The Secret

By BinanFanclubMember

61.6K 2.2K 406

Naruto, bloody and broken, brings Sasuke back to the village unconscious. Instantly, he's banished for "injur... More



7.9K 231 123
By BinanFanclubMember

It was a breezy August evening in the Village Hidden in the Leaves.

The calm atmosphere was broken by screams for help, falling on deaf ears.

In a rundown apartment, a teen screamed out, trying to push his attacker away from him, but to no avail. The person he thought of as a brother wouldn't budge, no matter how hard the teen pushed against him.

Soon, the attacker finished, giving the teen a devious smirk before leaving out the bedroom window.

He left the teen on his disheveled bed, bloody and covered in fluids, tears streaming down his face.

"Why, Sasuke? Why would you do this to me?" His voice was hoarse from screaming out, body exhausted from attempting to fight off his best friend.

He finally gave into exhaustion, falling asleep as tears continued to trail down his face, promising himself he would get cleaned up in the morning.


Just before sunrise, a loud banging sounded on the front door. Naruto scrunched up his face in annoyance as the knocking continued. He cursed the visitor silently as he sat up, only to stifle a cry when a stabbing pain traveled like lightning up his spine. When he recalled what happened during the night, tears threatened to fall once more.

"It wasn't a nightmare..." he whispered as he stared down at his bare skin, crispy-feeling and flaky from the dried substances on his stomach and thighs.

The incessant knocking continued, snapping the blond out of the memories, reminding him of what woke him up in the first place.

He slowly pulled himself out of bed and carefully dressed himself in a pair of boxers and a random t-shirt from the floor, wincing in pain at every movement.

Once clothed, he limped to the door, rubbing his eyes in an attempt to free him from the dried tears in the corners of them.

Upon opening the door, he found his other teammate, Sakura, standing in the hallway, dried tear tracks still visible on her cheeks.

"Sakura," he started, only to cough at the soreness in his throat. "What are you doing here so early?"

At his question, the girl broke out in tears all over again, sobbing into her hands.

"H-he's gone!" she sobbed. "I couldn't stop him and he left!"

Naruto continued looking at his teammate in confusion, before it clicked. Sasuke had left the village.

The blond rubbed the back of his neck as he looked down, trying to keep his own tears at bay. His best friend violated him and then left the village as if nothing happened.

When he looked back up at his only remaining teammate, he patted her shoulder awkwardly, not wanting to seem insensitive, although he himself was more angry at the raven than he was worried.

"Lady Tsunade wanted me to get you. She said she wanted you on the retrieval mission."

Hearing this, the blond scowled, just wanting to crawl back in bed and forget about the previous night.

"Let me just get ready and I'll meet you at the tower." The pinkette nodded her head and ran off down the hallway.

Naruto closed the door and leaned his back against it, slamming his fists into the wood. He slowly slid down to the floor, curling himself into a ball.

"Sasuke, you bastard! You fucked me and ran? What kind of person would do that to a friend?"

He sat there for a few minutes, before forcing himself to his feet in order to grab the shower he promised himself.

He scrubbed himself raw, turning his skin an angry red, trying to remove the feeling of the raven's hands and body touching him. When he realized that it was an impossible thing to do, he had several bleeding scratches from stripping too many layers of skin off. He turned off the water and dried himself off, heading into his room to put on the only outfit he owned.

He left the apartment, and limped his way to the tower, struggling to stop himself from crying in pain.

Upon his arrival, he found many of his other friends standing in the office, surrounding the large desk.

"Thank you for joining us, Naruto," the blonde Hokage said, slightly glaring at the teen. He didn't respond and she proceeded to explain the mission. Find Sasuke and bring him back to the village.


Bloody and broken, Naruto limped toward the gates of the village, carrying an unconscious raven between himself and a clone he created. His breathing was labored and painful, the gaping hole in his chest refusing to heal and bleeding profusely.

The gate in sight, the blond slowed down, the weight of the raven becoming almost too much for him to handle, even with the help of his clone.

Sakura was waiting at the gates when Naruto finally collapsed, his clone dispersing. She ran to his side, trying to check on his wounds when she noticed the raven wasn't moving. She immediately started shaking him, trying to get him to wake up, but he wouldn't.

"I asked you to bring Sasuke back, not just his body!" Sakura cried out at the fading blond. She called more people over to her, in order to simply help the unconscious raven. A few came over to assess the dying blond, only to discover the gaping wound in his chest.

As the blond slipped into unconsciousness, he heard incoherent voices around him and felt himself being picked up before he gave into the encroaching darkness.


Days later, Naruto woke up, finding himself in the hospital. He was visited by a few of his friends, mostly those who were on the mission with him. Shikamaru and Kiba congratulated him on completing the mission, and told him to recover quickly before they left.

That afternoon, he had another visitor, Tsunade, who looked furious. It was an unknown expression on her face, and Naruto wasn't sure how to take it. He sat up and waited for what she had to say. She sat down in the chair next to the bed and let out a heavy sigh.

"I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, especially after you completed an extremely difficult mission, and nearly died, but Sakura went to the council after you and Sasuke were admitted into the hospital. She didn't even wait until he was evaluated before claiming you killed him. As it turned out, he was simply unconscious, with no serious injuries at all. However, due to Sakura's claim, the council unanimously decided to punish you for attacking a fellow Leaf shinobi, though you seem worse off than he does."

Naruto listened silently, before asking the question he already knew the answer to.

"What punishment did they decide on?"

"I'm sorry, Naruto, but you are banished from the Village Hidden in the Leaves. I tried to stop the decision, but I wasn't allowed to vote on it, claiming I'd be biased. They ordered that your treatment be stopped and you must leave the village by sunset." Tsunade patted the blond's arm and apologized a third time, before getting up to leave and gather the blond's discharge papers.

Naruto stared down at his lap, noticing tears dripping onto his hands. He wiped his eyes furiously before curling into a ball and lying on his side, sobbing silently.

'This day couldn't possibly get any worse,' Naruto thought. He then heard rumbling laughter in his mind and wondered if he was going crazy.

"I know something that will make your day worse," the rumbling voice said. "When that boy violated you, he left you with a parting gift." Naruto was confused as to the meaning. "You won't be able to see the gift for the next nine months, but once you do, it's a gift that'll just keep giving."

As Naruto thought through that statement, his eyes widened when he understood what the voice meant. It made him sob harder and hold his stomach.

Tsunade returned as he was crying, and assumed it was because he was being kicked out of the only home he'd ever known. She placed her hand on his back and rubbed it soothingly, telling him it would be alright. She didn't realize how much he really needed to hear those words, no matter whether she understood the truth or not.


As the sun set behind the Hokage mountain, Naruto stood at the gates, staring at the place that used to be his home.

"We'll return one day," he promised, hand on his stomach. "And they'll be sorry they ever kicked us out."

With that, he turned his back on the only place he knew, and headed toward a better life.

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