I Can See Straight Through Yo...

By RainAndThunderstorms

46.6K 1.6K 643

After Toni's interaction with Cheryl at the Whyte Wyrm she couldn't help but think that something was off. Wa... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five


1.6K 56 13
By RainAndThunderstorms

Hey everyone!
Sorry for the delay in updating, working five 12 hour shifts in a row really doesn't leave much time for anything other than working and sleeping. I'm hoping to get some writing done over the next couple of days before I'm back at work. I think I've just finished chapter 15. Anyway, thank you for your patience and I really hope you enjoy this chapter!
Happy reading!
Nat xx

When Britta left Thornhill she had no idea where to start, everything was so farfetched and she knew no one would believe her.

She headed to Pops, she needed to figure out what to do first.

The diner was pretty busy like it usually was but she managed to find an empty booth.

She ordered a banana milkshake from Tabitha who engaged in small talk before leaving her to it.

When it came to the families of Riverdale she wasn't sure which had been here since the town was founded.

Obviously she knew the Blossoms had but that didn't help.

That's when Britta remembered that Abigail wanted her revenge which meant Betty, Archie and Jughead might be her best bet.

But who would she go to first?

Betty seemed like the best choice right now.

Without even finishing her milkshake she stood from her seat and headed to school.

Hopefully Betty would still be there.

Abigail and Thomasina didn't see her come home so she would just tell them she had football practice or something.

The walk to school from Pops wouldn't take too long but half way there she began to feel like someone was watching her.

She turned around to check behind her but there was no one there.

You're being paranoid.

It was probably because she knew she shouldn't be going behind Abigail and Thomasina's back but she had no choice.

Regardless she picked up her pace.

Suddenly she felt a sharp pain at the back of her head before everything went black.


'It was no use,' Abigail said when she got back to Thornhill, 'I could not find her anywhere'.

'Do you think something could have happened to her?' Thomasina asked, she had just put Anthony down for a nap.

'Like what?' Abigail said, 'there is the possibility of her just not wanting to be here with us'.

'But with Fenn potentially being a danger to her I feel like it is our duty to care for her'.

'I understand. I do not want a innocent girl being hurt because of us,' Abigail said.

'What are we going to do?'

'We should take care of Fenn before he harms one of us'.

'Abigail, Fenn is a powerful warlock. Although I feel that if we return to the afterlife where we belong he will also be sent to the hell from where he came. We have already caused enough damage, please come with me'.

Abigail let out a breath, 'must we do this now?'

'We must,' Thomasina said, 'this is not our time and it is not only effecting us. I love you Abigail Blossom and I would love this life with you but it is not morally right to take the place of someone else. I cannot force you to do anything but I will return to the afterlife with or without you'.

Thomasina looked at Abigail with tears in her eyes before leaving the redhead to reflect on what she had said.

The brunette knew the longer they were here for the worse things would get and she couldn't have that on her conscience.

It would hurt her to leave Abigail.

Even in the afterlife she would hurt and crave the love of her life to be with her but she couldn't make her.

She just hoped that Abigail would make the right choice.


Abigail felt like her heart had been ripped out as she watched Thomasina walk away.

She thought that Thomasina would want this life with her.

They could have everything they ever wanted.

But Thomasina didn't want that or at least not as much as she did.


She knew Thomasina loved her.

They were soulmates, she couldn't doubt that.

But Thomasina was a good person, she always had been.

She had the purest heart and she brought that out in Abigail in the past.

The redhead was foolish to think her lover would choose to do anything other than the right thing.

Thomasina means more to Abigail than anything else.

She means more than her revenge.

More than her anger.

But what if she couldn't be with Thomasina in the afterlife?

What if she was destined to spend the rest of eternity alone?

Forever longing for her love.

Abigail realised now though that whatever choice she makes there is a chance she'll be alone.

If she stays in Cheryl's body she'll lose Thomasina.

But if she agrees to go back to the afterlife she may be sent back to limbo alone.

She couldn't argue with herself anymore, she had to talk to Thomasina.


'Do you think what Thomasina said is true?' Toni asked.

'Of course. Maybe there is something we're all missing,' Cheryl said, 'maybe I missed something in the spell book'.

'Okay,' Toni said, 'let's fix this mess'.

'I have one condition Toni'.

'What is it?' Toni asked.

'If we can't find a way to fix things you have to promise me that you'll let me send you back to your body. You have to promise you'll take Anthony and Britta and leave Riverdale,' Cheryl said.


'I mean it Toni'.

'Okay fine,' Toni said.

'Promise?' Cheryl said looking into Toni's dark eyes.

'I promise,' Toni said.

Cheryl gave her a small smile before heading for Abigail's spell book.


Abigail stood outside of the bedroom door for a moment before she built up the courage to knock.

She heard rustling behind the door before it slowly opened.

The couple looked at each other but the redhead knew she'd have to be the first one to speak.

'My love, can we talk?'

Thomasina nodded and moved to one side to allow Abigail into the room.

'Not here. I thought we could take a walk of the grounds,' Abigail said, 'with Anthony of course'.

Thomasina nodded again, she was quieter than usual so Abigail knew she was deeply upset.

They walked in silence to Anthony's room where Abigail picked him up and bundled him in her arms before heading downstairs and outside.

'I am truly sorry for putting you through this,' Abigail said once they reached the maple trees.

'You need not apologise Abigail,' Thomasina finally said, 'but we must do the right thing'.

'I know,' Abigail said just above a whisper.

'You do?'

'Yes,' Abigail said as she nodded her head, 'I was blinded by my anger and I cannot lie it is still inside of me but you mean more. I promised you that I would do right by you. I love you Thomasina and I want to be wherever you are'.

'You are a good person Abigail,' Thomasina said placing her hand on the redheads arm, 'I love you'.

Thomasina leaned forward careful not to disturb the baby and placed a soft kiss on Abigail's lips.

'Before we go forward with this though we must find Brittania. I have to apologise for putting her through this,' Abigail said.

'I agree,' Thomasina said with a small smile taking over her lips, this was her Abigail.

'We need help with the baby,' Abigail said, 'we cannot risk him getting hurt'.

'Ah just who I have been looking for,' a menacing voice said from somewhere in the trees.

Abigail and Thomasina looked around quickly, Abigail's arms wrapping tighter around the baby.

'You have finally come out of that mansion, which is half mine. Oh that is correct Thomasina, unfortunately Abigail is my wife and everything she has is mine,' Fenn said.

'You should leave before you get hurt,' Abigail said stepping in front of Thomasina.

'Hurt?' Fenn laughed, 'you wenches have no idea who you are dealing with'.

Abigail handed the baby to Thomasina, she was going to show Fenn exactly what he was dealing with.

She began muttering a spell but Fenn just laughed.

'I figured that you were a witch when I first entered this body, I could feel the energy from you both. I could not have that so I have rid this place of any magic. I have sacrificed my own gift so yours cannot be used against me,' Fenn laughed.

'That is impossible,' Abigail said, her voice was panicked.

'Try it,' Fenn said with a smirk.

Abigail tried to throw Fenn back, tried to set him on fire but nothing happened.

'I suppose that means that the protection spell on Thornhill is broken, I did not want to risk it until I was sure,' Fenn said.

'What happened to your descendants soul?' Thomasina asked.

'Oh he's still in here,' Fenn said pointing to his head, 'but he is not strong enough to control this body anymore'.

The couple were quiet, they were trying to figure out what to do next.

'Now there are many ways this could go. As my wife Abigail I expect you to fulfill your wifely duties in return for you obeying me I will allow you to keep your wench... on the condition she obeys me too,' Fenn said with a smirk.

'Over my dead body,' Abigail said, 'you are merely a man. You have no power here'.

'Get the babe to safety,' Abigail whispered to Thomasina.

'I thought you would say that,' Fenn said getting the women's attention, 'that is why I have a bargaining chip. The young redheaded girl... if you want her safe I suggest you do as I ask'.

'Brittania...' Thomasina gasped.

'Yes,' Fenn said.

Abigail let out a breath, 'I will stay on the condition Thomasina takes the baby and leaves'.

Fenn looked at her, 'and take your role as my wife?'

'Abigail no...' Thomasina said grabbing her arm.

'Thomasina...' Abigail turned and gave her a small smile, 'I will not allow him to hurt you or the children again. Leave here I will be fine'.

Thomasina could see the tears in Abigail's eyes, she was trying to be strong but she was failing.

Abigail turned back to Fenn, 'I also want to see Brittania, I do not trust you'.

'In due time,' Fenn said, 'prove yourself a good wife to me and she will be released'.

'He is a liar Abigail, leave with me, we will find Brittania together,' Thomasina said, 'do not allow him to manipulate you again'.

Abigail was frozen in her spot, she had no idea what to do.

'Abigail listen to me,' Thomasina said placing her hand on her lovers pale cheek, 'we have to go now... we will find Brittania together'.

Abigail nodded, Thomasina was right, Fenn used her emotions against her last time and it lost her her soulmate, she wouldn't allow it again.

'Go,' Abigail said, 'I promise I will be right behind you'.

Abigail placed a hard kiss on Thomasina's lips before looking her in her eyes, 'go'.

Thomasina nodded and began to run, she held Anthony tightly in her arms, she hoped Abigail wouldn't be too far behind her otherwise she would go back.

'You are foolish,' Fenn said, 'choosing a woman over your husband...'

'You are not my husband,' Abigail interrupted, 'you are a weak man who forced my hand. The marriage was revoked after I ended your pathetic life'.

'Then maybe I should simply take my revenge,' Fenn said, Abigail was ready to run, without a heavy dress she hoped she would be able to get away.

She hesitated for a moment before taking her chance and turning to run.

She was fast put not fast enough, she felt Fenn dive on her and wrestle her to the ground.

Abigail fought the best she could but it was no use, Fenn was physically stronger.

He laughed as he wrapped his hands around her neck, 'there is no one here to save you now'.

Abigail struggled but her sight began to fade, her mind drifted from her fear and to Thomasina.

If she got herself to safety Abigail would be happy.

She wished she had longer with her lover but she would sacrifice herself over and over again if it meant Thomasina would be unharmed.

A final feeling of peace rushed through her soul and she was ready to let go, she couldn't hold on any longer as everything went completely black.

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