Reloving Us Again

By jxythewriter

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"Tyler Hood, what are you doing here?" I said in bewilderment as I opened the door. Out of the people that I... More

Synopsis + Introduction
Chapter 1- A New Beginning
Chapter 2- Senior Year
Chapter 3- Invitation
Chapter 4- Coincidental Bumping
Chapter 5- Rejected
Chapter 6- Worth
Chapter 7- Exchanging Numbers
Chapter 8- Pool Trouble
Chapter 9- Girls' Talk
Chapter 10- Flirt And Lie
Chapter 11- Happy Birthday
Chapter 12- Dreamland
Chapter 13- Helpless Love
Chapter 14- Merry Walls
Chapter 15- Truth or Dare
Chapter 16- A Haunted Morgue Dare Part I
Chapter 18- Just Friends
Chapter 19- Silent Aloud Prayer

Chapter 17- A Haunted Morgue Dare Part II

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By jxythewriter

A/N: Before you guys start reading, please note that this chapter might be scary to some. So read it at your own risk.

Ariella's POV

I gulped upon looking at the room's interior as it unfolds before me.

The lights were no longer green. Instead, they were all red, which signals imminent danger or possible jump-scares.

Can someone please give me a yellow card now so that I can tap out of here?

"Tyler?" I said in a whisper, holding onto Tyler firmly as we made our way together.

"I am here, Elise." Tyler reassured me once more, giving my hand a light squeeze.

As if the door from the previous room had magnets attached on it, the door automatically shut by itself, leaving the both of us to be "trapped" in this unfamiliar room.

"Are you guys in another room?" The walkie-talkie sounded once more as the game master spoke to us.

"Yeap. We are." Tyler replied, making sure to not loosen his grip on me.

I am pretty sure he knew that I might pass out and fall flat to the ground anytime if he does not hold onto me.

"Okay, in this room, you need to find the hidden clues within the mortuary body fridge to open two of its cabinets. After that, you will enter the chambers and find more clues." The game master continued.

Not us having to find clues again when the overall room's vibe is giving us the chills. Not to even mention the memorable breathing sounds of a dying person and its slow paced eerie music that followed us to the room too.

I let out a mental groan while the game master continued.

"Elise, are you feeling alright?" Tyler asked, turning his body towards me.

"This room is even creepier and gives us a more eerie vibe. I don't like it." I confessed, not wanting to break down in front of Tyler.

"Hey, we have come a long way and you did amazing. If we could escape that previous room, I am certain we can escape this too." Tyler assured me, while facing me and placing his arms around my shoulders.

"Right, we can do this. I breathed out.

Mustering all of my courage, I began wandering and searching for hidden clues, with Tyler's hand intertwined in mine.

It was until then Tyler noticed two small openings at the bottom of the mortuary fridge and began taking the lead.

"I am seeing some numbers." Tyler said while he bends lower to take a closer look.

"22021031" Tyler recited the numbers out loud while I took a mental notepad to note these numbers down.

"Could these numbers be the password for these number locks?" I asked, pointing to those giant digital locks.

"There are four of them so let us key in two numbers in each of them." Tyler said, holding onto my hand before walking towards each digital lock to key in the numbers.

After keying the numbers, we heard a click sound and two of the chambers opened. We walked towards the two chambers and my legs turned into jellies after opening one of them.

"Oh gosh, not this." I muttered out, wrapping my arms around myself.

You got to be kidding me right.

Both chambers were equally dark with visible blood-filled stains, except one seemed to have a more spooky vibe than the other. As though it was there to heightened one's feeling of fear, there was an additional glass chamber with a whole human skeleton right in the middle of the two chambers.

"Elise, are you comfortable doing this? We can stop here if you wish to." Tyler said, walking towards me to close the distance between us, not forgetting to interlace his hand in mine since the two chambers were slightly apart from each other.

It was as though he knew that it was my breaking point, before chaos within me broke loose.

"But we have come so far, Tyler. Besides, I have promised Olivia and the kids before–" I trailed, not knowing what to decide before Tyler cut me off.

"Forget about the dare and your promise to Olivia and the kids. Tell me honestly if you–"

"I will do it." I said, mustering all of my courage once more as I looked into the chambers.

I will not lie that it does creep me out, but the aftermath of seeing a disappointed Olivia, along with the rest of the children for not keeping my promise and completing the escape room outweighs it.

"Are you sure?" Tyler asked once more to confirm.


"No regrets?"


"If that is your choice, I am ready too." Tyler said, going to the other chamber since I have occupied the chamber closest to me.

"And Elise?" Tyler said, before I crawled deeper into the chamber.

"Yeah?" I said, stopping and looking straight at him.

"If you ever need me, just call my name."

"Alright, thanks Tyler."

Soon, we began entering the chambers.

"That's weird." I said, puzzled at the unexpected calmness of the chamber.

"Tyler, anything happened at your chamber?"

"Nope. How about yours?"

"Same here."

It was until a blood-filled handprint at the top right of the glass chamber caught my attention.

"Tyler, did you see a handprint on the glass chamber?"

Silence followed for several seconds before Tyler replied back with a yes.

"Are we supposed to put one of our hands on it?"

"Maybe, let's give it a shot."

From the exact moment where the both of us placed our hands on the handprints, the red lights began flickering while the skeleton in the glass chamber shook wildly, making knocking noises in the chamber.

I immediately shut my eyes and froze until there were no more knocking sounds.

"Tyler?" I uttered while I began to hurriedly step out of my chamber with my trembling body.

Just as I was about to fully exit the chamber, a thud could be heard in the room.

Within seconds, a bloody-looking decapitated figure fell from the top of the room, causing me to scream in terror and crouching my body where my butt touches the floor, along with my hands cupping my ears.

"Damn it! No, no, no, Elise!" Tyler exclaimed, running towards me and engulfing my paralysed body into a tight hug after witnessing the whole scene.

"Elise, come on baby! Speak to me!" Tyler said in between, looking at my traumatised figure with a worried expression clearly written on his face.

"Tyler..." I trailed, letting out a petrified sob.

"Thank goodness. I am here now, baby. I am here now. Breathe." Tyler repeated the last word several times, with his head placed close to my left ear while he caressed my back gently, not letting go of me.

Several minutes passed while I slowly regained part of my control over my body.

"Is everything alright in there? Do you need one of our staff to enter?" The game master asked over the walkie-talkie, just as I was about to speak up.

"Are you feeling better, Elise?" Tyler said, pulling me from the hug to look at me.

"Hug me." That was all I could say, after having to experience that traumatic event.

Upon hearing that, Tyler soon engulfed me into his embrace, with him tightening his grip around me this time.

"Is everything alright? Do you need any of the staff to come inside?" The walkie-talkie echoed in the room as the staff initiated the conversation with us.

"Yup, we are fine. Give us some time." Tyler replied back, not letting go of his hug.

After I had slowly regained my composure, I began to realise something was amiss from the decapitated figure.

There was actually fluid dripping from it. I could not tell whether it was fake or real blood as I could not see well under this dim room.

I pulled away from the hug, headed towards the figure and gave it a light touch.

"Tyler," I called out to Tyler to get his attention.

"It's cold." I breathed out a shaky breath.

"I mean, we are in an air-conditioned–"

"No, Tyler. The body is cold to the touch." I said firmly since my gut has been telling me that something is definitely fishy here.

"Can we try asking the staff?" I continued, walking towards Tyler with my heart palpitating from my encounter with the figure.

"Hi, is anyone there? May I know if there is supposed to be a decapitated figure hanging in the room?" Tyler asked from his walkie-talkie, with me linking my arms in his.

"Hi, may I know if the decapitated figure refers to a dummy or..."

"I am not too sure as the room is dim. But there seems to be some dark liquid, similar to blood dripping from it." I said, as Tylee handed over the walkie-talkie to me so that I could express my concerns to the staff.

"I see. We will be switching on the room light and sending a staff into the room to assist you."

Shortly after the room brightened up, my breath hitched as both Tyler and I viewed the decapitated figure.

The figure looked pale, with purplish blue hues and reddish spots all over. The figure looked somewhat stiff and there was indeed blood dripping from the decapitated figure.

Please do not tell me where we are heading towards, right now.


A/N: Dang Dang Dang! Here is Part 2 of the Haunted Morgue Dare Chapter! Seems like this escape room is not what is seemed to be for our dear Tyler and Ariella!

What do you all think of this chapter? Feel free to share your thoughts on this and please remember to be kind in your words too :)

Are you guys ready for what is it to come for Tyler and Ariella? Stay tune and we shall see, eventually *wink* *wink*

Bonus: Take note of the word EVENTUALLY and I am not spilling anymore beans! Stay tune!!!

Love, J. 

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