The Waitress and Her Alpha

By esthersteel_

306K 11K 610

Veronica Smite lives a simple life of poverty and depression. She works hard only to be deprived of playing h... More

| I - Serving Sarcasm - |
| II - Under My Skin |
| III- Hard and Pretty Things |
| IV- A Yellow Eyed Devil |
| V - The Repeat Offender |
| VI - Taco and Tethers |
| VII - Meeting The Men |
| VIII - Silver Drugs |
| IX - A First Experience |
| X - Eating Shame |
| XI - Deal With The Wolves |
| XII - The Apartment Of Truth |
| XIII - Running From Paradise |
| XIV - The First Time |
| XV - Media Interruptions |
| XVI - Wolf Apologies |
| XVII - Alpha Burrito |
| XVIII - Melding Of Memories |
| XIX - The Taking |
| XX - Forest |
| XXI - To Be A Wolf |
| XXIII - It's Love Indeed |
| XXIV - An Alpha Marking |
| XXV - Lunar Ball |
Author Update!
| XXVI - The Servants |
| XXVII - Mother Meets Pain |
| XXVIII - Mother Storm |
| XXIX - Her |
| XXX - Loss |
| XXXI - A Fighting Chance |
| XXXII - Her Fight |
| XXXIII - Realization |
| XXIV - Tyson's Moment |
| XXV - She's A Weird One |
| XXXVI - Milo's Adventures |
| XXXVII - The Dark |
| XXXVIII - Her Blood |
| XXXX - Childlike Cares |
Author Note
| XXXXI - Story Time |

| XXII - Travels Home |

6.3K 260 8
By esthersteel_

Our car ride is quiet. A deadness taking over the space. He drives smoothly through the cities, only stopping for breaks and snacks, "It's about a five-day drive. We will stop at hotels as needed throughout the trip." He seems nervous, a weird apprehension leaving him.

"Okay. Need me to drive at all?" I scratch at the small rash developing on my neck. Jess assumed it was from stuff the mud in the collar, but no matter how it happened, it's pissing me off. I'm having trouble avoiding scratching it, especially when it's the perfect amount of itch. The worst is when I scratch one part, and then another part becomes much worse. I look like a maniac trying to scratch my entire neck at once.

"I'll take care of it. You should sleep. Best to take care of yourself after everything that happened." A blinker clicks through the awkwardness of the car, I try to seem normal, but him acting funny sends me into a weird tone. Once he was able to read my thoughts against, he'd requested to see everything James had done. It hadn't mattered that he was dead. Ares still wanted to have confirmation that my body wasn't touch sexually. When I originally declined, it was pulling teeth to get him to leave me alone, but I finally gave in realizing that I can't hold that to myself forever. The sooner I show him, the sooner we can both work through it and attempt to be normal. Whatever the definition of normal is between us.

"Are we going to talk? At all?"

His shoulders slump, "What questions do you have?"

"I need you to start explaining. As much as you can get into one car ride. Because fuck babe." I catch myself turning to look through a window, "Ares. I can't be kept in the dark."

"How could you just leave with him? You just assumed it was perfectly safe to leave with your ex that had a wild obsession for you?" His words seem angry. Rightfully so. I had expected something like this.

"I figured it was safer than pissing him off. He always was rash when I hadn't listened in the past. I didn't want to harm the other humans. Him being a wolf, total surprise to me as well. This fear of him being able to overpower me, just like you can, took over." I drop my useless hands in my lap, "I'm sorry. I didn't know what else to do."

"Why not call out for me? Our mind link? Tell the servants to call me from my work. Anything but leave with a male that has plans to re-mark and rape you." His fingers turn white on the steering wheel, a crack snapping at the plastic breaks apart. My lungs fill with air and hold it. He cusses at his handy work, "Still drives."

"You don't think I tried? I screamed for you over and over in my head! I hadn't know about the flowers. The entire time I drove off with him I expected you to break through the forest and save me. Imagine my surprise when that didn't happen. He had a gun, Ares. I didn't know what else to do. I know I made the wrong call, but I'm not strong enough to fight you wolves. The only thing I could come up with is my better chance of living included going with him. Some part of my human brain knew you would come for me. I'd just hoped it sooner."

"I worked hard to protect you and yet I failed. I didn't know..."

"Tighten your head on or something and fucking listen." I shift my entire body to him scratching at the rash once more. I can sense the anger seeping from him. I know that he's mad at me, swears there was something I could do differently. He's probably right, he's probably telling nothing but the truth, but that isn't what happened, "There isn't any avoidance of this. I love you and don't know how to handle that. I don't know how to adapt to your world of chaos or comprehend these info bombs that keep getting tossed on my plate. The only thing I know how to do is take the hit for the other guy because shoot me if someone I care about gets hurt. I'm ignorant to the strength you have, and I need you to teach me how to handle it better next time."

"What?" His anger leaves my head. A heavy weight of nothing comes over the car.

"Fuck. I didn't mean to say it like that." I pinch the bridge of my nose trying to figure out the best way to go from here, "I don't know exactly when it happened, or even how with all the chaos between us, but now I know that with everything. Even the kidnapping and forced marking, that I love you Ares Gray. With James all I felt was fear, complete terror. With every other man I felt nothing. However, with you I feel like I could take on the world. I trust you. No matter what happened with James I knew that you had me, and I want to be there for you. I want to be your Luna. Before that I want..."

The car pulls into an abandoned parking lot. I flatten my lips trying to figure out where we are. Ares turns to me, an amazed look coming over his features, "I love you, Veronica."

I roll my eyes grabbing at his shirt, "I didn't like fighting with you."

"I can't say the same. It finally got some truth out of you." He leans in pecking my lips.

"Next time just spank me." The alpha gave me a growl of approval in return dragging me to the back seat of the SUV. And for the first time in a long time, I let myself enjoy his loving touch. The rest of the car ride for the day was filled with conversation about us. I told him stories of my childhood, dreams, and everything in-between. He shared many things as well and told me his mother was going to rip him a new one if we didn't meet soon.

"And you own an entire street?"

"Oh twelfth? Yes. That is pack street. All the pack mates try to work the same strip of malls, it allows for easier trading and business support. As well, my pack doesn't enjoy the humans as much as they should, so they choose to keep to themselves as much as possible."

"You realize how crazy that sounds. And I haven't really met these people. Simply ran into them with Jess whenever we were trying out coffee."

Ares laughs to himself looking over to me as we pull into a nicer hotel, "It will be entertaining for you me to watch you realize how much the wolves run within this country. And any country. Humans are oblivious to the true power we hold against them."

I cock my head to the side trying to figure out what he's insinuating, "And why is that?"

"Have you realized yet that the rich are mostly wolves, and we control the banks, government, and most forms of farming or trade? Wolves hold the keys to the worlds survival, and yet you all believe that you're the apex species."

He exits the car walking around quickly to open my door. I exit as graceful as I can trying to seem like I deserve to stand next to this god of a man, "Are you planning on ruling the world one day or something?" I joke.

Ares raises a brow with a smirk coming over him, "Don't we already love. Now come on, we need to get you rested and fed. "The valet with hotel service grabs the car and bags for us. Ares keeps a tight hold of my hand leading me into the lobby. His face turns into an emotionless void when we approach the desk, "Room for two."

The attendant peaks over to me, her face scrunching in disgust, "We have two rooms available. I can get you both your cards."

I give a large, annoyed, smile, "Just the one room is fine."

She peeks over to Ares, her smile becomes soft, pleasant, "Are you sure about that sir?"

"One room." He keeps a cold face, dropping his card on the table, "And let me speak to Jeremy. Tell him its Ares. Now go before I head up there myself." She rushes off like a dog with their tail tucked between their legs. I know his looks can get him some perks, but that was a little uncalled for.

"What are you doing?" I whisper under my breath trying to keep it as quiet as possible.

"An old friend seems to invest in human filth for his employees, just want to see how he's doing."

The lady comes back, a taller black man coming around the corner. He gives Ares a large smile pulling him into a hug, "Ares! A pleasure to have you staying with us." He turns to the desk, "Make sure to give them the luxury suite!"

"Sir- that's booked for tomorrow..."

"Do I look like I give a fuck? Ares and his wife are staying with us, they deserve the best. Handle it." Jeremy gives us his attention, and I attempt to hide behind my Alpha, "It is truly a surprise to have you here this evening. Come let's get a drink and discuss. You must have a ton on your plate."

"Yes, that would be wonderful. Veronica, would you like to join us or retire to bed?"

"I'll join I guess."

Jeremy claps in excitement, "Even better! It's time I met the queen of the lands! I heard you took put that fucker, James, in the ground where he belongs!" I think I'll like you. He gives us the grand tour through his newest updates. All the minor things I don't care for, but some of the larger additions I envy. Large fridges fill their kitchen, facets for pot water sitting above their stove, and a few slides out mixers that hide in the cupboard when not in use. Ares watches closely while I envy the slick look, but we keep walking leaving the space, "Tell me. What's been happening in the West?"

Ares places his hand on my lower back guiding me into the office space. I try to stay calm, but this would be the first werewolf meeting I've ever sat through. How the fuck do you act? And all I really wanted was sex and dinner, "Twelfth street is doing well, the bank is still leading. We have many young men starting to get involved in training. I see potential in these recruits."

"And the challenges?"

"I took out Volga and claimed his land. Everyone is pissed. Think I've raided too many lands." Ares chuckles to himself grabbing the glass of wine Jeremy offers, "And so what if I have?"

"You know I have your back, Ares. This pack isn't doing so well. Our mates are struggling to find purpose. Some want to revert to the old ways; others are struggling to keep up with the new." New? Old?

Ares looks over, "Jeremy's been the beta of this pack for a very long time. Worked under a corrupt alpha. It was until three or four years ago he challenged with support of majority for his title. Many changes have come from that, like humans have the right to deny sex. Same as our pack."

"Oh that's... good."

The other alpha chokes on his wine with laughter, "She really is new to this?"

"I've been keeping her under a rock. It's my fault that she hasn't made the circle to meet everyone, so apologies."

"With the rogue problem you've been having I don't blame you! I'd keep my princess locked away as well," He gives me a sheepish grin, "Sorry Hun."

"I suppose I have to understand? But not really." He gets an ever-larger smile. The alpha seems nice, but this whole situation is making me itchy.

"Does that mean you'll pledge to me in the coming weeks?" Ares finishes off his glass setting it on the side table.

"Without a doubt, and when you have a chance, we need to discuss a pack unification."


The rest of the travel was less than eventful. My body aches, head hurts, and one more repeat song on the radio will send me over the edge of sanity, "We have maybe an hour till we're home. Are you ready?"

"More than ready to take a shower and sleep for two days while you train yourself to not die." I groan letting my head hit the window with a thunk. Alpha's all around the country and rogues have been sending in their challenge. Last he checked with his beta he was up to twelve that wanted to see his blood spilled. Ares doesn't seem phased and plans accordingly with his beta. I can't help the apprehension that's building within. Even with this strength he claims to have, how could he win against twelve other wolves in a row? It doesn't seem possible. You should have more confidence in mate.

My inner monologue growls at me. I know I should convince myself he could take on the world, but how would I truly convince myself of that if I've never seen it, "Can I watch you train?" I finally rattle off while he takes the last exit out of the city limits.

"I suppose. We need to discuss your lunar ball. The beta has moved it to next week if you would be up for it? While I have always been one for tradition. I suppose with the circumstances we could work around that. There's a celebration cook out tomorrow for you coming home. We could make an appearance if you would like?"

Excitement builds, "Really? I'd fucking love to."He laughs at my non containable energy that comes from the invite. Finally meeting the pack that I hear so much about will be a minor dream come true.

"I want you to know that I love you. And I'm so sorry that I kept you from them. I thought I knew what was best and Jessica helped me see differently." I want to yell and get all my feelings out about it, but his apology is enough. He knows what he's done and he's attempting to learn from it. I say let it go.

"You're forgiven."

Ares raises his brows looking over to me with surprise, "That easy?"

"Are you sure you want to push it?"

"Absolutely not." He chuckles to himself. I flip the radio off at the horrid repeat. Ares gives a smile in thanks. He clicks the windows down letting the wind roll over skin. The warmth cocoons me, my hand reaching out to flow over the wind flowing over the car. He picks up speed letting me ride the transition. My fingers stay pressed together while I dip and rise with the wind. I laugh at myself spreading my fingers like a squirrel sending my hand back. I mess with it for many moments. If I could throw my whole body out and feel this wind I would. The closest feeling, I had was riding the back of Ares, such an addiction. Go for run this evening?

"Do you want to go for a run this evening?" I give focus to Ares who smiles ear to ear.

"Of fucking course, I do." He quiets for a second before disrupting the bliss, "What's going on in your head? Since the meeting with the Alpha, I haven't been able to read your thoughts." Maybe he should worry about himself?

"I have no idea. I haven't done anything. No adjustments in thought process or drugs."

"Interesting. I've never met a human able to keep their mate out so quickly and with so little practice." He goes into deep thought. Maybe humans are not so predictable hm?

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