

"Drink it." He deadpanned, he quickly looked to the side, I followed his eyes and saw Pepper waving him over. He looked back at me before speaking, "I'll be right back." He walked away but stopped a few feet away, "drink!" I rolled my eyes but nonetheless opened the water and sipped on it.

Loud laughing from behind me caught my attention, I turned away and saw people huddled in a small circle. Steve had his back to me with Sam beside him, they were laughing, and they turned to each other. I instantly felt dizzy as I saw Bucky and Katherine together. They were all laughing now, and he had her pulled up to his side with a hand wrapped around her waist.

"That could've been me." The voice said heartbroken, I quickly averted my eyes but the sound of heels clicking against the floor worried me.

"Excuse me?" I turned and saw Katherine now sitting in Pietro's spot. She had a long flowy vibrant pink dress, it was off the shoulders and looked like it had messy ruffles as the sleeves. Feathers maybe? She was dressed much nicer than I was, my eyes found hers and saw that she had light pink eyeshadow and lipstick as well. Her long blonde hair was pin-straight and had a small braid. She looked like a damn Barbie doll. The last thing I noticed was her necklace, the perfect hollow outline of a butterfly. I quickly looked back to my water as I answered.


"Do you know how I get a drink?" She lifted her dress a bit and crossed her legs, her leg showing now from the dress being lifted. Why did she do that? The dress is loose enough at the skirt to do it without lifting it.

"I'm not sure, I'm sure you could just walk back there," I said without making eye contact.

"Okay thank you." She paused, "are you okay?"

I licked my lips and looked up at her, my eyes flickered to the necklace then back to hers. "I like your necklace." I gave her a forced smile, where was Pietro? I looked around her, but I couldn't see him anymore, can someone come save me, please?

"Oh my gosh! Thank you so much! My boyfriend gave it to me tonight." She gushed grabbing the metal in her hand, her perfectly manicured hand. She smiled at me with her perfect smile and pearly white teeth. I nodded and sighed quietly as I looked back down. This night was getting harder and harder by the minute.

"He's the one over there!" She pointed and I quickly glanced over my shoulder, not paying much attention as I already knew who she was talking about, I hummed and looked back at my water. The nutrition label was suddenly the most interesting thing in this whole tower. "Are you here with anyone tonight?"

"Nope, I like being by myself that way I can leave without worrying about entertaining anyone," I explained as I shrugged. She let out a high-pitched laugh and nodded.

"I like the way you think. Well, you are more than welcome to join us if you want to." She smiled at me, she clearly didn't know anything. None of this is her fault but that doesn't mean it hurts any less. I thanked her and she got up and walked to the far side of the bar, I watched as she made two drinks and walked back over to Bucky. He smiled and pulled her in for a kiss before continuing his conversation. Wow. Consider my heart crushed.


Pietro Maximoff.

I quickly sped over to Pepper after yelling over to Kathie, already talking before she realized I was in front of her. "You were right. Something is wrong. I don't think she's getting enough sleep. She has her body hyped up on so much caffeine that it's messing with her."

"What do you mean?" Pepper asked worried, she glanced behind me and gave Kathie a sad look.

"Earlier today, Bruce and I went to find her, and she was in a room talking to someone." I crossed my arms over my chest as I told her. She tilted her head at me.


"No one. No one was in the room, then I asked what she was reading, and she said she didn't know. It was a cooking recipe Pep. She couldn't read. Then her hands started violently shaking in the elevator as if she saw something terrifying." I shook my head, Pepper did too. She glanced back at Kathie and furrowed her eyebrows, I turned my head and saw a girl in a pink dress sitting next to Kathie.

"Who's that?" I asked not bothering to turn around.

"Katherine Fae, Barnes' new fling." She spat, she crossed her arms, I turned back to her and saw she was starring daggers at her.

I sighed and nodded, "what should I do about K?"

"I don't know, Tony and I will be talking to her tomorrow, I just needed someone else to see what I'm seeing." She explained. I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Stark doesn't believe you?"

"No he does, he just hasn't been with her enough recently to really notice, he said he would keep an eye out."

I nodded again, and looked back over, Katherine was now getting up and walking to the end of the bar. "I'll go distract her, do you know when fireworks are going?"

"10 PM, you've got 30 minutes, after they are over try to get her to bed. Thank you." She squeezed my shoulder lightly before walking away, going to find Tony I presume.

30 minutes to go, I got this. I sped back over to Kathie and sat on the stool again. "Sorry, that took so long. Anything interesting happen?" I asked, she turned her head to me, and her eyes looked even heavier than before.

"Bucky has a girlfriend and Katherine was wearing the same necklace he gave me. I returned it a couple days ago along with the rest of his shit." She mumbled laying her head on the cold bar top.

"Wanna go take a walk?" She sighed and nodded, I stood and wrapped my arm around her shoulders. We walked around, making our way outside and into the warm summer air.

"It's beautiful outside tonight." She said looking up at the stars, the moon was full and lighting up the area around us. I checked my watch and saw that it was 9:56.

"It sure is, the fireworks start in a couple minutes, wanna head over there? After they are done you can head to bed." I gave her a soft smile as she nodded. When we got over there almost everyone was already out there. We walked to an empty area with a tree, they were all trimmed so you could still see the sky perfectly.

I slid down against the tree and pulled her between my legs, her back against my chest. "Wha—" She started.

"Just relax, lean back, and just watch the sky light up." I rested my hands on my knees and she relaxed into me. 5 minutes had gone by and still, nothing was going off. I leaned over slightly and pulled out my phone. Kathie hadn't said anything, and I couldn't see her face. "K?" I whispered. She didn't answer so I turned on the phone camera and lowered it in front of her face slightly, her eyes were closed, and she was breathing steadily.

I quickly messaged Pepper, asking what was wrong and that Kathie was sleeping. She said they were having difficulties and that it should be working soon. She also to me good job for getting Kathie to sleep. A couple more minutes had passed, and Kathie turned in her sleep, she was now lying sideways, her head pressed against my chest. I smiled and lightly rubbed her back. A high-pitched whistle sounded, and a loud booming echoed as a bright red light appeared above us.

Kathie shot awake with a gasp and looked around. She saw she was sitting with me on the ground and realized what happened. "I'm sorry." She apologized rubbing the sides of her face, based on the way her arms dropped I could tell she was still extremely tired.

"It's okay, you can lay back down." I tried to lightly pull her back down, but she shook her head.

"I think I'll head up to bed. Thank you for hanging out with me today." She smiled, stood up, and walked away towards the tower. I jumped up and sprinted over to Tony and Pepper.

"Good going. She was finally sleeping." I smacked his chest as I spoke.

"That wasn't me!" He defended, "she figured it out!"

I looked over to her and smacked him again.

"What?" He threw his arms out and stared at me.

"Well, I'm not gonna hit her." I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

I looked back over to her, "she was asleep, but she woke up to the sounds, she said she was going to go to bed. I don't think she will though."

"Damn it." Pepper sighed, the fireworks almost drowned out all of her voice, but we could hear enough with how close we were.

"We'll talk with her tomorrow." Tony pulled Pepper into his side and kissed the side of her head. The fireworks had gone on for another 15 minutes and after I went to bed, I wasn't going to the party originally but after Pepper asked for my help I couldn't tell her no.

Katherine Morgan.

July 5th, 2012.


Another day has gone by, I'm over it all, and my little cat nap did me more harm than good. My body is exhausted. I tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn't. My body physically wouldn't let me. I didn't leave my room all day. I continued to stare at the mess I made days ago, the glass still littered the floor. I didn't have enough physical or mental energy to clean it. It was now around dinner time, and I hadn't made any contact with anyone or eaten anything. Tony called me down and said that I was needed in the kitchen. For what? No clue. Slowly I made my way downstairs, I was dizzy, and I had to hold onto the wall if I was standing still so I didn't fall.

I sighed as I walked into the room, Tony, Pepper, and Wanda were sitting in there. "Hey, Kathie." Pepper gave me a small smile, something was up with her.

"What's up?" I asked, placing my hand on the countertop, out of the corner of my eye I could see a figure on the side of Wanda. I followed it with my eye as it moved from Wanda to Tony. The figure dragged a hand along his shoulder, then he wrapped it around his neck. Pepper looked like she was saying something, but I couldn't tell what she was saying.

The figure let go and pointed a finger, a sharp nail that wasn't there before was now there. The hand wrapped around again before roughly digging the nail into his neck and slicing. The figure let go as blood poured from Tony's neck, I gasped; my hand flying to my mouth as I stared at him. The figure moved to Pepper, dragging a nail over her cheek.

Pepper wasn't fazed and the figure moved the hand to her mouth. It cut from the sides of her lips to her ear. Blood poured down her face as well. Tony's shirt was soaked a bright red and it was pooled at his feet. Peppers' nice silk blouse was now stained red and was dripping down onto her pants.

I stumbled back away from them, Wanda was giving me an eerie smile as she looked at the figure. I backed into someone, I whipped around, and I saw Pietro staring down at me with wide eyes.

"Are you alright?" He asked looking around me.

I quickly looked back and saw that Tony and Pepper were back to normal as if nothing was ever changed. "Wh—" I started before stopping, I didn't know what to say.

"Honey, are you okay?" Pepper asked, she was still in her seat but was leaning forward.

"I'm fine," I stated as I still looked around, trying to make sure that the figure was gone.

Tony stood up and walked up to the counter with a paper. "Can you write, 'My name is Katherine, and I am an Avenger' for me please?" He asked handing me a paper and pen.

I gave him a confused glance as he slid the paper in front of me more, he grabbed my hand and put the open pen in it, then closed my fist around it.

I looked down at the paper and started writing. After a couple seconds, I slid the paper off to him.

Wanda walked up with Pepper as well, they both looked down at the paper, "you spelled your name wrong." Wanda observed.

"Along with Avenger," Pepper added, I furrowed my brows and looked back down to the paper, everything looked normal to me.

Pepper walked around the side of the counter and pulled out another paper, "can you read this to me?" She asked and slid the paper in front of me again.

My eyes quickly scanned the paper, nothing was making sense. The letters looked like they were rearranging on the paper in front of my eyes. The words shook as I stared at them. I couldn't understand a thing on the page. I looked at the group, they were all staring at me. I quickly looked down, I started blinking quicker as I tried to make out any of the words.

I picked it up and looked at it that way, once again not making any sense. I angled it over to Pietro and shrugged. "I don't know?" I said aloud. "Will you read it to me?" I asked looking up at him.

He took the page from my hands and gave it to Tony. "Kathie you are exhausted, you need to go to sleep."

"I'm fine. Really. I'm gonna go back to my room." I said turning around. Smacking right into Bruce when I started walking.

"Sorry, excuse me," I said brushing past him.

"Who are you talking to?" Pepper asked, I turned around and went to point him out.

"Bruce...Bru—he was just there. I saw him! He—he was...he was here. Like right here." I stuttered and spoke quickly, my words all jumbled.

"Kathie, no one is here but us," Wanda spoke softly as she walked up.

"No, nonono. Here, he was here." I spun around trying to find where he hid. Pietro stropped me when I spun and was facing him.

He bent down so he was face level with me. "You need to go sleep princessa." He gave me a concerned look.

"No. I'm fine. I'm just gonna." I pointed behind him and tried to leave. He stopped me and twisted me around. His arms wrapped around my stomach as Wanda ran up to me, her fingers connecting to my temples. Everything seemed to flash through my mind before it was all replaced by a bright red color.

Pietro Maximoff.

"Oh my God!" Pepper exclaimed when Kathie went limp in my arms, Wanda let go and Kathie fell. I was able to quickly adjust her in my arms so that she was comfortable and wouldn't hit the floor.

"What happened?" Tony asked staring at us.

"I put her to sleep, she will wake up again when her body has enough sleep. She should be good as new when she wakes. I did what I had to do." Wanda then turned and put two fingers on Kathie's forehead and closed her eyes. "6 days, almost a week she hasn't been sleeping. I don't know how much sleep she normally gets so only time will tell when she wakes up."

Pepper nodded and walked up to her, placing a hand on her shoulder before giving me a soft smile and walking away. "Get her to her room okay, have FRIDAY lock the door and put on do not disturb," Tony instructed leaving the room as well, leaving just me and Wanda.

"Do you need help?" She asked looking at Kathie. I shook my head at her and she nodded, she gave my shoulder a rub before walking out. I quickly took Kathie to her room and laid her in bed, her room was still a mess, there was glass and crap everywhere. I covered her up and quickly cleaned everything up.

I looked at her once more, "sleep tight." I shut the door and heard it click from behind me. "Turn on do not disturb, only turn off when Kathie wakes up," I instructed, FRIDAY agreed and I left to my floor.

Tony Stark.

July 12th, 2012.


A week. It's been a damn week since Kathie went to sleep. When Wanda said that she would be asleep until her body had enough I didn't think it would be over 144 hours.


"Huh?" I looked over and saw Steve sitting on the couch next to mine.


"Yeah," after she was put in her room I informed the team of what had been happening. It's safe to say that we have all been unfocused. "I didn't think she would take this sleeping beauty thing so seriously."

Steve laughed, I actually got him to laugh. "Just give her some time. Sleeping beauty will wake up soon enough. Think of it as a vacation from her loudness." He joked.

"But I miss the loudness. It's too quiet, like before she came here."

"Yeah, I know. We'll force her to be—"  Steve was cut off by FRIDAY's voice.

"Excuse the interruption but Miss Morgan is awake, she seems to be very confused."

Steve and I both look at each other before jumping off the couch and jogging to the elevator.


"Kathie?" I asked knocking on her door.


"Katherine?" Steve asked from beside me.

She didn't answer. I slowly answered the door and peeked in. She was sitting up in the middle of the bed looking around with wide eyes.

"Katherine?" I asked grabbing her attention.

"Dad?" She asked staring at me, I walked in, and Steve walked in behind me. "Steven." She glared at him. What the fuck was going on.

"No." I shook my head, "not dad. Tony." I pointed to myself, she looked back at me baffled.

"Steven?" Steve asked, "why do you call me that?"

"Ha, as if you don't know. If you're here does that mean the whore is too?" She spat at him, she shot daggers at him from her sitting position. The whore? The look she was giving him intimidated me, what the hell is going on?

"The whore?" He gasped, completely shocked from her choice of wording. "Who is the whore?"

"Is she talking about Sharon?" He whispered to me, I shrugged before looking back to Kathie.

"So what? Are you and him not friends anymore? I'm a little surprised, after all the trouble y'all went through to trick me, that you would just stop."

"Who are you talking about—whe—when did I trick you?" He stared at her, his eyebrows raised, and his mouth open in surprise.

"James. I'm talking about James, the manwhore. Don't play dumb, it's not a good look on you." She scoffed before focusing on me, I took a tiny step back. Who smacked her over the head and named her boss when she was asleep? "Kathie? You called me Kathie? Why?"

"I—uh, that's what you asked to be called."

She hesitated as she looked at me. "Ew. No. Never. Don't call me that hideous thing."

I glanced over at Steve, and he had the same look I did, what do I do? "What do you want to be called?"


I blinked a couple times, "but you hate that name, you threatened us that there would be hell to pay if we called you that."

"Why would I hate it?"

"We should go...come find us if you need us." I said with a forced smile. I pulled Steve out behind me and closed the door.

"What the fuck?" We asked each other.



"She hates that name, her ex used to call her that and it's just bad news." I said waiting for him to start.

"There is only two James', and if she affiliated the "James" with me than it must be Bucky, but she doesn't know his name is James. He never told her, he was going to, but everything hit the fan when they went on their date." Steve explained.

We started walking to the elevator before pausing. We both whipped around.


"—She called you dad?"

This was getting weirder and weirder by the minute. I quickly brought my arm up and wacked the side of Steve's shoulder. His hand shot up and he gave me a confused look. "Ow. I didn't say anything!"

"I had to see if I was dreaming, and I felt the sting from hitting I'm not." I walked past him and into the elevator.

"What?" He asked walking behind me into the elevator.

It started going down as I turned to him, "well I'm not going to willingly hit myself." I shook my head at him.

I turned back forward, not five seconds I felt something hit my shoulder. I looked back over and saw Steve's hand go back down. I furrowed my brows and hit him back. He looked at me shocked before smacking me again. We both started smacking each other, we both suddenly stopped when someone cleared their throat.


We both slowly looked over and saw Pepper standing in front of the doors, both our arms dropped to our sides. "Hey honey."

"Hi Pepper."

"Whatsa going on?" She asked stepping in.

"Oh nothing. Where are you going?" I smiled at her, when she looked away for a split second I glared at Steve.

"I was going to go see Kathie, I heard she was awake."

"No." Steve and I both said in sync.

"Why not?" She asked, turning around, and looking between us.

"She's...sick?" I said, hesitating on the last word.

"Sick?" She asked staring at me, I looked to the side and pretended not to hear her. "She's sick?"

"Mhmm yeah."


He pursed his lips and looked at me.

"Tony Stark!"


"What is going on?"

"Somethings wrong with her." Steve sighed and confessed.

"Wrong? What do you mean wrong?" She asked looking at us.

"She called me dad." I told her. I don't know how I feel about that word, dad? I could never be a dad.

"So? She sees you as a dad, is that, that big of a deal? It probably took a lot of courage to call you that. If you don't like it did you correct her?"

"Yeah but—"

"She also called Bucky a "manwhore" and referred to him as "James", he never told her his name." Steve added on.

"Well I'm sorry but he is a manwhore, and how do you know she didn't just over hear it or, ya know, did some research on him during the no sleep week." She reasoned, "I'm sorry guys but I'm not seeing anything wrong here."

"She also hates the name Kathie." Steve pressed.

"What? She loves that name."

"Nope." Steve and I both said.

"Well, what does she want to be called?"


"What? No?"


"She's terrified of that name, that makes no sense."

"None of this makes sense, it's like she has a whole new personality since waking up. She also refers to Steve as "Steven" and said that he and Barnes tricked her."

"What?" She looked down as if trying to come up with a reasonable explanation.

"I know. Something is wrong." Steve said.

"We'll figure it out." I said and they both nodded.

Katherine Morgan.

It took me a minute, but I was able to remember everything that happened, it was a little weird and feels like a dream. Everything feels so different. Somethings weird.

"FRIDAY?" I ask aloud.

"Yes Miss Morgan?"

I opened and signed into my computer as I spoke. "Can I access the teams files, like what people would read before they joined the team?"

"Yes. Since you are a part of the team you have the same clearance as everyone else."

Nice. "How would I get those?"

"I will email them right now, would you like everyone's?"


Not long after I received the email, I decided to start with Tony's. It was nothing I didn't already know. I moved onto Steven's, it says how he got some serum that heightened all his senses, that mixed with knowing how to fight is a dangerous combo. Yada yada ya, more crap I already knew. Well I didn't know that, but I suspected it. I skimmed through it all, Nat's was mostly bolded out and had words replaced with "Classified" but whatever.

Wanda's and Pietro volunteered to be lab rats for Hydra, resulting in them getting their powers. Only to be rescued on a mission. It doesn't say which though.

Finally I got to James' file, it's filled with pictures of him in a mask, a couple with him in what looks like a tube. His eyes are closed, sleeping maybe. In his description part, it's filled with master this and master that. Basically saying that he is the perfect and ideal assassin, and with him receiving the serum as well, he is unstoppable. His arm is made of metal and gives me the backstory of the star.

He was an assassin for Hydra, the same place Wanda and Pietro were at. He was captured in the 1944, when he fell off a train, after that, Sargent James 'Bucky' Barnes was labeled "Missing in Action."

He became a trained assassin and killed dozens, only to be captured and saved by Steven.

So he was an assassin. Hmm. I was about to close my computer when I saw my name.

Katherine Morgan.

Age: 17

Weight: 183

Height: 5' 6"

D.O.B.: January 16th, 1995

Known alias: Kathie, Kat, Kitty Kat, Kath, K, Morgan, Ava Donovan

Family: Miles Morgan, Father: MIA. Emi Morgan, Mother: MIA.

Other: Philip Conners, Ex significant other: Deceased, N/N/2011

Identity: Esmeray

Education: Currently in high school

Powers: Mind reading, energy out of hands, powers change according to mood, teleportation, more but unidentified, under observation and continuous testing.

Hmmm. I don't want to know how they got this information. I didn't think I was on the team long enough to have a file, how long have they been putting this together. I continued to scroll, there was a description of my back story and my living situation. I saw a six pictures attached at the end of the document.

The first one was me in a cell, I was in the corner with a mean look on my face as I stared into the distance, the date read: January 18th, 2012. I had just turn seventeen, how they got this, I don't know. I figured they had cameras in the cells, but I was never able to find one. There was a description at the bottom. Katherine 'Kathie' Morgan, captured two days ago, hasn't moved, eaten, or slept in 39 hours. Under observation.

The next one was of me and Nat in a ring, I was in midair, her hand on my chest. I can assume she had just kicked my feet out from under me and was in the process of slamming me down to the ground. The date read: February 19th, 2012. The description for this one was, Kathie has shown great progress and has started training. She has lots of work to do but shows major potential. Has gotten close to Peter, Natasha, Wanda, Steve, Tony, and Bucky. We will start working with her powers soon.

Third picture was of me, and James huddled together in a room. He had his arm around my waist and Steven's shield on his arm. I was stood on my knees with powers shooting from my palms, My eyes glowed blue, and my powers were blue at my palms but faded to yellow at the end. The date was, March 18th, 2012. The description was: Kathie was working on her powers when an earthquake hit and broke the machine. Trapping her in there. Bucky ran in to help her and to protect her. Both of them fought the disks when Kathie's powers went from yellow (happy) to blue (fear) right in front of our eyes.

Fourth picture was of me, I was laying on a table, my chest was bare. A rectangular black box was edited over my breasts, and there was a blue towel like thing covering my pelvis. An orange light shined through my skin as I laid there. March 18th, 2012. Kathie was pronounced dead after saving Bucky from getting hit with a disk. He is safe and unhurt. Kathie was hit in the chest and suffered a heart attack. We suspect her powers brought her back to life. She is safe and healthy, we are awaiting her wakening.

Fifth picture was of me sleeping on a bed. The date was June 9th, 2012. Kathie fell from the sky and has been in coma since May 24th, 2012. A portal appeared in the middle of common room. A man came out of it named "Amenadiel Firstborn". Told us she was merging worlds and gave us serum to remember it. We decided against giving Kathie any. He said that two worlds were being merged into ours. Kathie later woke up screaming, once she fell back asleep the sky returned to the dark night (having been an orange swirl over the tower) We are figuring out where 'Amenadiel' and his brother 'Lucifer' reside, and what they are. They said to "pray" for them if we needed them, we have yet to try so. Once we know what is happening we will tell Kathie. Huh? I don't remember any of this! I can merge worlds? What worlds did I merge? I need to talk to them about this, it was not right them to hide this from me! If I did something I want to know what!

Last picture was of me walking in my suit. I had Steven in front of me, he was in his Captain America suit, he had a grip on my wrist and was pulling me forward and into his back. James was behind me with his hands on my hips, pushing my forward. His head was dipped next to mine as he glared into the crowd. I had a scared mixed with an excited look, granted you could any see my eyes. I remember that day though. Date was June 26th, 2012. Kathie was announced as Esmeray, and the crowd loved her. She did amazing at not giving anything away. Steve and Bucky lead her into the car and protected her from any hands and helped her ignore all the screaming or any questions being asked. She sat with them in the car and stayed in suit until she got to the common room.

That was the last picture in the set. I'm not going to say anything yet about the whole world thing, I want to see if they will tell me or not.

July 13th, 2012.


I pulled into the parking lot after trying to get Tony out of his office all day. I smiled as I looked over at the little card sitting on top of my phone. "Ava Donovan." I repeated as I read the fake ID. It was a pain in the ass to steal this, then get ready and leave the tower without anyone seeing. It's amazing how much help FRIDAY can be with learning where everyone is.

I quickly hop out and walk up to the door of the club. I walk up to the door, purposefully swaying my hips as I make eyes contact with the bouncer, giving him a flirty smile.

"Hi!" I exclaim holding out my ID. "How's your Friday the 13th going?"

He looked me up and down real quick, I smiled at the lust in his eyes. "Better now, where's your boyfriend at?"

"I don't have one, I'm open and free for the picking." I batted my eyelashes at him a couple times and gave him a sweet smile.

"Well that's just foolish, have a great night sugar." He winked before handing my ID back, his fingers brushing against mine. I walked in swaying my hips some more as I knew he was watching.

It was nice, after my first mission no one claimed the dress so I kept it, so why store such a beautiful gold dress when I can put it to use? My boobs looked amazing in it, and it was short and showing off what I had but I wasn't fully exposed. The perfect amount of everything.

I looked around and went to the bar to get a drink. Without much thought I started downing it before making my way to the dance floor. Almost instantly I felt someone's hands around my waist before settling on my hips, swaying them, and pulling them against the person.

I look over my shoulder and I see a guy, about the same height as me, maybe a little smaller, he would've been taller if I wasn't in my heels. He had bright brown eyes, and dark reddish orange hair. He was attractive, I'll admit it. He saw me looking at him and whispered in my ear, "Keaton. What's yours?"

"Ava." Is all I said before dancing again. I pulled away grabbing his hand and led him to the bar to get more drinks. He ordered a round of shots and from the distance I could see two men staring at us. One was very, very tall and the other was tall but not as tall. He was only maybe a forehead away.

I'm starting to get a little dizzy now. "Ava!" The guy exclaimed walking up to me. I turned slightly to look at him and cheered when he came walking up with two drinks.

"What is it?" I asked taking it from him. I know it wasn't the smartest but I'm not thinking all that clearly right now. An attractive man is offering me a drink? Who am I to say no?

"Long Island Iced Tea!" He smiled taking a giant sip. I nodded and drank mine. He made eye contact with me as he drank his, I started drinking faster as we stared at each other. It somehow turned into a chugging contest. He of course finished first and left me coughing from the burn of the drink. He and I went back to the dance floor, I glanced at the men before walking into the crowd and they were staring at me, the extra tall one looked really, really mad.

Keaton spun me around causing me to giggle, I started grinding against him. He returned the action with no questions. After what felt like forever I felt him slightly push my back away from his chest, so I was bent at the waist a tiny bit. We continued dancing, I don't know why I was bent down, this isn't very comfortable.

A/n: Trigger warning, sexual assault

After a long time in the uncomfortable position he pulled me back up. One arm was tight against my waist and his free hand wrapped around my neck, lightly squeezing it, and tilting my head to the side. I giggled, all I could do was giggle. I couldn't form any words right now, to ask him what he was doing, to ask him to stop, to tell him to continue, I couldn't do any of it. I was just zoned out at the moment.

I felt my neck get wet, I assume he's kissing it. Such a funny action, kissing ones neck. What's the point of it? The warm feeling at the bottom of my stomach maybe, or maybe that's just the alcohol. That's a funny word too. Alcohol, I can never spell it or pronounce it really. I always used to pronounce it with a 'w', where it came from I don't know. Ow-co-hol, don't know how or when that started.

My attention was brought back to the present when he started getting a little handsy, his hand left my neck and dropped to my chest, while his other hand went down and grabbed my upper thigh. He was still kissing my neck. I don't know what I feel right now.

I felt as we started moving, I didn't really know so I kinda just went with it. Before I knew it I was pushed up against some kind of wall, his hands covering me, roughly sliding up and down as I stood there. I could feel his hands as they ran down my arms, but I didn't comprehend it.

His lips smashed onto mine. He sucked at kissing. He was just licking my lips. He wasn't so attractive anymore. "That's bad." I mumbled.

"What?" He asked pulling away. I giggled again as I looked at him. His face looked funny.

"You're...b-bad at kissing." I giggled my way through 'kissing', I don't know why but that word seemed funny.


Ki-is-sss-iiingg. I sound like a snake.

"Just shut up. You'll enjoy it more if you're quiet."

"Okay." He tried pushing his tongue in my mouth, but I just wasn't feeling it. He finally succeeded and he tasted gross. Like reallyreallyreally really gross.

"Ew." I pushed him away slightly, my eyes felt heavy, and I was too dizzy to try and pretend that this was enjoyable.

"Ew? I thought I told you to stay quiet."

"Fi-rst of all." I slurred, "you told me to "shut up"." I mocked, making a face, and deepening my voice. "But you taste bad. I don't like it." I closed my eyes and yawned after speaking. I reopened them and saw him staring at me. He looked annoyed.

He kissed me again being even rougher now. I don't wike this. Wike? I don't like this. I don't like this. "No." I mumbled pushing at his chest. He didn't move and just pushed against me harder.

"No." I repeated, pushing harder. I was about to give up when he pulled back. Or more accurately, he was pulled back. The men from before were there again. The tall one had the guy by the back of the shirt and the shorter one—which I may add is a lot taller than I thought, they both are—was standing next to him, he pulled his arm around, grabbing the man by the collar of his shirt. Spinning him to face the two scary men.

"Boss?" Keaton asked looking from both men.

Boss? Could you imagine calling someone boss? Like if I called Tony 'Boss', instead of Tony. I giggled again, totally spacing the situation in front of me.

"What's going on here?" Mr. Boss Sir said, looking from Keaton to me.

"Nothin, we were just having some fun." Keaton deadpanned, his voice sounded funny. I wonder if he had a close relationship with his boss like I do with Tony. Probably not since he calls him boss.

I shifted around a bit, it felt like my skin was vibrating. I looked up and saw the two scary guys looking at me. I blinked a couple times before focusing on them.

"Some fun huh? Did she want to?" Mr. Scary Tall Man asked, staring down at Keaton. Keaton? What a funny name. His parents must've been high when they named him.

"Of course she did." Keaton laughed, "look at me." He added. He wasn't all that great, you can be the sexiest man alive but tasting bad is bad. Like really bad. He should brush his teeth, I wonder if I tell him if he'll be mad.

"Did you want to fuck this man?" Mr. Scary Tall Man asked. Looking at me. I instantly gasped.


He took a deep breath before speaking. "Did you want to have sex with this man?"

"No, he's a bad kisser." I mumbled as I looked around. I was in some kind of back room maybe, the corners were dark and there was an old couch. It was probably an apartment for rats.

"See that doesn't sound so good to me." Mr. Boss Sir said. I never looked before but they seriously towered over him. They could probably bring their leg up and step on him—wait? If I ask if they are flexible enough do you think that would offend them?

"I'm not sure if I'm just out dated but in my experience, if a girl wants to fu—" he paused looking over at me, I was about to correct him, but he spoke too soon. "If a girl wants to have sex with you she would be singing your praises. Not saying that you kiss bad. But who knows? I could be wrong." Mr. Scary Tall Man said.

"If I ever catch you doing some crap like this again, you wont live to see your punishment. And you will be getting punished for this. You swore an oath, and you break that you die. I'm giving you a warning because you are new. First and only time." Mr. Boss Sir said.

A/n: end of trigger.

Mr. Scary Tall Man's hand replaced Mr. Boss Sir's and roughly shoved him out of the room. I was absently watching. I don't really know what happened.

Mr. Boss Sir walked up to me when Mr. Scary Tall Man returned to the room.

Mr. Boss Sir stood in front of me and lifted his hands before stopping, "is it alright if I touch your dress?" He asked looking at me.

"Hmm?" I asked staring at him. Now he was attractive. I bet he's a good kisser. I should try, do you think he'd be mad if I—

My thoughts were cut off by him talking again.

"I'm going to touch your dress, is that alright?"

I looked at him confused, why did he want my dress? He's a guy? Maybe he wants to play dress up. "Sure Mr. Boss Sir." I looked down as he grabbed my dress, pulling it down slightly and twisting. I hadn't realized that it had ridden up.

"Are you alright?" Mr. Scary Tall Man asked me. These guys were being awfully nice to me. I've seen movies like this with Peter. They're going to sell me to some weird man. I'm too young to be a wife.

"Y-yes." I pushed away from the wall, Mr. Boss Sir stepped back and watched me as I stumbled to the door. It was being blocked though.

"Excuse me Mr. Scary Tall Man but I'm thirsty." I tried to push through but he was immovable. I pushed against his stomach, but he wasn't moving.

"Mr. Scary Tall Man?" He asked looking down at me. I shrugged looking up at him.

"Let's get you some water than get you home." Mr. Boss Sir said, he lightly grabbed my hand and walked down the hall. Mr. Scary Tall man followed close behind. Mr. Boss Sir smelt good. What's his name? I should find out his name. What if its something simple like Bob? He doesn't look like a Bob. I laughed to myself as I pictured calling him Bob.

We reached the bar and 'Bob' asked for a water bottle. He twisted off the lid and held it to my lips, he tilted it and I drank the water. It was good and tasted crisp, if that makes any sense. Once he stopped he gabbed my hand and closed it around the bottle, making sure I had a grip before letting go.

"Is your name Bob?" I blurted out. I heard Mr. Scary Tall Man laugh from behind me, he was full on laughing causing me to laugh as well. What was so funny?

"No, my name is not Bob. What's your name?" Not 'Bob' asked me. I thought about it for a second what is my name? I have two right now.

"Ava?" I answered unsure, I pulled out my ID and gave it to him.

"Ava Donovan." He said, he glanced up at Mr. Scary Tall Man, I looked behind me and he was shaking his head.

"What's your name?" I asked looking at him.




"Okay Glen." He was attractive, he had dark brown eyes. He had a sharp jaw line, paired with a slight stubble. His black hair was styled up, like hero hair. Ha, he had hero hair. He had a pair of glasses on, but he was constantly adjusting them. I don't think he wears them very often. His chest was covered by a simple grey button down shirt that was tucked into a pair of dark black jeans. His shirt sleeves were rolled up and the first two buttons were undone at the top of the shirt.

I glanced over my shoulder at Mr. Scary Tall Man, "what's your name Mr. Scary Tall Man?"

"Kareem." He replied, his voice was very deep.



"Yeah. No. You lost me."








"Okay Reem." He was also attractive, but it felt weird looking at him. I couldn't admire him like I could Glen. Reem had dark brown hair, like mine. He also had bright green eyes, they were beautiful. His hair was styled but not as high as Glens, he also had hero hair. He had a stone cold face, like it would break of he did anything but glare at passing people. He had a sharp jaw line too, but his face was covered more with stubble, the hairs were a little longer. He had a brown/red mixed kinda color cotton shirt. He had a jacket paired with it and a pair of blue jeans. He was not dressed for the club. Glen didn't have a jacket though, just his shirt.

He shook his head, a small smile on his lips. Glen started laughing from in front of me. I gasped as the best idea came to mind. I think I startled both Glen and Reem because they both stood taller and looked around. "We should take a picture!" I squealed grabbing my phone from my bra.

"No it's time to get you home." He stood pulling me up too. "Can you walk?"

"No I want to take a picture. Excuse me!" I yelled trying to get the bartenders attention.

"May I?" He asked extending his arms.

"Huh?" I gave him a confused look before agreeing still trying to get my camera on. Without much warning I was picked up bridal style, "keep your legs bent, we don't need anyone getting a free show."

"How can I help you?" The man asked from behind the bar.

"OOOO can you take a picture for us?" I asked extending my phone, I couldn't quite reach and kept leaning forward. Reem sighed and took my phone handing it to the man. "Yaayyyyy." I giggled as he took the phone.

I wrapped my arms around Glens neck and smiled brightly. I heard Reem chuckle behind me and I felt Glen shake a tiny bit, he was probably laughing too.

"And done." The man smiled. I reached forward, wiggling out of Glens arms to get the phone. I stumbled up to the bar and smiled at the photo. Reem took the phone from me, I was going to say something but decided against it. There was no reason. It's not like he was going to take it. I grabbed my water and started drinking it when I was picked up again.

Water poured all over me, soaking the dress. I was now freezing. I looked to the side and Glens once grey shirt was wet, just next to where the water spilt.

"I'm sorry, I'm sososo sorry."

"It's alright, you're wet, I have an extra shirt in my car. Would you like a ride home?"

I hummed and snuggled into his chest, he was comfy and smelt good—amazing. He smelt amazing. The men took me out to the car and set me down next to the passenger door. Glen quickly dug through something and pulled out a long black button up shirt.

He turned to me, "can you do it or do you need help?"

I raised my arms to the sides, "help please." He glanced up at Reem, he shrugged and stood in front of us. Glen opened both doors to create a wall, Reem being the third and most scary wall.

"We're gonna do this as quick as possible. I want you to look me in the eye the entire time okay?" I nodded and made eye contact as he pulled the zipper of my dress down. I shivered as the dress hit the ground, I was now standing in nothing but my undergarments. I did what Glen said and kept eye contact as he lightly pulled my arms through the sleeves, then buttoned up the shirt.

"Okay, you're all set." Glen shut the back door and helped me into the passenger seat. I watched out the window as Glen and Reem hugged, said goodbye and Glen rounded the car getting into the front seat. "Lets get you home." He smiled at me and started driving. Where was he taking me? I never told him where I lived. Before I could press the issue I fell asleep against the window.

Steve Rogers.

"Kat?" I asked knocking on her door, we need to talk about why she calls me Steven and why she thinks I tricked her.

"Kat can we talk please?"

"Look I get you're confused but talking will make it better."

I opened the door and slowly looked in, the room was empty. "FRIDAY where is Kathie?"

"She left about four hours ago."

"Where to?"

"I apologize sir, but I do not know."

Where did she go? We never told her she wasn't allowed to leave but she normally didn't leave the tower, everything she needed was here and she didn't like leaving by herself especially at 11PM. "Can you track her phone?" I asked walking to the elevator. I needed to go get her, we could have her vehicle towed back, or someone could come with me. I'll bring Sharon, she can drive her car back.

"Right away sir."


"Sharon?" I asked allowed as I walked into my room.

"One sec!" She yelled, a couple seconds later she walked out with her toothbrush in hand, she didn't live here but I share my bathroom when she stays. "What's up?" She asked with a hand covering her mouth as she spoke.

"I need help, Kathie is off somewhere and I'm not too comfortable with how she was acting earlier. Could you come with me and drive her car back if needed?"

"Of course, let me get a jacket and shoes on." She turned around and started for the bathroom but paused when FRIDAY came over the speakers. "Miss Morgan's location was traced to 24/7 Night Club."

"She's at a bar?" Sharon asked turning around.

Oh no, somethings wrong. Somethings really wrong with her. "I guess so."


"There!" Sharon pointed to a dark corner of the parking lot at Kathie's 4-runner. I pulled in next to it and Sharon hopped out, pushing her hands against the glass as she looked in. She looked back at me shaking her head. I parked then we went inside. The music blared and people were staring at me, I just hope it was because I wasn't dressed for the club and not because they recognized me.

I sent Sharon to the bathrooms to check if she was there, if not she was going to look on the dance floor. I went up to the bar and waved down the man.

"What can I get for you?" He was in the process of drying a glass.

"Hey, I'm looking for a girl, she wasn't in her room, and I was wondering if she was here. About 5 foot 6, 7 or 8 in heels. Long brown hair, green eyes."

"Yeah, I saw her. Alex...Anna...Ava? Ava? Right?" The man asked.

"Yes. Do you know where she is?"

"She left with two men."


"Sorry man, that sucks."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Well, I mean if my girl left with two scary attractive ass men I would not be that calm." He laughed a little, my girl? What—no.

"No, she's not my girl. She's like a sister to me." I corrected, she wasn't anyone's girl, she was just there right now.

"Oh that's worse man."

"Do you know when she left?"

"She had me take a picture on her phone about thirty-ish minutes ago."

I pulled out my phone and saw that it still said she was here. "Her location is still here, did she leave her phone perhaps, anything personal?"

"Yeah, I found her phone five minutes after she left."

"Can I have it?"

"Can you tell me the color of the phone and what the case is?"

Well shit, I don't remember. She could've changed it. "Purple phone with a white butterfly case. That's what we bought her."

He looked down before nodding. He pushed it over the top as Sharon walked up to me. "She wasn't in there."

"Yeah I know. She left with some guys."

"Do you know what they looked like?"

"They were tall, scary, and very attractive. I took a picture on that phone so you might be able to see." The man said pointing at the phone before leaving to help a costumer.

I turned the phone on and was instantly met with an unsettling photo. Kathie was in some guys arms, he was holding her and laughing. Behind them was a very tall dude, easily over 6' 3", he was laughing and looking down at her as well. They look strong, they don't look scary as they both are laughing while holding or looking at Kathie. What is she doing?

I held the phone out to Sharon, and she gasped taking the phone from my hand, observing the picture. She quickly unlocked it and went into the photos. There were a couple photos, all have the same thing but there is one where Kathie is smiling and looking into the guy that's holding her, eyes. She looks happy, the happiest she has in a hot minute.

"We need to find her. I don't trust them." She said and turned to walk out. Shit.

"Thanks." I turned and walked out with Sharon. "We should call Tony."

"What?!" She asked turning around. "We do not call Tony yet!"

"Why? What if she is hurt?"

"You want to call over dramatic Tony before trying to look for her? If he finds out she will never leave the tower again. He'll go all Rapunzel on her." I see where she's coming from, but we can't risk it. Kathie isn't in her right mind.

"I'm calling him."

"Steve don't."

"Too late." I already had my phone to my ear. Sharon huffed and kept walking, I followed behind her. I examined the 4-runner to see if we could get in it. If so, I could hotwire it.


"Hey Tony, is Kathie in her room?"

"One sec, FRIDAY is Kathie in her room?"

"Yes sir, she is sleeping. Would you like me to wake her?"

"No leave her be. She's sleeping. Why, what happened?"

"Nothing, I was just checking. Have a good night." I quickly hung up the phone. "She's at the tower."

"What?" Sharon asked with a hint of fear in her voice.

"Isn't that good?"

"No. No this is bad. Very, very bad." She exclaimed as she somehow unlocked the car door. How did she do that?

"Why is that bad? She's home safe."

"You really don't get it?" She pushed the driver seat back and pulled out the wires under the wheel, laying on her back under the wheel.

"Get what?"

She started the truck and sat back up. "She went to a bar, yes?"

I nodded.

"Did he say anything about her name?"

"He said it was Ava. I don't get it, you've lost me."

"If it was Ava, we can assume she brought the fake ID. And if she brought the fake ID it's safe to assume she was drinking."


"Now two random men picked her up. How would she get back to the Avengers tower without us driving or herself driving."

"She told them." I gasped, my hand instantly flying to my hair.

"Drunk Kathie is telling people she lives at the tower, what's exactly stopping her from telling them she's Esmeray?"

"Damnit. We need to get this figured out now."

Katherine Morgan.

I woke up to something touching my knee, I sat up slightly and saw Glens' hand resting lightly. It wasn't uncomfortable, just unusual. His thumb was rubbing light strips over my kneecap. "Where are we?" I slurred and rubbed my eyes. He glanced over at me and laughed. I gave him a confused look, I looked down and I didn't see anything weird. I wasn't drooling. What's funny?

I looked outside as he pulled over. My heart started beating faster as he stopped the car and turned to me, a small smile on his face. What was about to happen? He laughed once more before getting out. Should I run? He wouldn't murder me. I have his picture on my phone—where is my phone? Reem had it last I saw it.

I should run. I'm gonna ru—I was cut off by my door opening and Glen squatting down, balancing on the balls of his feet. How is he going to murder me like this?

"Close your eyes." He spoke softly, I hesitated before agreeing. After a couple seconds I felt something wet on my face and pulled back, my hands shooting in front of me and onto his chest. And oh my God was I not disappointed but what I was touching.

I looked at his hands and saw that he had a pack of wet wipes in one and a wipe in the other, the wipe had a stipe of black across it. What? I turned and opened the visor, pulling the mirror part down. A small light lit up and I saw my face. The entire right side, from my eye to my nose was black. I had rubbed my eyeliner everywhere. Oh my God.

"Oh my God!" I exclaimed hiding my face.

"Come back!" He laughed, pulling me back towards him and lightly grabbing my wrist so he could see my face. He began wiping it again, gently removing the makeup.

After a minute or so, he smiled and stood up. He opened the back door and threw three wipes away. I wasn't insecure about the way I looked with no makeup, but I couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed at the fact that I had no makeup on in front of him. The man just wiped my makeup off, and now I wish that I had something on.

"Stop it, you look beautiful, more even." He spoke softly, he had started driving again. I blushed at his comment. He's too sweet.

"Is it alright if my hand goes on your knee? You were shaking it in your sleep, I only had it there to calm you down." He asked, keeping his hand on his leg and the other on the wheel. I nodded before realizing that he couldn't see me with how dark it is.

"Yes. Thank you for asking."

His hand fell onto my knee, in the same place as before. "Are you alright?"

"Huh? Yeah. I'm perfect."

"Are you sure, that was a close call with the dude."

"Oh Keaton? Oh yeah, he was bad. He tasted bad too." I mumbled, Glen heard still and laughed.

"I can take care of him if you'd like." He offered looking at me for a split second. Take care of him? How? Calling the cops maybe?

"No it's alright, he was just confused. He called you boss, does he work for you?"

"Yes, he was just hired. He will be taken care of. He will be punished for his actions."

"O-okay." I looked down. I don't know what I'm feeling. My head is still a little fuzzy and I'm cold. "Can you turn the heater on?"

"Of course, you started sweating so I turned it off." His hand left my leg for a second before returning quickly.

"Thank you." I mumbled, laying my head back on the window.


"Ava." I heard quietly. "Ava wake up." I opened my eyes and saw the car was parked in front of the tower. Glen was turned towards me and lightly shaking my leg. There was a throbbing pain in my neck but right this moment I didn't—nor could I—pay enough attention to it.


"You're home."

"Oh, okay."

Glen got out of the car and opened my door for me, extending a hand to which I took. I stood with the help of him, trying to get a balance on my shaky legs. "Steady?"

I nodded as I stood off to the side of him, he reached in the back and pulled out my dress. It was neatly folded, I rested it over the length of my arm as he turned around and shut the door behind him. He leaned back, a smile on his face, and his hands in his back pockets.

I want to hug him. I'm gonna hug him. I quickly walked up to him as steady as I could and threw my arms around his neck, my heels made me taller but I still had to stain to reach his neck. He laughed and wrapped his arms around my upper back. "Thank you."

"Thank you for everything. For saving me, for the ride home." I looked down at the shirt I was wearing. "I'm sorry about the shirt. I can change into my dress real quick." I let go of his neck, just loosely holding him.

"No, no, it's okay. You can keep it." He smiled down at me.

He's so cute, "you're so cute."


"Yeah, and you smell really good." I laid my head down on his chest. Taking a deep breath.

"What do I smell like?"

"Lemons, and not those sour lemons. The nice and sweet ones you put on cakes." I should probably stop talking now.

"You smell good too, like peaches."

I smiled and looked up at him. My chin resting on his chest. I'm gonna kiss him. Yeah.

I leaned up to kiss him, my hands moving from his neck to his cheeks, before our lips could touch I felt the pad of his thumb on my lips. I pulled away slightly and looked at him.

"Our first kiss will not be like this. You're drunk. Go inside and go to bed, we'll meet again soon. I do apologize for the future." He said looking down at me. He pushed me away lightly and my arms fell to my side. The future? What's going to happen in the future for him to apologize.

"Okay. Well goodnight."

"Goodnight." He pulled me in a little and placed a small kiss to my temple. This man is adorable, definitely husband material, like forever kind of thing. I blushed and headed to bed, I didn't know where my phone was but oh well, I'll find it later. I took the elevator until I got to the point of the stairs, not only was I out late and had been drinking, I'm also in a mans shirt. Not the best look I must add. Once getting to my room I chucked my dress down on the couch and fell down on my bed, I didn't have any make up to take off and my room was hot. So I literally just laid down.

Glendon Teivel. (Tea-vil)

I watched as she walked inside. Katherine Morgan. You sure are something else. The minute I couldn't see her anymore I got in my car and drove away.

My phone started ringing and without second thought I picked it up. "Teivel."

"Is it done?"

"Well hello to you too Kareem."

"Did you do it?"

"Yes I did it. Now all we have to do is wait and listen and plan our next action. Have you spoken to Ezekiel yet?"

"Not yet. He doesn't need to know about her yet. He'll pull some stupid shit."

"If you say so. I'm on my way back now."

"See you soon."

Bucky Barnes.

Now who the fuck was that. Here I am, taking a walk around the compound to relax and go to sleep when there's Kat hugging on some man. Wearing what I can assume is his shirt. That whore.

Steve Rogers.

We pull up to the compound. Sharon following behind me in the truck. After parking we both head up to Kathie's room. I was about to knock when Sharon just walked in. She gave me a look and shook her head. We walked into the dark room, Sharon gave me a look before shaking her head.

She turned the flashlight of Kathie's phones on, shining the phone towards the bed. My eyes didn't even have a time to adjust before Sharon quickly turned me around. "What?"

"She has no pants on."

"What?" I repeated worried. She leaves with random guys and now she has no pants on. I'm gonna kill them both, slowly, and painfully.

I could hear Sharon walk forward. "She has underwear on, she's wearing a black button down shirt. I don't think she did anything of that sorts. I'll talk to her in the morning." I heard the sound of her comforter being moved and Kathie groan and move around.

"I'm gonna go get her some pain meds and water."

Katherine Morgan.

July 16th, 2012.


These people are slowly killing me. Seriously. When I woke up on the 14th, Steven was there and ready to scream at me for being so reckless. I zoned out as I was getting my lecture. I don't remember anything from that night. The only thing I have to go off on is a couple pictures and the lemon smelling shirt.

James' girlfriend has been here more often. It's like he's rubbing it in my face. I'm over it. They will be over. I will break them up if it's the last I do. I'm sitting next to Peter on the couch and staring at the couple, they were at the kitchen island.

"Pete can we try something?"

"Sure what is it?" He turned to me, we weren't whispering but spoke quietly so that Katherine Fae wouldn't hear us.

"Just a theory. Talk to me in your mind, I'm gonna read it."

"Okay, can you hear me?" Peter asked.

I nodded, "ready?" He nodded.

"What are you trying to do?"

"This? Can you hear me?"

Peter shot back a bit and stared at me with wide eyes. "HOW?!" I quickly shushed him pointing to James. I then pointed to my head.

"How did you do that!"

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed looking at him with a huge smile. "Wanda tried telling me that I spoke in her head, but I didn't believe her."

Peter laughed, we were both amazed. "We have to tell Mr. Stark!"

"NO! No not yet! Before anyone knows I need to do something."

"Oh no, I know that look. What are you trying to do."

I smirked, then slowly moved my eyes to James and Katherine. Peter seemed to catch on, "no. Kath don't."

"I haven't even done anything yet."

"You can't use your powers on her."

"I won't if you help me." I raised my eyebrows a couple times as I smiled at him, hopeful.

He sighed, slowly shaking his head. "What do you need?"

"Distract him."

Peter stood up and said something to James, they both left, not before James huffed and mumbled something. I took that moment to slide up to the kitchen.

"Hey Katherine."

"Hi Kat. How are you?"

"I'm doing good, I can tell that you're great!" I need to lie to her, get her to leave him. He won't do it, so she has to.

She laughed once, "what do you mean?"

I know it. "Well last night sounded like fun, I had to put in my sound canceling earbuds." I joked knowing damn well she got here this morning.

"I wasn't here last night." She whispered, it took everything in me not to smirk.

"Oh well. You and James are still together, yes?"

"Yeah we are, why?"

"Well, I just want you to know that I am doing this for the sake of your feelings but just be warned he will cheat on you if given the chance." I gave her a sad smile and pulled out a plate of cherries.

"Why do you say that?" Aw how cute, she has tears in her eyes.

"Because he did it to me." I popped a cherry in my mouth as I watched her.

Her face dropped, she gasped, and her hand flew to her mouth. "Oh my—I'm so sorry! Who was it with?" Here's the fun part.


Katherine swallowed hard, watching me with careful eyes. A couple tears falling down her cheek. "Kat—I am so sorry. I had no idea! I swear I wouldn't have done it if I knew he was with someone."

"Katherine." I leaned forward over the counter. I grabbed her hands that were resting on the surface. She sniffled and looked at me. "I'm saying this as a friend, leave him before he can do anything. I don't want you to get treated like I did."

She nodded, pulling her hands from mine to wipe her eyes. I stepped back and hopped on the counter, snacking on my cherries.

"How would I do it through?" She asked quietly.

"Just tell him that you are unhappy and that you guys are over. Give him the necklace and just go. Don't give him the chance to lie to you about anything."


She calmed herself down so that she wasn't crying anymore. I had almost finished the plate, there were three left. James walked into the room as I ate one.

"Katherine." He spoke, not to me but to her. She stood up and looked at him.

"We need to talk." I looked between the two and ate another cherry.

He nodded and she began, "I'm not happy. I do not trust you and I will not let you hurt me. We are over." She handed him the necklace as she started crying again and this time I couldn't hold my smirk. I sucked on the last cherry as she turned around and walked out of the room.

James looked over at me, he was livid. I pulled the bare cherry stem out of my mouth, threw it on the plate and smiled before leaving the room, running into Peter on the outside.

"That was really mean." He said giving me a disapproving tone.

"Eh it was for the best...for her anyways. Lets go tell Tony yeah?"


"What did you have to tell me?" Tony asked, turning in his lab chair to face me and peter. Bruce was also in there paying attention to us. I glanced over at Bruce, I remember talking to him about my powers and him trying to get me to concentrate enough to try and do what Wanda said I did.

"Hi Bruce."

Tony turned in his chair when Bruce dropped his tools and gasped.

"What? What's wrong?" Tony asked.

"You did it!" He gasped.

"Did what?" Tony looked from me to Peter to Bruce, trying to figure out what we were happy about.

"Hey Tony."

I smiled larger when his eyes widened and he jumped from his seat, grabbing me by the shoulders. "Yes! Oh my god this is amazing! Good job!" He exclaimed pulling me into him. I laughed and hugged him back.

Tony Stark.

July 19th, 2012.


"Why did you call a meeting and why are we not in a conference room?" Fury asked, his arms crossed over his chest as he stared at us. Only a couple of us were here, Nat, Steve, Bruce, Wanda, and Peter.

"We brought you here today for two reasons. Banner." I pointed my hand out, signaling for him to take over.

"Well the first reason is a happy one, Kathie has recently discovered a power of hers. She was able to not only read our minds, but she was able to talk in them. She had a full conversation with Peter the other day."

I heard Nat and Steve gasp, Wanda mumbled, "I knew it." And Peter just smiled.

"Very nice. We will have to create a test to go with it for when she wants to train. Now what was the bad reason." Fury asked, he stood against the wall as he watched us. I heard something go through the kitchen but didn't pay much attention.

"Recently it has come to our attention that Kathie and Barnes are constantly at each other's throats, screaming and yelling at each other. We don't think it'll go past that, but we thought we should inform you of what is happening. When Kathie woke up from her sleep she was acting very odd. Both of them are. Kathie is going out late at night and not coming back till morning, Barnes is just being insufferable. He went from never having human contact but us, to flirting and trying to sleep with any girl in sight. We are worried more or less—"

I was interrupted by a loud bang, it was probably them going at it again. Nat stood up and looked through the window of the dinning room. She shook her head at me and sat back down.

"As I was saying Kathie has been acting as if she was a whole new person, she hates the name "Kathie" she calls Steve, Steven, and Bucky, James. When she woke up she didn't know his real name. We haven't—" I was interrupted again, but this time it was FRIDAY.

"Sorry for the interruption but there is a fight happening in the common room."

"Can it wait?"

"I'm sorry, but I must insist. It looks to be advancing very quickly." After she finished talking we heard the loud thumps of stomping feet. Oh shit.

Katherine Morgan.

"Fucking move!" I exclaimed trying to get to the fridge, I just wanted my cherries, that's all.


"James I swear to god!"

"Stop calling me that."

"No." I mocked, making an annoying voice.

He gave me a dry chuckle, turning around, opening the fridge, and pulling my cherries out. "Are these what you want?" He asked, waving them in front of my face like a dog.

"Well here." He picked one up ate it and threw the plate to the floor. "Go find some dude to clean it up. You found someone to clean up my sloppy seconds quick enough." He spat stepping over the food.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean!?" His sloppy seconds. This had to have been the night I couldn't remember, what had he seen that I didn't remember?

"I mean, go whore yourself out to a guy and have him clean them up."

I gasped, I walked forward, yanking his shoulder so he wasn't walking away from me. "You don't get to call me a whore!" I yelled at him, "you were the one out sleeping with someone at MY ANNOUNCEMENT PARTY JACKASS!"

"I wanted more, and you were too scared, that's not my fault." He spat, I tried to grab him again, but he pushed me into the counter. I heard a door shut and a lock turn. I never noticed that the kitchen had a door, much less a door that could lock me in.

"JAMES YOU OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW!" I screamed, pounding on the door. Oh fuck this. I walked to the back of the room, the door directly in front of me. I sprinted for the door, jumped with one leg extended and kicked just under the handle. The door flew open and slammed into the wall. The sound echoing though the floor.

"You don't get to call me a whore when I've done nothing more than kiss someone!" I spat at him. Pointing my finger at him from across the room.

"Just cause you don't like the truth doesn't mean its anything less. It is the truth, deal with it."

"At least I didn't murder dozens of innocents with my own two hands." I shot back, staring daggers at him. That seemed to grab his attention as he jumped from the couch and stomped for me. I walked backwards, as his hand shot up and grabbed my neck. The minute my back hit the wall I had pulled my dagger from my waistband and had it just under his chin, pushing up enough for him to feel it there.

He pushed harder, so I did as well. I could see red slowly drip down the blade and I smirked.

"All I have to do it squeeze." He pushed harder.

I pushed harder as well. Forcing a laugh out as I saw blood flow quicker. "And yo—you'd be dea...dead before I hit the floor." I stained out, still staring directly in his eyes. He pushed again but quickly stopped when people came rushing in and Steven pulled him away from me.

Tony was stood in front of me, bending down and grabbing my shoulders to make sure I was okay, Nat was pushing on James' chest, Wanda and Peter were standing in front of me and Tony, and Fury had his gun out and pointed at James. Poor Bruce was standing to the side, not knowing how to help.

"Director, I assure you there is no need for the weapon." Steven said as he pulled James away.

"Please put it down sir." Nat added as well.

""We don't think it'll go past the screaming and yelling" you said. Well what was this?" Fury asked looking at the two. "Is she alright?"

Tony looked at me and I nodded, still holding my throat. "Yeah, she's good."

"I'm gonna kill that mother fucker!" I yelled in my head, my hands starting to tingle.

"NO!" Wanda yelled, her fingers flying to my head. Instantly everything turned red, and I fell.

Tony Stark.

"What was that for?" I yelled at Wanda, barely catching Kathie in my arms.

"She was gonna attack again, and not with her fists."

Steve and Nat had already drug Barnes out of the room and towards the elevator.

"What the hell! What do we do now?" We can't just lock them up till we figure everything out. We need to figure it out sooner than later.

Katherine Morgan.

July 20th, 2012.


He grounded me. Tony grounded me. He took my phone, he took my car keys. He took everything. That wont stop me. Tony told me that I was to have some cash on me just in case I ever needed something, and he wasn't there, or I didn't have a card. I bet he never thought that I would be using it to sneak out. But here I am. After successfully getting out of the tower and hailing down a cab. I made it to a club. Two drinks down I was jumping and dancing when I saw Steven walking for me, I quickly turned to lose him in the crowd, then I saw Happy. Well shit. I quickly glanced around and saw a stage, I walked back towards it, staring at both Steven and Happy. I bumped into the wall, well I thought I did but then I felt someone grab my arms and push in, making it to where I couldn't move.

"Gotcha." I heard Clint say. I tried to wiggle out of his grip, but he was already moving. I was going to pull that card and be a bitch and get someone's attention, but he let go of my arms and held my hands, twirling and spinning me through the crowd. Damn. He was good.

We got to the door and Tony was resting against it. "Whatcha doin?" He asked looking at me.

"Well I was enjoying myself until the lot of you showed up." I looked at everyone, Tony, Steven, Happy, Clint, and Sam was there too. I must've not seen him in there. "You didn't need to bring a football team to lock me back in the tower."

"You hang out with assassins for fun, you were taught to figure out escape routes on the fly. So yeah I did. Clearly since you were able to dodge Rogers and Happy." Tony said as he extended his hand. "Hand it over."


"The ID give it over."

He and I stared at each other for a moment before I gave up. I huffed as I slammed it in his hands. Walking to his car and getting in the backseat. Night officially. Ruined.

I ignored Tony on the way to the tower. Then in the elevator. Then when he tried to talk to me at my door. I just gave him a blank stare and blinked slowly.

July 22nd, 2012.


Being grounded sucks. All I can do is workout, sit in the common room, or walk around. He took everything. He took my TV remote, banned FRIDAY from turning them on for me. If I want to watch TV then I have to sit in the common room and watch whatever's on in there. Which isn't bad I just don't want to. This morning has been very weird, I've been very jumpy. One wrong noise in my room and I'm jumping ready to blast them.

I decided a trip to the kitchen, maybe get a tea and a snack would be good. I should really move some food to the mini kitchen on my floor.

No one was in there, which is great because I didn't want to talk to anyone. I heard some noise from behind me, I slowly lowered my tea to the counter and turned around. Two men stood there, I had never seen them before. They could be S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. One of them had brown hair, decently dark. Lighter than mine. He had a lopsided stance and was staring at me. Then the other had light brown hair. It was way too long for him, it didn't look good whatsoever.

My mind screamed danger but I didn't know what to do. "Katherine." The one with long hair said. The lopsided one ran for me, and I didn't know what to do, the first thing that come to mind was to dodge him. I ran to the other side of the counter and stared with wide eyes.

The one with long hair ran one was and the lopsided one ran the other, trapping me. Without thinking I brought my hands up and shot energy both ways, the bright blue color filling the room. I screamed as the energy seems to do nothing to them, they just walked through it.

I jumped over the counter but was pulled back, I started punching the people around me, finally I hit something solid and ran. I turned to look at them when the one with long hair spoke. "You can't hide forever, we will find you."

"No. No just go away." I brought my hands back up and shot again, relief flooding when the lopsided person flew back. The long hair one started for me again so I shot him, he dodged it and before I could shoot at him again my arms were pulled behind me.

Someone's arms wrapped around my elbows, locking them in place behind my back. Without warning the person dropped taking me with them. Tears fell down my face as the long hair guy was getting closer. The person behind me wrapped their legs around mine, I couldn't move. "No!" I sobbed out, trying to get out of the persons hold.

Before the long haired guy could reach me he quickly turned around and ran to the lopsided guy. "Kat!" The person behind me yelled. I turned my head and saw Steven, my breathing sped up as I realized he was going to help kill me.

I looked back in front of me and didn't see the guys anymore. Instead I saw Sam helping Loki off the ground.

"Oh my god." I whispered, trying to scoot away from Loki, fearing he would be mad.

"Kat? What happened?" Sam asked looking at me. The right side of his face was turning a slight red, Loki's face was bright red just under his lips and to the left.

"I—I—I don't—I don't know. There were two guys...they were scary." Steven let go of my legs but still held my arms, just in case. Just then Pepper walked in the room.

"Kat? Oh my gosh!" She exclaimed running over to us, she looked at Steven and nodded. He let go and she pulled me into a hug.

"My dream...he was the guy from my dream." I cried into her. Why is this happening.

"Come on." She pulled me up, holding me to her.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, looking at Sam, Loki, and Steven. Pepper took me up to my room and I explained to her what happened. How the lopsided guy was the same guy from my nightmares. How I didn't feel safe. "I feel like someone's watching and listening to me at all times."

She just nodded along and held me. She had me lay down with her on the bed, and still holding onto her like five year old does to their mom after a nightmare, I fell asleep.

July 25th, 2012.


Pepper hasn't left my side since the kitchen accident happened. I don't mind, it's nice getting the mother like attention. The attention I've always craved and wanted. My dad not wanting anything to do with me hurt, but it was fine. When my mom stopped wanting me—now that broke me, I needed my mom. So considering everything, I do not mind one bit when Pepper stepped into the role. I didn't even ask her too, she just did.

She'll be a good mom one day. Today though, her and I are not friends. Not one bit.

"You'll be fine! I swear! If it's too much I promise I'll come in." She tried to convince me. She said that I needed to start showering with people sitting outside the room and not inside anymore. I understand and I agree but I am not happy about this whatsoever.

"Kat, babe, you will be fine, we will be out here waiting." Oh yeah, did I mention that she involved every girl in this place.

"I feel really ganged up on at the moment." I mumbled as I looked at them all. Nat gave me a look and I sighed. I know they are right and that I need to just get over this fear, but I don't like it. I don't like this. And I'm not happy about this.

"Fine. But if I find out even one of you left before I'm done, I will stab you." They all nodded. Hesitantly I grabbed my clothes and went into the bathroom, leaving the door a tiny crack open. It took me a minute or so to work up the courage to start the water.

I took the fastest shower of my life here, I was terrified and on the verge of tears the entire time. But I did it nonetheless, when I walked back into my room Pepper, Wanda, Sharon, and Nat were all sitting around the room talking.

Pepper smiled brightly and walked up, her arms getting thrown around me. "I'm so proud of you!"

Awe, you're going to make me cry. I hugged her back and smiled. This was nice.

July 31st, 2012.


"Ma'am are you alright?" Some dude asked me. Tony ungrounded me and I took the first change I got to snatch the ID back and go out.

"What time it is?" I paused, holding onto the bar for support. "What. Time. Is. It?" I corrected slowly. The man gave me a concerned look before answering.

"It is 12:42 AM, is there anyone I can call for you?"

"Ooo they're gonna be mad. No. Nonono they'll be mad if I call them. Can I just have something to drink?"

"Sorry Ma'am but I'm cutting you off, you can have a water if you'd like."

"Ugh, no." I pushed myself off the counter, looking at the phone screen as I walked slowly. I had missed calls from Steven and Sam. One named grabbed my attention. Bucket. James? Why was he calling me? My phone started going off again, Bucket was calling. I answered it.


"Where are you?" Oh he sounds mad.

"Anywhere away from you."

"Kat. Where are you?"

"No. I'm gonna go now—why have you been so mean to me?"

"Kat, I'm coming to get you. Where are you?"

"Sorry Mr. Meanie but I'm gonna go dance now. I'll talk to you the next time you yell at me." He tried to protest but I just set my phone down on the bar.

"God damnit Kat! Pick up the fucking phone!"


"Who is this?"

"This is the bartender. Who is this?"

"Where is this?"

"Who are you to her?"

"I'm a friend, I'm trying to find where she it so I can take her home."

"Okay, she's at VILO nightclub. She doesn't like to work with people huh? I've tried giving her water three times now."

"No she doesn't. I'll be there soon."

"Okay, hurry she's not doing so well, I'll keep an eye on her."

"HEY! What are you doing?" I asked walking up to the man, he had just set my phone down.

"Just checking the time. Would you like it back?"

"Nah. Just hold it. I trust you with it more than I do me. Do me a favor and ignore any calls. Can I get something to drink?"

"I'm not giving you any alcohol."

"Pleeeaaassseeee? I swear it'll be the last one!" I slapped my hands together, leaning over the bar as I spoke.

"No, I'll give you a soda, or a water."

"You're lame. Can I have a sprite?" I asked the last part with a smile, hoping he will say yes.

"Coming right up." He smiled at me before handing me a cup with a straw. I'm not five. But I'll accept because I love straws. "I'm gonna go dance!"

"Kat! No please stay up here." He yelled after me, but I was already gone.

He looked down as the phone started ringing. "Sam" displayed over the screen.


"Kat—What did you do with Kathie?"

"I didn't do anything, she is dancing and left her phone at the bar. This is the bartender speaking."

"My bad, sorry dude. Someone needs to pick her up. What bar is this?"

"Someone with the contact name 'Bucket' is already on his way."

"Of course she would answer his call, as much as she hates to admit it she is still soft for him."

"Okay, well someone needs my help, she'll be home soon." He hung up the phone, no one needed help, but he wanted to keep a watch out. I turned from the crowd and saw him looking at me, I waved before dancing again.

The phone started ringing again, the name of 'Dinosaur'.


"Who is this?"

"This is the bartender, and you are the third guy to call asking about her. Yes she's okay, I'm watching her as we speak. Someone by the name of Bucket is on their way. A Sam has called and now you, Dinosaur has called. Does that answer all the questions?"

"Yeah. Sounds good. Make sure she gets to Buck safely please. Thank you."

"Of course."

About five minutes of dancing went by before I went back up to get a drink. "Hi."


"How are you!" I chirped looking at the man again.

"Well my shift is almost over so it's good. How are you?"

"I'm great." I smiled, he matched it. His eyes traveled up and behind me. His smile dropping as he stood up straighter.

"Kat." I heard from behind me. I turned around and saw James.

"BUCKY!" I squealed, throwing my arms around his waist.

"How much have you had to drink?"

"Not enough—"

"Too much—" The bartender and I said at the same time.

"How did you find me?" I asked pulling away, I forgot I'm supposed to be mad and hate him.

"I know everything." James said looking down at me, a small smile tugging at his lips.

"Is he your friend?" The bartender asked.

"No." I responded instantly.

"No? Are you okay going home with him?"

"We're not friends. Friends don't do what we've done. And Friends don't sleep with other people at their parties. Yeah he lives on the same floor as me."

"Oh." The bartender said with wide eyes at the information I just blurted. James rolled his eyes in return.

"Okay, time to go. Thanks for the help." James said to the guy, "let's go."

I didn't move, I simply raised my arms slightly. "Really?" He asked. I Didn't answer, I just dramatically looked around. James huffed before picking me up bridal style. I sighed and pushed my hands into the back of his shirt through the collar. Something inside me missed the feeling of his skin, and the feeling of having him close to me.

I pushed my head into the crook of his neck. I started placing little kisses, why? I don't know? I just felt like it. I remember when he kissed my neck. It was fine than, it should be fine now right.

"Stop that." I heard him say.

"Stop what?" I asked against his neck, kissing it again after I finished talking.

"Kissing my neck."

"Why?" The air suddenly turned really cold. He had just walked outside I think. I nibbled a bit, pushing my mouth closer to his neck.

"Because you're drunk and don't know what you're doing so knock it off."

I placed one more big wet kiss on his neck before pulling away, my hands rubbing his back under the shirt.

He set me down in the car and helped me buckle. Once he was settled and started driving I looked at him. "What?" He asked glancing and meeting my watching eyes.

"Will you hold my hand?"


"Hold my hand please."

He looked at me and rolled his eyes. Letting out a long sigh he grabbed my hand. Both of mine held his, one on top, one on bottom.

Suddenly his entire body relaxed, like something took over him. I leaned over the center console and rested my head on his shoulder. Letting sleep take me over.

When I woke back up I was in James' arms, and in an elevator. My arms were limp, hanging by my side. My face was in the crook of his neck again and I couldn't resist. I started placing small kisses all over the area. Something in me wanted to do it. I wanted to, but I didn't at the same time. I don't want to kiss the same places Katherine Fae did. It was supposed to be mine to kiss not hers.

I pulled my arms up and wrapped them around his neck, holding my face in place, my lips still connected. Leaving a very long kiss. The elevator doors opened but I stayed in my place, lips on his skin and my eyes closed.

I started to bounce as James walked, I could hear people talking. "Hey guys." I heard him say.

Whoever was in the room was silent for a second. "Hey Buck." I heard Steven say.

"Is Tony in his lab?"

"Yeah." That was Pietro.

"Okay, no one tells him about her going out. She's in enough trouble as it is."

"When did you two make up?" Wanda.

"Just being a decent human being."

"What happened? This is the happiest and most talkative you've been since she gave you your crap back." Nat.

"Yup. Leaving now."

"Do you want me to take her?" Pietro asked.


"She certainly looks comfy." I don't know who said that their voice kinda faded out.

James took a deep breath and we started moving again. It wasn't long before we were in my room. James pried me off him and sat me down. He went into my closet and pulled out a shirt and a large pair of sweat pants.

"Can you get dressed?" James asked me.

I suddenly got the urge that I was about to get sick. I assume that you could see it on my face as he was quickly at my side.

"Okay, you're going to have to help me out here alright?" I nodded, thankfully my dress wasn't tight, so he was easily able to pull the sweatpants up and over my hips with the dress still on.

The dress had no zipper, it was the kind that went over your head, so James gripped the bottom and looked to the side, dipping his head so he wouldn't see anything. Once the dress was off he threw it to the side and slipped my head through the hole for the shirt. His hand traced my arm, starting at my shoulder to my wrist, then pulling them through a sleeve. Repeating on the other side.

He helped me sit down, then left to my bathroom. A couple seconds later he came out with a brush, a hair tie, and a spray bottle. He sat behind me and started brushing through my hair. He pulled it all together into a low ponytail at the bottom of my neck.

The minute he finished I needed to throw up. I jumped from the bed, sprinting as fast as I could to the toilet. I tried to push the door closed with my foot, but James powered through it. I dropped to my knees in front of the toilet and instantly got sick. I felt him behind me rubbing my back.

"It's okay doll, let it all out." He whispered.

The minute I was done I flushed the toilet and rested my head on my arms that were wrapped around the seat. "Why am I so gross?"

"You're not gross Kat."

"Why don't you like me? What did I do?" I looked up at him, tears pooling in my eyes.

"Please. Please tell me. Tell me what I did so I can fix it! Why don't you like me anymore? I like you sososo much. Please James, tell me." I cried looking at him. Tears flowing like a river down my face. His eyes had tears too. We sat in silence. He refused to look at me.

"I love you Bucky. I love you so much and you are tearing me apart. You are single handedly shattering my heart." I looked up at him, but his eyes were screwed shut. Without any words James stood up and walked out of the room. "JAMES!" I yelled, a sob escaping my mouth as I heard the toilet door close, then the bathroom, then finally my door.

So here I am, sitting with my head damn near in the toilet, bawling my eyes out. I was crying so hard that I made myself sick.

Pain. Pain was all I felt. In my head, my throat, my stomach, my heart. Everything hurt. I didn't want to move, I feel like I would crumble into tiny pieces that are beyond saving if I tried to get up.

After what felt like hours of sitting there shaking and crying I pulled myself from the ground. Any alcohol in my system gone it seemed.

I held onto the sink for stability and brushed my teeth. Making sure to spend extra time with the mouth wash.

I walked out the bathroom and saw the hair stuff still on my bed, my clothes still on the floor. A terrible reminder of everything that happened again. I started to cry again, not even trying to get to my bed. I sat with my legs crossed in the exact spot I was on the floor. My head in my hands. My head dizzy from the lack of air. My heartrate through the roof. All I could hear was my heartbeat in my ears and my cries echoing off the walls.

Knock. Yell.

Knock, knock, knock. Yell.

Bang. Yell.

Knock. Yell.

Plead. Bang, bang, bang.


That's what happened at my door. I could feel the vibrations through the floor. The yells muffled by my heart. My eyes burned. That continued for a good 15 minutes until:


The door opened and I made no effort to look at whoever opened it. I saw two figures in front of me. I had stopped crying but I wasn't responsive to anything. Even if I wanted to get up I couldn't, I had no control over my body or anything that happened.

Someone grabbed me and lightly shook me. When I didn't do anything but shake like a rag doll someone grabbed my chin, forcing my head up. Tony and Pepper stood in front of me. Tony was saying something, everything was going in slow motion. My eyes flicked from Tony's mouth to Peppers, she was saying something, no clue what. My eyes fell on my bed. My stuffed animal Tobias, to be exact. My little bear that has been through more shit with me than anyone else.

Pulling myself from Tony's grasp I stood and walked to my bed. I moved the comforter and laid under it, holding Tobias to my chest as I stared into nothingness. I felt the bed dip behind me, and someone rub my back, long fingernails, Pepper. I stayed still, fearing if I moved that everything would break loose. Way too soon Pepper left, the door clicking shut and the lock turning.

Against my body's wishes I got up and jammed my desk chair under the door handle, rendering the lock on my door useless and the chair my main lock as Tony couldn't get through that. I didn't want to lay back down, I looked at the glass double doors that were almost parallel to the main door. The balcony. I had discovered it when I first moved in, but I never went out there. It was always too late and too cold. But now, a little cold may be good.

I sat there and stared at the moon. The only thing going through my head was "why me?"

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