Pessimistic Coodies (RusAme)

Autorstwa Toddels

745 55 13

The tall tale of the later hardships faced by "the gifted child". As Russia ages, he finds his life dulling b... Więcej

Backwards Bill
Day of Inauguration
Fatal Injury
Fever Dream
Unexpected Verity
Epilogue: America's Journal Entry

A Strengthening Bond

60 5 3
Autorstwa Toddels

I happily munch on my meal in America's car. He just delivered the greatest news! He said we could have a sleepover. Now I know it is childish, but I have always wanted to have a sleepover. I never got to experience one. I feel super excited. I fantasize about the kind of trouble we will get into.

When we arrive to his house. It truly is a beautiful home but it seemed so empty.

"Hey America, is your family not home?" I ask.

"Oh... they traveled far to visit some family. I decided to stay behind because I didn't want to go. I have better plans..." he winks at me before stepping out of the car.

I look down at the ground with a smile before letting myself out.

Inside, his house was grand- definitely old fashioned but it was nice. I reach for a light switch only it does not turn on. "Ah!" America says, "Fuse must've blew again... I hate when it does that..." He proceeds to open a door that leads to the basement. "I'll just be a second, make yourself at home!" And with that he shuts the door.

What a fucking weirdo. I look around and decide to explore. The living room was heavily furnished and had the strangest decorations- And don't even get me started on the yellow wallpaper. It's patterns would drive anyone insane.

Upon the coffee tables, it collected dust... actually everything was collecting dust. How long was America's family gone? Does he not clean?

I should stop; who am I to critique someone else's home? I guess it was because I hardly ever entered another person's house. I never had a reason to. I never had been invited anywhere.

I continue to stroll around trying to be less judgmental. But I couldn't unsee how everything collected dust.

I examined the bedrooms and immediately knew which one was America's. It was decorated differently compared to the other rooms. The other bedrooms all appeared the same- bland, no personality... but America's was loud. Covered in all different kinds of posters of musicians, athletes, and movies; a multicolored bedroom set consisting of the colors red, white, and blue; shinny trophies and photographs on his shelves and led lights boxing in his room...

Despite how crazy his room was, it was the most appetizing in the house. It was the only room consisting of vitality! It suited him, it was all over the place and yet, it had a pleasurable display. This is my favorite room in the entire house.

The lights then turned back on. America must've fixed the power. As I exited his room, I felt something in the pit of my stomach. I had thought of it to be the effects of the mushroom but I could tell it was something different. Something felt wrong...

I don't know why but I looked above me and I saw the attic. And that's when I could smell the faint rotting scent. I reach my hand up to pull the string open...

"Russia?" America calls from down the stairs. I turn my head to face him with my hand still touching the string.

He tilts his head, "What are you doing?"

"..." I say nothing. Not even I knew the answer to his question. What was I doing?

"I wouldn't open that if I were you, my father left something important up there... if he finds out I was snooping around- he'll kill me." he says jokingly.

"Alright... sorry..." I lower my hand. What the hell was up there?

He walks up the stairs towards me. "Come I'll show you my room!"

"I think I already found it." I tell him. I felt uncomfortable now... not enough to be afraid of him, but he's definitely hiding something. And I have a feeling that if I find out, there will be no going back...

He chuckles, "Did you?" He leads me to his bedrooms and switches the lights on. I was definitely right about this room being his.

He show cases it with his arms extended, "Welcome to my domain!"

I walk around and re-examine it. "Your room feels a lot more at home than my room..."

He chuckles again, "Thanks, I'll take that as a compliment..."

"You should." I say with a smile.

"If you want you can shower first and I'll set up your bed..." he tells me, "Bathroom is down the hallway and you can find a towel in the closet."

"Okay thanks!"

"Oh, I should get you fresh clothes too..." He begins to open a few of his drawers.

"America, there is no way I'd be able to fit any of your clothes... you're so-"

"Short?" he spits.

"Yeah really fucking petite!" I say mockingly.

He flips me off, "Just get in the shower will you? I'll figure it out..."

I laugh before exiting the room. I can still smell that rotting scent. I get a towel from the closet and I enter the bathroom shutting the door behind me. I wish to say that the bathroom felt normal but it was coated with a blue dim lit light. I still thought it was better than my bathroom. And surprisingly, this room didn't have that much dust!

While I was showering I heard a loud thud. "America?" I shout. After getting no response I shut the running water off for a second, "Are you okay?"

I hear a muffled "Yeah sorry I'm okay! I tripped up the stairs!"

I roll my eyes and turn the shower water back on. Fucking weirdo...

Soon before I know it, I'm out drying myself. I wrap the towel around my waist and stare at myself in the mirror. I run my fingers through my wet hair.

I hardly ever examined myself in the mirror, most of the mirrors in my house are shattered. My father used to joke that it was because my younger brothers looked in it. He always did say that I had better looks than them. I don't see it.

I exit the bathroom and head to America's room; strange... the rotting smell was now gone...

I enter his room and see him setting up another bed. Oh, I didn't even know that his bed had a pull out bed- that's convenient. His back is to me while he fits the sheets onto it.

"Hey, did you find clothes?" I ask.

"Uh yeah!" he turns around and stares at me with slightly widening eyes. "Oh wow! You're hot as shit!"

I blink a few times trying to process the compliment. "Thanks?" I avert my eyes with a heating face. "Where are the clothes?" I manage to stammer out.

"Ah right! He looks away from me and walks towards his dresser that had neat folded clothes laid on top. He scoops it up and hands them to me. "You're in luck that I like a few baggy clothes in my wardrobe, see how they fit!"

I take the neat pile from him with a nod.

He stretches and begins to make his way to the door. "Alright, I'm going to hop in the shower real quick. How about you find us something to watch on the tv, hm?"

"Sure, I can do that..."

"Cool." He steps out of the his room and holds the side of his door looking back at me. "Hey, don't stress if the clothes don't fit... I don't mind you being shirtless!" he delivers with a wink before shutting the door.

I feel my face getting hotter. I really got to get used to being complimented, this is bad how much they are starting to fluster me... it's starting to make me think that I... never mind... let's not go there...

I get dressed in the shirt, shorts, and hoodie America provided for me. Surprisingly, they fit well! I then pick up the remote on his desk and search for something to watch.

A few minutes pass and I am still looking for something to watch. America enters the room already in his clothes, he too wears shorts and a hoodie.

He leans forward to dry his hair. "Did you find anything?"

"Nope!" I say while popping the "p".

He snakes his towel around his neck letting it hang and makes his way over to me. "How about we watch a conspiracy documentary? I have really been addicted to those lately!" he says.

I shrug, "Sure, that'll work". I search them up and hand him the remote to choose. He throughly reads through each one before choosing. When he selects one, he doesn't click play and places the remote back on his desk. I tilt my head in confusion. Before I can interrogate him as to why the hell didn't he play it, he speaks.

"We will save it for later... I have some fun ideas in mind for us!" he says.

"Really?" I ask excitedly.

He nods, "I know we are both exhausted but this is your first sleepover, we have to make it the best."

And it was the best! It was everything I could imagine. We played video games, we pranked called people, we battled each other in the house with nerf guns, we played music and danced, we ordered pizza, we built a fort in America's room, we played chess and card games, we drew fake tattoos on each other, we gossiped about the kids in our school, and now we were lying down watching the conspiracy documentary.

"That's a load of crap!" America said while pointing to the tv. "There's no way the ghost haunted the funeral and then their house afterwards!"

"I don't know if it's bullshit, it seems possible!" I say.

He shakes his head. "Nah. It has to be two different ghost!" he says confidently.

I laugh, "And what are you? Some damn exorcist?"

"Hey who knows! I might be!" he chimes.

"And what does that make me? The ghost?" I joke.

He laughs, "I sure hope not, otherwise, that'd mean I'm doing a shitty job!"

I join in with his laughter. When we calm back down I turn around and look up at him from my shorter bed.

"Hey, thanks for everything Ame..."

He looks down at me seeming a little surprised but his face turns into a soft smile. "Anytime Russia! I'm glad you had a good time, I did too."

I smile with a nod before turning back around to stare at the tv again.

"So..." I hear him say from behind me, "Is that my new nickname?"

I turn around again to face him. "What?"

"You called me "Ame"..."

"Uh I did?" I ask.

He nods with a grin.

"Oh uh, then yeah? I guess..."

"Cool..." he says with a smile. "It's better than all the other names I am usually called. I like it!"

"Me too..." I say.

He stays smiling at me for a moment and I smile back at him.

"Well I'm exhausted so I think I will go to sleep now... goodnight Russ!" he says. He turns to face the wall.

I feel my stomach slosh and the air around me warms. I turn around to face the television again and I find myself drifting to sleep with a smile.

Four weeks go by and the American and I kept doing deadly stupid shit. Because we only had so little time in the summer left, we hung out everyday to make the most of it. We both knew that once school came back around, we'd have less opportunities to do this kind of thing. It sucks when it is imbedded in your head to take your studies seriously. I had no desire to really be anything after I graduated so what was the point of all of this?

Anyways, I sit in the passenger seat of America's car as he pulls up to the liquor store with a cloudy setting sun in the background.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention... I got into drinking- it really adds the jazz to our dangerous stunts.

"Are you sure you don't want me to go in there with you?" America asks.

"No Ame, I already told you I need you to be my get away driver." I remind.

He chuckles, "Fine alright. Just hurry up would you?"

"Yeah yeah I'm going..." I open the car door and step out, "You still want whiskey right?"

"Aw you know me too well..." he says wholeheartedly.

I roll my eyes with a smile before shutting the door. I can feel it slightly drizzling outside.

When I entered the store, the bell on the door rang and alerted the cashier that I was there. He stared down at me in confusion. I mean, if a minor entered my store I'd be concerned too. Although I wasn't really a minor... just too young to drink.

I walked around to the back and grabbed America's favorite bottle of whiskey before grabbing my favorite bottle of vodka. Why vodka? I guess it was because I would always see my father drink it and I wanted to see what all the hype was about. I didn't actually think that I would like it that much. But my life is full of surprises isn't it?

I cradle both the large bottles in my arm and grab some random fancy bottle off the shelf. I quietly creep behind an aisle towards the door, being sure to stay hidden from the cashier. I then throw the fancy bottle across the room and it shatters into a thousand pieces. I watch as it distracts the paranoid cashier and I bolt out the door, ringing the annoying bell one last time.

I rip the car door open and throw myself into the seat. America speeds off without even giving me the chance to close my door. I reach my arm out and shut it without complaining.

"Good hustle!" America says proudly, "What'd you get?"

I adjust myself comfortable in the seat before showing off his bottle. I watch his eyes light up.

"Ooo yay my favorite! Thanks!" he says cheerfully.

"No problem!" I say as I pop open my bottle and take a swig.

I hear our crossbows rattling in the back when America drives over a speed bump. It causes me to spill some of my drink onto myself.

I leak a sound of distress before lowering the bottle and complaining "America!"

"I'm sorry I'm sorry! I didn't see it!" he says in defense.

I screw the bottle of vodka closed and rest it underneath the seat. "Bullshit!"

"You're just mad that you're clumsy..." he says.

"Me?" I say sounding surprised. "I'm not the fucker going 50 miles over the speed limit!"

He then slams on the breaks making me jerk forward.

"Ah!" I shout.

"Is that more suitable for you Ruski?" he teases.

"That's it!" I climb over the center console to beat his scrawny ass.

He continuously swats me away, "Get away from me before I catch your pessimistic coodies!"

I grab him by his shirt collar, "Is that what you are calling it now?"

"Yeah, I like it. What are you gonna do about it?" he presses.

"Murder you..." I spit.

He gasps offendedly. "You? Kill your best friend?" he laughs, "I don't think so... you love me too much."

I roll my eyes and loosen the grip I have on his shirt as I recede back into my seat with crossed arms.

"Aw!" he coos, "You do love m-"

"Shut your annoying ass up!" I interrupt with tinted cheeks. He snickers and continues driving.

Today's deadly feat was my idea.

The plan was for us to chug these entire bottles and run on the slippery rooftops while trying to shoot each other with our crossbows.

My idea made America really damn excited- I mean how could I blame him? My idea was awesome.

America parked his car along the street next to these red-bricked apartment buildings. I told him this area would be perfect since the buildings were all relatively the same size and close together. It would be easier to jump across for each one. The drizzling seemed to pick up a little too- finally, this was the first time it has rained this week!

We got out of the car with our crossbows and alcohol. America held up his bottle of whiskey and toasted.

"To feeling the thrill!" he says.

I hold up mine and repeat his words back to him. "To feeling the thrill!" Our bottles clink and we chug it all down.

America smashes his bottle onto the ground. "Yeehaw! Let's get this going!"

I smash mine as well with a smirk and we make our way to the side of the building. Up the fire escape we climb.

America turns his head to me when we stood on the roof. "I'll be the mouse, and you'll be the cat." he says.

I load an arrow into my crossbow. "Fine by me!"

We each only had two arrows to try to shoot each other. Sounds easy, but with us both moving and being slightly drunk it'll definitely be something. I watch as America loads his arrow. "I want a ten second head start!"

I laugh, "It doesn't matter how many seconds you get, I will still always catch up to you!"

"Then this shouldn't be long..." he challenges. He then takes off and jumps over alleyways to get to the next buildings. I start counting backwards.

When I finally reach zero, I sprint to catch him. As the distance between me and the edge of the building shortens, I use all my lower body strength and lunge myself across to the next building.

America had surprisingly gotten far. I watch as he turns around and aims his crossbow at me.

Shit! I hit the deck and the arrow sores over my head. I get back onto my feet to try to catch up to him. I hear him laughing in the distance.

I bring my crossbow to my face and aim it at him. I fire the arrow but he jumps off the building onto a giant white moving truck. Huh... that wasn't the plan...

"Missed me!" he yells.

I pick up speed when I realize that I'll lose him if I don't get onto that truck! I leap over alleyways. Right when I get close to the truck, I watch America aim his crossbow at me from below while I was in midair.

The arrow grazes my shoulder tearing my shirt in the process. I fall and hang onto the ledge of a building. That was close, I almost got shot and fell to my death. I pull myself back up and see that the truck got even further. Shit I need to reevaluate another plan.

I sprint to catch up but this time I don't aim my crossbow at America, I aim it at the truck's tire. I shoot and disrupt the momentum of the vehicle. I watch as America tumbles to the edge of the truck and holds on for dear life.

I was now aligned to the truck and I jumped onto it. I look down at the dangling surprised American. "Hey cutie..." I say. I extend my arm out to him, "Need a hand?"

He stares at me with disbelief completely flabbergasted. I laugh at his reaction. He still hasn't gotten used to me also flirting.

My laughter comes to an abrupt stop when America grabs my hand and pulls me into him causing us to kiss on the lips. My eyes widen and I know my cheeks reveal a blush. With a smug smile, he then pushes me away and I fall on my back. "Thanks for your assistance precious!" he teases. I stare into the sky silently not knowing how to process what just happened. I felt like I was burning up. But I liked every short-lived moment of it. My stomach stirs and sloshes and I could feel a smile crawl up into my face. I think I really liked kissing. America then lays next to me and joins me silently in staring up at the sky.

By the time night fell, the truck had carried us through a lone peaceful highway. Before it could take us any further, we hopped off.

We walked alongside the highway in the cold pouring rain towards America's car. The only things on our minds were getting back to the car... and that kiss. As nice as it was, it relatively confused me. I build up some courage to ask about it.

"Hey Ame?"

"Hm?" he looks up to face me.

"Why... why did you kiss me?" I ask.

He shrugs, "I felt like it."

"But why?" I press.

"I really don't know- I'm so sorry..."

"Uh no no... you don't have to be sorry, it wasn't that bad after all ..."

He stares at me pokerfaced without saying a word.

"What?" I ask confused.

"Are you saying you enjoyed it then?" he teases.

"Huh!? No! Why must you always put words in my damn mouth!?" I spit with a heating face.

"Aw..." he snickers with a growing smile.

"S-Shut the fuck up!" I say as I speed up my walking pace.

The American only catches up to me, "I bet you wish to kiss me again!" he continues to tease.

"Go lay on a fucking highway..." I mutter under my breath.

"Only if you join me Ruski!" he says with a smirk as he heads to the center of the road.

Huh... I forgot that we were in fact on a highway. I find my footsteps mimicking his and before I know it, we were both laying next to each other on the highway.

The road was desolated and no vehicles made an appearance. The rain pours lightly over us as we stare up into the sky.

"Russ, can you see the stars yet?" America asks me.

I still don't see shit but I tell him, "Yeah, I see them. What about you?"

"Mhm, I always choose to see them..." he says.

I finally get it now.

"Hey..." I turn my head to face him, "Thanks for showing me the stars..."

He faces me with a smile, "Glad you gave them a chance..."

I look back up at the starry sky and smile. "Yeah..." I fumble with my hands that laid rested on my stomach. I then decided to examine one of my hands. It was the one that was slashed for the inauguration. The wound was now a memorable scar.

"Did your inauguration cut heal into a scar by any chance?" I ask him.

America lifts up his hand and reveals the same scar as well. "Yes, and I hope it stays right there forever..."

I reach my scarred hand over to his and I gently hold it. I then lower our hands in between us on the wet cement.

"It will..." I say confidently. He smiles at me with rosy cheeks before looking back up into the sky.

"Do you know what falls down and never gets hurt?" he asks me.

"You?" I chuckle.

"The rain..." he tells me.

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