Good Girl Gone Bad [LIV BLAC...

بواسطة adolescentmuse

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Sirius Blacks daughter cared by Remus Lupin. "She would never! She's a good girl!" "I'm sorry, Lupin, but it... المزيد

01 | azkaban
September, 1991
September, 1991
September, 1991
June, 1993
July, 1993
September, 1993
September, 1993
September, 1993
September, 1993
September, 1993
October, 1993
October, 1993
October, 1993
October, 1993
November, 1993
November, 1993
November, 1993
November, 1993
November, 1993
December, 1993
Christmas Eve, 1993
Christmas, 1993
January, 1994
how to disappear completly. march 1994
April, 1994
April, 1994
JUNE, 1994
JUNE, 1994
sirius' arrival, july 1994
Forgive & Forget. July, 1993
33 | Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!
34 | Gentle Sin

JULY, 1994

582 24 17
بواسطة adolescentmuse

IT WAS HARD for Liv to get used to Hogwarts without her Father, but the continuous letters he sent made it feel like he wasn't that far away after all. Remus had let it be known to Liv that he was going to the ministry nearly everyday to argue Sirius' case and updated her in his letters, though it seemed Dumbledore was right, as any advances the werewolf tried to make were either denied or moved along very slowly.

Liv was very pleased, nonetheless.

She didn't know where Sirius was - no one did. Liv imagined he'd flown somewhere nice, far enough away that the ministry would never find him or buckbeak, and that had a good food source. Liv got hungry just thinking it about it.

Luckily Liv and Dean were heading down to breakfast. Remus' resign meant they got Friday morning's off, which seemed to be the only plus side of the whole event. However, this Friday was the last day of term before summer, which meant in no time at all Liv would be packing up her things ready for the arrival of the Hogwarts express.

They made it to breakfast just in time, having slept in rather late. A few students were scattered about the hall, similar to the few drabs of food left on the plates - Liv seemed to managed to grab the last piece of toast available in the entire hall. Those students that were present chatted about normally as if nothing was out of the ordinary. They hadn't known about Sirius or that nights events, and the shock of their Defense Against the Dark Art's teacher being a werewolf had died down rather quickly.

Liv picked up the large glass of bright liquid and tried to ignore the fact it would be the last time she'd pour herself her morning orange juice for two months. She buttered her toast delicately, ready to savor every last crumb.

Padma skipped into the great hall joyfully, looking far too happy on a sad day like today. She continued to skip all the way down the Gryffindor bench until she reached her two friends, before jumping down in the spare seat beside Liv.

"Happy ten month anniversary!" She chirped happily, handing Liv the small, pink frosted cupcake she had held steadily in her hand in the shape of a heart, decorated with colourful sprinkles.

"It's been ten months already?" Liv said, swollowing the orange jucie in her mouth before she managed to choke on it, accepting the sweet cupcake.

Padma nodded speedily, a large grin on her face. "You can thank the elves in the kitchen for that - or you can thank me, I don't mind!"

"I feel bad!" Liv said sheepishly. "I didn't get you anything,"

"Sure you did!" Padma grinned, snatching the toast from Liv's plate to take a bite. She swung her legs out from under the table and was soon skipping off out the great hall again. "See you later!"

"That was the last piece you bitch!" Liv called after her, but really didn't mind. Her dull breakfast was had been replaced with something much more joyful.

"You guys aren't still a secret, are you?" Dean said, sticking his finger into the frosting and sticking it into his mouth.

"It's what she wants," Liv said, giving him an evil look for touching her cupcake. "Do you have a pen?"

"Speaking of secrets," Dean responded. "I can't believe I'm only just finding out Professor Lupin's your Dad,"

"I'm good at keeping secrets," Liv shrugged, tapping around her pockets - they were all empty. "Do you have a pen?" She asked Dean.

"Didn't Lavender have a thing for him?" He said, beginning to rummage around in his own pockets, pulling out a pen when he located one.

"She did," Liv said flatly, flicking off the pen cap to scribble down on a napkin she'd found abandoned on the table. "Which is why that's going to be another secret,"

"Is who you're writing too a secret?"

"No, i'ts just my Dad," Liv said truthfully, continuing to scribble down. "I don't want him picking me up from the station if it was a full moon last night,"

"Why not?" Dean asked.

"He'll be tired and sore and I don't want to be responsible if the old man pulls a muscle," Liv tutted, folding up the napkin and putting it into her pocket. "Will you come with me to the owlery?"


Liv had spent the rest of the morning solemnly packing her things into her small trunk. She had little plans for the summer and therefore was not pleased to be returning home where she'd be a million miles away from her friends. At least Padma lived close, Liv wouldn't be able to survive the summer if she didn't. The two boarded the train together on the rare occasion they'd find an empty compartment that wouldn't have to be shared with anyone else, and enjoyed the warm sunshine shining through the window of the train.

Liv rested her legs on top of Padma's own as she flicked through an old magazine she'd read a million times - Padma has her nose in a book, but would glance nervously to the door every second or so. Liv slipped her hand into the nervous girls own, receiving a small smile in return. It hadn't calmed Padma the way Liv had hoped, if anything, she would glanced to the door more often now Liv was showing her more attention.

"Will you stop doing that?" Liv begged as it became more annoying, unable to pretend she could bare it any longer.

"I'm sorry," Padma said, but didn't remove her eyes from the empty corridor behind the glass door. "I'm scared someone's going to walk in, you know how quickly rumors fly," She said bluntly.

"That's such bullshit!" Liv insisted, laughing at the ridiculousness of it all. "I'm only holding your hand,"

"Its not bullshit, I keep telling you we can't be doing this in public," Padma said sternly.

"I'm starting to feel like you're ashamed of our relationship,"

"Don't be silly. I only say it because I care about you. You don't understand what we'd have to go through if people found out about this," she shook their enclosed hands violently in the air to prove her point. "That's because you're in your own little fantasy world where it's all fairies and butterfly's and apparently homophobia doesn't exist,"

"Merlin, if it's such a big deal I'll move!" Liv rolled her eyes and lifted her legs, but Padma rushed forward and pull them back where they'd been laying before, placing a firm hand down to stop her moving.

"No, no, stay!" She ushered quickly. "You're right, I need to loosen up,"

"You do," Liv agreed and scuffled closer, giving the girl a soft kiss on the lips.

There was a sudden movement outside the door that made Padma ignite in panic as if they were in the middle of doing something criminal. Liv was offended by her sudden pulling away, and even more so when she'd pushed her legs away harshly so she could stand up - which had only made them look more suspicious when Padma's sister, Parvati, walked in.

It was as the colour had left Parvatis face. She gaped at them, frozen in her stead, flickering glares between the two girls. It was absurd to think Parvati would actually care about the innocence of a kiss, but the encounter was beginning to prove that maybe she did.

Padma, full of panic, faked a smile in hopes to ease this awkwardness. "Hiya, Parvati," she welcomed her calmly, masking her unease perfectly, though she still looked a flustered mess. Liv stayed unbothered by the whole affair. She still hadn't sensed the roaring tension between the sisters.

"You're a homosexual?" Parvati questioned, gesturing vaguely towards the two girls.

Liv was now beginning to notice the odd tension between them. "Whatever are you talking about?" Padma blurted out. She had a crazy smile plastered on her face, but her eyes were so obviously nervous.

"You're a lair, Padma," Parvati sighed, shaking her head in what seemed to be disappointment. Liv had clenched her jaw to stop her from saying something she shouldn't, for she had a quick temper and a smart-mouth, and was quite known for not taking shit from anyone. There was no doubt in her mind that she couldn't boldly confront Parvati and leave her crying.

"I'm not lying," Padma assured bluntly with a very stern tone. "I'm not,"

"Unbelievable," Parvati started, looking absolutely pissed off. "After everything Mum and Dad have done for us, this is how you repay them?"

"What are you talking about?" Padma queried again nervously, though it was clear she didn't want to hear the response. Parvati sighed in defeat, her hands rubbing the temples as if to calm her and the explosion of anger inside.

"Don't speak to me again, Padma," she said, and left the compartment immediately, only leaving time to slam the door shut very hard behind her.

After the agonizing minute or so, Liv finally spoke. "What was that all about?" She blurted out at the girl who'd rapidly began to shove her feet back into her shoes and grab only loose belongings.

"Didn't I tell you we can't be seen in public!" She hissed back, breathing heavily as if she were painfully holding back a mountain of tears.

Liv grabbed her shoulders, trying to calm her down. She was quickly shook off as Padma continued to gather her stuff. "We've got nothing to be ashamed of," Liv said.

Padma looked up, teary eyed. "What world do you live in? We cant do this anymore... i'm sorry, Liv,"

Padma finally made her way out of the compartment whilst calling after her sister - Liv slide the door closed the second she'd passed the boundary of the doorway and pressed her back against it as she stared at the empty compartment.

She stayed there for a moment of two, clueless as to what to do. She had seen a lot of dramatic breakup's in movies, but this was truly the greatest loss of them all. Just like that, her best-friend had gone in the midst of everything seeming so perfect, and Liv was left alone, literally.

Padma had removed every trace that proved she ever stepped foot in the compartment they'd decided to share, which made Liv feel as though she'd just made the whole thing up in her head. She hadn't, of course, but her sudden lack of presence left an eerie, regretful atmosphere. Liv wasn't used to being alone.

She soon realized the only thing that could even remotely cheer her up was food, which was lucky, as it was about time the Trolly Lady started selling her food which would help the fact she had only eaten a few left over drabs for breakfast. If she dug through her bag she'd find the last couple pounds she'd stolen from the strange man in hogsmede, but it would be the last of all her money. She didn't care, she really, really needed that food. She slid open the compartment door, keeping her head low, and followed the noise of the Trolly ladies voice.

A few students were gathered around the trolley but Liv didn't take any notice. She refused to make eye contact and quite frankly pretended she didn't exist and wasn't there at all. She pondered over the treats and sweets forever - more students came and went but were equally ignored. An eternity later, Liv had two handfuls of different sweets and a pumpkin pasty stuffed into her mouth, ready to hand over every last penny she owned.

"It's all been paid for, Love,"

Liv found amusement in what the Trolly Lady has told her, there was something ironic about proving adults wrong. When Liv had made sure the Trolly lady had been speaking to her (for she was now the only student left gathered around the treats) she spoke up. "But I haven't given you any money!" She responded with a mouthful of the pasty, holding out the money she owed which was quickly denied.

"You don't need to," the Trolly lady smiled, pushing the cart forward past Liv. She pointed a finger up to the corridor ahead. "That young lad covered it,"

Unmistakably, the back of Cedric Diggory's head was being pointed at by the women as he made his way back to his own compartment further down the train.

"Oh.... oh, okay..." Liv said as calm as she could manage, shoving the money back in her pocket, refraining herself from running back to her compartment to scream at the top of her lungs and jump up and down like a little girl. But instead, she walked back calmly. She didn't like Cedric. Cedric wasn't someone you liked, he was someone you observed - and sometimes, if you're lucky, he'd observe back. But no one liked Cedric Diggory, no one would ever dare make a move with Cedric Diggory...

Liv ended up running the last few meters of the corridor, pulling the door open harshly to slam it shut behind her. The little burst of energy had caused her to be completely breathless as she leant back against the glass to compose herself. "Holy shit," she muttered quietly.

She sat down with a huff, noticing the hairband beside her that had been left behind by Padma, and the sweetness of it all disappeared rather quickly. Liv soon returned to her sullen mood, and realized the food she bought wasn't going to cut it even if it had been paid by Cedric Diggory herself. She rested her head against the window, closed her eyes, and tried to escape it all.

When the rattle of the Hogwarts express slowing down at platform 9 3/4 woke her up, the sight of the dull London sky made her sigh. She yanked down her case, thankful for the full moon the night before for she'd get twenty minutes alone as she walked home - as much as loneliness scared her, she needed that little bit of space.

The bustling platform had people everywhere - she walked quickly, trying to escape it as soon as she could manage. She soon stopped, though, her eye brows creasing as she sighed, before beginning to walk much slower than before.

"I told you not to come," she shot down Remus quickly, but let him wrap his arms around her anyway as he pulled her into a hug.

"Hello to you too," Remus teased, unbothered by the teenage attitude he'd gotten used too.

"I'm serious," Liv persisted. "I told you not to come,"

"Of course I was going to come," Remus said looking confused, taking her trunk to carry.

"You're going to get ill or something, you're going to exhaust yourself," Liv huffed back, and began to walk towards the exit of the platform the way she'd wanted to from the start - alone.

"Really, Liv?" Remus called after her. "You're not mad at me, surely?"

"I'm not a baby!" She said, raising her voice as she turned back to Remus. "I can walk three blocks home by myself, I don't need you here when you know you should be resting!"

Remus looked a little disheartened, but still managed to stay unserious. "I think I'll survive," he replied.


Remus' bedroom, rather large considering the small home they were living in, was one of Liv's favorite places in the world. Despite it mostly being filled with the countless books scatted about the place that Liv couldn't care less about, she spent most of her days and most of her nights in there.

And when Liv pondered in there the same now sunny evening she'd returned home from Hogwarts, there was Remus - sat smoking soundly on the little balcony with one hand, and using the other to push the pages of the book he was holding. He hadn't noticed Liv ponder in until she slumped down in the chair opposite him, squinting in the light summer sun.

"I'm sorry for being moody," she said mumbled, laying her head on her crossed arms on the cold metal table. Remus continued to read, a small smile playing at his lips - a sign he was about to say something sarcastic.

"I'm used to it,"

Liv ignored it, continue to stare solemnly at the spot of nothing she was fixated on. "Padma broke up with me," she told Remus. It sounded strange hearing it outloud for the first time, the truthful realization dawning on her so suddenly.

"She did?" Remus said, removing his eyes from the book for the first time, looking slightly concerned.

Liv sighed, nodding her head slowly. "I don't know what I did wrong," was all she could think to say.

Remus was still looking at her sadly, pausing for a moment. "Sometimes things just don't work out,"

Liv shook her head as if to shake the conversation away completely. She took her head of the table and sat up straight, tapping her fingers on the metal table nervously. "Do you think it'll work out for Sirius?"

"I'm sure it will," Remus said, shutting his book and holding his wrist up high to look at his watch. "I should head off to the ministry soon, I need to be there at 6,"

Liv nodded, remembering a thought from a couple days prior. "I was thinking earlier... why is Sirius hiding out there when he could just hide here?"

"I wish it were that easy," Remus said with a tone of disappointment. "The Ministry has been searching people's houses for any sign of him recently. They got Kingsley yesterday, it's only a matter of time before they come here,"

"They're just going to break in and search the place?" Liv asked, her eyebrows creasing in confusion.

Remus nodded, looking annoyed at the idea. "And you're going to have to let them, I know what you're like,"

Liv let out an airy laugh. "You really think i'm going to try and stop the ministry?"

"I think you're going to mouth off at them," Remus laughed too, collecting up his book and standing up. "You know, it would be good if you used this summer to see your friends," he added, pulling on his coat. "You know, like Padma,"

Liv rolled her eyes, had he not been listening at all? "Padma hates me, Daddy,"

"Of course she doesn't," Remus said. "She's your bestfriend,"

"I told you, she said she doesn't want to see me anymore,"

"I know that's not true," Remus said. "Just give her some time,"


It had only been an hour after Remus' disappearance to the ministry when there was a knock at the door - Liv had always been advised to not talk to strangers and to never open the door when no one was home, but as she was a teenager now it would seem silly to still obey that rule, so, naturally, she opened the door in annoyance after the second impatient, loud bang. Immediately, ten or so men barged past her and scattered about the house like rats. Liv remembered what Remus had said about the Minisry turning up uninvited, and huffed the moment she opened the door.

"Do you mind?" She  yelled as one of the larger men pushed past. Unsurprisingly, she was ignored. She went to shut the door with a huff, but found herself face to face with the Minister of Magic. It had been just over a month since they last met, and Liv had not forgiven him for the Sirius situation, and was about to let him know it.

"Is your father home?" Fudge asked, peering behind Liv to look into her home.

"No, he's not," Liv replied bluntly, crossing her arms. "Is there any reason my house is being invaded?"

Fudge sighed, crouching down slightly to be head to head with Liv. "This would be a lot easier for both of us if you just told me where Black is,"

"No idea," Liv said innocently, but there was no denying her arrogant tone.

Fudge sighed again in response, then tutted then continued to talk to Liv as if she were five years old. "How about you tell me how he escaped?" He said, faking a large smile.

"No idea," Liv repeated again.

Fudge stood up straight now, his face turning sour. "You know it's considered a crime to lie to the ministry?" He said, raising a brow.

"It's a good job I'm not lying then," Liv said with, copying his excessive, forged smile from before, and immediately shut the door of the Minister.

Fudge knocked on the door again almost the moment it had shut. Liv tutted, opened it, and mumbled, "Oh, it's you,"

She turned around and strutted back into the kitchen, the Minister following at her heel. As she got to the kitchen, one of the men was aimlessly swinging open each of the cupboards and leaving them open behind him. "Sirius Black is not hiding under the sink!" Liv yelled at him. 

The man gave her a stern look, continuing his search. Liv grew anxious as he got closer to the door leading to the basement where Remus transformed monthly. In no time at all his hand was reaching for the door knob, rattling it harshly as it failed to open.

"What's this door for?" The man said, turning around to face Liv and the minister.

"It's just the basement," Liv tutted in annoyance.

"Why's it locked?" The man asked, pulling his wand out his pocket.

"It's just an empty basement," Liv said desperately shaking her head as if to say 'no' to what she knew was the man was about to do.

He raised his wand to the door, a light, but incredibly loud explosion blasting the locked door open. It caught the intention of the men and they all rushed down the steps into the darkness with their wands raised, each muttering a quiet 'lumos'

Liv imagined the men were expecting to find Sirius Black hidden in the basement, but what they found was much worse.

The same man returned a moment later, this time his wand raised at Liv, who's eyes were already open wide in concern. He was holding what seemed to be the remains of one of Remus old t-shirts, torn and covered in old blood.

"What's this?" He said, his wand still raised at Liv. The minister did nothing to interfere.

"A... a t-shirt..." Liv said, staring at the closest thing she'd ever got to viewing the basement downstairs, for Liv had never stepped foot down there. It had been an unwritten rule since she'd began to walk, and when she was old enough to understand her Father's condition she realized why. No one had ever been in Remus' basement, not until these men.

The man lunged forward and grabbed Liv's arm, shaking it harshly, holding the t-shirt up to her face. "Why's it covered in blood?" He asked sternly. "Why's the basement full of blood?"

"Monty!" The minister let out an awkward laugh "That's quite enough, don't you think?"

"My fathers a werewolf," Liv said quietly. "It's where he transforms,"

"Is he a registered werewolf?" The man continued to ask sternly.

"Yes, of course," Liv pleaded, looking to Fudge for some help, or even some reassurance.

"It is true, yes, I know the man," Fudge said, gesturing to the man to let Liv go. "On with the search,"

He did let Liv go, and soon wandered off upstairs. Liv immediately ran forward to shut the door, making sure not to look further down the steps. She'd already seen too much.

"I apologize about that," Fudge muttered. "you can understand the concern..."

"It's fine," Liv said quickly, looking at the Minister desperately. "Can you lock it again? With your wand?"

Fudge responded with a strange look.

"I don't want him to know someone's been in there," Liv said quietly. "Please?"

Fudge nodded, pulling out his wand and locking the basement door which a flick of his wrist.


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